(1) 掌握数据的插入(INSERT)、 修改(UPDATE) 和删除(DELETE) 操作。
(2) 掌握不同类型的数据查询(SELECT) 操作。
(1) 利用 INSERT 语句向图书销售系统表中插入数据。
(2) 利用 UPDATE 语句修改图书销售系统表中的数据。
(3) 利用 DELETE 语句删除图书销售系统表中的数据。
(4) 利用 SELECT 语句实现对图书销售系统数据的有条件查询、 分组查询、 连接查询、 子查询等。
(1) 以 bs 用户登录 ORCL 数据库, 将下列表中的数据插入到数据库的相应表中。
create table customers(customer_id int primary key,name varchar(20),phone varchar(50),email varchar(50),address varchar(10),Code varchar(20));
create sequence cust_seq start with 1 increment by 1 maxvalue 999999 nocycle cache 10;
insert into customers values(cust_seq.nextval,'王牧','83823422','[email protected]','北京','110010');
insert into customers values (cust_seq.nextval,'李青','83824566','Liqing@sina. com','大连','116023');
create table publishers(publisher_id int primary key,name varchar(40),contact varchar(10),Phone varchar(30));
insert into publishers values(1, '电子工业出版社', '张芳','56231234');
insert into publishers values(2, '机械工业出版社', '孙翔','89673456');
create table books(ISBN varchar(40) primary key,title varchar(20),author varchar(10),pubdate date,publisher_id int,cost int,retail int,category varchar(10));
insert into books values('978-7-121-18619-8', '文化基础', '王澜',to_date('2010-1-1','yyyy-mm-dd'),2,35,28, '管理');
insert into books values('978-7-122-18619-8', 'Oracle', '孙风栋',to_date('2011-2-1','yyyy-mm-dd'),1,40,32, '计算机');
create table orders(order_id int primary key,customer_id int,orderdate date,shipdate date,shipaddress varchar(10),shipcode varchar(20));
create sequence order_seq start with 1000 increment by 1 maxvalue 999999 nocycle cache 10;
insert into orders values (order_seq.nextval,1,to_date('2013-2-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd'),to_date('2013-2-5','yyyy-mm-dd'), '大连','116023');
insert into orders values (order_seq.nextval,2,to_date('2013-3-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd'),to_date('2013-3-10','yyyy-mm-dd'), '大连','116023');
create table orderitem(order_id int,item_id int,ISBN varchar(50),quantity int,primary key(order_id,item_id));
insert into orderitem values(1000,1,'978-7-121-18619-8',5);
insert into orderitem values(1000,2,'978-7-122-18619-8',20);
insert into orderitem values(1001,1,'978-7-121-18619-8',15);
create table promotion(gift_id int primary key,name varchar(20),minretail int,maxretail int);
insert into promotion values(1,'签字笔',100,150);
insert into promotion values(2,'笔记本',150,300);
insert into promotion values(3,'保温杯',300,500);
(2)将 ISBN 为 978-7-121-18619-8 的图书的零售价格(retail) 修改为 30。
update books set retail=30 where ISBN='978-7-121-18619-8';
(3)将订单号为 1000 的订单的发货日期修改为“2013-2-2”。
update orders set shipdate=to_date('2013-2-2','yyyy-MM-dd') where order_id=1000;
(4)查询 BOOKS 表中包含的所有图书列表。
select * from books;
(5)列出 BOOKS 表中有图书类型非空的图书书名。
select title from books where category is not null;
(6)列出 BOOKS 表中每本书的书名和出版日期。 对 pubdate 字段使用 Publication Date 列标题。
select title,pubdate "Publication Date" from books;
(7)列出 CUSTOMERS 表中每一个客户的客户号以及他们所在的地址。
select customer_id,address from customers;
(8)查询包含各个出版社的名称、联系人及出版社电话号码的信息。其中,联系人的列在显示的结果中重命名为Contact Person。
select name,contact "Contact Person",phone from publishers;
select customer_id from orders where order_id is not null;
(10)查询 2013 年 3 月 1 日之后发货的订单。
select * from orders where shipdate>to_date('2013-3-1','yyyy-MM-dd');
(11)查询居住在北京或大连的客户, 将结果按姓名的升序排列。
select * from customers where address='北京'or address='大连'order by name asc;
(12)列出姓“王” 的作者编写的所有图书信息, 并将结果按姓名降序排序。
select * from books where author like '王%' order by author desc;
(13)查询“儿童” 类和“烹饪” 类的所有图书。
select * from books where category='儿童' or category='烹饪';
(14)查询书名的第二个字母是“A”、 第四个字母是“N” 的图书信息。
select * from books where title like '_A_N%';
(15)查询电子工业出版社在 2011 年出版的所有“计算机” 类图书的名称。
select title from books where publisher_id=
(select publisher_id from publishers where name='电子工业出版社')
and extract(year from pubdate)='2011' and category='计算机';
(16) 查询图书名称、 出版社名称、 出版社联系人的名称、 EMAIL 和电话号码。
select title,name,contact,phone from books b,publishers p
where b.publisher_id=p.publisher_id;
(17)查询当前还没有发货的订单信息及下达订单的用户名, 查询结果按下达订单日期排序。
select o.*,c.name from customers c,orders o
where c.customer_id=o.customer_id and
order by orderdate;
(18)查询已经购买了“计算机” 类图书的所有人的客户号和姓名。
select c.customer_id,name from
customers c,books b,orders o,orderitem om
where c.customer_id=o.customer_id and
o.order_id=om.order_id and om.isbn=b.isbn
and category='计算机';
(19)查询“王牧” 购买的图书的 ISBN 以及书名。
select b.isbn,title from customers c,books b,orders o,orderitem om
where c.customer_id=o.customer_id and
o.order_id=om.order_id and om.isbn=b.isbn
and name='王牧';
(20)确定客户“张扬” 订购的图书的作者。
select author from
customers c,books b,orders o,orderitem om
where c.customer_id=o.customer_id and
o.order_id=om.order_id and om.isbn=b.isbn
and name='张扬';
(21)查询 CUSTOMERS 表中的每一个客户所下达的订单数量。
select c.customer_id,name,count(order_id) as quantity
from customers c,orders o
where c.customer_id=o.customer_id
group by c.customer_id,name;
(22)查询每个出版社出版图书的平均价格、 最高价格、 最低价格。
select p.publisher_id,name,avg(retail) avgPrice,
max(retail) maxPrice,min(retail) minPrice
from books b, publishers p
where b.publisher_id=p.publisher_id
group by p.publisher_id,name;
select c.customer_id,c.name,sum(quantity),sum(quantity*retail)
from customers c,books b,orders o,orderitem om
where c.customer_id=o.customer_id and
o.order_id=om.order_id and om.isbn=b.isbn
group by c.customer_id,c.name;
(24)查询比 1000号订单中图书数量少的其它订单信息。
select order_id,sum(quantity)
from orderitem
group by order_id
having sum(quantity)<
(select sum(quantity) from orderitem where order_id=1000);
select c.*,b.*
from customers c,books b,orders o,orderitem om
where c.customer_id=o.customer_id
and o.order_id=om.order_id and om.isbn=b.isbn;
select c.* from customers c,books b,orders o,orderitem om
where c.customer_id=o.customer_id and o.order_id=om.order_id
and om.isbn=b.isbn and o.order_id is null;
select * from
(select c.customer_id,sum(retail*quantity) cost_total
from customers c,books b,orders o,orderitem om
where c.customer_id=o.customer_id and o.order_id=om.order_id
and om.isbn=b.isbn group by c.customer_id
order by cost_total desc) a,customers where rownum<2;
(28)查询名为“赵敏” 的客户订购图书的订单信息、 订单明细。
select o.* from customer c,orders o where
c.customer_id=o.customer_id and c.name=’赵敏’;