libgdx 3d_使用Java和libgdx进行3D游戏编程,使用Blender建立模型

libgdx 3d

Or… the journey through the x, y, and z axes through the lens of a computer screen.

或 …通过x,y和z轴穿过计算机屏幕镜头的旅程。


Using Blender to get your Model UV unwrapped with an image texture, 100% correct, so that it can be easily imported into your libGDX project.

使用Blender使您的Model UV展开并具有100%正确的图像纹理,以便可以轻松将其导入到libGDX项目中。

Note: this is part of a series of articles: See 3d Game Programming with Java and libGDX — Overview of Articles

注意 :这是系列文章的一部分:请参阅 使用Java和libGDX进行3d游戏编程—文章概述

您将需要什么 (What You Will Need)

  • Download blender if you don’t have it yet — at the time of writing it is version v2.90.0

    如果还没有的话,请下载 Blender-在撰写本文时,它是v2.90.0版

  • fbx-conv to convert from .fbx file formats to .g3db file formats (.g3db is the native file format for libGDX) — pre-compiled packages can be downloaded from here.


A screenshot of the startup screen of a newly installed Blender programme version 2.90.0 新安装的Blender程序2.90.0版的启动屏幕的屏幕截图

Things to note:


  • There was a major UI overhaul with the version 2.80+ series, so, in order to follow the instructions you will need to be on at least version 2.80.

  • There are lots of good tutorials around using the blender programme — if you are new to the programme, the ‘Learn the basics’ videos on the thank-you page is a great way to start. However — make sure that you search for tutorials about blender 2.8 which will show the new interface.

    关于使用Blender程序,有很多不错的教程-如果您是该程序的新手,那么感谢页面上的“学习基础知识”视频是一个很好的起点。 但是 -确保您搜索有关Blender 2.8的教程,该教程将显示新界面。

步骤 (The Steps)

  1. Delete the un-necessary components

  2. Find (or create) a model

  3. Convert the model (if required)

    转换模型( 如果需要 )

  4. Import the model

  5. Update the scale units (if required)

    更新比例单位( 如果需要 )

  6. UV unwrapping

  7. Check the stretching

  8. Creating seams (if required)

    创建接缝( 如果需要 )

  9. Adding an image material to the model

  10. Converting the model


起始模型 (The Starting Model)

When you start up blender, it automatically creates a scene for you, with a cube (centred at 0,0,0), a camera, and a light, as shown below.


The default model and screen when blender is started 启动Blender时的默认型号和屏幕

步骤1-删除不必要的组件 (Step 1 —Delete the un-necessary components)

Which is to say pretty much everything :). On the top right of the window, you will see the objects within the ‘Collection’.

这就是说几乎所有的内容:)。 在窗口的右上方,您将看到“ 集合 ”中的对象。

libgdx 3d_使用Java和libgdx进行3D游戏编程,使用Blender建立模型_第1张图片

From this area, delete the ‘Camera’, the ‘Cube’, and the ‘Light’, as they will not be used, and do not need to be exported. To do this, either:

在此区域中,删除“ 相机 ”,“ 立方体 ”和“ 灯光 ”,因为它们将不使用,也不需要导出。 为此,可以:

  • Right click on each item to get the contextual menu up and select the ‘Delete’ option, or,

    右键单击每个项目以打开上下文菜单,然后选择“ 删除 ”选项,或者,

  • Just left click and press the ‘X’ key to delete.

    只需单击鼠标左键,然后按“ X ”键即可删除。

libgdx 3d_使用Java和libgdx进行3D游戏编程,使用Blender建立模型_第2张图片

第2步-查找(或创建)模型 (Step 2 — Find (or create) a model)

