
Translation and Paraphrasing

  1. Without the 1968 experiments of Kendall, Friedman and Taylor at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), quarks would have remained a mere theory, a will-o-wisp whose existence was confidently postulated but never proven.
  • 如果没有1968年肯德尔、 弗里德曼和泰勒在斯坦福直线加速器中心(SLAC)所做的实验, 夸克将仅仅是一种理论, 一种未经证实的、 飘渺的大胆假设。
  1. People similarly know about Wolfgang Pauli and Enrico Fermi stating the requirement for a ghostly particle called the neutrino in the 30s, but ask popular science enthusiasts if they are aware of the dogged pursuit of the neutrino by Raymond Davis for over 30 years and you will likely see knitted brows.
  • 同样,人们熟悉在三十年代提出了幽灵粒子(即中微子)的条件的泡利和费米,但如果你询问科普爱好者们是否了解戴维斯在30余年间,一直不懈地捕捉中微子地痕迹,你可能发现他们眉头紧锁。
  1. This gap in perception is especially startling given the singular importance of experiment in physics and all of science, a central paradigm that has been the centerpiece of the scientific method since Galileo (apocryphally) dropped iron balls from the leaning tower of Pisa. (Para. 6)
  • 考虑到在物理学和所有科学领域中实验都是非常重要的一种范式,这种感知上的差距尤其令人吃惊,自伽利略(据传言)从比萨斜塔扔下铁球以来,实验就成为核心的科学方法。
  1. It seems to me that there are at least two important reasons why the public, in spite of tacitly appreciating the

    all-important role of experiment in physics, fails to give experimentalists their due. (Para. 9)

  • 在我看来,至少有两个重要的原因可以解释为什么尽管公众默认实验在物理学中至关重要的作用,却没有给实验物理学家应有的地位。
  1. Nobody can fail to gasp in awe at an Einstein or Bohr who, working with a few facts and pencil and paper, divine grand operating principles for the cosmos in short order. (Para. 9)
  • 无人不深深崇敬爱因斯坦或玻尔等科学家,他们仅依据一些事实, 靠着纸笔,便在短时间内推测出与宇宙宏伟地运行规律。
  1. To be fair though, it’s hard not to admire theorists when many experimentalists, as ingenious as their contraptions are,“simply” validate things which the theorists have already said. (Para. 11)
  • 不过,公平地说,我们很难不崇拜理论物理学家,因为虽然很多实验物理学家像他们的实验装置一样富有创意, 但也“仅仅”是验证了理论物理学家早已说过的东西。
  1. Firstly however, it’ s very important to realise that all the awe for Einstein which we rightly feel comes only after the fact, after a thousand increasingly demanding tests of general relativity have established the veracity of the theory beyond any doubt.(Para. 12)
  • 但重要的是,我们首先要认识到,我们对爱因斯坦的所有崇敬之情都来自于广义相对论在经过千百次日益严格的测试才被证实这一事实之后。
  1. Experimentalists often follow in the steps of theorists, but the instances in which they lead the way are as full of creativity and achievement as the work of an Einstein, Bohr or Feynman. (Para. 13)
  • 实验物理学家经常跟随理论物理学家的脚步,而有时他们也会引领理论物理学家, 其过程就像爱因斯坦、玻尔或费曼等科学家的工作一样充满了创造力,成就非凡。
  1. If we want to improve the public visibility of experimentalists and place experimentalists in their rightful place in the pantheon of popular physics, the main initiative would have to come from experimentalists themselves.
  • 如果我们想要提高实验物理学家的公众知名度,并将实验物理学家置于科普物理万神殿的合适位置,主要还是要靠实验物理学家自己。
  1. In addition, the manipulation of these tools to plumb the depths of nature’s secrets is every bit as exciting to its practitioners as calculating the curvature of space-time is to its own. (Para. 15)
  • 此外,巧用这些工具探究自然的奧秘,对实验物理学家来说,就像计算时空曲率对理论物理学家一样令人兴奋。


单词 翻译
postulate 提出,假设
proliferate 激增,扩散
conjecture 推测,猜想
verification 证明,证实
mull 深思
cogent 有说服力的
paradigm 示例,样式
tribute 致敬
admonish 批评,警告
tutelage 受指导
ingenious 精巧的
tacitly 心照不宣的
divine 发现,猜出
humdrum 单调的,刻板的
mundane 平凡的,平淡的
contraption 机械装置
validate 使合法化
pluck 拉,扯
veracity 真实性
ascendancy 优势,支配
proponent 支持者,拥护者
pantheon 万神殿
dearth 缺乏
curvature 曲率,曲度
baton 接力棒
edifice 建筑
confounding 困惑的

Facts or Opinions

  1. Facts:通过观察或者实验来证明,客观的事情
  • Still there are no vividly written books about these experiments.
  1. Opinions:个人情感、价值、信仰、解释或判断的陈述,主观的(公众或个人的看法)
  • Ironically, the public devaluing of experimentalists applies to Feynaman`s own work.

  • The theory of quantum electrodynamics which he developed is perhaps the accurate theory in physics.

  • Yet this mundane work is an essential step toward the grand finale of hard factual discovery

  1. both F and O

Four markers


  • view markers:观点标记
    • assume
    • believe
    • suggest
    • analysis
    • judgement
  • contrast markers:对比标记
    • however
    • yet
  • qualifying markers:限定标记
    • always
    • should
    • likely(展示可能含义的词汇)
  • assessment markers:评价标记
    • mistake
    • profound:意义深远的
    • extremely:极端的
