The first half-year is a great time to sum up what happened in the Android world in terms of inspiring open source libraries and projects.
Below, you will find a list of projects which are really worthy to check, play with, and even apply to your production or side projects. Let’s begin.
在下面,您将找到确实值得检查,使用甚至应用于您的生产或附带项目的项目列表。 让我们开始。
1. Pokedex (1. Pokedex)
Pokedex is a demo project which showcases a modern tech stack with MVVM architecture and repository pattern.
The project is obviously written in Kotlin, uses Coroutines plus Flow for asynchronous tasks and standard networking libs, OkHttp and Retrofit.Actually, you may say that there is no difference between this and other similar projects. However, there is one major differentiator. It uses lately introduced Dagger Hilt as a DI framework. So if you want to learn Hilt in a real case scenario, the project is good to go. It has fairly good documentation and is released under an Apache 2.0 license.
这个项目显然是用Kotlin编写的,使用Coroutines plus Flow来执行异步任务和标准网络库OkHttp和Retrofit。实际上,您可能会说这个项目与其他类似项目没有什么不同。 但是,有一个主要区别。 它使用最近引入的Dagger Hilt作为DI框架。 因此,如果您想在实际案例中学习“击剑”,那么该项目就很好了。 它具有相当好的文档,并根据Apache 2.0许可证发行。
2. Kotlin协程— Android上的用例 (2. Kotlin Coroutines — Use Cases on Android)
If you haven’t started using Coroutines yet and you want to grasp it quickly, this project is for you. According to the documentation, it is like a “playground project” where you can “quickly look up and play around with the different Coroutine Android implementations. In the playground
package, you can play around with Coroutines examples that run directly on the JVM.”
如果您尚未开始使用协程 ,并且想要快速掌握它,那么此项目适合您。 根据文档,这就像一个“游乐场项目”,您可以在其中“Swift查找并试用不同的Coroutine Android实现。 在playground
README contains lots of examples, from a quite straightforward-performing single network request to more complex, expensive calculations to several Coroutines. It’s really well-written and well-explained. It’s licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
README包含许多示例,从执行非常简单的单个网络请求到更复杂,更昂贵的计算,再到多个协程。 它确实写得很好并且得到了很好的解释。 它是根据Apache License 2.0授权的。
3. AnimatedBottomBar (3. AnimatedBottomBar)
AnimatedBottomBar is a customisable and easy-to-use bottom bar view with sleek animations.
The library is noteworthy. It has really comprehensive documentation with many samples of usage. It’s in a version 1.0.+
and supports API 16+. It was released under an MIT license, so don’t forget to mention the author in your code.
图书馆值得注意。 它具有非常全面的文档,其中包含许多用法示例。 它的版本为1.0.+
并支持API 16+。 它是根据MIT许可证发布的,因此请不要忘记在您的代码中提及作者。
4.运动吐司 (4. Motion Toast)
Motion Toast is a beautiful multipurpose motion toast library in Android using Kotlin.
Motion Toast是Android中使用Kotlin的漂亮的多功能运动Toast库。
The library offers five toast types, with a possibility to customise:
- duration time, 持续时间
- theme (light/dark), 主题(浅色/深色),
- styles (motion or color motion toasts) 样式(运动或彩色运动敬酒)
The documentation is good and full of examples. The usage is easy. It supports API 21 + and is released under an MIT license.
该文档很好,并且有很多示例。 使用很简单。 它支持API 21 +,并根据MIT许可证发布。
5.循环仪 (5. Cycler)
Cycler is another cool library from Square Engineering. The documentation says that it “allows you to easily configure an Android RecyclerView declaratively in a succinct way.”
Cycler是来自Square Engineering的另一个很棒的库。 该文档说,“它使您能够以简洁的方式轻松地声明性地配置Android RecyclerView。”
It’s implemented according to the rules, where you code declaratively with strong types and everything should be easy (inflating rows, creating common custom items, etc.).
The library is in version 0.1.4
, so I wouldn’t recommend it for production code. But still, it represents a really good approach for implementing adapters and managing RecyclerViews
. What is interesting is that the documentation says that
,因此我不建议将其用于生产代码。 但是,它仍然是实现适配器和管理RecyclerViews
一种非常好的方法。 有趣的是文档说明
“You can ask the API to create the RecyclerView object for you — using the
method – or configure an existing instance – through theadopt
method. The latter is useful if you already have a layout which the recycler view is part of.”“您可以要求API为您创建RecyclerView对象-使用
方法配置现有实例。 如果您已经有回收站视图所包含的布局,则后者将非常有用。”
The documentation is comprehensive. The project contains a showcase app and is released under an Apache 2.0 license.
该文档是全面的。 该项目包含一个展示应用程序,并根据Apache 2.0许可发布。
6.缩放回收站布局 (6. Zoom Recycler Layout)
Let’s stay a little bit with RecyclerView
. Zoom Recycler Layout is a cool-looking zoom animation library for RecyclerView
items written in Kotlin.
。 Zoom Recycler Layout是一个酷炫的缩放动画库,用于以Kotlin编写的RecyclerView
Actually, this is one class which extends LinearLayoutManager
and overrides two functions: scrollVerticallyBy()
and scrollHorizontallyBy()
. Still, you can treat it as an inspiration for cool-looking vertical or horizontal lists. The project is released under an Apache 2.0 license and supports API 11+.
并覆盖两个函数的类: scrollVerticallyBy()
。 尽管如此,您仍可以将其视为看起来很酷的垂直或水平列表的灵感。 该项目是根据Apache 2.0许可发布的,并且支持API 11+。
7.伴奏 (7. Accompanist)
Accompanist is a group of libraries that contains some utilities that Chris Banes created and found himself copying around projects that use Jetpack Compose.
伴奏者是一组包含一些实用程序的库,这些实用程序是Chris Banes创建的,发现自己在使用Jetpack Compose的项目中进行复制。
Currently, it integrates:
Material design components theme
Coil image-loading composables
If you plan to use Jetpack Compose and want to have a cool-looking material design theme or image loading with Coil, this project is for you. It has comprehensive documentation and is released under an Apache 2.0 license.
如果您打算使用Jetpack Compose,并希望在Coil中使用外观时尚的材料设计主题或图像,则该项目适合您。 它具有全面的文档,并根据Apache 2.0许可证发行。
8. JetpackComposeCalculator (8. JetpackComposeCalculator)
JetpackComposeCalculator is a cool example of where Accompanist could be used. Ahmed Rizwan cloned the Android 10 calculator UI using Jetpack Compose.
JetpackComposeCalculator是一个可以使用伴奏者的好例子。 Ahmed Rizwan使用Jetpack Compose克隆了Android 10计算器UI。
The README is really short, but the author explained the main idea and approach in his article, so this is a good start. You can treat this project as a way of learning Jetpack Compose, based on lovely looking examples. There is no information about the version. It’s released under an MIT license. It’s worth checking out.
自述是非常短的,但笔者解释了他的主要思想和方法的文章 ,所以这是一个良好的开端。 您可以根据漂亮的示例将此项目视为学习Jetpack Compose的一种方式。 没有有关版本的信息。 它是根据MIT许可发布的。 值得一试。
9. ComposeClock (9. ComposeClock)
Do you remember this Flutter clock challenge? If so, you also remember who and what project won. Based on that design, an author of ComposeClock prepared a Jetpack Compose version.
您还记得Flutter时钟挑战吗? 如果是这样,您还记得谁赢得了什么项目 。 基于该设计, ComposeClock的作者编写了Jetpack Compose版本。
There is no README whatsoever, only code and an Apache 2.0 license. Enjoy.
没有自述文件,只有代码和Apache 2.0许可证。 请享用。
10.作曲学院 (10. Compose Academy)
As a summary of projects created by using Jetpack Compose, you need to check out Compose Academy Playground by Joe Birch.
作为使用Jetpack Compose创建的项目的摘要,您需要查看Joe Birch的 Compose Academy Playground 。
This is a free resource that provides snippets and practical samples on how to use Jetpack Compose for the Android platform.
这是一个免费资源,提供有关如何在Android平台上使用Jetpack Compose的摘录和实用示例。
According to the documentation, “the project is split up by API, with the intention of removing friction when trying to find the sample that you want to explore.”
Joe split the documentation into eight main sections:
The repo lives, and it changes from time to time. It is definitely worthy of following if you want to be on track with novelties from Jetpack Compose. Highly recommended!
回购存在,并且会不时更改。 如果您想了解Jetpack Compose的新颖性,绝对值得关注。 强烈推荐!
11. ProtonMail (11. ProtonMail)
Let’s go back to good old Java (in 49.2%). Several months ago, ProtonMail open-sourced its Android app.
让我们回到旧的Java(占49.2%)。 几个月前,ProtonMail开源了其Android应用程序 。
This is a good source to check out for how to approach the design of a really safe Android application. The project has quite comprehensive documentation with a manual and how to set up the app. It’s all released under a GPL-3.0 License.
这是检查如何进行真正安全的Android应用程序设计的好资源。 该项目有相当全面的文档,其中包含手册以及如何设置应用程序。 所有内容均根据GPL-3.0许可发布 。
12. kotlin-android-template (12. kotlin-android-template)
kotlin-android-template is a simple Github template that lets you create an Android/Kotlin project which can be up and running in a few seconds. The documentation says that “this template is focused on delivering a project with static analysis and continuous integration already in place 100% in Kotlin.”
kotlin-android-template是一个简单的Github模板,可让您创建一个可以在几秒钟内启动并运行的Android / Kotlin项目。 该文档说:“该模板专注于交付具有静态分析和持续集成功能的项目,该项目已经100%在Kotlin中就位。”
It supports/includes:
- three sample modules (Android app, Android library, Kotlin library) 三个示例模块(Android应用程序,Android库,Kotlin库)
- Sample Espresso, Instrumentation, and JUnit tests 浓咖啡,仪器和JUnit测试示例
- 100% Gradle Kotlin DSL setup 100%Gradle Kotlin DSL设置
Dependency versions managed via
管理的依赖版本- CI setup with GitHub Actions 使用GitHub操作设置CI
Kotlin static analysis via
Kotlin静态分析- Publishing ready 准备发布
- Issues template (bug report plus feature request) 问题模板(错误报告以及功能请求)
- Pull request template 拉取请求模板
If you are in a hurry or preparing a recruitment task, probably this repo is worth checking out. However, it is released under an MIT license.
如果您急于准备招聘工作,则此仓库可能值得一试。 但是,它是根据MIT许可证发布的。
13. ThemedToggleButtonGroup (13. ThemedToggleButtonGroup)
ThemedToggleButtonGroup is customisable toggle buttons inside a FlexboxLayout.
ThemedToggleButtonGroup是内部定制的切换按钮FlexboxLayout 。
The documentation describes it like this:
“ThemedToggleButtonGroup is a highly modular lightweight toggle button library for Android. It can be configured for single selection or multi selection. For multi-selection the minimum/maximum amount of buttons that are required/enabled can be specified. Icons can be added. Selection includes a fun press and circular reveal animation.”
“ ThemedToggleButtonGroup是适用于Android的高度模块化的轻量级切换按钮库。 可以将其配置为单选或多选。 对于多选,可以指定所需/启用的最小/最大按钮数量。 可以添加图标。 选择包括有趣的新闻发布和循环展示动画。”
README is really good and full of examples. The project supports API 14+, currently has version 1.3.1 , and is released under an MIT license.
README真的很好,并且有很多示例。 该项目支持API 14+,当前版本为1.3.1,并根据MIT许可证发布。
14. CleanRxArchitecture (14. CleanRxArchitecture)
CleanRXArchitecture is a project based on the principles of clean architecture and MVI (model view intent) for the presentation layer.
The showcase app is a multimodule project connected to the GitHub API that allows the author to list all their public repositories. It can be used while disconnected, with a backup of all the data stored in a database (Room). Dark mode is also available. The entire application is covered, with unit, UI, and functional/integration (= use case) tests. It uses libs like Dagger 2, RxJava 3, Room, and AndroidX.
展示应用程序是连接到GitHub API的多模块项目,允许作者列出所有公共存储库。 它可以在断开连接时使用,并备份数据库(房间)中存储的所有数据。 暗模式也可用。 涵盖了整个应用程序,包括单元,UI和功能/集成(=用例)测试。 它使用Dagger 2,RxJava 3,Room和AndroidX之类的库。
In this repository, you will also check out different tools and good practices (with Git and more).
The documentation is comprehensive. It’s released under an Apache 2.0 license.
该文档是全面的。 它是根据Apache 2.0许可发布的。
15. LightProgress (15. LightProgress)
LightProgress is an Android implementation of Light animation from Oleg Frolov.
LightProgress是Oleg Frolov的Light动画的Android实现。
The project is well explained on Medium as well. You can treat is as a showcase, how to create this kind of animation. It has four types of properties:
该项目在Medium也有很好的解释。 您可以将其当作展示,如何制作这种动画。 它具有四种类型的属性:
(string) -> default "Loading"android:text
(dimension) -> default 56spandroid:textSize
(color) -> default #484848android:textColor
(color) -> default #FFFFFFapp:light_color
What’s more, it supports API 16+, is at version 1.0.1 , and is released under an Apache 2.0 license.
而且,它支持API 16+,版本为1.0.1,并根据Apache 2.0许可证发行。
16.电晕警告应用程序 (16. Corona Warn App)
We live in COVID times, so the Corona Warn App could not be missed here.
我们生活在COVID时代,因此在这里不能错过Corona Warn App 。
“The goal of this project is to develop the official Corona-Warn-App for Germany based on the exposure notification API from Apple and Google. The apps (for both iOS and Android) use Bluetooth technology to exchange anonymous encrypted data with other mobile phones (on which the app is also installed) in the vicinity of an app user’s phone. The data is stored locally on each user’s device, preventing authorities or other parties from accessing or controlling the data. This repository contains the native Android implementation of the Corona-Warn-App. Visit our FAQ page for more information and common issues.” — Corona Warn App documentation
“该项目的目标是根据Apple和Google的曝光通知API为德国开发官方的Corona-Warn-App。 这些应用程序(适用于iOS和Android)都使用蓝牙技术与应用程序用户手机附近的其他移动电话(也安装了该应用程序)交换匿名加密数据。 数据被本地存储在每个用户的设备上,从而防止机构或其他方访问或控制数据。 该存储库包含Corona-Warn-App的原生Android实现。 请访问我们的常见问题页面以了解更多信息和常见问题。” — Corona警告应用程序文档
The application is created by SAP and Deutsche Telekom developers. There is also great documentation that explains lots of aspects of this project, which is released under an Apache 2.0 license.
该应用程序由SAP和Deutsche Telekom开发人员创建。 还有很棒的文档说明了该项目的许多方面,这些文档是在Apache 2.0许可下发行的。
17. KaMP套件 (17. KaMP Kit)
KaMP Kit is a collection of code and tools designed to get you or your mobile team started quickly with Kotlin Multiplatform.
KaMP Kit是一组代码和工具的集合,旨在让您或您的移动团队快速使用Kotlin Multiplatform。
You can treat it as a great resource to learn. The KaMP Kit is designed to get you past that primary stumbling block. From the documentation:
您可以将其视为学习的重要资源。 KaMP套件旨在使您摆脱这一主要绊脚石。 从文档中:
“What’s Included?1. The Starter App — A native mobile KMP app with a small functional feature set.2. Educational Resources — Introductory information on KMP and Kotlin/Native.3. Integration Information — If you’re integrating shared code into an existing application, guides to assist with that effort.”
“其中包括什么?1。 Starter应用程序—具有小型功能集的本机移动KMP应用程序2。 教育资源-有关KMP和Kotlin / Native.3的入门信息。 集成信息—如果要将共享代码集成到现有应用程序中,请提供指导以帮助您完成这项工作。”
18.吻 (18. Kissme)
Kissme is an abbreviation of Kotlin Secure Storage Multiplatform. Kissme can be integrated seamlessly in Kotlin projects built with Kotlin Multiplatform, Kotlin/Native, and Kotlin Android plugins. It allows storing key-value data in common code modules without any additional boilerplate code.
Kissme是Kotlin Secure Storage Multiplatform的缩写。 Kissme可以无缝集成到使用Kotlin Multiplatform,Kotlin / Native和Kotlin Android插件构建的Kotlin项目中。 它允许将键值数据存储在通用代码模块中,而无需任何其他样板代码。
Currently, the library supports the following platforms:
- Android (API 23+) Android(API 23以上)
- iOS (iOS_arm64 and iOS_x64 targets) iOS(iOS_arm64和iOS_x64目标)
The documentation is really comprehensive, but still, the project is in version 0.2.5. It is released under an Apache 2.0 license.
该文档确实很全面,但是该项目的版本为0.2.5。 它是根据Apache 2.0许可证发行的。
19. DeterminateProgressView (19. DeterminateProgressView)
DeterminateProgressView is a highly customisable and easy-to-style circular progress view.
The documentation states that “it is built with Kotlin and supports heavy customisation options and a convenient way to animate progress automatically.”
You can use XML and Kotlin/Java functions to adapt it. Also, there is a very robust demo app. README includes all ways to style the widget, as well as a great description of all XML and text attributes. You need to check into it for sure. The project is released under an MIT license and is in version 1.4.0.
您可以使用XML和Kotlin / Java函数进行调整。 此外,还有一个非常强大的演示应用程序 。 README包括样式化窗口小部件的所有方法,以及对所有XML和文本属性的出色描述。 您需要确定对其进行检查。 该项目是根据MIT许可证发布的,版本为1.4.0。
20.毒液 (20. Venom)
Venom is a lightweight tool that simplifies testing of the process death scenario for your Android application.
The project was created for testing applications against aggressive Android runtime behaviours. From time to time, Android terminates background applications while the user is away interacting with other apps. In such a case, all the activities are destroyed along with application scope objects and background tasks. After that, we should be always sure that our apps present a consistent interface and are tested against the process death scenario.Venom is quite easy to use and has fairly good documentation. It is released under an MIT license. It is currently in version 0.3.1.
该项目是为了测试应用程序是否具有侵略性的Android运行时行为而创建的。 当用户离开与其他应用程序的交互时,Android会不时终止后台应用程序。 在这种情况下,所有活动以及应用程序范围对象和后台任务都将被销毁。 在那之后,我们应该始终确保我们的应用程序呈现一致的界面并针对流程终止场景进行测试.Venom非常易于使用并且具有相当好的文档。 它是根据MIT许可发布的。 当前版本为0.3.1。
21. RateBottomSheet (21. RateBottomSheet)
RateBottomSheet is a library to help you promote your Android app by prompting users to rate your app in a bottom sheet.
As you probably know, Google released a new API for in-app reviews. It’s really cool but works only from API 21. If you, for several reasons, cannot use this API, you can try the RateBottomSheet library. It supports API 16+ and is well-designed. The project contains a sample app, has well-written documentation, and is released under an Apache 2.0 license.
您可能知道,Google发布了新的API用于应用内评论 。 它确实很酷,但仅可用于API21。如果由于多种原因而无法使用此API,则可以尝试RateBottomSheet库。 它支持API 16+,并且经过精心设计。 该项目包含一个示例应用程序,具有精心编写的文档,并根据Apache 2.0许可证发行。
22.装饰器 (22. Decorator)
Decorator is a library that helps to create margins and dividers in RecyclerView
The idea of this project is also to compose multiple decorations and apply it to RecyclerView
. It is quite useful. What’s more, it has really comprehensive documentation, and there is a sample project which showcases the usage. It is in version 1.2.0 and released under an Apache 2.0 license.
。 这很有用。 而且,它具有非常全面的文档,并且有一个示例项目展示了用法。 它的版本为1.2.0,并在Apache 2.0许可下发布。
23. CornerCutLinearLayout (23. CornerCutLinearLayout)
CornerCutLinearLayout is great lib which allows LinearLayout
corner (parent and children) cuts, complex shadows, and dividers.
This LinearLayout
extension is really well-documented. To be honest, I have not seen this kind of Java doc for a long time. Also, README is awesome.
扩展确实有据可查 。 老实说,我很久没有见过这种Java文档了。 另外,自述文件也很棒。
Additionally, using available properties and custom providers, those cuts you make with CornerCutLinearLayout may be turned into cutouts of different shapes, sizes, etc.
The documentation says that the “widget’s sole purpose is to use with children with no transformations (like rotation, scale, matrix transformations).”
The project is released under an Apache 2.0 license and is in version 1.0.1.
该项目是根据Apache 2.0许可发布的,版本为1.0.1。
24.回收中心 (24. Recycling Center)
According to the documentation,
“Recycling Center is a library designed to support a pattern: reactive, unidirectional data flow using immutable ViewModels. It combines the reactive data flow of RxJava with the efficient UI of a RecyclerView, and supports UI composition via Sections of Views and ViewModels.”
“ Recycling Center是一个旨在支持以下模式的库:使用不变的ViewModels的React性单向数据流。 它结合了RxJava的响应数据流和RecyclerView的高效UI,并通过Views和ViewModels 部分支持UI组合。”
The best way to check how this library works is to go to the sample and understand how that works. Also, the README is fairly good. The project is released under a BSD-3-Clause License.
检查此库如何工作的最佳方法是转到示例并了解其工作方式。 另外,自述文件也相当不错。 该项目根据BSD-3条款许可发布。
25. TickTock (25. TickTock)
TickTock is a timezone data management library for the JVM and Android targeting java.time
APIs in Java 8+. The documentation says to
TickTock是针对JVM和Android的时区数据管理库,以Java 8+中的java.time
API为目标。 该文件说
“Use this library if you want to bundle timezone data directly with your application rather than rely on the current device timezones (Android) or the default
version (JVM only).”
/lib “如果您想直接将时区数据与应用程序捆绑在一起,而不是依赖于当前设备时区(Android)或默认的
The library is also inspired a little by LazyThreeTenBp. The documentation is good and the project itself is easy to use. The author, Zac Sweers, also wrote an article about the lib. It’s released under an Apache 2.0 license.
该库也受到LazyThreeTenBp的启发。 文档很好,项目本身易于使用。 作者Zac Sweers也撰写了有关lib的文章 。 它是根据Apache 2.0许可发布的。
结论 (Conclusion)
That’s it. I hope you enjoyed the list and that some of the libs or projects inspired you. Till next time!
而已。 我希望您喜欢这份清单,并且某些库或项目对您有所启发。 直到下一次!