Everything become easy when you take the 1st step
It is already a miracle that we can attend Germany IPM Exhibtion successfully .we cant leave china if the Exhibtion date is 3 -4 day later,then all the expenses and efforts will be wasted.But god always use different way to train a person .so when all people in china only stay at home ,I start traveling every corner day and night .
1st step is nerthand
郁金香--风车 --电动汽车--公交车--火车
巴基斯坦好友Amjad 帮我买了一张从德国到荷兰的大巴票,三个小时就到阿姆斯特丹,当天他帮我买一张三天可以周游阿姆斯特丹的通票(火车,公交车),在当地叫一个的士15分钟大概要花15欧元,大概105人民币。第一天我们主要在waterlooplein 附近逛鲜花市场,到处是郁金香和其他鲜花的种球,完全可以感受到andrea 说的荷兰一年花卉生产居世界首位,年出口约50亿欧元,占世界市场的43%。第二天好友离开,完全开始一个人摸索,大脑才开始工作,一切信息都是从打听而来,和荷兰当地花卉行业人Martin保持紧密联系,打听到荷兰比较重要大的一些进口商和一些重要花卉市场的火车站,从开始跟路人打听火车如何转车到手机下载NS和train euro ,拿起荷兰地图开始从阿姆斯特,鹿特丹,Delft,其实荷兰非常小,在荷兰前面两天我大部分事情说发邮件约客户见面,邮件里大部分问对方公司最近的火车站,然后问坐火车过去,所以我对几个站台非常熟悉amsterdam sloterdijk ,zoetermeer ,lansingerland , bleiswijk ,Den haag centraal ,Aalsmeer centrum, schiphol airport .我的路径是阿姆斯特丹-海牙-鹿特丹-阿姆斯特丹周边,在火车站台可以看到人们牵着自行车在电梯里和随处可见的自行车停车场,特别惊叹这样有序的摆放还有外面的小车基本都是电动汽车,所以荷兰人包括欧洲人给我感觉是身材比中东印度人苗条有精神
my pakistan friend Amjad is 1st person who guide me in northland travel, he arrange my bus ticket from germany to nerthland and he arrange one supper ticket (Amsterdam region travel ticket for 3 days )with only 36 euro after picking me in Amsterdam bus station and the taxi fee is about 15 euro in northland .on 1st day ,we mainly walk about the fresh flower market in waterlooplein.The whole market is full of people and all different color flowers and bulbs ,I can understand what Andre told that the Netherlands's annual flower production ranks first in the world, with an annual export of about 5 billion euros, accounting for 43% of the world market。I start to research how to travel in nerthland after amjad leaving and keep in touch in local people Martin and get more information about different places and also good importer company names ,also I start to check and learn from some young people in train to download NS and train euro APP to book train ticket and check the route ,it really make traveling become so convenient and easy .with nerthand map and train euro APP I travel around Amsterdam -rotterdam -Delft -aaslmeer area and familiar with many station name amsterdam sloterdijk ,zoetermeer ,lansingerland , bleiswijk ,Den haag centraal ,Aalsmeer centrum, schiphol airpo.I find a interesting thing that people use to take bicycle in train station area ,there are also bicycle parking place in train station, also I find most people choose electric car ,I think that is the reason why nerthland is so clean and all people look so slim and healthy compared with Mid East and india people .
Convenient public transport equipment in the Netherlands is the most advanced in all countries I have ever seen, and transportation costs are very low. 24-hour trains and tickets are valid on the same day.while in china ticket will be no use ior you have to change ticket iff you cant catch the train .I think it is because of 24 hours and also populartion is small in nerthland compared with china , and there are vacancies at any time. At the same time, the cost of crime was very high in Europe. I tried to use night time ticket for the next morning train and was fined 63 euros ( 13 euros for tickets and 50 euros for reimbursement). in china ,only new ticket is demand in such situation .
荷兰更是神奇的农业大国,小国大业,我特别早晨五点起来 坐了往阿斯梅尔花卉拍卖市场的大巴去拍卖现场一睹“鲜花王国”的风采。我被密密麻麻的货架车安安静静在自动化轨道行走惊呆了,自动化轨道运输着五颜六色的花卉,由几位零星分布的马甲君们监控操作。现代化机械工业下的花市竟如此安静和有序。于是我特别查了资料该鲜花拍卖市场位于阿姆斯特丹西南部,是世界上最大的鲜花拍卖市场,占地约2,600,000平方米,相当于220个足球场,共有38口拍卖钟,拍卖花卉和植物品种超过 20,000种,平均每天交易量为3450万朵,每年营业额达46亿欧元。仅这一个拍卖市场,其贸易额约占全世界花卉贸易总额的一半。荷兰的农业信息不仅服务于国内,而且面向整个欧盟国家以至于全世界,是个开放的系统。在阿斯梅尔花卉拍卖市场,可以随时浏览世界各地花卉市场行情。真正体现了信息资源共享。我同时在拜访客户的温室时候也是震撼到了,我特别理解环境的重要性,每棵植物在温室里非常的开心和精神,我们出口来这边的植物的品种比中国还好,进口商完全不是跟其他国家一样进口过来直接倒卖而是重新种植养护,变成荷兰制造的产品。荷兰温室的浇水方式跟中国完全不同,并且一些花场还给植物二氧化碳,让植物更加强壮,甚至在一家客户的花场还给植物听音乐!
惊叹荷兰把农业当工业化,一切自动化,同时更明白风车的意义,上帝创造了人,荷兰风车创造了陆地,风车象征着荷兰的名字文化,象征着人们对天空的热爱,象征童话般的幸福。所以做农业应该来荷兰,应该在荷兰开拓本行业的市场,同时把荷兰的现代设备带到中国来。The Netherlands is a magical agricultural country with small land . I got up at five o'clock in the morning and took a bus to the flower auction market in Aalsmeer to see the "flower kingdom" at the auction site. I was stunned by the densely packed rack truck walking quietly on the automated track. The automated track transported colorful flowers and was monitored and operated by a few scattered vests. The flower market under the modern machinery industry is so quiet and orderly. So I checked the information. The flower auction market is located in the southwest of Amsterdam. It is the largest flower auction market in the world. It covers an area of about 2,600,000 square meters, which is equivalent to 220 football fields. There are 38 auction clocks. 20,000 species, with an average daily trading volume of 34.5 million flowers and an annual turnover of 4.6 billion euros. This auction market alone accounts for about half of the world's total flower trade. The Dutch agricultural information is not only domestic, but also for the entire EU countries and the world. It is an open system. At the Aaslmeer Flower Auction Market, you can browse the market of flower markets around the world at any time. Really reflects the sharing of information resources. At the same time, I was shocked when I visited the customer's greenhouse. I particularly understand the importance of the environment. Each plant is very happy and spiritual in the greenhouse. The quality plants which we export here is better than China. The importers are doing different with other countries importers , instead of reselling fast ,they regrow and maintained plants to become a Dutch-made product. The watering system in the Dutch greenhouse is completely different with China, carbon dioxide is given to plants to makes them stronger, and my client even give music to plants .
Thinking that nerthland per capita land area is less than 2 acres, it rains almost all year round, and this small country in the low-lying can feed the world? I think the pain of the industry should be the wealth of the industry.
2nd step italy
去意大利之前很多客户和朋友叮嘱我千万不要去意大利,非常危险,不要跟意大利有生意往来,但是我还是去了,原因是那边有一位合作开了那不勒斯客户还有想要也去德国参展中国榕树的意大利比较有规模的进口商**。客户napo 帮我买了从荷兰到那不勒斯的机票并且亲自来机场接机,还坚持帮我付酒店费,晚上全家人亲自下厨来招待我,非常温暖,很像到了巴基斯坦的感觉。他们准备了我最爱吃的海鲜大鱿鱼和大虾,现在一想起还会流口水,飞机快登入时候就知道那不勒斯一定是美丽的海滨城市,肯定很多海鲜。napo 翻译不在,他家人没有一个人会说英文,我们全程用翻译软件,谈天说地,所以意大利南部人给我整体感觉非常热情好客,并且非常有古罗马的艺术气息,特别在罗马站时候拍了19岁抽烟女孩的相片,随便一打听是学艺术的。
Before going to Italy, many friends told me it was very dangerous to visit italy and do business there . but I still want to have a try because there was a client from Naples who I already suppplied in italy and also wanted to visit a large importer ***** who I meet in germany exhibition . my naple client arrange my ticket from the Netherlands to Naples and came to the airport to pick me up personally . He also insisted on paying for the hotel. The whole family went to cook in the evening to ntertain me. It was very warm and felt like I was in Pakistan. They prepared my favorite seafood squid and prawns, and now they think of drooling when they think of it. When the plane is about to log in, we know that Naples must be a beautiful seaside city, and there must be a lot of seafood. napo translation is not available, none of his family can speak English, we use translation software all the time, talk about the world, so the people in southern Italy feel very warm and hospitable, and have a very ancient Roman artistic atmosphere, especially when I took a photo in Rome A photo of a smoking girl at the age of one, just to inquire about art.
Then went to Barry and Pistoia. The plot is even more bloody, which will be mentioned later.
到达伊斯坦布尔机场时候已经是晚上六点,德国展会刚认识的客户来接我,我们的车停大轮船在海上行驶40分钟才到达yalaco ,所以这里也是海滨城市,所以我们的晚餐也是一顿丰盛的海鲜。第二天我拜访客户的农场,才发现土耳其的仙人球也是很多种得质量比中国好,同时仙人球在意大利也是很多,所以我们的竞争对手不单单是国内同行,还有意大利和土耳其,但是因为土耳其天气比较冷,植物长得慢,所以仙人球和多肉比较小规格的时候他们就开始卖,大规格比较少,所以大规格的仙人球成为中国的优势。同时我看的欧洲包括土耳其的农场里有比较多的园艺专业的管理人员,而大陆的农场里大部分是靠比较经验和土办法的工人管理。
What impressed me about Turkey is that the visa is very easy. I got an electronic visa in email the next day morning when I applied online, However I did n’t notice that the German visa had expired when I came to Turkey. in Turkish airports people only check my Turkish visa and I didn't realize my euro via already expired . turkey was so close to Italy,but not belong to euro countries also have two hours time different. . I only visited Istanbul, visiting Antalya to meet a friend was canceled because of one importing meeting in Netherlands with present Lin and unfortunately holland visiting also canceled again when airport find my visa was expired at the last moment when boarding ! now I think it is good thing for me, if holland airport find my visa expire ,I must have big trouble there.so be careful to check visa staying time.
It was six o'clock in the evening when I arrived at Istanbul Airport. A client Mr alaading who I just met at the German exhibition came to pick me up. Our car was parked in a big steamer and sailed for 40 minutes at sea to reach yalaco, so this is also a seaside city, and our dinner was a good meal with seafood. The next day I visited the client ’s farm, find that Turkish cactus also famous and have better quality than china , so our competitors are not only domestic suppliers, but also Italy and Turkey, Turkey weather is cold and the plants grow very slowly, so here small size cactus is popular and farmer start selling when cactus grow to small size l, it mean china have advance in big size cactus and have chance to supply here big size cactus. I also find that in Turckey also in European farms ,there are many tprofessional horticulturist to manager nursery
It is worth mentioning that Turkish clothes are very cheap with very good quality and very suitable for girls shopping
人和人竟是如此不同 但是爱都是相同
在荷兰展会上见到一些进口商非常冷漠,一般说不好意思已经有很好供货商了,拒绝拜访他们公司,这让我一直认为荷兰人非常冷漠。我脑海里想起他们不喜欢我们直接打电话还有发及时消息,甚至特别厌烦我们没事给他们发早上好。但是去了荷兰,发现荷兰人也是很热情的,忘不了那个骑自行车带我去火车站的荷兰女孩子,忘记不了公司实力非常大但是同时在疫情期间没有避讳接待我的Henri ,忘不了在人生地不熟的荷兰提供我很多信息和咨询的并且开车带我去周边逛农场的Martin 忘不了那个第一次见面就开车30分钟带我Asmeer 的荷兰人andre,忘不了在意大利大部分不会英语的人们,我们指手画脚并且用翻译软件交流大家一起帮我想办法如何到达我需要地方的人们,忘不了在意大利火车站开车送我去客户农场的工作人员,忘不了丢下发烧的孩子怕我一天没吃饭来带我吃晚餐的燕子姐,忘不了只有一面之缘 就花钱帮我订酒店的林主席并且给我很大的肯定和鼓励,忘不了那个在土耳其机场购物时候落下大衣,俄罗斯检票工作人员陪我狂跑15分钟帮我找回衣服的工作人员。
Different landforms influence people personality ,the people in cold climate area like Germans and Dutch are more serious and cruel, but people in southern Italy people are very enthusiastic. This is anormal difference. However people and people from same country are really very different too
I meet some importers who also have booth in germany exhibition. I say hello to them and they told me I am sorry that there are already very good suppliers and refusing to visit their company .These give me signal that all holland people are very difficult to communicate and it is not use to use relationship way to go into their heart . But when I went to the Netherlands, I found that the holland people are also very enthusiastic. I can't forget the holland girl who took me to the train station by bike. I can't forget Henri, who is very powerful but did not avoid me during the corona virus . i can't forget Martin who provided me a lot of information and advice and drove me to visit the different farms when he is very busy in Aution. I ca n’t forget the andre from holland who took me to Asmeer for 30 minutes and drove me for the first time. I I cant forget the italy people who can understand English but try best to help me by all body language and translation software to help me find ways to the place I want to go . I ca n’t forget the person who working in fast station and drive me to the client ’s farm after he check the line I call is not available . I ca n’t forget yenzi who leaved her son who got fever and came to receive me and took me to dinner, I ca n’t forget the haki who run with me for 15minitues to find my lost coat before plane fly and I cant forget president lin who give me a lot of respect and encourage in spirit .
Hold on to one thing until you meet the light
我定了晚上从意大利那不勒斯到巴里的大巴车,如果说那不勒斯的待遇说天堂,巴里的待遇简直是地狱,没有一个会说英文的人,跟他们打招呼直接说no English ,来意大利很大的动力是拜访一家非常大的花场pangano,德国展会认识,但是对方一直没什么兴趣见我,但是我还是坚持要过去,晚上11点到车站提着重重的两个行李箱步行去附近酒店,这次也把如何按照google 地图步行给学会了,第二天我来汽车站买票,大家都不懂我在说什么,只能靠翻译软件,上了公交车后有人说走错了,需要坐火车,于是一个小女孩带我去火车站,坐了40分钟到.第二天继续赶路坐火车去对方的农场后被告知农场周六不上班,客户发邮件说不在意大利,但是我还是坚持去了,在他们农场门口拍了张照发给客户,客户说等三月份来中国时候来拜访我们。这是第一束光。
后来通过google 搜索附近的农场,联系到mike ,mike 来车站接我并且特别热情接待我我请求mike 介pistoia 最大的公司给我,我给他们最好的价格。于是当天他们下一个了40尺柜的榕树订单并且给我两家Pistoia 的两家公司联系方式。
到达Pistoia ,按照印度ramdev 推荐的要在pistoia 待三四天,这里有几百家花场。于是我把原先待一天的计划改成两天并且租了两天车。到达时候是周五,当地没有滴滴打车,我拖着行李先去酒店和租车行,靠着google 地图终于找到酒店,意大利到处是不是很平的石头路,坑坑洼洼,一直听到行李箱碰撞路面发出的声音,第一次感觉脚要磨出皮了,先联系到tessi 集团的负责人lorenzo ,他说他打算离职了并且第二天说周六不接待客人,听说我是因为意大利客户介绍过来的,还是比较重视,他让我对接了另外一位同事,这位同事是我生命中一个非常重要的人物--燕子,我中国福州老乡!有时候缘分会让人落泪,同时我们还是福州连江人同时都姓陈!本来因为她儿子发烧没法出门接待我,但是因为担心疫情对华人影响,没有餐厅会接受华人,于是她开车来酒店接我同时在电话里说我来的真不是时候而且我们中国福建的榕树在这边因为气候原因不是很好卖,市场没有打开,但是我说我来了我还是想试试,逛一下。
坚持一件事,直到遇到光 可能一扇门关闭,但是新的大门为你敞开。
I booked a bus from Naples, Italy to Bari at night. If Naples ’s treatment is like in heaven , Bari ’s treatment is simply like in hell. There is no English-speaking person. when I Say hello to them and they only say no English directly. the most purpose to come to Italy is to visited a very large ficus ginseng importer, Pangano who I met in the German exhibition. However they was not interested about me cause they already have many suppliers or because worrying I am Chinese with corona virus , but I still insisted to go there. I walked to the nearby hotel with two very heavy suitcases at 11pm, and this time also I learned how to walk according to the google map. The next day I came to the bus station to buy a ticket. Everyone didn't understand what I was talking about. I could only rely on translation software. After getting on the bus, some people said that I had gone wrong and needed to take a train. So a little girl took me to the train station and it will take 40 minutes to there. The next day I took the train to the farm and was told that the farm was not working on Saturday. The client sent an email saying that he was not in Italy, but I insisted on going. I asked driver to help me took a picture that I stand at the gate of the farm and sent it to customers. The customers said that they would visit us when they came to China in March.this is the first beam of light .
Later, I searched the nearby farm and contacted one nursery owner called Mike. Mike came to the station to pick me up and received me warmly and I request him to introduce 2 best companies in Pistoia and I will give him best price .finally they give one container order and introduce 2 company group Tessi and wamuqi in Pistoia .
I took the train to Pistoia, 12-hour sleeper train. this remind me the days when I started a business 10 years ago, I took a sleeper bus to come to Zhanjiang, Guangzhou to purchase plants, but the sleeper train was very comfortable for me. Like staying in a relatively small hotel..
when Arrived in Pistoia and I rent cars for 2 days after Mr ramdev india suggest me to stay in Pistoia for three or four days and there are hundreds of flower fields here. terrible thing is there was no any taxi in the local area,I walked on very unflat stone road and dragged my luggage to the hotel and the car rental agency with google map. I only hear the big noisy sound from luggage when it touch the unflat stone road and felt that my feet were exfoliating. I contacted Lorenzo in Tesi group first but he told that he planned to leave this company and said that he would not receive guests on Saturday but he paid attention to me after getting to know that I was introduced by their bari customer mike and give me his colleague contacting number . This colleague is a very important person in my life--yenzi, my fellow in Fuzhou, China! Sometimes fate will make people cry, we are not only from same area Fuzhou city ,but also from same town lianjiang town and speak same local language there also we have same family name chen .she possible could n’t go out to receive me because of her son ’s fever, but worried that there would be no restaurant to accept the Chinese because of corona virus and she told me from calling that I come in very bad time because of china corona virus and also Chinese ficus plants are not selling well because of the climate, and the market is not open, but I said I am already here and I still want to try it.
All my traveling these years is for meeting Chairman Lin------ the car I rented was a manual transmission, so I have to cancel the car and decide to meet big company here and I made time with swallows yenzi at lunch time then I met Chairman Lin who will affect my life track,we start talking about world garden after communication also one surprising thing is I didn't realize my euro visa is expire 2 days on that day.
(sequel will continue to be added)
Hold on to one thing until you meet the light,maybe one door closed but another new door open for you.
the information difference in the world make business chance
when I travel Turckey I find the hotel near to airpot only 25 euro when one small hotel in italy is about 70euro and also good brand dress in turkey price is almost 30% of china price which make me to import something from Turckey .so I find its very useful to travel around the world and find business chance .