
第一页作业 2
1.1验收承认(acceptance) 2
1.2要求需要(requirement) 5
1.3最初形态(Prototype) 6
1.4Model(模型) 7
1.5异义词(Homonym) 8
1.6检查(Inspection) 8
1.7敏捷式项目管理(Agile project management) 9
1.8特征(Feature) 10
1.9实体(Entity) 12
1.10错误(Error) 14
第二页作业 15
2.1实现视图(implementation view) 15
2.2增量开发(incremental development) 15
2.3交互图(interaction diagram) 17
2.4内部交易(internal transaction) 17
2.5互交发展(interative development) 18
2.6逻辑视图(logical view) 19
2.7模型元素(model element) 21
2.8多重分类(multiple classification) 21
2.9多重继承(multiple inheritance) 22
2.10第n范式(n-ary association) 24
第三页作业 25
3.1活动(Activities) 25
3.2链接(Connection) 28
3.3合并(Merge) 33
3.4同步(synchronization) 34
3.5行为模型方面(behavioral model aspect) 35
3.6关联结束(association end) 39
3.7二进制关联(binary association) 39
3.8合议图(collanoration diagram) 40
3.9部署图(deployment diagram) 41
3.10控制焦点(focus of control) 42
第四页作业 42
4.1一般化(generalization) 42
4.2执行(implementation) 43
4.3继承(inheritance) 43
4.4接口(interface) 44
4.5元模型(metamodel) 44
4.6模块(module) 45
4.7多样性(multiplicity) 46
《需求工程——软件建模与分析》读后感: 46
图书销售系统项目的发展建议: 47
1、 在开发的时候要尽可能的编写文档,保证项目在之后可以维护且发展 47
2、 要注重数据的安全问题,保证用户信息安全。 47
3、 完善界面增强用户体验。 47

the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.“charges involving the acceptance of bribes” · “an acceptance speech” · “he had an acceptance from the magazine”


How to Practice Acceptance for Mindfulness
Acceptance turns out to be one of the most helpful attitudes to bring to mindfulness. Acceptance means perceiving your experience and simply acknowledging it rather than judging it as good or bad. For some people, the word ‘acceptance’ is off-putting – replace it with the word ‘acknowledgement,’ if you prefer.

For example, when you feel pain, whether it’s physical, such as a painful shoulder, or mental, such as depression or anxiety, the natural reaction is to try to avoid feeling the pain. This seems very sensible because the sensation of physical or mental pain is unpleasant. You ignore it, distract yourself, or perhaps even go so far as turning to recreational drugs or alcohol to numb the discomfort.

This avoidance may work in the immediate short term, but before long, avoidance fails in the mental and emotional realm.

You still feel the pain, but on top of that, you feel the emotional hurt and struggle with the pain itself. Buddha called this the ‘second arrow.’ If a warrior is injured by an arrow and unleashes A thought like ‘why did this happen to me,’ that’s a ‘second arrow.’

You may inflict this on yourself each time you feel some form of pain or even just a bit of discomfort, rather than accepting what has happened and taking the next step. Avoidance – running away – is an aspect of the ‘second arrow’ and compounds the suffering. Acceptance means stopping fighting with your moment-to-moment experience. Acceptance removes that second arrow of blame, criticism or denial.

Perhaps you sit down to meditate and feel bombarded by thoughts dragging you away again and again. If you don’t accept the fact that your mind likes thinking, you become more and more frustrated, upset and annoyed with yourself. You want to focus on the meditation but just can’t.

In the above example:

First arrow – lots of thoughts entering your mind during meditation.

Second arrow – not accepting that thoughts are bound to come up in meditation. Criticizing yourself for having too many thoughts.

Solution – to acknowledge and accept that thoughts are part and parcel of meditation. You can do this by gently saying to yourself ‘thinking is happening’ or ‘it’s natural to think’ or simply labeling it as ‘thinking…thinking.’

By acknowledging the feeling, thought or sensation and going into it, the experience changes. Even with physical pain, try experimenting by actually feeling it. Research has found that the pain reduces. But remember, you’re not acknowledging it to get rid of the feeling. That’s not acceptance. You need to acknowledge the sensation, feeling or thought without trying to change it at all. Pure acceptance of it, just as it is.

One way to relax into the discomfort is by courageously turning to the sensation of discomfort, and simultaneously feeling the sensation of your own breath. With each out-breath, allow yourself to move closer and soften the tension around the discomfort.

If all this acceptance or acknowledgement of your pain seems impossible, just try getting a sense of it and make the tiniest step towards it. The smallest step towards acceptance can set up a chain of events ultimately leading towards transformation. Any tiny amount of acceptance is better than none at all.

Another aspect of acceptance is to come to terms with your current situation. If you’re lost, even if you have a map of where you want to get to, you have no hope of getting there, if you don’t know where you are to start with.

You need to know and accept where you are before you can begin working out how to get to where you want to be. Paradoxically, acceptance is the first step for any radical change. If you don’t acknowledge where you are and what’s currently happening, you can’t move on appropriately from that point.

meet requirement,satisfy requirement,enforce requirement,fulfill requirement,comply requirement


Requirement Engineering is the process of defining, documenting and maintaining the requirements. It is a process of gathering and defining service provided by the system. Requirements Engineering Process consists of the following main activities:

Requirements elicitation
Requirements specification
Requirements verification and validation
Requirements management
Requirements Elicitation:
It is related to the various ways used to gain knowledge about the project domain and requirements. The various sources of domain knowledge include customers, business manuals, the existing software of same type, standards and other stakeholders of the project.
The techniques used for requirements elicitation include interviews, brainstorming, task analysis, Delphi technique, prototyping, etc. Some of these are discussed here. Elicitation does not produce formal models of the requirements understood. Instead, it widens the domain knowledge of the analyst and thus helps in providing input to the next stage.

Requirements specification:
This activity is used to produce formal software requirement models. All the requirements including the functional as well as the non-functional requirements and the constraints are specified by these models in totality. During specification, more knowledge about the problem may be required which can again trigger the elicitation process.
The models used at this stage include ER diagrams, data flow diagrams(DFDs), function decomposition diagrams(FDDs), data dictionaries, etc.

用于需求引出的技术包括访谈、头脑风暴、任务分析、Delphi 技术、原型设计等。这里将讨论其中一些。引文不会产生所理解的要求的正式模型。相反,它拓宽了分析师的域知识,从而有助于为下一阶段提供投入。

此阶段使用的模型包括 ER 图、数据流图(DFD)、函数分解图(FDD)、数据字典等。
a first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied.“the firm is testing a prototype of the weapon” ·模型最初的、典型的或初步的某物模型,尤指机器,从中发展或复制其他形式。


In order to solve the problem that attribute cannot be shared between object instances of constructor, JS provides prototype attribute.
Each data type in JS is an object (except null and undefined), and each object inherits from another object, which is called a “prototype” object. Except for null, it has no prototype object of its own.
All properties and methods on the prototype object are shared by the object instance.
When an object instance is generated through a constructor, the prototype of the object instance is pointed to the prototype property of the constructor. Each constructor has a prototype property, which is the prototype object of the object instance.

An abstract representation of an existing reality or a reality to be


Django determines the following information based on the type of the attribute: the type of the currently selected database support field
The default HTML control used when rendering the management form. During the minimum verification in the management site, Django will add auto growing primary key columns to the table, and each model can only have one primary key column. If you use the option to set an attribute as the primary key column, Django will not regenerate into the default primary key column. Attribute naming is restricted and identifier rules are followed. Due to the query method of Django, it does not have a primary key column Continuous underscores are allowed. When a library defines a property, it needs a field type. The field type is defined in the django.db.models In the. Fields directory, it is imported into the django.db.models Import from by using django.db import Models through models.Field Create an object of field type and assign it to an attribute. Logical deletion does logical deletion for all important data, and does not do physical deletion. The implementation method is to define isdelete attribute with the type of Boolean field and the default value of false

渲染管理表单时使用的默认html控件,在管理站点最低限度的验证,django会为表增加自动增长的主键列,每个模型只能有一个主键列,如果使用选项设置某属性为主键列后,则django不会再生成默认的主键列,属性命名限制,遵循标识符规则,由于django的查询方式,不允许使用连续的下划线,库定义属性时,需要字段类型,字段类型被定义在django.db.models.fields目录下,为了方便使用,被导入到django.db.models中,使用方式导入from django.db import models通过models.Field创建字段类型的对象,赋值给属性,逻辑删除对于重要数据都做逻辑删除,不做物理删除,实现方法是定义isDelete属性,类型为BooleanField,默认值为False
A term looking identical to another term, but having a different


Homonyms are two words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings. The word “homonym” comes from the prefix “homo-,” which means the same, and the suffix “-nym,” which means name. Therefore, a homonym is a word that has the same name as another word, meaning that the two words look and sound exactly alike.

Examples of Homonyms
A simple example of a homonym is the word “pen.” This can mean both “a holding area for animals” and “a writing instrument.” Another example is “book,” which can mean “something to read” or “the act of making a reservation.” In both cases, the sound and spelling are the same, and only the definition changes.
careful examination or scrutiny.
“on closer inspection it looked like a fossil please have your tickets ready for inspection we carry out regular safety inspections”
“仔细观察, 它看起来像一块化石”“请准备好您的门票供检查” |“我们定期进行安全检查”


Why request an Inspection?
Whether you are about to place a bid or sell your vehicle on eBay Motors, an inspection by an independent third party is a must-have.Buyers benefit because the inspection is a way to validate a seller’s claims about a vehicle’s condition.Sellers benefit because the inspection increases potential buyers’ confidence in the description of the vehicle’s condition.How do I arrange an inspection today?eBay Motors recommends arranging your inspection through SGS Automotive. With their 150-point vehicle inspection, SGS Automotive helps you build the confidence that is crucial to any vehicle sale.

为什么要求检查?无论您是要在易趣汽车上出价还是出售车辆,都必须有独立第三方的检查。买方受益于此,因为检查是验证卖方对车辆状况的主张的一种方法。卖方受益,因为检查增加了潜在买家对车辆状况描述的信心。我今天怎么安排检查?易趣汽车公司建议您通过SGS Automotive安排检查。通过150点的车辆检查,SGS Automotive帮助您建立对任何车辆销售至关重要的信心。。
1.7敏捷式项目管理(Agile project management)
Agile project management is an iterative approach to delivering a project throughout its life cycle.敏捷项目管理是一种迭代方法,可在整个生命周期内交付项目。


What is Agile project management?
Agile project management is an iterative approach to project management that focuses on breaking down large projects into more manageable tasks, which are completed in short iterations throughout the project life cycle. Teams that adopt the Agile methodology are able to complete work faster, adapt to changing project requirements, and optimize their workflow.

As the name suggests, the Agile allows teams to be better equipped to quickly change direction and focus. Software companies and marketing agencies are especially aware of the tendency for changes from project stakeholders to happen from week-to-week. The Agile methodology allows teams to re-evaluate the work they are doing and adjust in given increments to make sure that as the work and customer landscape changes, the focus also changes for the team.

If you’re new to the Agile project management, it might look at first like a complex and difficult-to-manage system. But, whether you realize it or not, you’re already doing many of the things Agile requires. With a few tweaks, you’ll be on your way to shorter development cycles and smaller, more frequent product releases.

Who uses Agile project management?
Originally created for software development, the Agile approach to project management is quickly being adapted by more than just IT teams. Marketers, universities, the military, and even the automotive industry are also looking at the Agile methodology and other Agile frameworks to deliver innovative products in uncertain environments. Many organizations can benefit from Agile project management, and it’s simple to set up and utilize.

In the software world, when a decision to build or further develop an existing technology is made, the end product may be hard to define. Agile allows for that ambiguity because of its flexibility to change direction on a project as work moves into the future.

While you can take advantage of Agile software, books, or Agile coaches, each Agile team is unique, and understanding the basics can help you put together an Agile methodology that works for you and your team.

the structure, form, or appearance especially of a person


A feature is a small, client-valued function expressed in the form . As the name implies, features are an important aspect of Feature-Driven Development (FDD) (Palmer and Felsing 2002). Figure 1 shows several features for the university system. Features are very small and typically can be implemented within a few hours.
Figure 1. Features.
Add a student to a seminar waiting list.
Calculate fee for a parking pass.
Calculate the average mark on a transcript.
Display the name and address of a student on a transcript.
Drop a student from a seminar.
Enroll a student in a seminar.
List the prerequisites for a seminar.
List the seminars of a student on a transcript.
Track number of parking passes.
The features in Figure 1 are basically a formalized version, wording wise at least, of traditional features. Another formalized approach is to write features as shall statements. For example “calculate the average mark on a transcript” would be worded “The system shall calculate the average mark on a transcript”. Although the wording changes slightly in the end features and shall statements are effectively the same thing in my experience.
Although one of the primary advantages of features is that their small size makes them easy to estimate and to implement their size also poses a problem in that one feature by itself rarely provides significant value to stakeholders. The solution is to organize features into groups called “feature sets”. Figure 2 depicts how the features of Figure 1 would be organized into three feature sets - Transcript, Enrollment, and Parking Passes. As you can see each feature set contains two or more related features.
Figure 2. Feature sets.
Calculate the average mark on a transcript.
List the seminars of a student on a transcript.
Display the name and address of a student on a transcript.
List the prerequisites for a seminar.
Enroll a student in a seminar.
Drop a student from a seminar.
Add at student to a seminar waiting list.
Parking Passes
Calculate fee for a parking pass.
Track number of parking passes.
From a requirements point of view features are to FDD as use cases are to the Rational Unified Process (RUP) and user stories are to XP - they’re a primary source of requirements and the primary input into your planning efforts. However, from a size point of view feature sets are much closer conceptually to use cases. Features are estimated and prioritized in a similar manner to user stories. Because features are so simple to create it is common to use very simple tools - such as index cards or a spreadsheet - to capture them.

功能是一个小型的,客户机值的函数,以形式表示。顾名思义,特性是特性驱动开发(FDD)的一个重要方面(Palmer和Felsing 2002)。图1显示了大学系统的几个特性。功能非常小,通常可以在几个小时内实现。
a thing with distinct and independent existence.“Church and empire were fused in a single entity”


What is an Entity?
Definition: An entity is an organization established through laws or accounting principles that separates it from its owners, other organizations, and individuals. All business forms are considered entities with the exception of a sole proprietorship. The various forms of partnerships and corporations are legal entities that are legally separated from their owners and other organizations. You can think of an entity as a fictitious person. It’s an organization that only exists on paper.
What Does Entity Mean?
The field of accounting uses the concept of separate entities to properly track and record each business’ transactions and financial information. The business entity principle states that each entity must be accounted for independently. This means that the owners of a corporation can’t commingle funds with the corporation. The corporate income and assets must be separate from the owner’s income and bank accounts.
The legal separation of an entity from its owners carries many benefits. Limited Liability Partnership and Corporation owners enjoy limited liability. This means that the owners of the company are only liable for their investment in the company. In other words, if the company is being sued for damages due to a faulty product, the person filing suit cannot sue the owners. Only the company can be sued because it is a separate legal entity.
In the case of a sole proprietorship where there is no legal separation, a suit could be filed against the business and the owner because the owner of a sole proprietorship is the business. There is no separate entity. The owner and the company are one in the same. This means the owner could lose his house and all his personal belonging due to a business lawsuit.
Owners of a partnership or corporation cannot be sued personally. The only thing these individuals can lose in a business lawsuit is their investment in the stock. In other words, the company could go bankrupt and the owner’s would own stock of a worthless company, but none of their personal possessions would be taken…

he state or condition of being wrong in conduct or judgment.


Many patients harmed by a medical error never learn of the error. Physicians have traditionally shied away from discussing errors with patients, in part due to fear of precipitating a malpractice lawsuit, but also due to embarrassment and discomfort with the disclosure process. However, attitudes have changed in recent years–most physicians in a 2006 survey had disclosed a serious error to a patient and agreed that such disclosure was warranted.
Surveys have helped to define the components of disclosure that matter most to patients. These
Disclosure of all harmful errors
An explanation as to why the error occurred
How the error’s effects will be minimized
Steps the physician (and organization) will take to prevent recurrences
“Full disclosure” of an error incorporates these components as well as acknowledgement of responsibility and an apology by the physician. However, there may be a disconnect between physicians’ views of ideal practice and what actually happens. For example, most physicians agree that errors should be fully disclosed to patients, but in practice many “choose their words carefully” by failing to clearly explain the error and its effects on the patient’s health.

2.1实现视图(implementation view)
A definition of how something is constructed or computed. For example, a class is an implementation of a type, a method is an implementation of an op


Implementation view
It shows the organization and execution of the code, describes the main function modules of the system and the relationship between the modules, which is mainly used by developers.
The implementation view guides the design of development architecture. The development architecture focuses on the package, including not only the source program to be written, but also the third-party SDK, ready-made framework, class library that can be directly used, and the system software or middleware on which the developed system will run. There may be a certain mapping relationship between the development architecture and the logical architecture: for example, the logical layer in the logical architecture is generally mapped to multiple packages in the development architecture; another example is that the source files in the development architecture can contain one or more classes in the logical architecture.

2.2增量开发(incremental development)
Incremental development in software engineering is a process methodology that emphasizes the virtue of taking small steps toward the goal. In contrast to the waterfall model of software development, in which a working system becomes available only in the later phases of the project, incremental development begins with a small, working system that is improved and expanded step by step.


As part of any incremental and iterative development, release planning is the process of assigning features to upcoming releases (or iterations) such that the overall product evolution is optimized. Analytical product release planning refers to the application of analytical methods in this process, thereby utilizing the diversity of data available from internal and external sources of information. In this chapter, information needs for release planning are outlined and a taxonomy of release planning problems is given. The paradigm of Open Innovation is introduced as a new way to elicit and gain access to relevant data related to product objectives, features and their dependencies, customers and changing priorities, as well as product values and market trends. Analytical Open Innovation (AOI) is the integration of Open Innovation with (a portfolio of) analytical methods which could be used in different problems of a semi-wicked nature such as planning and design. This chapter studies the usage of AOI in the context of release planning (RP). The respective approach called “AOI@RP” is taking advantage of gathering and generating data and relating data into well-defined aspects of the problem and combining analytical methods to address the solution. The usage of AOI is studied in more detail for two of the concrete release planning problems given in the taxonomy: (1) Release planning in the presence of advanced feature dependencies and synergies detected from morphological analysis; (2) continuous what-to-release planning in consideration of ongoing trial feature evaluation. An illustrative case study is used as proof of concept to the proposed solution methodology.

2.3交互图(interaction diagram)
A generic term that applies to several types of diagrams that emphasize object interactions. These include: collaboration diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams.


What is Interaction diagram?INTERACTION DIAGRAM are used in UML to establish communication between objects. It does not manipulate the data associated with the particular communication path. Interaction diagrams mostly focus on message passing and how these messages make up one functionality of a system. Interaction diagrams are designed to display how the objects will realize the particular requirements of a system. The critical component in an interaction diagram is lifeline and messages.Various UML elements typically own interaction diagrams. The details of interaction can be shown using several notations such as sequence diagram, timing diagram, communication/collaboration diagram. Interaction diagrams capture the dynamic behavior of any system…

2.4内部交易(internal transaction)
A transition signifying a response to an event without changing the state of an object.


What Does Internal Transactions?
Supplies were taken from the shipping department and expensed by the office department. This can also occur with shipping department assets. For example, if the office department wanted to upgrade its computers and decided to give its older office computers to the shipping department, the shipping department would receive a new asset.
Since these are internal transactions, they take place within one company. In other words, the company is transacting with itself. There is no real economic exchange of value between two parties because the company is exchanging value with itself. In essence, the business is taking an asset or expense out of its left pocket and putting the asset or expense in its right pocket.
The accounting equation is altered slightly, but there is no real substantial change in financial position. External transactions, on the other hand, take place between two entities and do change the financial position of both companies…

2.5互交发展(interative development)
Iterative development, also known as iterative incremental development or iterative evolutionary development, is a software development process opposite to the traditional waterfall development. It makes up for some weaknesses in the traditional development method and has higher success rate and productivity.


The Scrum framework is driven by the goal of delivering maximum business value in the least time. To achieve this practically, Scrum believes in Iterative Development of Deliverables.
In most complex projects, where the customer may not be able to define very concrete requirements or is not confident of what the end product may look like, the iterative model is more flexible in ensuring that any change requested by the customer can be included as part of the project. User Stories may have to be written constantly throughout the duration of the project. In the initial stages of writing, most User Stories are high-level functionalities. These User Stories are known as Epic(s). Epic(s) are usually too large for teams to complete in a single Sprint. Therefore, they are broken down into smaller User Stories.
Some of the benefits of Iterative Development are:
It allows for course correction as all the people involved get better understanding of what needs to be delivered as part of the project and incorporate these learning in an iterative manner.
The time and effort required to reach the final end point is greatly reduced and the team produces deliverables that are better suited to the final business environment…

2.6逻辑视图(logical view)
The logical view provides a hierarchical view of a project’s structure. With the logical view, users can create and customize the diagrams in their projects with meaningful categorization by adding domain-specific view(s).


Physical View
In a well design database, not only should the database be easy to share and change with many different users, but the database should also provide different logical and physical views for users under different purpose.
Definition of Physical View
The word physical view comes from the viewing of the database. The viewing of database can be categorized into two categories: physical view and logical view. In viewing a database, there can be many different ways users can view a database depending on their needs and purposes. Physical view refers to the way data are physically stored and processed in a database. On the other side, logical view is designed to suit the need of different users by representing data in a meaningful format. Another word, the logical view tells the users, in their term, what is in the database. So while there can be numerous logical views of a database to suit the needs of the users, there can only be one physical view of a database because physical view deals with the physical storage of information on a storage device.
Benefit of Different View
The capability of allowing different views (both logical views and physical views) in a database, gives users a lot of flexibility. With the logical views, the users can see data differently from how they are stored and most of all, users doesn’t need to know the technically detail of the physical storage. On the other hand, database specialist and advance users could benefit from the use of physical view of the database because through physical view, they can see the physical storage of the data. This allows specialist to make the database more efficient.

physical view一词来自于对数据库的查看。数据库的视图可以分为两类:物理视图和逻辑视图。在查看数据库时,用户可以通过多种不同的方式查看数据库,具体取决于他们的需要和目的。物理视图是指数据在数据库中物理存储和处理的方式。另一方面,逻辑视图通过以有意义的格式表示数据来满足不同用户的需要。换句话说,逻辑视图告诉用户,用他们的术语来说,数据库中有什么。因此,虽然可以有许多数据库的逻辑视图来满足用户的需要,但是数据库只能有一个物理视图,因为物理视图处理的是存储设备上的信息的物理存储。
2.7模型元素(model element)
An element that is an abstraction drawn from the system being modeled. Contrast: view element.


A model element is an elementary component of a model. It will be created when you create a shape on a diagram. An example of model element is actor.
You can visualize an existing model element or we sometimes call it to ‘reuse’ a model element with the model completion feature. When you create a shape, press Ctrl-Space to popup a list of existing elements. Click on the desired element to reuse it. We call the visualized form of model element a view or a shape, depending on whether we want to emphasis the differences against model element or we want to focus on diagramming operations.

2.8多重分类(multiple classification)
A semantic variation of generalization in which an object may belong directly to more than one class. See: dynamic classification.


Multiple Classification:You can assign objects either to one class or to several classes. Classifying an object in more than one class is known as multiple classification.
Classification in Different Class Types
If you classify an object in classes of different class types, there is no link between the characteristic values assigned in the different classes. This means that, in two classes with different class types, you can assign completely different values to the same characteristic for the same object.
Multiple Classification in One Class Type
If you classify an object in several classes of the same class type, you can use various paths to search for the object later. You can use either of the classes in the graphic below to find the object.
Before you can classify objects in several classes of the same class type, you need to set the multiple classification indicator in Customizing for Classification for the class type.
If an object is classified in several classes of the same class type, the object inherits all characteristics of all the classes in which it is classified. You see the characteristics of all the other classes in which the object is classified, as well as the characteristics of the class you started with.
In one class type, you can only assign one value or set of values to any one characteristic for an object. You cannot assign different values to a characteristic in different classes of the same class type. If you enter 4 as the length of a bolt, this is a central property of the bolt, which is the same in every class (see also Inconsistencies in Multiple Classification ).

2.9多重继承(multiple inheritance)
A semantic variation of generalization in which a type may have more than one supertype. Contrast: single inheritance.


Definition editing: multiple inheritance in object-oriented programming language means that a class can inherit the behavior and characteristic functions of multiple parent classes at the same time. Single inheritance means that a subclass inherits only one parent class.
Concept editor: multiple inheritance references can lead to some confusing situations, so it is often debated about the merits and risks. Java uses a compromise: Java allows a class to inherit from more than one parent interface (a class can be specified, it inherits all the parent class types, and must have a concrete implementation of all the parent class interfaces’ External visible methods, and allows the compiler to enforce the above requirements), but it can only inherit the implementation (Methods and data) from one parent class. Microsoft’s.net programming languages, such as C ා, Visual Basic. Net and realbasic of real software, also use this kind of interface.
Object editing: in object-oriented programming, inheritance describes two types or classes of objects, one of which is a “subtype” or “subclass” of the other. The subclass inherits the characteristics of the parent class and allows sharing functions. For example, you can create a “mammal” class, which has the functions of eating, breeding, etc., and then define a subclass “cat”, which can inherit the above functions from its parent class without rewriting the program, and add its own new functions, such as “chasing mice”.
However, if you want to inherit from more than one structure at the same time, such as allowing “cat” to inherit “mammal” and “cartoon character” and “pet” at the same time, the lack of multiple inheritance will lead to very clumsy mixed inheritance, or force the same function to be rewritten in more than one place. (this leads to maintenance problems)
For many years, multiple inheritance has been a sensitive topic. Opponents say it increases the complexity and ambiguity of procedures, such as in the diamond problem.
Mode editing: various programming languages have different ways to deal with the above problems. For example, Eiffel allows subtypes to adapt to the functions it inherits by renaming them, or determining selection rules for them in advance. Java allows objects to inherit from multiple interfaces, but only one implementation. Realbasic is similar to it and adds the ability to “extend” a class without using inheritance. Perl uses a sequential inheritance mechanism: when searching for methods, it first searches for the methods of the current class, and then uses depth first search to find the inherited classes and their parents in order. Clos allows programmers to have complete control over the combination of methods. If this is not enough, metaobject protocol gives programmers a means to modify inheritance, method scheduling, class specialization, and other internal mechanisms without affecting system stability.

概念编辑:多重继承指代可以导致某些令人混淆的情况,所以关于它的好处与风险之间孰轻孰重常常受人争论。Java使用了一个折衷的办法:Java允许一个类别继承自多于一个父接口(可以指定某一个类别,它继承了所有父类的类型,并必须拥有所有父类别接口的外部可见方法的具体实现,并允许编译器强制以上要求),但只可以从一个父类别继承实现(方法与数据)。微软的.NET编程语言,例如C#和Visual Basic .NET和REAL Software的REALbasic也使用了这种类接口的做法。
对象编辑:面向对象的程序设计中,继承描述了两种类型或两个类的物件,其中一种是另外一种的“子类型”或“子类”。子类继承了父类的特征,允许分享功能。例如,可以创造一个“哺乳类动物” 类,拥有进食、繁殖等的功能;然后定义一个子类“猫”,它可以从父类继承上述功能,不需重新编写程序,同时增加属于自己的新功能,例如“追赶老鼠”。
2.10第n范式(n-ary association)
An association among three or more classes. Each instance of the association is an n-tuple of values from the respective classes. Contrast: binary association.
三个或更多类之间的关联。关联的每个实例都是来自相应类的 n 元组值。对比:二进制关联。


The first normal form: in a word, it can be summarized as follows: Du “the data table of the first paradigm must be a two-dimensional data table”. The first normal form is the index. Each column of the database is an inseparable basic data item. It emphasizes the atomicity of the column, and a certain attribute in the test question cannot have several values. For example, the phone number attribute in the database cannot have fixed line and mobile phone values. Note: in any relational database, the first normal form (1NF) is the basic requirement for relational schema, and the database that does not meet the first normal form (1NF) is not a relational database.
The second paradigm is based on the first paradigm, that is, to satisfy the second paradigm, it must satisfy the first paradigm. The second paradigm requires that each instance or row of a data table must be uniquely identified. In addition to meeting the first normal form, there are two conditions: one is that the table must have a primary key; the other is that the columns not included in the primary key must completely rely on the primary key, not only a part of the primary key. Each row of data can only be related to one of the columns, that is, a row of data only does one thing. As long as there is data duplication in the data column, split the table.
The third normal form is called the third normal form if a normal form is a second normal form, and each non primary attribute does not pass the candidate key that depends on the normal form, that is, it cannot exist: the non primary key column a depends on the non primary key column B, and the non primary key column B depends on the primary key.

第一范式:一言以bai蔽之:du“第一范式的数据表zhi必须dao是二维数据zhuan表”,第一范式是指数shu据库的每一列都是不可分割的基本数据项,强调列的原子性,试题中某一属性不能拥有几个值。比如数据库的电话号码属性里面不可以有固定电话和移动电话值。 说明:在任何一个关系数据库中,第一范式(1NF)是对关系模式的基本要求,不满足第一范式(1NF)的数据库就不是关系数据库。
第三范式若某一范式是第二范式,且每一个非主属性都不传递依赖于该范式的候选键,则称为第三范式,即不能存在:非主键列 A 依赖于非主键列 B,非主键列 B 依赖于主键的情况。。
the condition in which things are happening or being done.


An Activity is an application component that provides a screen with which users can interact in order to do something, such as dial the phone, take a photo, send an email, or view a map. Each activity is given a window in which to draw its user interface. The window typically fills the screen, but may be smaller than the screen and float on top of other windows.
An application usually consists of multiple activities that are loosely bound to each other. Typically, one activity in an application is specified as the “main” activity, which is presented to the user when launching the application for the first time. Each activity can then start another activity in order to perform different actions. Each time a new activity starts, the previous activity is stopped, but the system preserves the activity in a stack (the “back stack”). When a new activity starts, it is pushed onto the back stack and takes user focus. The back stack abides to the basic “last in, first out” queue mechanism, so, when the user is done with the current activity and presses the BACK key, it is popped from the stack (and destroyed) and the previous activity resumes. (The back stack is discussed more in the Tasks and Back Stack document.)
When an activity is stopped because a new activity starts, it is notified of this change in state through the activity’s lifecycle callback methods. There are several callback methods that an activity might receive, due to a change in its state—whether the system is creating it, stopping it, resuming it, or destroying it—and each callback provides you the opportunity to perform specific work that’s appropriate to that state change. For instance, when stopped, your activity should release any large objects, such as network or database connections. When the activity resumes, you can reacquire the necessary resources and resume actions that were interrupted. These state transitions are all part of the activity lifecycle.
The rest of this document discusses the basics of how to build and use an activity, including a complete discussion of how the activity lifecycle works, so you can properly manage the transition between various activity states.
Creating an Activity
To create an activity, you must create a subclass of Activity (or an existing subclass of it). In your subclass, you need to implement callback methods that the system calls when the activity transitions between various states of its lifecycle, such as when the activity is being created, stopped, resumed, or destroyed. The two most important callback methods are:
You must implement this method. The system calls this when creating your activity. Within your implementation, you should initialize the essential components of your activity. Most importantly, this is where you must call setContentView() to define the layout for the activity’s user interface.
The system calls this method as the first indication that the user is leaving your activity (though it does not always mean the activity is being destroyed). This is usually where you should commit any changes that should be persisted beyond the current user session (because the user might not come back).
There are several other lifecycle callback methods that you should use in order to provide a fluid user experience between activities and handle unexpected interuptions that cause your activity to be stopped and even destroyed. All of the lifecycle callback methods are discussed later, in the section about Managing the Activity Lifecycle.
Implementing a user interface
The user interface for an activity is provided by a hierarchy of views—objects derived from the View class. Each view controls a particular rectangular space within the activity’s window and can respond to user interaction. For example, a view might be a button that initiates an action when the user touches it.
Android provides a number of ready-made views that you can use to design and organize your layout. “Widgets” are views that provide a visual (and interactive) elements for the screen, such as a button, text field, checkbox, or just an image. “Layouts” are views derived from ViewGroup that provide a unique layout model for its child views, such as a linear layout, a grid layout, or relative layout. You can also subclass the View and ViewGroup classes (or existing subclasses) to create your own widgets and layouts and apply them to your activity layout.
The most common way to define a layout using views is with an XML layout file saved in your application resources. This way, you can maintain the design of your user interface separately from the source code that defines the activity’s behavior. You can set the layout as the UI for your activity with setContentView(), passing the resource ID for the layout. However, you can also create new Views in your activity code and build a view hierarchy by inserting new Views into a ViewGroup, then use that layout by passing the root ViewGroup to setContentView().
For information about creating a user interface, see the User Interface documentation.
Declaring the activity in the manifest

一个应用程序通常由多个相互松散绑定的活动组成。通常,应用程序中的一个活动被指定为“main”活动,它在第一次启动应用程序时呈现给用户。然后,每个活动都可以启动另一个活动以执行不同的操作。每次新活动启动时,前一个活动都会停止,但系统会将活动保留在堆栈中(“后堆栈”)。当一个新的活动开始时,它被推到后面的堆栈上,并获得用户的关注。后台堆栈遵循基本的“后进先出”队列机制,因此,当用户处理完当前活动并按下back键时,它将从堆栈中弹出(并销毁)并恢复之前的活动。(后面的堆栈将在Tasks和back stack文档中详细讨论。)
These steps walk you through all parts of your configuration to help troubleshoot an unsuccessful RPC over HTTP connection.
这些步骤将引导您完成配置的所有部分,以帮助通过 HTTP 连接排除不成功的 RPC。


TCP is a protocol. How is this protocol defined and what is its data format like? If we want to make a deeper analysis, we need to understand and even remember the meaning of each field in TCP protocol. Oh, come on.
The above is the format of TCP protocol header. Because it is too important, it is the basis for understanding other contents. The information of each field will be explained in detail below.
Source port and destination port: occupy 16 bits respectively, indicating the source port number and destination port number; used to distinguish different processes in the host, and IP address is used to distinguish different hosts. The source port number and destination port number, combined with the source IP address and destination IP address in the IP header, can uniquely determine a TCP connection;
Sequence number: used to identify the data byte stream sent from TCP sender to TCP receiver. It represents the serial number of the first data byte in the data stream in this message segment. It is mainly used to solve the problem of network message disorder;
Acknowledgment Number:32 The bit acknowledgement sequence number contains the next sequence number expected by the sending end of the acknowledgement. Therefore, the confirmation sequence number should be the sequence number of the last successful received data byte plus 1. However, only when the ACK flag (described below) in the flag bit is 1, the field of the confirmation sequence number is valid. It is mainly used to solve the problem of no packet loss;
Offset: gives the number of 32 bit words in the header. This value is required because the length of the optional field is variable. This field takes up 4 bits (it can represent up to 15 32 bit words, i.e. 4 * 15 = 60 byte header length), so TCP has a maximum header of 60 bytes. However, there is no optional field and the normal length is 20 bytes;
TCP Flags:TCP There are six flag bits in the header, and many of them can be set to 1 at the same time. They are mainly used to control the state machine of TCP, in turn, urg, ACK, PSH, RST, syn, fin. The meaning of each marker bit is as follows:
Urg: this flag indicates that the emergency pointer field of the TCP packet (which will be mentioned later) is valid. It is used to ensure that the TCP connection is not interrupted, and to urge the m-server device to process the data as soon as possible;
ACK: this flag indicates that the response domain is valid, that is to say, the TCP response number mentioned above will be included in the TCP packet. There are two values: 0 and 1. When it is 1, it means that the response domain is valid; otherwise, it is 0;
PSH: this flag bit indicates the push operation. The so-called push operation means that after the packet arrives at the receiving end, it is sent to the application immediately, rather than queued in the buffer;
Rst: this flag indicates a connection reset request. It is used to reset the connection that caused the error, and also to reject the wrong and illegal packets;
SYN: indicates the serial number of synchronization, which is used to establish the connection. Syn flag and ACK flag are used together. When a connection request is made, syn = 1, ACK = 0; when the connection is responded, syn = 1, ACK = 1; the packets of this flag are often used for port scanning. The scanner sends a syn only packet. If the other host responds to a packet and returns, it indicates that the host has this port; However, because this scanning method is only the first handshake of three TCP handshakes, the success of this scanning means that the scanned machine is not very secure, and a secure host will force a strict connection to carry out the TCP three-way handshake;
Fin: indicates that the sender has reached the end of the data, that is to say, the data transmission between both sides is completed, and there is no data to be transmitted. After sending the TCP packet with fin flag bit, the connection will be disconnected. Packets with this flag are also often used for port scanning.
Window: window size, also known as the sliding window, is used for traffic control. This is a complex problem, which will not be summarized in this post;
OK, the basic knowledge is ready. Let’s start the next part of the journey.
What are three handshakes?
TCP is connection oriented. Before sending data to the other party, a connection must be established between the two parties. In TCP / IP protocol, TCP provides reliable connection service, and the connection is initiated by three handshakes. The purpose of the three handshakes is to synchronize the serial number and confirmation number of both sides of the connection and exchange the TCP window size information. This is the TCP handshake that is often asked about in an interview. Just understanding the concept of TCP triple handshake will not help you get a job. You need to know some details of TCP triple handshake. Let’s talk about it first.
What a clear picture, of course, I did not draw it. I just quoted it to illustrate the problem.

  1. The first handshake: establish a connection. The client sends the connection request message segment with syn position of 1 and sequence number of X; then, the client enters syn_ Send status, waiting for the server’s confirmation;
  2. The second handshake: the server receives the syn message segment. When the server receives the syn message segment from the client, it needs to confirm the syn message segment, and set the acknowledgement number to x + 1 (sequence number + 1); at the same time, it also sends syn request information by setting the syn location as 1 and the sequence number as y; The server will put all the above information into a message segment (syn + ack segment) and send it to the client. At this time, the server enters syn_ Recv status;
  3. The third Handshake: the client receives the syn + ACK message segment from the server. Then set the acknowledge segment number to y + 1 and send the ACK message segment to the server. After the packet segment is sent, both the client and the server enter the established state and complete the TCP handshake three times.

TCP是一个协议,那这个协议是如何定义的,它的数据格式是什么样子的呢?要进行更深层次的剖析,就 需要了解,甚至是熟记TCP协议中每个字段的含义。哦,来吧。
上面就是TCP协议头部的格式,由于它太重要了,是理解其它内容的基础,下面就将每个字段的信息都详 细的说明一下。
Source Port和Destination Port:分别占用16位,表示源端口号和目的端口号;用于区别主机中的不同进程, 而IP地址是用来区分不同的主机的,源端口号和目的端口号配合上IP首部中的源IP地址和目的IP地址就能唯一 的确定一个TCP连接;
Sequence Number:用来标识从TCP发端向TCP收端发送的数据字节流,它表示在这个报文段中的的第一个数据 字节在数据流中的序号;主要用来解决网络报乱序的问题;
Acknowledgment Number:32位确认序列号包含发送确认的一端所期望收到的下一个序号,因此,确认序号应 当是上次已成功收到数据字节序号加1。不过,只有当标志位中的ACK标志(下面介绍)为1时该确认序列号的字 段才有效。主要用来解决不丢包的问题;
Offset:给出首部中32 bit字的数目,需要这个值是因为任选字段的长度是可变的。这个字段占4bit(最多能 表示15个32bit的的字,即4*15=60个字节的首部长度),因此TCP最多有60字节的首部。然而,没有任选字段, 正常的长度是20字节;
TCP Flags:TCP首部中有6个标志比特,它们中的多个可同时被设置为1,主要是用于操控TCP的状态机的,依次 为URG,ACK,PSH,RST,SYN,FIN。每个标志位的意思如下:
URG:此标志表示TCP包的紧急指针域(后面马上就要说到)有效,用来保证TCP连接不被中断,并且督促 中间层设备要尽快处理这些数据;
ACK:此标志表示应答域有效,就是说前面所说的TCP应答号将会包含在TCP数据包中;有两个取值:0和1, 为1的时候表示应答域有效,反之为0;
PSH:这个标志位表示Push操作。所谓Push操作就是指在数据包到达接收端以后,立即传送给应用程序, 而不是在缓冲区中排队;
SYN:表示同步序号,用来建立连接。SYN标志位和ACK标志位搭配使用,当连接请求的时候,SYN=1, ACK=0;连接被响应的时候,SYN=1,ACK=1;这个标志的数据包经常被用来进行端口扫描。扫描者发送 一个只有SYN的数据包,如果对方主机响应了一个数据包回来 ,就表明这台主机存在这个端口;但是由于这 种扫描方式只是进行TCP三次握手的第一次握手,因此这种扫描的成功表示被扫描的机器不很安全,一台安全 的主机将会强制要求一个连接严格的进行TCP的三次握手;
FIN: 表示发送端已经达到数据末尾,也就是说双方的数据传送完成,没有数据可以传送了,发送FIN标志 位的TCP数据包后,连接将被断开。这个标志的数据包也经常被用于进行端口扫描。
Window:窗口大小,也就是有名的滑动窗口,用来进行流量控制;这是一个复杂的问题,这篇博文中并不会进行 总结的;
TCP是面向连接的,无论哪一方向另一方发送数据之前,都必须先在双方之间建立一条连接。在TCP/IP协议中,TCP 协议提供可靠的连接服务,连接是通过三次握手进行初始化的。三次握手的目的是同步连接双方的序列号和确认号 并交换 TCP窗口大小信息。这就是面试中经常会被问到的TCP三次握手。只是了解TCP三次握手的 概念,对你获得一份工作是没有任何帮助的,你需要去了解TCP三次握手中的一些细节。先来看图说话。
1.第一次握手:建立连接。客户端发送连接请求报文段,将SYN位置为1,Sequence Number为x;然后,客户端进入SYN_SEND状态,等待服务器的确认;
2.第二次握手:服务器收到SYN报文段。服务器收到客户端的SYN报文段,需要对这个SYN报文段进行确认,设置Acknowledgment Number为x+1(Sequence Number+1);同时,自己自己还要发送SYN请求信息,将SYN位置为1,Sequence Number为y;服务器端将上述所有信息放到一个报文段(即SYN+ACK报文段)中,一并发送给客户端,此时服务器进入SYN_RECV状态;
3.第三次握手:客户端收到服务器的SYN+ACK报文段。然后将Acknowledgment Number设置为y+1,向服务器发送ACK报文段,这个报文段发送完毕以后,客户端和服务器端都进入ESTABLISHED状态,完成TCP三次握手。
1.第一次分手:主机1(可以使客户端,也可以是服务器端),设置Sequence Number和Acknowledgment Number,向主机2发送一个FIN报文段;此时,主机1进入FIN_WAIT_1状态;这表示主机1没有数据要发送给主机2了;
2.第二次分手:主机2收到了主机1发送的FIN报文段,向主机1回一个ACK报文段,Acknowledgment Number为Sequence Number加1;主机1进入FIN_WAIT_2状态;主机2告诉主机1,我也没有数据要发送了,可以进行关闭连接了;

那四次分手又是为何呢?TCP协议是一种面向连接的、可靠的、基于字节流的运输层通信协议。TCP是全双工 模式,这就意味着,当主机1发出FIN报文段时,只是表示主机1已经没有数据要发送了,主机1告诉主机2, 它的数据已经全部发送完毕了;但是,这个时候主机1还是可以接受来自主机2的数据;当主机2返回ACK报文 段时,表示它已经知道主机1没有数据发送了,但是主机2还是可以发送数据到主机1的;当主机2也发送了FIN 报文段时,这个时候就表示主机2也没有数据要发送了,就会告诉主机1,我也没有数据要发送了,之后彼此 就会愉快的中断这次TCP连接。如果要正确的理解四次分手的原理,就需要了解四次分手过程中的状态变化。
FIN_WAIT_1: 这个状态要好好解释一下,其实FIN_WAIT_1和FIN_WAIT_2状态的真正含义都是表示等 待对方的FIN报文。而这两种状态的区别是:FIN_WAIT_1状态实际上是当SOCKET在ESTABLISHED状态时, 它想主动关闭连接,向对方发送了FIN报文,此时该SOCKET即进入到FIN_WAIT_1状态。而当对方回应ACK报 文后,则进入到FIN_WAIT_2状态,当然在实际的正常情况下,无论对方何种情况下,都应该马上回应ACK 报文,所以FIN_WAIT_1状态一般是比较难见到的,而FIN_WAIT_2状态还有时常常可以用netstat看到。 (主动方)
FIN_WAIT_2:上面已经详细解释了这种状态,实际上FIN_WAIT_2状态下的SOCKET,表示半连接,也即 有一方要求close连接,但另外还告诉对方,我暂时还有点数据需要传送给你(ACK信息),稍后再关闭连接。 (主动方)

CLOSE_WAIT:这种状态的含义其实是表示在等待关闭。怎么理解呢?当对方close一个SOCKET后发送FIN 报文给自己,你系统毫无疑问地会回应一个ACK报文给对方,此时则进入到CLOSE_WAIT状态。接下来呢,实 际上你真正需要考虑的事情是察看你是否还有数据发送给对方,如果没有的话,那么你也就可以 close这个 SOCKET,发送FIN报文给对方,也即关闭连接。所以你在CLOSE_WAIT状态下,需要完成的事情是等待你去关 闭连接。(被动方)
LAST_ACK: 这个状态还是比较容易好理解的,它是被动关闭一方在发送FIN报文后,最后等待对方的ACK报 文。当收到ACK报文后,也即可以进入到CLOSED可用状态了。(被动方)
TIME_WAIT: 表示收到了对方的FIN报文,并发送出了ACK报文,就等2MSL后即可回到CLOSED可用状态了。 如果FINWAIT1状态下,收到了对方同时带FIN标志和ACK标志的报文时,可以直接进入到TIME_WAIT状态,而无 须经过FIN_WAIT_2状态。(主动方)。
combine or cause to combine to form a single entity.


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When two devices work together and have precise time requirements, they need to be synchronized. Synchronization is based on specifying a common time reference between two devices. For example, if you want to record a 32 track audio signal on two 16 track tape drives, the tape transfer shafts of the two drives need to be locked together. This process is called synchronization. If the two devices are not synchronized, no matter how consistent their starting time is, there will be a time drift due to the difference in the mechanical structure of the two devices.
The synchronization of desktop music production system is usually carried out between sequencer (or sequencer software) and multi track recorder. The main purpose of synchronization is to record different MIDI timbres on a separate track. Even if you only use a multitasking computer (both a sequencer and a digital audio recorder), it also has synchronization problems. Although the computer-based digital audio equipment is much more accurate than the mechanical tape recorder, there will be some problems if there is no synchronization.
When two (or more) devices are synchronized, one is called the master (subject to the time code sent internally), while the other is called the slave. When there is only one slave, the synchronization signal can be sent directly from the master to the slave. In this case, the slave clock mode should be set to “external clock mode”. When there are multiple slaves, a special device to generate synchronization signal is needed as the master to synchronize multiple slaves…

当两台(或多台)设备进行同步的时候,其中一台称为主机(以其内部发送的时间码为准),而其它的则称为从机。在只有一台从机的时候,同步信号可直接由主机发送给从机,这时,从机的时钟方式要打到“外部时钟方式”(External Clock Mode)。有多台从机时,则需一个专门产生同步信号的设备作为主机,以便多台从机进行同步。
3.5行为模型方面(behavioral model aspect)
A model aspect that emphasizes the behavior of the instances in a system, including their methods, collaborations, and state histories.


Behavioral model
Observer mode
Observer pattern defines a one to many dependency, which allows multiple observer objects to listen to a topic object at the same time. When the state of the subject object changes, it notifies all observer objects so that they can automatically update themselves.

  1. There is a bad side effect of dividing a system into a series of cooperative classes, which is to maintain the consistency of related objects. We do not want to make all kinds of close coupling in order to maintain consistency, which will bring inconvenience to maintenance, extension and reuse;
  2. When one object needs to change other objects at the same time, and it doesn’t know how many objects need to be changed, we should consider using observer pattern;
  3. There are two aspects in an abstraction, one of which depends on the other. In this case, the observer pattern can encapsulate the two in independent objects and make them change and reuse independently;
    All in all, what the observer pattern does is decouple. Let both sides of the coupling depend on abstraction rather than concrete. So that their changes will not affect the changes on the other side.
    Use: use observer mode when one object needs to change other objects at the same time, and the number of other objects is not known.
    Comments: This is a typical spy. Spy is used to transmit information to the organization. The organization makes corresponding adjustments according to the different intelligence.
    Template method
    Define the skeleton of the algorithm in an operation, and delay some of them to subclasses. Template method makes subclass not change the structure of an algorithm, it can redefine some specific steps of the algorithm, transfer invariant behavior to superclass, and remove duplicate code from subclass, which shows its advantages.
    Code repetition is a common phenomenon in programming. If we see repeated code in more than one place, we should try to combine them into one, and the program will become better. Subtle repetition occurs in different but essentially identical structures or steps.
    Think about the importance of the examination paper for millions of times.
    Command mode
    Encapsulating a request as an object allows you to parameterize customers with different requests, queue or log requests, and support revocable operations.
    This means that we can do a lot of things between the two, such as specifying at different times, arranging and executing requests, supporting undo and redo operations, and so on.
    Comments: Division of labor and cooperation, efficiency is the best, do a good job of single responsibility.
    Command mode vs mediator mode vs observer mode: all three use middlemen to communicate between classes. Mediator mode is to solve the interaction between many classes, while command mode decouples the object calling the operation with the object guiding how to implement the operation. When the subject object changes its state, it will inform all observer objects, so that they can automatically communicate with each other Update yourself. The mediator is only for the sake of simple interaction and convenient maintenance, and the command mode can indeed record the whole operation log, so as to find out the cause of system problems in the future and support transactions. Observer pattern is a one to many decoupled way, cut many to yourself do not need to know.
    Chain of responsibility
    To make multiple objects have the opportunity to process the request, so as to avoid the coupling relationship between the sender and receiver of the request, connect the object into a chain, and pass the request along the chain until one object handles it.
    Just like we send express, we can’t send the express directly to the younger brother of SF express, but through a point, and then he is giving it to the head office. The head office will distribute it according to the conditions, and the head office will deal with it one level at a time. Finally, we can go to the brother of SF express. But we don’t need to know the process, we just need express delivery, that’s all.
    Comments: do a good job in the principle of single responsibility, but be careful that the email address is wrongly written and no one receives it.
    State mode
    When an object’s internal state changes, allowing its behavior to change, the object appears to have changed its class. Since all the state related codes are stored in a specific state class, it is easy to add new states and transitions by defining new subclasses.
    Since the state change behavior will also change with the change of state, we need to separate the state, so that the maintenance can be more useful.
    Comments: the open close principle is everywhere.
    Chain of responsibility mode vs state mode: both modes appear when the program needs to make a judgment. The chain of responsibility needs a choice of order, while the state mode does not need a specific order. However, we know that the program is constantly changing, and the so-called change is invariable. Therefore, we need to encapsulate these branches in subclasses separately Let’s dynamically add or modify the items we need to select.

职责链模式(Chain of ResPonsiblity)
备忘录模式 Memeton
3.6关联结束(association end)
The endpoint of an association, which connects the association to a classifier.


An association end identifies the entity type on one end of an association and the number of entity type instances that can exist at that end of an association. Association ends are defined as part of an association; an association must have exactly two association ends. Navigation properties allow for navigation from one association end to the other.

3.7二进制关联(binary association)
An association between two classes. A special case of an nary association.


Measure of association, in statistics, any of various factors or coefficients used to quantify a relationship between two or more variables. Measures of association are used in various fields of research but are especially common in the areas of epidemiology and psychology, where they frequently are used to quantify relationships between exposures and diseases or behaviours.

3.8合议图(collanoration diagram)
A diagram that shows interactions organized around the structure of a model, using either classifiers and associations or instances and links. Unlike a sequence diagram, a collaboration diagram shows the relationships among the instances. Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams express similar information, but show it in different ways. See: sequence diagram.


Collaboration graph is another form of dynamic graph, which emphasizes the organization of objects participating in interaction.
The action of picking up the car starts from the customer. She sends a message showing the list to the reservation application module, and then the staff of the company sends a check message to the reservation application module. After receiving the message check information, the reservation application will reply to the company employee that the application exists, and then reply to the customer to allow the customer to pick up the car. After receiving the message, the employees fill in the work record and register the car status.
The exchange of collaboration diagram and sequence diagram
The process of student degree evaluation is as follows: the academic administrators input the student number of the student to be evaluated into the preliminary degree evaluation module, and the preliminary degree evaluation module will query the corresponding sketching results and rewards and punishment records as the basis for degree evaluation. The preliminary degree evaluation module prints the results of the preliminary evaluation, and the printed version of the preliminary evaluation is submitted to the academic staff, and the control flow ends.

3.9部署图(deployment diagram)
A diagram that shows the configuration of run-time processing nodes and the components, processes, and objects that live on them. Components represent run-time manifestations of code units.See: component diagrams


The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the standard language that many software engineers and business professionals use to create a broad overview for complex systems. A deployment diagram is one type of diagram created with this language. Along with our UML diagramming tool, use this guide to learn more about deployment diagrams.

在面向对象的编程中,多重继承是属性,其中类继承多个类的属性。Java 不支持通过类进行多重继承。在 java 中,使用接口实现多个继承。接口包含方法和常量。这些方法是抽象的,没有方法体。这些方法通过类实现。要了解有关接口的更多信息,请阅读以下操作:在 Java 中使用接口并举例说明
3.10控制焦点(focus of control)
A symbol on a sequence diagram that shows the period of time during which an object is performing an action, either directly or through a subordinate procedure.


Locus of control refers to one’s assumption about responsibility for good and bad events. Every person during his lifetime comes across some good and some had outcomes. While he acts to maximise the possibility of good outcomes and enjoys the success of his life, he tries to minimise the possibility of bad outcomes.

a general statement that is based on only a few facts or examples; the act of making such statements

generalization noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation … (oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com)

Fear not the new generalization. Does the fact look crass and material, threatening to degrade thy theory of spirit?
The very hopes of man, the thoughts of his heart, the religion of nations, the manners and morals of mankind are all at the mercy of a new generalization. Generalization is always a new influx of the divinity into the mind.

不要害怕新的概括。事实看起来愚蠢和物质, 威胁要贬低你的精神理论吗?人类的希望、他心中的思想、国家的宗教、人类的礼仪和道德,都受制于一种新的概括。泛化总是神性进入心灵的新潮。
Beginning to use good scientific judgment, statistical analysis, root cause identification, robust solution implementation.


Pregnancy happens when an egg is fertilized by sperm in the fallopian tubes. Once fertilized, the cells start to multiply and grow. The zygote, or fertilized egg, travels down into the uterus and becomes what’s called a morula. In the uterus, the morula becomes a blastocyst and eventually burrows into the uterine lining in a process called implantation.

a thing that is inherited.


Inheritance refers to the assets that an individual bequeaths to his or her loved ones after he or she passes away. An inheritance may contain cash, investments such as stocks or bonds, and other assets such as jewelry, automobiles, art, antiques, and real estate.

a point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc. meet and interact.


An interface in Java is a blueprint of a class. It has static constants and abstract methods.The interface in Java is a mechanism to achieve abstraction. There can be only abstract methods in the Java interface, not method body. It is used to achieve abstraction and multiple inheritance in Java.In other words, you can say that interfaces can have abstract methods and variables. It cannot have a method body.

Java 中的接口是类的蓝图。它有静态常量和抽象方法。Java 中的接口是实现抽象的机制。Java 接口中只能有抽象方法,不能有方法正文。它用于在 Java 中实现抽象和多重继承。换句话说,您可以说接口可以具有抽象方法和变量。它不能具有方法体。
java 中的同步是控制多个线程对任何共享资源的访问的功能。
The Art of Software Architecture Design Methods and Techniques


If someone ever wants to get brainsick and/or feel defeated, the easiest way is to try to comprehend the UML metamodeling approach which is used by OMG to describe UML.The metamodeling approach means that “a metamodel is used to specify the model that comprises UML”. This approach supposedly “offers the advantages of being more intuitive and pragmatic for most implementors and practitioners.” Let’s take a look at some details of the approach.

如果有人想要得脑筋不从,/或感到被打败,最简单的方法是尝试理解由 OMG 用来描述 UML 的 UML 元模型方法。
元模型方法意味着"元模型用于指定包含 UML 的模型"。这种方法被认为"为大多数实施者和实践者提供了更直观、更务实的优势"。让我们看看该方法的一些细节。
each of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be used to construct a more complex structure, such as an item of furniture or a building.


Modules are executed within their own scope, not in the global scope; this means that variables, functions, classes, etc. declared in a module are not visible outside the module unless they are explicitly exported using one of the export forms. Conversely, to consume a variable, function, class, interface, etc. exported from a different module, it has to be imported using one of the import forms.

Mr. Putin 'needs there to be a multiplicity of oligarchs for him to keep power, ’ said one person close to Rusal.


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我们的 KVM 交换机虚拟化可释放您的工作空间,消除传统 KVM 交换机的电缆和额外硬件。无论您是使用 PC 和笔记本电脑的设计师、编辑、呼叫中心代理还是道路战士,倍增使跨多台计算机工作变得轻松自如。







