

此篇文章关于The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

new words: clout=influence

portfolio=In finance, a portfolio is the combination of shares or other investments that a particular person or company has. for instance:

mammoth(n.) means big, huge, enormous

mandate (v.) means command, authorize, order

niche(n.) means 1. a comfortable or suitable role, job, way of life, etc.

                           2.(Business) an opportunity to sell a particular product to a particular group of people.

文中所用的动词有:manage, hold, approve, reject, sanction(permit), be run, triple, raise, means,  expand, gain, be wielding doing, be founded, be running out, face+2, try to stabilize, squeeze, be expected to, be overhauled =major repair, be set up, focus on, enable sth. to do sth. be promoted, oversee=supervise, reckon that, account for=be obligated for, place, respond with=write back, have the capability to do, plan to do,allocate, make it, ride out= last out, expect to+2, put... to do, achieve, assess, beat, emerge+2, be flawed, assume=presume, resemble= appear like, be separate(adj.) from, be drawn into, dabble=slush, stand out,=excel or stick out, matter, 

文中所用的形容词和副词:plentiful=multiple,talent, financial, state-run, independent, gigantic=mammoth, healthy, particularly, increasing/increasingly, familiar, promised,required(这两个做后置定语),notably, strict, transparency, private,complex, potential,modestly,powerful, beneficial, poorly.





