
Similarly, human-computer centaur teams are likely to be characterised by a constant tug of war between the humans and the computers,instead of settling down to a lifelong partnership. Teams made exclusively of humans - such as Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson - usually develop permanent hierarchies and routines that last decades. But a human detective who teams up with IBM's Watson computer system (which became famous after winning the US TV quiz show Jeopardy in 2011) will find that every routine is an invitation for disruption, and every hierarchy an invitation for revolution. Yesterday's sidekick might morph into tomorrow’s superintendent, and all protocols and manuals will have to be rewritten every year.


同样,“半人马”组合很有可能变成一场人类与计算机之间不断的拔河角力,而不是稳定的终身伙伴关系。完全由人类组成的团队(比如福尔摩斯和华生),常常会形成长期的阶层和惯例,并能够延续数十年。然而,如果侦探IBM的超级计算机系统“沃森”合作(该人工智能系统 2011年在电视益智抢答节目《危险边缘》(Jeopardy!)中获胜,会发现所有的阶层都可能被打破,所有的惯例也都可能被干扰。昨天的搭档,明天可能就成了你的主管;所有的规章和守则也都必须每年重写。【林俊宏】

A closer look at the world of chess might indicate where things are heading in the long run. It is true that for several years after Deep Blue defeated Kasparov, human-computer cooperation flourished in chess. Yet in recent years computers have become so good at playing chess that their human collaborators lost their value, and might soon become utterly irrelevant.



On 7 December 2017 a critical milestone was reached, not when a computer defeated a human at chess—that's old news—but when Google's AlphaZero program defeated the Stockfish 8 program. Stockfish 8 was the world's computer chess champion for 2016. It had access to centuries of accumulated human experience in chess, as well as to decades of computer experience. It was able to calculate 70 million chess positions per second. In contrast, AlphaZero performed only 80,000 such calculations per second, and its human creators never taught it any chess strategies - not even standard openings. Rather, AlphaZero used the latest machine-learning principles to self-learn chess by playing against itself. Nevertheless, out of a hundred games the novice AlphaZero played against Stockfish, AlphaZero won twenty-eight and tied seventy-two. It didn't lose even once. Since AlphaZero learned nothing from any human, many of its winning moves and strategies seemed unconventional to human eyes. They may well be considered creative, if not downright genius.

2017年12月7日是一个关键的里程碑时刻,不是因为计算机在国际象棋比赛中击败了人类(这已经过时了),而是因为谷歌的AlphaZero程序击败了Stockfish 8程序。Stockfish 8是2016年计算机象棋世界冠军。它获得了人类几个世纪以来积累的国际象棋经验,以及数十年的计算机经验,每秒能够计算出7000万个象棋位置。相比之下,AlphaZero每秒只能进行8万次这样的计算,它的人类发明者从未教过它任何象棋策略,甚至连标准的开局策略都没有教。相反,AlphaZero使用最新的机器学习原理,通过与自己较量来自学国际象棋。然而,在新手AlphaZero与Stockfish之间进行的一百场比赛中,AlphaZero赢了二十八场,其余七十二场与Stockfish打成平局,一次也没输。由于AlphaZero从没有从任何人身上学习,因此在人类看来,它的许多致胜的招数和策略都是不合常规的。即使这些招数和策略不是天才所为,也可以认为是极具创造力的。

