Global ordinals全局顺序

Global ordinals is a data-structure on top of fielddata and doc values, that maintains an incremental numbering for each unique term in a lexicographic order.

全局顺序是一个数据结构,基于fielddata和doc value,该数据结构维护每个词的字母顺序(动态的,incremental numbering)。

Each term has a unique number and the number of term A is lower than the number of term B.


Global ordinals are only supported on text and keyword fields.


Fielddata and doc values also have ordinals, which is a unique numbering for all terms in a particular segment and field.

Fielddata和doc value也有顺序,每个词也有一个唯一的序号,该序号是在当前段的当前字段上的序号。

Global ordinals just build on top of this, by providing a mapping between the segment ordinals and the global ordinals, the latter being unique across the entire shard.


Global ordinals are used for features that use segment ordinals, such as sorting and the terms aggregation, to improve the execution time.


A terms aggregation relies purely on global ordinals to perform the aggregation at the shard level, then converts global ordinals to the real term only for the final reduce phase, which combines results from different shards.


Global ordinals for a specified field are tied to all the segments of a shard, while fielddata and doc values ordinals are tied to a single segment. which is different than for field data for a specific field which is tied to a single segment.

全局顺序针对一个切片的所有段的特定字段,而fielddata和doc values针对一个单独的段。

For this reason global ordinals need to be entirely rebuilt whenever a once new segment becomes visible.


The loading time of global ordinals depends on the number of terms in a field, but in general it is low, since it source field data has already been loaded.


 The memory overhead of global ordinals is a small because it is very efficiently compressed. Eager loading of global ordinals can move the loading time from the first search request, to the refresh itself.

因为压缩效率比较高,内存开销也比较小。快加载(eager loading)全局顺序可以把加载时间从第一次搜索提前到每次刷新。
