Structured query language (SQL) is used to retrieve and manipulate data stored in relational databases. Gaining working proficiency in SQL is an important prerequisite for many technology jobs and requires a bit of practice.
小号tructured化查询语言(SQL)用于检索和操作存储在关系数据库中的数据。 获得SQL的工作技能是许多技术工作的重要先决条件,并且需要一些实践。
To complement SQL training resources (PGExercises, LeetCode, HackerRank, Mode) available on the web, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite questions that you can tackle by hand or solve with a PostgreSQL instance.
为了补充Web上可用SQL培训资源( PGExercises , LeetCode , HackerRank , Mode ),我整理了一些我最喜欢的问题,您可以手工解决这些问题,也可以使用PostgreSQL实例解决。
These questions cover the following critical concepts:
Basic retrieval (SELECT, FROM)
Creating and aliasing (WITH, AS, GENERATE_SERIES)
Aggregation (GROUP BY with COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE)
Joins (INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, FULL OUTER JOIN on one or multiple (in)equalities, CROSS JOIN, UNION and UNION ALL)
Conditional statements (CASE - WHEN - THEN - ELSE - END)
Formatting (LIMIT, ORDER BY, casting as an integer, float, or date, CONCAT, COALESCE)
Arithmetic operations and comparisons (+, -, *, /, //, ^, <, >, =, !=)
Datetime operations (EXTRACT(month/day/year))
自己尝试 (Try it yourself)
You can try these out yourself by downloading PostgreSQL and PSequel (see this tutorial for a step-by-step installation guide) and then running the queries shown in the grey boxes in the text below. PSequel is only available for Mac — if you’re using a PC, you can try one of these Windows alternatives.
您可以通过下载PostgreSQL和PSequel (请参阅本教程以获取分步安装指南),然后运行下面文本中灰色框中显示的查询,来尝试这些方法。 PSequel仅适用于Mac-如果您使用的是PC,则可以尝试以下Windows替代产品之一。
Try these queries yourself using PSequel and the input tables provided below. 您可以使用 PSequel和下面提供的输入表 自行尝试这些查询。The first block of text in each query shown below establishes the input table and follows the format:
WITH input_table (column_1, column_2)
(1, 'A'), (2, 'B'))
You can query against the input table using PSequel (shown at left) and easily construct new tables for your own problems using this template.
Web-based SQL training resources like those mentioned above fall short along a few dimensions. LeetCode, for instance, doesn’t support the use of window functions and hides its most interesting questions behind a paywall. Beyond this, running SQL queries in your browser can be extremely slow — the data sets are large and retrieval speed is often throttled for non-premium users. Locally executing a query, on the other hand, is instantaneous and allows for rapid iteration through syntax bugs and intermediate tables. I’ve found this to be a more satisfying learning experience.
像上面提到的那些基于WebSQL培训资源在几个方面都不够。 例如,LeetCode不支持使用窗口函数,并且将其最有趣的问题隐藏在付费专线后面。 除此之外,在浏览器中运行SQL查询可能会非常慢-数据集很大,非高级用户的检索速度通常受到限制。 另一方面,在本地执行查询是瞬时的,并允许通过语法错误和中间表进行快速迭代。 我发现这是一种更令人满意的学习体验。
The questions outlined below include example solutions confirmed to work in PostgreSQL. Note that there is often more than one way to obtain the correct answer to a SQL problem. My preference is to use common table expressions (CTEs) rather than nested subqueries — CTEs allow for a more linear illustration of the data wrangling sequence. Both approaches, however, can yield identical solutions. Feel free to leave your alternative answers in the comments!
下面概述的问题包括已确认可在PostgreSQL中运行的示例解决方案。 请注意,通常有不止一种方法来获得SQL问题的正确答案。 我的首选是使用公用表表达式( CTE )而不是嵌套的子查询-CTE可以更线性地说明数据处理序列。 但是,两种方法都可以产生相同的解决方案。 随时在评论中留下您的替代答案!
问题 (Questions)
1.取消率(1. Cancellation rates)
From the following table of user IDs, actions, and dates, write a query to return the publication and cancellation rate for each user.
WITH users (user_id, action, date)
(1,'start', CAST('01-01-20' AS date)),
(1,'cancel', CAST('01-02-20' AS date)),
(2,'start', CAST('01-03-20' AS date)),
(2,'publish', CAST('01-04-20' AS date)),
(3,'start', CAST('01-05-20' AS date)),
(3,'cancel', CAST('01-06-20' AS date)),
(1,'start', CAST('01-07-20' AS date)),
(1,'publish', CAST('01-08-20' AS date))),
-- retrieve count of starts, cancels, and publishes for each usert1 AS (
SELECT user_id,
sum(CASE WHEN action = 'start' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS starts,
sum(CASE WHEN action = 'cancel' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS cancels,
sum(CASE WHEN action = 'publish' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS publishes
FROM users
ORDER BY 1)-- calculate publication, cancelation rate for each user by dividing by number of starts, casting as float by multiplying by 1.0SELECT user_id, 1.0*publishes/starts AS publish_rate, 1.0*cancels/starts AS cancel_rate
2.净值变动 (2. Changes in net worth)
From the following table of transactions between two users, write a query to return the change in net worth for each user, ordered by decreasing net change.
WITH transactions (sender, receiver, amount, transaction_date)
(5, 2, 10, CAST('2-12-20' AS date)),
(1, 3, 15, CAST('2-13-20' AS date)),
(2, 1, 20, CAST('2-13-20' AS date)),
(2, 3, 25, CAST('2-14-20' AS date)),
(3, 1, 20, CAST('2-15-20' AS date)),
(3, 2, 15, CAST('2-15-20' AS date)),
(1, 4, 5, CAST('2-16-20' AS date))),
-- sum amounts for each sender (debits) and receiver (credits)debits AS (
SELECT sender, sum(amount) AS debited
FROM transactions
GROUP BY sender ),credits AS (
SELECT receiver, sum(amount) AS credited
FROM transactions
GROUP BY receiver )-- full (outer) join debits and credits tables on user id, taking net change as difference between credits and debits, coercing nulls to zeros with coalesce()SELECT coalesce(sender, receiver) AS user,
coalesce(credited, 0) - coalesce(debited, 0) AS net_change
FROM debits d
FULL JOIN credits c
ON d.sender = c.receiver
3.最常使用的物品 (3. Most frequent items)
From the following table containing a list of dates and items ordered, write a query to return the most frequent item ordered on each date. Return multiple items in the case of a tie.
从包含日期和订购项目列表的下表中,编写查询以返回每个日期订购的最频繁项目。 如果是平局,则退回多个物品。
WITH items (date, item)
(CAST('01-01-20' AS date),'apple'),
(CAST('01-01-20' AS date),'apple'),
(CAST('01-01-20' AS date),'pear'),
(CAST('01-01-20' AS date),'pear'),
(CAST('01-02-20' AS date),'pear'),
(CAST('01-02-20' AS date),'pear'),
(CAST('01-02-20' AS date),'pear'),
(CAST('01-02-20' AS date),'orange')),-- add an item count column to existing table, grouping by date and item columnst1 AS (
SELECT date, item, count(*) AS item_count
FROM items
ORDER BY 1),-- add a rank column in descending order, partitioning by datet2 AS (
SELECT *, rank() OVER (PARTITION by date ORDER BY item_count DESC) AS date_rank
FROM t1)-- return all dates and items where rank = 1SELECT date, item
WHERE date_rank = 1
4.最新动作之间的时差 (4. Time difference between latest actions)
From the following table of user actions, write a query to return for each user the time elapsed between the last action and the second-to-last action, in ascending order by user ID.
WITH users (user_id, action, action_date)
(1, 'start', CAST('2-12-20' AS date)),
(1, 'cancel', CAST('2-13-20' AS date)),
(2, 'start', CAST('2-11-20' AS date)),
(2, 'publish', CAST('2-14-20' AS date)),
(3, 'start', CAST('2-15-20' AS date)),
(3, 'cancel', CAST('2-15-20' AS date)),
(4, 'start', CAST('2-18-20' AS date)),
(1, 'publish', CAST('2-19-20' AS date))),
-- create a date rank column, partitioned by user ID, using the row_number() window function t1 AS (
SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION by user_id ORDER BY action_date DESC) AS date_rank
FROM users ),-- filter on date rank column to pull latest and next latest actions from this tablelatest AS (
WHERE date_rank = 1 ),next_latest AS (
WHERE date_rank = 2 )-- left join these two tables (everyone will have a latest action, not everyone will have a second latest action), subtracting latest from second latest to get time elapsed SELECT l1.user_id,
l1.action_date - l2.action_date AS days_elapsed
FROM latest l1
LEFT JOIN next_latest l2
ON l1.user_id = l2.user_id
5.超级用户 (5. Super users)
A company defines its super users as those who have made at least two transactions. From the following table, write a query to return, for each user, the date when they become a super user, ordered by oldest super users first. Users who are not super users should also be present in the table.
公司将其超级用户定义为至少进行过两次交易的用户。 在下表中,编写一个查询以返回每个用户成为超级用户的日期,该日期由最老的超级用户首先排序。 不是超级用户的用户也应该出现在表中。
WITH users (user_id, product_id, transaction_date)
(1, 101, CAST('2-12-20' AS date)),
(2, 105, CAST('2-13-20' AS date)),
(1, 111, CAST('2-14-20' AS date)),
(3, 121, CAST('2-15-20' AS date)),
(1, 101, CAST('2-16-20' AS date)),
(2, 105, CAST('2-17-20' AS date)),
(4, 101, CAST('2-16-20' AS date)),
(3, 105, CAST('2-15-20' AS date))),
-- create a transaction number column using row_number() function, partitioning by user IDt1 AS (
SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION by user_id ORDER BY transaction_date ASC) AS transaction_number
FROM users),-- filter resulting table on transaction_number = 2t2 AS (
SELECT user_id, transaction_date
WHERE transaction_number = 2 ),-- left join super users onto full user table, order by datet3 AS (
FROM users )SELECT t3.user_id, transaction_date AS superuser_date
ON t3.user_id = t2.user_id
6.内容推荐(硬) (6. Content recommendation (hard))
Using the following two tables, write a query to return page recommendations to a social media user based on the pages that their friends have liked, but that they have not yet marked as liked. Order the result by ascending user ID. Source.
使用以下两个表,编写一个查询,以根据其朋友喜欢的页面但尚未将其标记为喜欢的页面,将页面推荐返回给社交媒体用户。 通过提升用户ID排序结果。 来源。
WITH friends (user_id, friend)
(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 1), (3, 1), (3, 4), (4, 1), (4, 3)),likes (user_id, page_likes)
(1, 'A'), (1, 'B'), (1, 'C'), (2, 'A'), (3, 'B'), (3, 'C'), (4, 'B')),
-- inner join friends and page likes tables on user_idt1 AS (
SELECT l.user_id, l.page_likes, f.friend
FROM likes l
JOIN friends f
ON l.user_id = f.user_id ),-- left join likes on this, requiring user = friend and user likes = friend likes t2 AS (
SELECT t1.user_id, t1.page_likes, t1.friend, l.page_likes AS friend_likes
LEFT JOIN likes l
ON t1.friend = l.user_id
AND t1.page_likes = l.page_likes )-- if a friend pair doesn’t share a common page like, friend likes column will be null - pull out these entries SELECT DISTINCT friend AS user_id, page_likes AS recommended_page
WHERE friend_likes IS NULL
7.手机和网络访问者 (7. Mobile and web visitors)
With the following two tables, return the fraction of users who only visited mobile, only visited web, and visited both.
WITH mobile (user_id, page_url)
(1, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (3, 'C'), (4, 'A'), (9, 'B'), (2, 'C'), (10, 'B')),web (user_id, page_url)
(6, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (3, 'C'), (7, 'A'), (4, 'B'), (8, 'C'), (5, 'B')),
-- outer join mobile and web users on user IDt1 AS (
SELECT DISTINCT m.user_id AS mobile_user, w.user_id AS web_user
FROM mobile m
ON m.user_id = w.user_id),-- count mobile-only users as those present in mobile but null in web, web-only users similarly, and users of both as those not null in both mobile and web columns, and total n-size with count(*)t2 AS (
SELECT sum(CASE WHEN mobile_user IS NOT NULL AND web_user IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS n_mobile,
sum(CASE WHEN web_user IS NOT NULL AND mobile_user IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS n_web,
sum(CASE WHEN web_user IS NOT NULL AND mobile_user IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS n_both,
count(*) AS n_total
FROM t1 )-- calculate fraction of each, cast as float by multiplying by 1.0SELECT 1.0*n_mobile/n_total AS mobile_fraction,
1.0*n_web/n_total AS web_fraction,
1.0*n_both/n_total AS both_fraction
8.按产品操作(硬)的升级率 (8. Upgrade rate by product action (hard))
Given the following two tables, return the fraction of users, rounded to two decimal places, who accessed feature two (type: F2 in events table) and upgraded to premium within the first 30 days of signing up.
WITH users (user_id, name, join_date)
(1, 'Jon', CAST('2-14-20' AS date)),
(2, 'Jane', CAST('2-14-20' AS date)),
(3, 'Jill', CAST('2-15-20' AS date)),
(4, 'Josh', CAST('2-15-20' AS date)),
(5, 'Jean', CAST('2-16-20' AS date)),
(6, 'Justin', CAST('2-17-20' AS date)),
(7, 'Jeremy', CAST('2-18-20' AS date))),events (user_id, type, access_date)
(1, 'F1', CAST('3-1-20' AS date)),
(2, 'F2', CAST('3-2-20' AS date)),
(2, 'P', CAST('3-12-20' AS date)),
(3, 'F2', CAST('3-15-20' AS date)),
(4, 'F2', CAST('3-15-20' AS date)),
(1, 'P', CAST('3-16-20' AS date)),
(3, 'P', CAST('3-22-20' AS date))),
-- get feature 2 users and their date of feature 2 accesst1 AS (
SELECT user_id, type, access_date AS f2_date
FROM events
WHERE type = 'F2' ),-- get premium users and their date of premium upgradet2 AS (
SELECT user_id, type, access_date AS premium_date
FROM events
WHERE type = 'P' ),-- for each feature 2 user, get time between joining and premium upgrade (or null if no upgrade) by inner joining full users table with feature 2 users on user ID and left joining premium users on user ID, then subtracting premium upgrade date from join datet3 AS (
SELECT t2.premium_date - u.join_date AS upgrade_time
FROM users u
ON u.user_id = t1.user_id
ON u.user_id = t2.user_id )-- divide the number of users with upgrade time less than 30 days by the total number of feature 2 users, rounding to two decimals
SELECT round(1.0*sum(CASE WHEN upgrade_time < 30 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/count(*), 2) AS upgrade_rate
9.最友善的 (9. Most friended)
Given the following table, return a list of users and their corresponding friend count. Order the result by descending friend count, and in the case of a tie, by ascending user ID. Assume that only unique friendships are displayed (i.e., [1, 2] will not show up again as [2, 1] ). From LeetCode.
给定下表,返回用户列表及其相应的朋友数。 通过递减朋友数来排序结果,如果是平局,则通过递增用户ID来排序结果。 假设仅显示唯一的友谊(即[1,2]将不再显示为[2,1])。 从LeetCode 。
WITH friends (user1, user2)
AS (VALUES (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3)),
-- compile all user appearances into one column, preserving duplicate entries with UNION ALL t1 AS (
SELECT user1 AS user_id
FROM friends
SELECT user2 AS user_id
FROM friends)-- grouping by user ID, count up all appearances of that userSELECT user_id, count(*) AS friend_count
10.项目汇总(困难) (10. Project aggregation (hard))
The projects table contains three columns: task_id, start_date, and end_date. The difference between end_date and start_date is 1 day for each row in the table. If task end dates are consecutive they are part of the same project. Projects do not overlap.
项目表包含三列:task_id,start_date和end_date。 表中每一行的end_date和start_date之间的差是1天。 如果任务结束日期是连续的,则它们是同一项目的一部分。 项目不重叠。
Write a query to return the start and end dates of each project, and the number of days it took to complete. Order by ascending project duration, and descending start date in the case of a tie. From HackerRank.
编写查询以返回每个项目的开始和结束日期,以及完成所需的天数。 通过提高项目持续时间来排序,如果是平局,则以开始日期降低。 来自HackerRank 。
WITH projects (task_id, start_date, end_date)
(1, CAST('10-01-20' AS date), CAST('10-02-20' AS date)),
(2, CAST('10-02-20' AS date), CAST('10-03-20' AS date)),
(3, CAST('10-03-20' AS date), CAST('10-04-20' AS date)),
(4, CAST('10-13-20' AS date), CAST('10-14-20' AS date)),
(5, CAST('10-14-20' AS date), CAST('10-15-20' AS date)),
(6, CAST('10-28-20' AS date), CAST('10-29-20' AS date)),
(7, CAST('10-30-20' AS date), CAST('10-31-20' AS date))),
-- get start dates not present in end date column (these are “true” project start dates) t1 AS (
SELECT start_date
FROM projects
WHERE start_date NOT IN (SELECT end_date FROM projects) ),-- get end dates not present in start date column (these are “true” project end dates) t2 AS (
SELECT end_date
FROM projects
WHERE end_date NOT IN (SELECT start_date FROM projects) ),-- filter to plausible start-end pairs (start < end), then find correct end date for each start date (the minimum end date, since there are no overlapping projects)t3 AS (
SELECT start_date, min(end_date) AS end_date
FROM t1, t2
WHERE start_date < end_date
GROUP BY start_date )SELECT *, end_date - start_date AS project_duration
ORDER BY project_duration ASC, start_date ASC
11.生日出席 (11. Birthday attendance)
Given the following two tables, write a query to return the fraction of students, rounded to two decimal places, who attended school (attendance = 1) on their birthday. Source.
给定以下两个表,编写一个查询以返回在生日那天上学的学生比例(四舍五入到小数点后两位)。 来源。
WITH attendance (student_id, school_date, attendance)
(1, CAST('2020-04-03' AS date), 0),
(2, CAST('2020-04-03' AS date), 1),
(3, CAST('2020-04-03' AS date), 1),
(1, CAST('2020-04-04' AS date), 1),
(2, CAST('2020-04-04' AS date), 1),
(3, CAST('2020-04-04' AS date), 1),
(1, CAST('2020-04-05' AS date), 0),
(2, CAST('2020-04-05' AS date), 1),
(3, CAST('2020-04-05' AS date), 1),
(4, CAST('2020-04-05' AS date), 1)),students (student_id, school_id, grade_level, date_of_birth)
(1, 2, 5, CAST('2012-04-03' AS date)),
(2, 1, 4, CAST('2013-04-04' AS date)),
(3, 1, 3, CAST('2014-04-05' AS date)),
(4, 2, 4, CAST('2013-04-03' AS date)))
-- join attendance and students table on student ID, and day and month of school day = day and month of birthday, summing ones in attendance column, dividing by total number of entries, and roundingSELECT round(1.0*sum(attendance)/count(*), 2) AS birthday_attendance
FROM attendance a
JOIN students s
ON a.student_id = s.student_id
AND extract(MONTH FROM school_date) = extract(MONTH FROM date_of_birth)
AND extract(DAY FROM school_date) = extract(DAY FROM date_of_birth)
12.黑客得分 (12. Hacker scores)
Given the following two tables, write a query to return the hacker ID, name, and total score (the sum of maximum scores for each challenge completed) ordered by descending score, and by ascending hacker ID in the case of score tie. Do not display entries for hackers with a score of zero. From HackerRank.
给定以下两个表,编写查询以返回黑客ID,姓名和总得分(完成的每个挑战的最大得分的总和),该得分按降序排列,如果得分相同,则按升序排列。 不要显示分数为零的黑客条目。 来自HackerRank 。
WITH hackers (hacker_id, name)
(1, 'John'),
(2, 'Jane'),
(3, 'Joe'),
(4, 'Jim')),submissions (submission_id, hacker_id, challenge_id, score)
(101, 1, 1, 10),
(102, 1, 1, 12),
(103, 2, 1, 11),
(104, 2, 1, 9),
(105, 2, 2, 13),
(106, 3, 1, 9),
(107, 3, 2, 12),
(108, 3, 2, 15),
(109, 4, 1, 0)),
-- from submissions table, get maximum score for each hacker-challenge pairt1 AS (
SELECT hacker_id, challenge_id, max(score) AS max_score
FROM submissions
GROUP BY hacker_id, challenge_id )-- inner join this with the hackers table, sum up all maximum scores, filter to exclude hackers with total score of zero, and order result by total score and hacker IDSELECT t1.hacker_id, h.name, sum(t1.max_score) AS total_score
JOIN hackers h
ON t1.hacker_id = h.hacker_id
HAVING sum(max_score) > 0
13.没有RANK的排名(困难) (13. Rank without RANK (hard))
Write a query to rank scores in the following table without using a window function. If there is a tie between two scores, both should have the same rank. After a tie, the following rank should be the next consecutive integer value. From LeetCode.
在不使用窗口函数的情况下,编写查询以对下表中的分数进行排名。 如果两个分数之间有平局,则两个分数应具有相同的等级。 并列后,以下等级应为下一个连续的整数值。 从LeetCode 。
WITH scores (id, score)
(1, 3.50),
(2, 3.65),
(3, 4.00),
(4, 3.85),
(5, 4.00),
(6, 3.65))
-- self-join on inequality produces a table with one score and all scores as large as this joined to it, grouping by first id and score, and counting up all unique values of joined scores yields the equivalent of DENSE_RANK() [check join output to understand fully]SELECT s1.score, count(DISTINCT s2.score) AS score_rank
FROM scores s1
JOIN scores s2
ON s1.score <= s2.score
GROUP BY s1.id, s1.score
14.累计工资额 (14. Cumulative salary sum)
The following table holds monthly salary information for several employees. Write a query to get, for each month, the cumulative sum of an employee’s salary over a period of 3 months, excluding the most recent month. The result should be ordered by ascending employee ID and month. From LeetCode.
下表包含几名员工的月薪信息。 编写查询以获取每个月(不包括最近一个月)在3个月内雇员工资的累计金额。 结果应按升序编号和月份排序。 从LeetCode 。
WITH employee (id, pay_month, salary)
(1, 1, 20),
(2, 1, 20),
(1, 2, 30),
(2, 2, 30),
(3, 2, 40),
(1, 3, 40),
(3, 3, 60),
(1, 4, 60),
(3, 4, 70)),
-- add column for descending month rank (latest month = 1) for each employeet1 AS (
SELECT *, rank() OVER (PARTITION by id ORDER BY pay_month DESC) AS month_rank
FROM employee )-- create cumulative salary sum using sum() as window function, filter to exclude latest month and months 5+, order by ID and monthSELECT id, pay_month, salary, sum(salary) OVER (PARTITION by id ORDER BY month_rank DESC) AS cumulative_sum
WHERE month_rank != 1
AND month_rank <= 4
15.团队排名 (15. Team standings)
Write a query to return the scores of each team in the teams table after all matches displayed in the matches table. Points are awarded as follows: zero points for a loss, one point for a tie, and three points for a win. The result should include team name and points, and be ordered by decreasing points. In case of a tie, order by alphabetized team name.
在比赛表中显示所有比赛之后,编写查询以返回球队表中每个球队的得分。 得分如下:零分失利,平局为1分,获胜为3分。 结果应包括团队名称和得分,并以降低得分的顺序排序。 如果是平局,请按字母顺序排列球队名称。
WITH teams (team_id, team_name)
(1, 'New York'),
(2, 'Atlanta'),
(3, 'Chicago'),
(4, 'Toronto'),
(5, 'Los Angeles'),
(6, 'Seattle')),matches (match_id, host_team, guest_team, host_goals, guest_goals)
(1, 1, 2, 3, 0),
(2, 2, 3, 2, 4),
(3, 3, 4, 4, 3),
(4, 4, 5, 1, 1),
(5, 5, 6, 2, 1),
(6, 6, 1, 1, 2)),
-- add host points and guest points columns to matches table, using case-when-then to tally up points for wins, ties, and lossest1 AS (
SELECT *, CASE WHEN host_goals > guest_goals THEN 3
WHEN host_goals = guest_goals THEN 1
ELSE 0 END AS host_points,
CASE WHEN host_goals < guest_goals THEN 3
WHEN host_goals = guest_goals THEN 1
ELSE 0 END AS guest_points
FROM matches )-- join result onto teams table twice to add up for each team the points earned as host team and guest team, then order as requestedSELECT t.team_name, a.host_points + b.guest_points AS total_points
FROM teams t
JOIN t1 a
ON t.team_id = a.host_team
JOIN t1 b
ON t.team_id = b.guest_team
ORDER BY total_points DESC, team_name ASC
16.未购买产品的客户 (16. Customers who didn’t buy a product)
From the following table, write a query to display the ID and name of customers who bought products A and B, but didn’t buy product C, ordered by ascending customer ID.
WITH customers (id, name)
(1, 'Daniel'),
(2, 'Diana'),
(3, 'Elizabeth'),
(4, 'John')),orders (order_id, customer_id, product_name)
(1, 1, 'A'),
(2, 1, 'B'),
(3, 2, 'A'),
(4, 2, 'B'),
(5, 2, 'C'),
(6, 3, 'A'),
(7, 3, 'A'),
(8, 3, 'B'),
(9, 3, 'D'))
-- join customers and orders tables on customer ID, filtering to those who bought both products A and B, removing those who bought product C, returning ID and name columns ordered by ascending IDSELECT DISTINCT id, name
FROM orders o
JOIN customers c
ON o.customer_id = c.id
WHERE customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id
FROM orders
WHERE product_name = 'A')
AND customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id
FROM orders
WHERE product_name = 'B')
AND customer_id NOT IN (SELECT customer_id
FROM orders
WHERE product_name = 'C')
17.中纬度(困难) (17. Median latitude (hard))
Write a query to return the median latitude of weather stations from each state in the following table, rounding to the nearest tenth of a degree. Note that there is no MEDIAN() function in SQL! From HackerRank.
编写查询以返回下表中每个州的气象站中值纬度,四舍五入到最接近的十分之一度。 请注意,SQL中没有MEDIAN()函数! 来自HackerRank 。
WITH stations (id, city, state, latitude, longitude)
(1, 'Asheville', 'North Carolina', 35.6, 82.6),
(2, 'Burlington', 'North Carolina', 36.1, 79.4),
(3, 'Chapel Hill', 'North Carolina', 35.9, 79.1),
(4, 'Davidson', 'North Carolina', 35.5, 80.8),
(5, 'Elizabeth City', 'North Carolina', 36.3, 76.3),
(6, 'Fargo', 'North Dakota', 46.9, 96.8),
(7, 'Grand Forks', 'North Dakota', 47.9, 97.0),
(8, 'Hettinger', 'North Dakota', 46.0, 102.6),
(9, 'Inkster', 'North Dakota', 48.2, 97.6)),
-- assign latitude-ordered row numbers for each state, and get total row count for each statet1 AS (
SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION by state ORDER BY latitude ASC) AS row_number_state,
count(*) OVER (PARTITION by state) AS row_count
FROM stations )-- filter to middle row (for odd total row number) or middle two rows (for even total row number), then get average value of those, grouping by stateSELECT state, avg(latitude) AS median_latitude
WHERE row_number_state >= 1.0*row_count/2
AND row_number_state <= 1.0*row_count/2 + 1
GROUP BY state
18.分隔最大的城市 (18. Maximally-separated cities)
From the same table in question 17, write a query to return the furthest-separated pair of cities for each state, and the corresponding distance (in degrees, rounded to 2 decimal places) between those two cities. From HackerRank.
在问题17的同一张表中,编写查询以返回每个州最远分开的一对城市以及这两个城市之间的对应距离(以度为单位,四舍五入到小数点后两位)。 来自HackerRank 。
WITH stations (id, city, state, latitude, longitude)
(1, 'Asheville', 'North Carolina', 35.6, 82.6),
(2, 'Burlington', 'North Carolina', 36.1, 79.4),
(3, 'Chapel Hill', 'North Carolina', 35.9, 79.1),
(4, 'Davidson', 'North Carolina', 35.5, 80.8),
(5, 'Elizabeth City', 'North Carolina', 36.3, 76.3),
(6, 'Fargo', 'North Dakota', 46.9, 96.8),
(7, 'Grand Forks', 'North Dakota', 47.9, 97.0),
(8, 'Hettinger', 'North Dakota', 46.0, 102.6),
(9, 'Inkster', 'North Dakota', 48.2, 97.6)),
-- self-join on matching states and city < city (avoids identical and double-counted city pairs), pulling state, city pair, and latitude/longitude coordinates for each cityt1 AS (
SELECT s1.state, s1.city AS city1, s2.city AS city2, s1.latitude AS city1_lat, s1.longitude AS city1_long, s2.latitude AS city2_lat, s2.longitude AS city2_long
FROM stations s1
JOIN stations s2
ON s1.state = s2.state
AND s1.city < s2.city ),-- add a column displaying rounded Euclidean distance t2 AS (
round(( (city1_lat - city2_lat)^2 + (city1_long - city2_long)^2 ) ^ 0.5, 2) AS dist
FROM t1 ),-- rank each city pair by descending distance for each statet3 AS (
SELECT *, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY state ORDER BY dist DESC) AS dist_rank
FROM t2 )-- return the city pair with maximium separationSELECT state, city1, city2, dist
WHERE dist_rank = 1
19.循环时间 (19. Cycle time)
Write a query to return the average cycle time across each month. Cycle time is the time elapsed between one user joining and their invitees joining. Users who joined without an invitation have a zero in the “invited by” column.
编写查询以返回每个月的平均周期时间。 周期时间是一个用户加入到他们的被邀请者加入之间经过的时间。 在没有邀请的情况下加入的用户在“邀请者”列中为零。
WITH users (user_id, join_date, invited_by)
(1, CAST('01-01-20' AS date), 0),
(2, CAST('01-10-20' AS date), 1),
(3, CAST('02-05-20' AS date), 2),
(4, CAST('02-12-20' AS date), 3),
(5, CAST('02-25-20' AS date), 2),
(6, CAST('03-01-20' AS date), 0),
(7, CAST('03-01-20' AS date), 4),
(8, CAST('03-04-20' AS date), 7)),
-- self-join on invited by = user ID, extract join month from inviter join date, and calculate cycle time as difference between join dates of inviter and inviteet1 AS (
SELECT cast(extract(MONTH FROM u2.join_date) AS int) AS month,
u1.join_date - u2.join_date AS cycle_time
FROM users u1
JOIN users u2
ON u1.invited_by = u2.user_id
ORDER BY 1 )-- group by join month, take average of cycle times within each monthSELECT month, avg(cycle_time) AS cycle_time_month_avg
20.连续三 (20. Three in a row)
The attendance table logs the number of people counted in a crowd each day an event is held. Write a query to return a table showing the date and visitor count of high-attendance periods, defined as three consecutive entries (not necessarily consecutive dates) with more than 100 visitors. From LeetCode.
出席表记录每天举行活动的人群中的人数。 编写查询以返回一个表,该表显示高出勤期的日期和访问者计数,该表定义为三个连续条目(不一定是连续日期)且访问者超过100。 从LeetCode 。
WITH attendance (event_date, visitors)
(CAST('01-01-20' AS date), 10),
(CAST('01-04-20' AS date), 109),
(CAST('01-05-20' AS date), 150),
(CAST('01-06-20' AS date), 99),
(CAST('01-07-20' AS date), 145),
(CAST('01-08-20' AS date), 1455),
(CAST('01-11-20' AS date), 199),
(CAST('01-12-20' AS date), 188)),
-- create row numbers to get handle on consecutive days, since date column has some gapst1 AS (
SELECT *, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY event_date) AS day_num
FROM attendance ),-- filter this to exclude days with > 100 visitorst2 AS (
WHERE visitors > 100 ),-- self-join (inner) twice on offset = 1 day and offset = 2 dayst3 AS (
SELECT a.day_num AS day1, b.day_num AS day2, c.day_num AS day3
FROM t2 a
JOIN t2 b
ON a.day_num = b.day_num - 1
JOIN t2 c
ON a.day_num = c.day_num - 2 )-- pull date and visitor count for consecutive days surfaced in previous tableSELECT event_date, visitors
WHERE day_num IN (SELECT day1 FROM t3)
OR day_num IN (SELECT day2 FROM t3)
OR day_num IN (SELECT day3 FROM t3)
21.共同购买 (21. Commonly purchased together)
Using the following two tables, write a query to return the names and purchase frequency of the top three pairs of products most often bought together. The names of both products should appear in one column. Source.
使用下面的两个表,编写查询以返回最常一起购买的前三对产品的名称和购买频率。 两种产品的名称应显示在一栏中。 来源。
WITH orders (order_id, customer_id, product_id)
(1, 1, 1),
(1, 1, 2),
(1, 1, 3),
(2, 2, 1),
(2, 2, 2),
(2, 2, 4),
(3, 1, 5)),products (id, name)
(1, 'A'),
(2, 'B'),
(3, 'C'),
(4, 'D'),
(5, 'E')),
-- get unique product pairs from same order by self-joining orders table on order ID and product ID < product ID (avoids identical and double-counted product pairs)t1 AS (
SELECT o1.product_id AS prod_1, o2.product_id AS prod_2
FROM orders o1
JOIN orders o2
ON o1.order_id = o2.order_id
AND o1.product_id < o2.product_id ),-- join products table onto this to get product names, concatenate to get product pairs in one columnt2 AS (
SELECT concat(p1.name, ' ', p2.name) AS product_pair
JOIN products p1
ON t1.prod_1 = p1.id
JOIN products p2
ON t1.prod_2 = p2.id )-- grouping by product pair, return top 3 entries sorted by purchase frequencySELECT *, count(*) AS purchase_freq
22.平均治疗效果(硬) (22. Average treatment effect (hard))
From the following table summarizing the results of a study, calculate the average treatment effect as well as upper and lower bounds of the 95% confidence interval. Round these numbers to 3 decimal places.
从下表中总结研究结果,计算平均治疗效果以及95%置信区间的上限和下限。 将这些数字四舍五入到小数点后三位。
WITH study (participant_id, assignment, outcome)
(1, 0, 0),
(2, 1, 1),
(3, 0, 1),
(4, 1, 0),
(5, 0, 1),
(6, 1, 1),
(7, 0, 0),
(8, 1, 1),
(9, 1, 1)),
-- get average outcomes, standard deviations, and group sizes for control and treatment groupscontrol AS (
SELECT 1.0*sum(outcome)/count(*) AS avg_outcome,
stddev(outcome) AS std_dev,
count(*) AS group_size
FROM study
WHERE assignment = 0 ),treatment AS (
SELECT 1.0*sum(outcome)/count(*) AS avg_outcome,
stddev(outcome) AS std_dev,
count(*) AS group_size
FROM study
WHERE assignment = 1 ),-- get average treatment effect sizeeffect_size AS (
SELECT t.avg_outcome - c.avg_outcome AS effect_size
FROM control c, treatment t ),-- construct 95% confidence interval using z* = 1.96 and magnitude of individual standard errors [ std dev / sqrt(sample size) ]conf_interval AS (
SELECT 1.96 * (t.std_dev^2 / t.group_size
+ c.std_dev^2 / c.group_size)^0.5 AS conf_int
FROM treatment t, control c )SELECT round(es.effect_size, 3) AS point_estimate,
round(es.effect_size - ci.conf_int, 3) AS lower_bound,
round(es.effect_size + ci.conf_int, 3) AS upper_bound
FROM effect_size es, conf_interval ci
23.滚动工资 (23. Rolling sum salary)
The following table shows the monthly salary for an employee for the first nine months in a given year. From this, write a query to return a table that displays, for each month in the first half of the year, the rolling sum of the employee’s salary for that month and the following two months, ordered chronologically.
下表显示了给定年份中前九个月员工的月薪。 从此开始,编写查询以返回一个表,该表按时间顺序显示该年上半年每个月该月和接下来两个月的雇员工资的滚动总和。
WITH salaries (month, salary)
(1, 2000),
(2, 3000),
(3, 5000),
(4, 4000),
(5, 2000),
(6, 1000),
(7, 2000),
(8, 4000),
(9, 5000))
-- self-join to match month n with months n, n+1, and n+2, then sum salary across those months, filter to first half of year, and sortSELECT s1.month, sum(s2.salary) AS salary_3mos
FROM salaries s1
JOIN salaries s2
ON s1.month <= s2.month
AND s1.month > s2.month - 3
HAVING s1.month < 7
24.出租车取消率 (24. Taxi cancellation rate)
From the given trips and users tables for a taxi service, write a query to return the cancellation rate in the first two days in October, rounded to two decimal places, for trips not involving banned riders or drivers. From LeetCode.
从给定的出租车服务行程和用户表中,编写查询以返回10月份前两天的取消率,四舍五入到小数点后两位,对于不涉及被禁止的骑手或驾驶员的行程。 从LeetCode 。
WITH trips (trip_id, rider_id, driver_id, status, request_date)
(1, 1, 10, 'completed', CAST('2020-10-01' AS date)),
(2, 2, 11, 'cancelled_by_driver', CAST('2020-10-01' AS date)),
(3, 3, 12, 'completed', CAST('2020-10-01' AS date)),
(4, 4, 10, 'cancelled_by_rider', CAST('2020-10-02' AS date)),
(5, 1, 11, 'completed', CAST('2020-10-02' AS date)),
(6, 2, 12, 'completed', CAST('2020-10-02' AS date)),
(7, 3, 11, 'completed', CAST('2020-10-03' AS date))),users (user_id, banned, type)
(1, 'no', 'rider'),
(2, 'yes', 'rider'),
(3, 'no', 'rider'),
(4, 'no', 'rider'),
(10, 'no', 'driver'),
(11, 'no', 'driver'),
(12, 'no', 'driver'))
-- filter trips table to exclude banned riders and drivers, then calculate cancellation rate as 1 - fraction of trips completed, rounding as requested and filtering to first two days of the monthSELECT request_date, round(1 - 1.0*sum(CASE WHEN status = 'completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/count(*), 2) AS cancel_rate
FROM trips
WHERE rider_id NOT IN (SELECT user_id
FROM users
WHERE banned = 'yes' )
AND driver_id NOT IN (SELECT user_id
FROM users
WHERE banned = 'yes' )
GROUP BY request_date
HAVING extract(DAY FROM request_date) <= 2
25.保持曲线(硬) (25. Retention curve (hard))
From the following user activity table, write a query to return the fraction of users who are retained (show some activity) a given number of days after joining. By convention, users are considered active on their join day (day 0).
在以下用户活动表中,编写查询以返回加入后给定天数保留(显示某些活动)的用户比例。 按照惯例,用户在其加入日(第0天)被视为活跃用户。
WITH users (user_id, action_date, action)
(1, CAST('01-01-20' AS date), 'Join'),
(1, CAST('01-02-20' AS date), 'Access'),
(2, CAST('01-02-20' AS date), 'Join'),
(3, CAST('01-02-20' AS date), 'Join'),
(1, CAST('01-03-20' AS date), 'Access'),
(3, CAST('01-03-20' AS date), 'Access'),
(1, CAST('01-04-20' AS date), 'Access')),
-- get join dates for each userjoin_dates AS (
SELECT user_id, action_date AS join_date
FROM users
WHERE action = 'Join' ),-- create vector containing all dates in date rangedate_vector AS (
SELECT cast(generate_series(min(action_date), max(action_date),
'1 day'::interval) AS date) AS dates
FROM users ),-- cross join to get all possible user-date combinationsall_users_dates AS (
SELECT DISTINCT user_id, d.dates
FROM users
CROSS JOIN date_vector d ),-- left join users table onto all user-date combinations on matching user ID and date (null on days where user didn't engage), join onto this each user's signup date, exclude user-date combinations falling before user signupt1 AS (
SELECT a.dates - c.join_date AS day_no, b.user_id
FROM all_users_dates a
LEFT JOIN users b
ON a.user_id = b.user_id
AND a.dates = b.action_date
JOIN join_dates c
ON a.user_id = c.user_id
WHERE a.dates - c.join_date >= 0 )-- grouping by days since signup, count (non-null) user IDs as active users, total users, and the quotient as retention rateSELECT day_no, count(*) AS n_total,
count(DISTINCT user_id) AS n_active,
round(1.0*count(DISTINCT user_id)/count(*), 2) AS retention
附录 (Appendix)
A note on one common problem: if you see a syntax error when using CTEs, check that you have commas between CTEs and no comma after the last CTE.
WITH input_table (column_1, column_2)
(1, 'A'), (2, 'B')), -- comma between CTEst1 AS (
FROM input_table
WHERE column_2 = 'A') -- no comma after last CTESELECT *
Thanks to Ben Lacar and Minting Ye.
感谢Ben Lacar和Minting Ye。
翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/twenty-five-sql-practice-exercises-5fc791e24082