The AC Isn't Working 没有空调怎么活

Alice has invited Albert to have breakfast with her in a coffee shop. Alice shows up looking very drowsy and Albert,concerned about what's wrong,asks her what happened.


Alice & Albert

Alice: Albert校友及好朋友,在一家英语培训机构任职


Alice: The air conditioner in my room isn't working. It was boiling hot last night and I could barely sleep.

艾丽斯: 我房间里的空调坏了。昨晚天气很热,我几乎无法入睡。

Albert: Oh,poor you! You can't survive this scorching summer heat without a cooling system.

艾尔伯特: 噢,可怜的你! 如果没有冷却系统,你就无法忍受这个炎热的夏天。

Alice: Luckily I can enjoy some cool air here before I have to go back to my furnace-like home.

艾丽斯: 幸运的是,在我回到像火炉一样的家之前,我可以在这里享受一些凉爽的空气。

Albert: Yeah. Have you told your landlord about this?

艾尔伯特: 是的。你把这件事告诉你的房东了吗?

Alice: I did,but he is out of town and he won't return until next week. So he suggested that I find a maintenance person to fix it. Then he will reimburse me for the maintenance fee.

艾丽斯: 是的,但他出城了,下星期才回来。所以他建议我找个维修工来修理。然后他会补偿我的维修费。

Albert: You should call AC manufacturer's after-sales service hotline.

艾尔伯特: 你应该打AC厂家的售后服务热线。

Alice: I will. I don't think I can put up with the heat anymore. But I'd like to enjoy my breakfast first. I really need a cup of coffee to refresh myself.

艾丽斯: 我会的。我想我再也受不了酷热了。但我想先享用早餐。我真想喝杯咖啡提提神。

Albert: Definitely. What do you want? My treat!

艾尔伯特: 当然。你想要什么?我请客!

Alice: Thanks! That's so sweet of you. I'll have a latte with skimmed milk and a slice of carrot cake.

艾丽斯: 谢谢!你真是太好了。我要一杯脱脂牛奶拿铁和一片胡萝卜蛋糕。

Albert: Excellent choice. I heard that the carrot cake is one of the best selling desserts here.

艾尔伯特: 优秀的选择。我听说胡萝卜蛋糕是这里最畅销的甜点之一。

Alice: Yeah,I had it before and it's really good.

艾丽斯: 是的,我以前吃过,味道很好。

Albert: I hope the coffee and cake will make you feel better.

艾尔伯特: 我希望咖啡和蛋糕会让你感觉好一点。

Alice: I'm sure they will.

艾丽斯: 我相信他们会的。


drowsy:adj. 昏昏欲睡的;沉寂的;催眠的

boiling hot:滚烫的;炎热的

barely:adv. 仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地

scorching:adj. 灼热的;激烈的;讽刺的;过早硫化的

furnace:n. 火炉,熔炉

maintenance:n. 维护,维修;保持;生活费用

reimburse:vt. 偿还;赔偿

after-sales:adj. (英)出售以后的

put up with:v. 忍受;容忍

My treat:我请客

skimmed:adj. 脱脂的 v. 浏览,掠过;去除(skim的过去分词)

carrot:n. 胡萝卜 诱饵

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