P55 案例5


译文1:We achieved comprehensive success in making nine-year compulsory education without tuition popular in every household and formed a complete funding system for students whose families are enduring economic difficulties, meeting our commitments of making every child go to school without economic concerns. We made historical achievements in the construction of social security system covering both urban and rural areas. ......(后面的不会辽)

参考译文:We made free nine-year compulsory education fully available, established a complete financial aid system for students from poor families and fulfilled our solemn commitment of "not letting a single child drop out of school due to poverty". We made historic progress in building asocial safety net covering both urban and rural populations.The new rural pension scheme and the old-age pension scheme for non-working urban residents achieved full coverage, and an urban and ruralsocial aid system was basically established.


1. “全面实现九年制免费义务教育,建立起完整的家庭经济困难学生资助体系,兑现了“不让一个孩子因贫困失学”的庄严承诺。


②义务教育 compulsory education

家庭经济困难学生 students from poor families

建立 establish     辍学 drop out

③“解决了...问题”是一个非常典型的中文表达,中文较为抽象,翻译时要先理解作者想要传达的具体信息。如,“解决了看病难、看病贵的问题”就是指“看病变得更加便宜和容易”。其实这句话在英美国家的政府演讲或公文中经常出现,英文是“make medical care more affordable and accessible”。其他的例子如:“解决了人们吃水难的问题”,可译为“provide access to drinking water for the people”;“解决了山区孩子上学难的问题”,可译为“make schooling accessible to children in mountainous regions”或者“provide access to schooling for children in mountainous regions”。

以此类推,“全面实现九年制免费义务教育”就可以译成“make free nine-year compulsory education full available/accessible”

2. “覆盖城乡的社会保障体系建设取得历史性进展,新型农村社会养老保险和城镇居民社会养老保险实现制度全覆盖,城乡救助体系基本建立。


② historic & historical


important in history;likely to be thought of as important at some time in the future

historic victory 历史性的胜利


connected with the past or connected with the study of history

the historical background to the war 这次战争的历史背景

historical research 史学研究

a historical novel 历史小说


the old-agepension system for non-working urban residents


urban employees' basic endowment insurances system


The new old-age pension system for rural residents


④实现全覆盖 achieve full coverage

覆盖城乡在这里不能翻译成“covering both the urban and rural areas”,而应该翻成“covering both the urban and rural populations”,细节要注意。

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