2021-04-19 8.2 结果部分的常用词句

8.2 结果部分的常用词句

1.Reference to aim / method 重申目的

  • In order to assess Z, repeated measures of ANOVA were used.
  • Regression analysis was used to predict that ...
  • A scatter diagram and a Pearson's product moment correlation were used to determin the relationship between ...
  • T-test were used tp analyse the relationship between ...

2.Location and summary statements 定位和概述图表

  • Table 1/Figure1 + shows the experimental data on X.

  • Table 1/Figure1 + compares the results obtained from the preliminary analysis of X.

  • Table 1/Figure1 + presents the intercorrelations among the nine measures of X.

  • Table 1/Figure1 + provides some of the main characteristies of the ... .

  • The result obtained from the preliminary analysis of X + are shown/compared/presented in Table 1.

  • As shown in Figure 1, the X group reported significantly more Y than the other two groups.

  • As can be seen from Table 1, the X group reported significantly more Y than the other two groups.

  • It can be seen from Table 1 that the X group reported significantly more Y than the other two groups.

  • From Graph 1, we can see that the X group reported significantly more Y than the other two groups.

3.Reporting result 汇报结果


  • Strong evidence of X was found when ...
  • There was a significant positive correlation between ...
  • There was a significant difference between the two conditions ...
  • A positive correlation was found between X and Y.
  • Further statistical tests revealed ...


  • There was no increase of X associated with ...
  • No significant differences were found between ...
  • No increase in X was detected.
  • No difference greater than X was observed.
  • The Chi-square test did not show any significant differences between ...

4.Highlighting significant result 强调重要数据

  • The most striking result to emerge from the data is that ...

  • Interestingly/Notably, the results showed that ..

  • The more surprising correlation is with the ...

  • Another interesting finding is that ...

  • It is important to highlight that the recycling of aqueous organic solvent is less desirable than that of pure organicliquid.

  • It is noteworthy that only very few distinct activation methods have been identificd.

5.Reporting results from questionnaires and interviews 汇报问卷和访谈结果

  • The response rate was 60% at six months and 56% at 12 months. Of the study popultin, 90 sujets cmpleted and rtured thequestionnaire.
  • Approximately half of those surveyed did not comment on ...
  • A small number of those interviewed suggested that ...
  • Only a small number of respondents indicated that ...

6.Describing multiple relations

  • A is + 倍数 + 比较级 + than + B.

    • The photocatalytic activity of A is almost 3 times higher than that of B.
  • A is+倍数+as+原级+as+B.

    • The photocatalytic activity of A is 3times as high as that of B.
  • A is+倍数+the+名词 (size, length, height)+of +B.

    • The moving ball is 3 times the size of the static ball.
  • The +名词(size, length,height)+of +A is+倍数+that of+B.

    • The size ofthe moving ballis 3 times that of the static ball.
  • A is+倍数+what引导的名词性从句,

    • The average salary of the employees is 3 times what they earned 5 years ago.


  • The results showed that singing was not the decisive factor for the patients.

  • The origin of the chemoselectivity may be also closely related to the H bonding.

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