DXperienceUniversal 9.1.0(2009年3月13日版本)

DXperienceUniversal 9.1.0包含DevExpress所有的.net产品(Refactor!Pro CodeRush DXperience DevExpress eXpressAppFramework)



What's New in DXperience v2009 vol 1





New WPF Controls - Toolbar and Menu System

DXBars Suite extends our WPF toolset with a toolbar-menu system allowing you to easily emulate Microsoft Office interfaces.

Major features implemented in this release include:

  • End-user drag-and-drop operations are fully supported. End-users can dock toolbars to any container edge or allow them to float.
  • Main menu and context menu controls can be created. You can share the same commands between toolbars and menus.
  • A status bar control is available.
  • Editors can be integrated into toolbars and menus.
  • Microsoft Office style layout customization is available. You can invoke the same Customization window to remove unnecessary toolbars or commands, create new toolbars, populate them with required items, etc.
  • You can save and restore bar and menu layout.



DXCharts for WPF

New 2D Chart Types

The following new 2D types have been implemented in this release:

2D Bubbles 2D Points
2D Stacked Area 2D Full-Stacked Area
2D Stacked Bars 2D Full-Stacked Bars
2D Pie 2D Donut
2D Side-by-Side Bars

New 3D Chart Types

DXCharts v2009 vol 1 introduces a new 3D Chart Type - Side-by-Side Bars.

Hit-Testing in 2D Charts

The chart control's API allows you to determine the series point that's currently under the mouse pointer. With this functionality, you can provide some degree of chart interactivity by displaying additional information about hot-tracked elements. The following screenshot demonstrates how our examples use this approach to display tooltips for series points.

DXGrid for WPF

Unmatched Masked Input

With v2009 vol 1, we've ported our superior masked data input functionality from WinForms to WPF. This means that our text editor fully supports the following mask types:

  • Numeric
    This mask type is the best choice when you need to restrict input to numeric values. The mask is specified using simple .NET Framework format strings. If you need to restrict input to currency values, you can simply specify one-character "c" mask. No literal characters will be allowed, the mask will not allow more than two digits after the decimal point, and end-users will be able to navigate though digits and increase or decrease their values using UP and DOWN arrows or mouse wheel.
  • Date-Time
    This mask type has a lot in common with the Numeric mask, and is used for date-time values. You also specify the mask using .NET Framework format strings and the same end-user capabilities are available. They include navigation between value portions (days, months, years, hours, etc) and incremental value modifications using the keyboard and mouse wheel.
  • Simple Masks
    This mask type is the best when you need to enter strings of limited length, such as phone numbers, zip codes, social security numbers, etc. The mask is specified using a sequence of characters. Some characters serve as placeholders for digits or letters, while others are literals used to separate value portions. An example of such literals is parentheses for area code in phone numbers.
  • Regular Expression Masks
    If the mask types listed above do not meet your business requirements, you can use regular expressions which have no limitations - any regular expression can be used as a mask.

DXGrid demo application includes separate modules for each mask type, so you can easily see all of them in action.

Performance Improvements

This release introduces horizontal scrolling virtualization which addresses performance issues when large number of columns are displayed. Our demos help illustrate the speed with which our WPF grid can handle datasets with up to 10 million rows and 10 thousand columns. Note that we don't simply display text in each cell - different columns have different editors assigned (with no impact on performance).

New Capabilities for End-User Data Filtering

This version introduces several new features making it much easier for end-users to filter grid data. The first is built-in support for Microsoft Excel style filter dropdowns. These dropdowns can display either a list with single value selection or a check list with multiple selection capability.

For many, displaying a large list of unique values is not the best filtering solution. In these specific instances, you can easily embed any control into the filter dropdown and thus provide a more effective UI for your end-users.

Yet another filtering UI enhancement is the Auto Filter Row displayed above all data rows. If enabled, end-users can filter data by simply entering values in this row's cells.

Note that all these features are available in both table and card views.

Sorting Group Rows by Summaries

DXGrid for WPF now provides you with the API required to sort group rows by their summary values. You simply specify the summary item and sort order for a grouping column.

The following image shows a grid where group rows are sorted by the average price in descending order.

Microsoft Excel Style Frozen Columns

You can now anchor columns to the left or right edge of the grid so that they are always visible and aren't affected by horizontal scrolling.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

  • Tooltips are now shown for cells with truncated content.

  • Vertical grid lines are now displayed by default, but can be hidden if necessary.

AgDataGrid for Silverlight

New Editor Controls Used to Display and Edit Data

Previously, there were several column types in AgDataGrid - one for each data type. In this release, we've implemented several data editors that can be used to display and edit cell data. So all columns are now represented by the same column object that can use different data editors.

Group Summaries

In this release we're introducing a Group Summaries feature, which means that the grid can now calculate totals for individual data groups and display results within corresponding group rows. You can also specify group summary templates. For instance, our demo application shows how you can allow end-users to change summary types on the fly.

Sort Group Rows by Corresponding Summaries

Just like the DXGrid for WPF, our Silverlight data grid now supports sorting by summaries. This makes it much easier to locate data groups having best or worst performance indicators and thus see a more generalized view of your data.

Data Filtering

AgDataGrid now also allows end-user data filtering. Once again, the feature list is pretty similar to that of DXGrid for WPF. The first entry in this list is Microsoft Excel style filtering dropdowns.

We don't restrict you when displaying lists with unique values from the corresponding column. By using templates, you are free to embed any filtering control into these dropdowns.

Finally, an Auto Filter Row has also been implemented.

Multiple Row and Cell Selection

By simply changing a single option, you can enable multiple row selection or even multiple cell selection.

The grid's API then allows you to determine selected objects and obtain their data.



ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

Masked Input

Masked input functionality has been added to the text editors (ASPxTextBox and ASPxButtonEdit) and date editor (ASPxDateEdit). Our ASP.NET mask engine supports literals, digit and letter placeholders, ranges, enumerations, and date format specifiers (yyyy, MM, dd, etc). The keyboard and mouse wheel can be used to incrementally modify portions of the edit value.

Virtual Paging

We've improved data navigation within the ASPxGridView. In previous versions, end-users had to use the built-in pager to switch between pages. Now, this can be done via the vertical scrollbar. When using the scrollbar, the grid automatically switches to the required page.

Horizontal Scrolling

If you need to display large numbers of columns within your grid, you can now limit the grid's width and enable horizontal scrolling.

Excel Style Column Freezing

When total column width exceeds the grid's width, you can freeze individual columns within the grid, allowing your end-users to scroll through the other columns. Columns can only be anchored to the left edge and the grid scrolls one column at a time when placed in this mode.

ASP.NET Progress Bar Control

A new progress bar component is available as a standalone control and can also be used to display cell values within the ASPxGridView.

New Column Types

In previous versions, you had to use templates to display images or progress bars within data cells. To make this process easier, we've added three additional column types:

  • Image Column – displays images located at specified URLs.
  • Binary Image Column – displays images from a binary stream.
  • Progress Bar Column – makes it easier to analyze numeric data.

Multi-Column Mode in List Box and Combo Box Controls

APSxComboBox and APSxListBox editors can now display multiple columns and thus show data from different fields of the bound data source. For each column, you can define header caption, width, visibility and tooltip text.

All advanced features of the ASPxComboBox, such as incremental filtering and loading items on demand via callbacks, are now supported in multi-column mode.

Prompt Text in ASP.NET Editors

Our ASP.NET text editors can now display a prompt text when their value is blank. The prompt text disappears as soon as the editor obtains focus.

Minor Enhancements

  • Composite key fields are now supported. For instance, you can now specify a key field name in the following format: "FirstName;LastName;Phone;BirthDate".
  • The grid can now render empty data rows to keep it's height regardless of its data. Previously, the grid would always shrink vertically depending on its content. With the new option enabled, you can make certain that page layout is unaffected by the data displayed within the grid.
  • A new option allows you to specify whether a column should be displayed in the ASPxGridView's Filter Editor.
  • In previous versions, incremental filtering in the ASPxComboBox initiated callbacks immediately after each key press. In the new version, you can define a time interval for callback invocation thus allowing end-users to type several characters before initiating data filtering.
  • The grid's pager bar can now be customized using ASP.NET Template technology.
  • A new server-side event allows you to replace the currently applied filter expression with a custom description.
  • End-users can now resize popup edit forms.
  • The ability to change the Customization Window's size has been added.

XtraGrid Suite

Windows Vista Style Filtering for Date-Time Columns

You can now easily filter data (date-time columns) using a Windows Vista style dropdown window.

Note that end-users can easily select multiple dates, month or years by using drag and drop.

Custom filter conditions are also allowed. You can populate the list below the calendar with any criteria you need, for instance "Last Fiscal Year". Note that if you do so, end-users will see the information about the actual start and end dates in the filter item's hint, without you having to write any code.

Sorting by Summary - End-User Capabilities

End-users can now sort group rows based on group summary values. For this purpose, we've added appropriate items to grouping column header menus.

When data is sorted by group summaries, a special glyph is displayed within the corresponding grouping column's header.

Captions for Grid Views

You can now show titles for grid views, including the root view and all details. Newly introduced properties allow you to change font settings, alignment and foreground color for the title's text.

Improved Grid Layout Persistence

We now provide support for automatic saving and restoring of format conditions.

Format conditions specify the appearance of cells or rows depending on their data. Style conditions can now be saved when the grid layout is saved to a data store (for instance, an XML file). Similarly, style conditions are correctly restored when loading a grid layout. You can therefore create style conditions at runtime and they will be correctly stored and restored without any additional code.

In addition, you now have the ability to automatically save and restore the information on sorting group rows by summary values. Since end-users can now change how group rows are sorted, the grid saves and restores these settings with other layout options.

Advanced Incremental Filtering in Lookup Editors

If text editing is enabled in a GridLookUpEdit control, an end-user can search for rows by typing text within the edit box. Previously, end-users could only search for entries that begin with the specified text. The current default behavior is to search for rows that contain the entered text at any position in the row's value. You can obviously enable the previous behavior, if necessary.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

  • You can now print or export only the currently selected rows.
  • By default, the grid displays detail data compactly, without extra indents. The new version allows you to change detail view paddings. (Screenshot)
  • Hints for truncated summary values are now displayed. (Screenshot)
  • In Grid Views, you can now specify maximum width for columns. This option is in effect if the auto-width feature is enabled for a Grid View. In these cases, increasing the grid's width proportionally resizes all columns. If you want to maintain a given width for certain columns, specify their maximum width.
  • New options have been added to Banded Views that allow you to prevent all bands from being resized and moved.
  • With this version, copying cells to the clipboard also copies column captions to the clipboard, allowing easy identification of cell data.
  • By default, when an end-user navigates through grid cells using the TAB key, all row cells are processed one after another. In the new version, you can use the TabStop option to prevent cells from being focused by the TAB key.
  • When the grid is bound to a data source, columns are created for all fields in the data source. By default, the Caption properties of columns are set to empty strings. Now the grid is smart enough to transform, say, "CustomerName" to "Customer Name".
  • You can now enable automatic summary calculation for columns displaying TimeSpan values. No coding is required.

XtraEditors Library

Auto-Collapsing Panels

You can now enable the auto-collapsing feature in the SplitContainerControl. With this feature, an end-user can click the splitter to minimize one panel, and thus maximize another.

Prompt Text in Empty Editors

You can now easily enable input prompt text for editors with blank values. This text immediately disappears when the editor gets focus.

Advanced Tooltips for Tab Control's Pages

Our tab control now supports SuperToolTips so that you can display rich information about tab pages, including images and memo fields.

Custom Text Representations of Check Box Values

If a grid column or tree list column contains Boolean values, you can use CheckEdit controls for data visualization. When grouping data against these column, displaying their filter dropdown list and in some other instances, true and false values are represented by "Unchecked" and "Checked" strings. You can manually specify the strings that should be displayed instead of true and false.

Minor Enhancements

  • You can show error icons for editors using the DXErrorProvider component. By default, error icons are displayed at a control's left edge. You can now change the icon's location for standalone editors.

  • You can now enable tooltips for a track bar control's indicator, to display the current value. By default, only the value is displayed. However, you can handle an event to apply display text formatting or to provide custom display text.

  • Built-in support for ICO files have been added to our image editors.
  • New skin elements have been added - TabPageButton and TabHeaderButton. These elements are used to paint XtraTabControl's Close buttons. Previously, these buttons were painted using another skin element, that was also used by other controls. Now, a dedicated skin element is available.



XtraRichEdit Suite

Context Menu Support

Context menus are now available which makes it easy to access frequently used formatting and text management commands.

Check Spelling As You Type

With this release, you can enable automatic spell checking that will highlight mistakes with red wavy lines as you type. The editor's built-in context menu will offer you a list of suggestions for incorrect words.

Built-in Color Pickers

You can now easily change text and background colors using built-in color pickers. To invoke them, click the dropdown arrow next to the Text Color or Background Color button.

Improved Mouse Support

In this release, when selecting text using the mouse, the view scrolls automatically when the pointer is close to the document's boundaries.

API Enhancements

Newly introduced members allow you to do the following:

  • Get or set the current caret position.
  • Change text selection.
  • Obtain editor's content as plain text.
  • Save and load content in RTF format.

XtraScheduler Suite

Advanced Printing and Exporting for Scheduled Appointments

Our Scheduling team has come up with an excellent addition to XtraScheduler that will allow you to produce professional diaries and PIM-style reports from your appointments. This new functionality is ONLY available if you own both the XtraScheduler and XtraReports Suites (it uses functionality from each product library).

Our team’s primary goal was to maintain as much flexibility as possible. This wasn't to be a "print screen" type solution, but a solution that should be designed. Hence the need for XtraReports: the new XtraScheduler Suite in v2009 vol 1 has a new control that descends from the XtraReport class called XtraSchedulerReport. This has the normal banded report designer that you're used to from XtraReports, and there are a set of new report controls that you can drop onto the designer surface to build up a scheduler report.

The report gets its data through a print adapter. The main purpose of this adapter object is to compose a data set that will be used in the report. We provide two print adapters: a storage and control adapter. Since the print adapters provide a set of validation events, you can easily filter the scheduler data to suit the report.

The next layer is the report view. This is much like the view that exists in the XtraScheduler control, so there are ReportDayView, ReportWeekView, ReportMonthView, ReportTimelineView components.

Finally, as stated above, the report itself is a container for report bands, and each band has a set of controls placed inside them.

We provide two distinct sets of controls. The first, and most important set consists of controls that represent time cells with appointments. They are: DayViewTimeCells, HorizontalWeek, FullWeek, and TimelineCells. The second set of controls, the auxiliary controls if you like, include:

  • Headers - the HorizontalResourceHeaders, VerticalResourceHeaders, HorizontalDateHeaders, DayOfWeekHeaders, and TimelineScaleHeaders.
  • Calendar - the CalendarControl control
  • Time ruler - the DayViewTimeRuler control
  • Information - controls used to display miscellaneous information, such as the TimeIntervalInfo and ResourceInfo controls

They are similar to the XtraReport controls you know now (in that they're only there to drop on the report designer surface, you can't use them elsewhere), although they have their own peculiarities.

This way, you can easily create a nearly endless array of scheduling reports.

Note that since this functionality uses our XtraReports engine, the End-User Designer is also available so that end-users or application administrators can freely modify scheduling reports without you having to re-build your projects.

Appointment Accessibility Improvements

All-day area cannot occupy more than 50% of the Scheduler's working area, so not all appointments may be visible if they do not fit. You can now enable a vertical scrollbar within this area so that all appointments can be accessed by your end-user.

You can also vertically scroll a TimeLine view area when appointments do not fit within the current view.

XtraCharts Suite

Side-by-Side Bars with Different Value Axes

With this enhancement, all side-by-side bar, range bar and Gantt series are placed side-by-side regardless of corresponding axes.

New Option for Resolving Overlapped Labels

With every recent XtraCharts release, we’ve added new algorithms to perfect the resolution of overlapped labels. XtraCharts v2009 vol 1 allows you to use a new mechanism that simply doesn't display a label if it overlaps with the label displayed for the previous point.

Algorithm Turned Off

Algorithm Turned On

Callback Compression in ASP.NET AJAX Applications

Since the release of DXperience v2008 vol 3, most DevExpress ASP.NET controls can compress callback data. XtraCharts v2009 vol 1 adds support for this feature.

XtraReports Suite

Sort and Group Panel

In this release, we're introducing a Group and Sort Panel, which makes it easier to apply grouping/sorting to your report. You no longer need to manually add group header and footer bands, invoke their Group Fields editor dialog, create grouping fields and define their properties. This can be done with a couple of mouse clicks in our new panel.

Minor Improvements

  • A newly introduced event allows you to manually compute values for calculated fields.

  • With this release, exporting is executed via postbacks. This is a more reliable approach compared to the callbacks algorithm used previously. It allows us to avoid problems when exporting a report on the client side using different web browsers.



XtraPivotGrid Suite

Improved Data Editing Functionality

In this release, we've implemented numerous requests related to data editing. New features include:

  • You can specify when editor buttons should be displayed in data cells. They can be visible for all cells, for the focused cell or when entering edit mode.
  • Different editors can be assigned to cells corresponding to the same field. Note that different editors can be used for edit and browsing modes.
  • Keyboard activation of cell editors is now possible.
  • You can now specify individual column width.
  • Several events and event parameters have been added making it easier for you to control changes to cell values.

ASPxPivotGrid Suite

Advanced Filter Editor

We've extended the ability to build complex filter expressions in the pivot grid. Your end-users can take advantage of the pivot grid's embedded filter editor – Prefilter – and construct complex filter criteria with an unlimited number of filter conditions combined with any logical operator.

We've also added the ability to replace the default text that represents the currently applied filter expression with a custom description (by handling the specially designed server-side event).

Improved Row Header Alignment

Field headers displayed within the Row Header Area are now aligned to the corresponding field values.

ASPxperience Suite

ASP.NET Hidden Field Component

With this new component, you can easily store a set of values without displaying them anywhere on your page. These values can be persisted and synchronized between server and client sides across round trips. The ASPxHiddenField control offers unique advantages when compared to the standard HiddenField control - publicly available client scripting API and simpler way in which to store multiple values.

Flow Mode in Data View Control

With a flow layout, the items in the ASPxDataView will flow one after another even after the browser is resized. This allows you to automatically populate the page area in the most efficient way possible.

Let's say you've got a page that displays a bunch of images. A flow layout allows the site to be 'stretchable'. Therefore, if the user has a larger monitor and wants to see more items, the ASPxDataView in flow layout will expand and fill the page area. This frees you from having to choose 2, 3, or however many columns may fit into your target client browsers. For example, power users always want more data displayed but you still have to accommodate the small monitors, too. Flow layout helps with that.

The following animation illustrates the benefits of this new feature. The photo gallery populates the browser regardless of display resolution.

Progress Indication while Uploading Files

The Progress panel provides comprehensive information during the upload process. It includes a progress bar and a cancel button.

Minor Enhancements

  • Data View controls without display items are now rendered on the page with a message indicating that there's no data available.
  • A new event allows you to prohibit end-users from closing Popup Windows.

ASPxScheduler Suite

Time Cell Customization Mechanisms

A new event is now available which occurs before a time cell is rendered. Handling this event allows you to specify the style and color of a particular time cell and insert a Literal control to display text.

A customization mechanism for the TimeCell interface elements, based on web templates, is implemented. It provides the capability to insert text, hyperlinks, images and additional web controls into Scheduler time cells. This method differs from the customization technique based on the HtmlTimeCellPrepared event in that you can insert an arbitrary web control but cannot change the container's style - text color, borders, background. This technique extends the series of web template customization features already available for appointments, headers and forms.

Dialog Window Customization

Several new events have been added to the ASPxScheduler so that you can customize caption, size and padding of Popup Editor Dialogs.



eXpressApp Framework

Improvements in Grid List Editors

We've improved the ASPxGridListEditor and GridListEditor, which are used by default to represent List Views in ASP.NET and Windows Forms applications, respectively. The following features are now available:

  • You can now select all records in a grid in ASP.NET applications.

  • We've added a combobox to the ASPxGridListEditor to allow end-users to set the number of rows that can be viewed on the page. Note that this combo box can be removed using the Model Editor.

  • Grids used within ASP.NET applications now support column customization via the Column Chooser window (which gives end-users access to invisible columns). End-users can drag headers between the Column Chooser and the grid's column header to change visibility.

  • Just like its WinForms counterpart, the New Item Row is now available for ASP.NET.

  • The eXpressApp Framework now supports filtering in List Views by using the ASPxGridView's Filter Bar. This bar is automatically displayed after the grid's data has been filtered via the Auto Filter Row or Filter Dropdowns.

  • Data grouping has become more flexible. You can now specify a group interval so that groups are created not for each unique value, but for specific value ranges. For instance, you can group a List View by a DateTime property setting the GroupInterval to DateMonth. In this instance, all dates that fall into the same month will be displayed within the same group. Note, this feature is implemented both in Windows Forms and ASP.NET applications.

  • List Views now support MS Outlook Style Preview Row feature exposed by the XtraGrid and ASPxGridView controls.

"Auto Commit Changes" Mode in List Views

In Windows Forms applications, you can make a List View editable or display an editable Detail View next to a List View. Previously, to commit changes made to an object, you had to select another object in the List View or move focus away from the grid. You also couldn't cancel changes.

In the new version, Save and Cancel Actions are available for editable List Views. If the previous behavior is preferred, you can of revert back as needed.

Splash Screen Starts Earlier

In previous versions, the splash screen form was displayed after the end-user authentication process was completed. Since application initialization (which is performed before end-user authentication) takes time, it seemed that there was an application start delay of about 1-5 seconds. To address this, we now invoke the splash screen form at the beginning of the application's setup.

Improved Filtering by Text

When filtering by text, the eXpressApp Framework previously looked in every persistent property trying to find a match for the whole filter phrase. With this release, the search engine splits that phrase into individual words and is capable of finding word matches in different properties – which makes it more likely that you'll find the required data.

You can now also specify which properties should be taken into account when filtering.

Printing Module

The following capabilities are now available:

  • The options that are specified in the "Page Setup" dialog and the 'Header and Footer' options, which are set in the Preview dialog, are automatically saved for the currently printed View. You can also save particular options for all the Views in the application.
  • Detail Views and List Views presented by the Scheduler List Editor can be printed.

Improvements in Image Property Editor for ASP.NET

Previously, in List Views, the ASPxImagePropertyEditor displayed the name of the image assigned to an Image type property. Now, this Property Editor can show the assigned image directly in a cell, in a drop-down or popup window.

In Detail Views, the improved ASPxImagePropertyEditor can display an Image type property's value in a drop-down or popup window.

Detail View Items Layout

  • In previous versions, you could specify whether to display a property in a List View by applying the VisibleInListView and VisibleInLookupListView attributes to this property. You can now affect the visibility of a property in a Detail View. For this purpose, use the newly introduced VisibleInDetailView attribute.
  • You can now set the display order of business class properties in Detail Views. Note that in a Detail View, editors are grouped according to particular rules. So setting indexes in code may help you determine editor order only if you are certain that they will be displayed within the same group.



CodeRush and Refactor! Pro

User Experience Improvements

In this release, we've added a document bar hinting feature. It allows for quick navigation to code issues and displays issue preview hints so that you can immediately highlight and fix issues.

Version 2009 vol 1 also introduces several new actions used for keyboard interaction. The following new actions allow you to navigate though issues and manage them.

  • CodeIssueShowFixes - Opens code issue hint window with a list of available fixes.
  • NextIssue - Navigates to the next code issue.
  • PreviousIssue - Navigates to the previous code issue.
  • CodeIssueDisableForActiveFile - Disables code issue checks for the active file.
  • CodeIssueToggle - Toggles code issues on or off.

NextIssue and PreviousIssue actions can accept parameters to control issue type to navigate. You can navigate through all issues, hints, warnings, dead code, code smells and errors. Combinations are allowed.

Better Capabilities for Controlling CodeRush Feature Availability

We have added a feature that allows beginner users to better understand what CodeRush is doing and easily decide which features should be kept enabled. Whenever CodeRush does something, it now shows a hint which explains what has happened. Thus, you can easily learn new features, and more importantly, you can instantly disable a feature you do not require.

The same UI is also used to show conflicting DXCore and Visual Studio shortcuts. When a DXCore shortcut is conflicting with Visual Studio, DXCore shows a hint providing options to rebind this shortcut, enable Visual Studio shortcut or enable DXCore shortcut.

With the newly introduced Code Issues management, we also allow you to suppress code issue highlighting using similar hint windows.

Visualization Toolbar

The new Visualization toolbar displays buttons that allow you to enable or disable code visualization features: member icons, structural highlighting, code issues, code metrics, regions, etc.

Performance and Stability Improvements

For the Code Issues feature, we've implemented the following performance enhancements:

  • Solution-wide analysis is now disabled by default, and so code issues will be available only for the current file.
  • Data needed by most code issues is now moved into event arguments passed to the code issue processors. This frequently-accessed information is now calculated only once, on demand and when the data is invalid. This optimization has greatly improved the performance of the code issue background thread.
  • Improved performance of code issue searchers and visual painters.
  • More stable code issues checking thread.

Other performance and stability enhancements include the following:

  • Parsers - Lots of minor enhancements in the incremental parser engine. Added preprocessor support to the C# parser.
  • Availability Checking - Corrected problems with availability checking, where the same operations were performed up to two times in a row prior to displaying a smart tag or refactoring menu.
  • Improved DXCore Loader Engine - Visual Studio now starts instantly. DXCore plugins are loaded only after the splash screen goes away.
  • Searching and Type Resolution - This technology is used by nearly every advanced code-aware feature in CodeRush and Refactor! Pro. We've reworked the SearcherBase class so now it does less work to produce the same results.
  • Meta Data Serialization - We've greatly improved memory usage when loading meta data from cache. Meta data is the technology we use to perform type resolution inside referenced DLLs (where source code cannot be accessed).


What's Included & New
.NET Product Line - v2009 vol 1.0




New Features/Changes

All .NET WinForms Components

  • S31908 - Documentation - Add information that if the AllowHTMLString is set to True, words aren't divided into parts if the word is longer than the LabelControl size
  • S130828 - Documentation - SkinEditor docs must state that end-users should not create files/folders within a skin's folder

All ASP.NET Components

  • S31937 - Documentation - JSProperties property and CustomJSProperties event - Add a note that the event is necessary only for backward compatibility
  • S31280 - Provide a demo showing how to implement an accessible web application using DevExpress web controls

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • Q144800 - Add a capability to adjust the Customization Window's size
  • S30009 - Add an Image Column
  • S20298 - Add an option to display empty data rows
  • S18760 - Add client- and server-side methods to obtain rows belonging to a certain group
  • S18367 - Add new client-side events which will allow a developer to decide whether a certain column can be moved to a certain position
  • S90940 - Add the capability to initialize individual command buttons
  • AS3032 - ASPxEditors - Mask functionality is needed
  • S18315 - ASPxGridView - Add a client-side method to obtain an instance of an editor within the AutoFilterRow
  • S19279 - ASPxGridView - Add a method to scroll the ASPxGridView to a certain row
  • S31802 - ASPxGridView - Add an event allowing filter criteria text displayed within the FilterBar to be modified
  • S19837 - ASPxGridView - HeaderFilter - add a new option to define the number of visible items without a scrollbar
  • AS17713 - ASPxGridView - Horizontal Scrollbar is required
  • S20201 - ASPxGridView - Implement virtual paging functionality
  • S131028 - ASPxGridView - Provide the IsGroupRow method
  • S130711 - ASPxGridView - Publish the Styles.Header.Border property
  • S91143 - ASPxGridView Popup EditForm - add a capability to resize it
  • S18528 - ASPXGridView support the frozen pane (fixed columns and rows) feature
  • Q99856 - ASPxGridView with the "ShowSelectionCheckbox"
  • S31907 - ASPxListBox/ASPxComboBox - add the ability to represent data in several columns
  • Q37333 - Documentation - ASPxGridView:CustomDocument3765.htm, providing data for unbound columns
  • S18328 - Pager template
  • Q137061 - Provide a capability to localize ASPxGridView DateRange group interval text
  • AS16551 - Support for the composite key is required


  • S19789 - Allow the ASPxHtmlEditor to be resized automatically when a browser window is being resized
  • Q183752 - Insert Image dialog - Add an option allowing text to be flowed over the inserted image

ASPxperience Suite

  • S31748 - ASPxBinaryImage - Automatically register the ASPxHttpHandlerModule within the Web.config for the editor
  • S30297 - ASPxClientUtils - Add means to programmatically work with cookies on the client side
  • AS17550 - ASPxDataView - Implement the flow layout mode allowing data items to automatically fill the page area
  • S18628 - ASPxDataView - Render an empty control into the page and provide a capability to modify the control's representation
  • Q132290 - ASPxLoadingPanel - Add a capability to change the panel's text via client code
  • S19783 - ASPxPageControl - Add a property allowing tab headers to be hidden
  • S31282 - ASPxPopupControl - Add a new Closing event to make it possible to cancel closing
  • B95472 - ASPxPopupControl - If the ContentUrl property is defined, hide the content of the popup window being dragged
  • S31363 - ASPxRoundPanel - Provide a capability to specify the content height of a panel
  • S31806 - ASPxSiteMapDataSource - Implement the EnableRoles property
  • S30112 - ASPxUploadControl - Add a link in SmartTag to a help topic about the allowed MIME types
  • S91895 - ASPxUploadControl - Provide a capability to track the progress and cancel file uploading
  • S90116 - Provide an ASPxHiddenField control


  • S18779 - Add a capability to align field headers to their field values
  • S31769 - Add a property to the PivotGridFieldValueTemplateContainer class, which can be used as an argument of the ASPxPivotGrid.CreateDrillDownDataSource method
  • S19109 - Add Prefilter support to the ASPxPivotGrid
  • S19394 - Data area popup window properties
  • S130114 - Documentation FieldValueDisplayText event: describe when the e.Field property returns a null reference
  • S18530 - Make the GetCellValue method public

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • S31788 - Add a CustomErrorText event for providing custom error descriptions
  • S30860 - Implement the capability to customize a time cell via an event (similar to the ASPxGridView.HtmlDataCellPrepared event)
  • S30791 - Implement the capability to modify the popup form caption at runtime (applies to Appointment Edit, Reminder, GotoDate forms)
  • S30859 - Template - Provide the capability to customize the TimeCell template


  • S31738 - Add a method which will return a DataNodeObject for a node if an ASPxTreeList works in Virtual mode
  • S31575 - Add a new property which will define a valid ParentField value for root nodes
  • S31889 - Documentation - "Binding to runtime data" topic is needed
  • S31739 - The TreeListTemplateContainerBase class should provide a public TreeList property

CodeRush for Visual Studio .NET

  • S90258 - Code Issues - Improve handling of implemented interfaces
  • S130301 - Code Issues - The names of code issues in the catalog should match the text in the tooltip

Core of ASPxScheduler and XtraScheduler

  • S31901 - Make the AppointmentFormControllerBase.CanEditResource property virtual, to allow users to override the default behavior

DXCharts for WPF

  • S31822 - Hit Testing - Support 2D Series view types

DXGrid for WPF

  • S30956 - Appearance - Add the capability to optionally show or hide vertical lines in a Column View
  • S31330 - Data Binding - Support for observable collections (INotifyCollectionChanged and INotifyPropertyChanged)
  • S30883 - Filtering - Add the Auto Filter Row functionality
  • S31321 - Filtering - Built-in column filters
  • S31319 - Layout - Add the "Auto Fit" column
  • S30645 - Layout - Support fixed (frozen) columns
  • S31320 - Scrolling - Horizontal virtualization
  • S20305 - Sorting - Sort by summary
  • S31333 - User Interface - Show a tooltip if text is not completely visible in a cell

DXNavBar for WPF

  • S31393 - Support for UI Automation

eXpress Persistent Objects

  • S31527 - Add an ability to load deleted records in XPView
  • AS11491 - Describe the specifics of NotEqual filters when they are applied to object references

eXpressApp Framework

  • S18974 - Add a capability to localize Choice Action Item captions via the Model Editor
  • S90207 - Add an ability to select all rows in the List View that is displayed by the ASPxGridListEditor
  • S19991 - Add the capability to initialize the ObjectSpaceProvider from a module
  • S90911 - Add the Tag property to base XAF classes
  • Q92653 - ASPxGridListEditor: add the Column Chooser to the grid to allow end-users to customize the set of visible columns
  • S131113 - Don't show a drop-down when a user clicks in the GridListEditor's cell
  • S31089 - InfoGenerators.Layout: Support the "Index" attribute in the DetailView layout algorithm
  • S30967 - ListEditor.Web.AspxGridView: add an ability to limit the number of records shown in a List View
  • S92051 - ListEditor.Web: Introduce an ability to show images in XAF ASP.NET applications as they are shown in XAF Windows Forms applications
  • S19607 - Make it possible to choose whether to use the Save and Cancel Actions to save(cancel) changes made in an editable List View or commit changes automatically
  • S92387 - Make the ObjectSpace.CommitChanges method virtual
  • S130915 - ModelEditor: Write changes made in the Model Editor in the alphabetic order
  • Q143958 - Optimize the RedirectOnViewChangedController
  • CS44139 - Refactor the ObjectSpace class to make it more extensible
  • AS16377 - Support smart grouping in List Views
  • S31318 - Support the ASPxFilterControl in XAF
  • S30558 - Support the NewItemRow feature in the Web List Editor
  • S20169 - SystemModules: The Save and Cancel Actions are not available when a List View is displayed in the ListViewAndDetailView mode
  • S19368 - Validation.Nullable - Introduce the capability to apply validation rules to 'nullable' properties (for example, to properties of the 'Nullable <int>' or 'int?' types)
  • S19111 - Validation: Make it clear that a rule is skipped, because the target property contains a "Null" value, or by a "TargetCriteria" criteria
  • S19833 - Validation: the property caption specified in the Application Model should be shown in a validation message instead of a real property name
  • AS12709 - XAF Win applications should show the splash screen on start-up
  • S90792 - XAFCore: add the VisibleInDetailView attribute to the built-in attributes list

XtraBars Suite

  • AS2474 - Ability to define the appearance of individual bar items
  • S92005 - Add a property to set text representation of a bar item's shortcut
  • S20308 - AlertControl - provide the capability to access the list of currently displayed forms
  • S18195 - BarEditItem - the Width property must be localizable
  • AS17350 - BarEditItem must not fire EditValueChanged if a new value equals the current EditValue
  • AS2773 - Customization Form - Disable the Clear menu item if there are no items in the Items list
  • AS5770 - Fire the BarItem.ItemClick event after repainting other controls (optional behavior)
  • AS17608 - Implement CausesValidation property for BarItem (default value = False)
  • S31302 - Include an example demonstrating how to use the XtraTabbedMdiManager into the documentation
  • CS54479 - Ribbon - Ability to specify width and appearance settings for BarStaticItems
  • AS13181 - Ribbon - Tooltip on application menu
  • AS13081 - Ribbon improvement - Add options to customize appearance of item captions and descriptions in popup menus
  • AS3262 - Skins - highlighting of the dropdown BarButtonItem must have the same height as its main area
  • AS4962 - The Move mouse cursor must be displayed when the mouse is over the toolbar's drag area
  • A1665 - XtraBars localization - Customization Form must be localizable via resources
  • S130576 - XtraTabbedMdiManager - Create a new skin element to paint the close tab button
  • S18220 - ZoomTrackBar - hide unused properties: DisplayFormat, EditFormat, NullText

XtraCharts Suite

  • AS11043 - Bar Series View - Ability to put bar series side-by-side when one of the axis bases they use is different
  • S31520 - Data Binding - Chart must throw an exception when it detects a wrong or missing Data Member after a DataSource is assigned
  • S31829 - Documentation - Add a "How To" topic illustrating how to link ChartControl to PivotGridControl (via Property Grid or Chart Wizard)
  • S31715 - Web - Add the capability to obtain a chart's image via the HttpHandler

XtraEditors Library

  • S91713 - Add a DropDownRows property to CheckedComboBoxEdit
  • DS37360 - Add a property to represent the null value using a custom string painted in gray
  • A2331 - Add properties to the RepositoryItemCheckEdit class that will determine how checked/unchecked/grayed states are represented in a filter panel, filter dropdown (in grid), when a grid is exported and printed
  • S90141 - Auto-collapsing panels in SplitterContainer
  • S90608 - Automatically set MenuManager property for controls that are being added to a form containing a BarManager
  • AS5366 - ComboBox must not save its popup size if it has not been changed by the end-user
  • S31911 - DateEdit should change the month after inserting the day exceeding the maximal days number in the current month when using the dd/mm/yyyy date format
  • S31562 - Documentation: Clarify information about the DefaultToolTipController
  • CS11954 - DxErrorProvider- provide an option to specify the side of a control on which the icon appears
  • S50074 - DXValidationProvider - introduce the ValidationFailed event
  • B132206 - Editors' built-in context menu: change the implementation of the Delete item click handler to enable the undo functionality
  • B96673 - GridLookUpEdit - Add a property that will allow the height of the control's dropdown to be specified
  • AS4769 - GroupControl - accelerator character doesn't work
  • DS3382 - ImageCollection - Access images by names
  • S91181 - ImageCollection - Add the possibility to replace images with by their index
  • CS39994 - ImageCollection - loading files improvement
  • AS12529 - LookUpEdit - Ability to change the popup width when performing "best-fit"
  • S130911 - LookUpEdit - Add a LookUpColumnInfo(string fieldName, string caption) constructor
  • S130418 - Make GlyphAlignment and TextHorizontalAlignment localizable on Checkbox and Checkbox list controls
  • S20196 - Make the ScrollBarViewInfo.ButtonWidth property virtual
  • B2042 - PictureEdit - Support for Icon files
  • S90626 - PictureEdit: Add a method to trigger the Load menu functionality
  • DS21169 - PopupContainerEdit - Add options to customize the appearance of the footer in the popup window
  • AS17521 - Show an exception message when adding a wrong type to the CheckedListBoxControl
  • S130336 - SplitContainerControl - add a method to swap panels
  • S91554 - SplitContainerControl - provide the ability to set a panel's size to less than 25 pix
  • A1385 - SplitControlContainer - add the AutoScroll property to the control's Panels
  • A1506 - Support for images in group captions
  • AS7153 - TrackBarControl - Show tooltips displaying the current value
  • AS6176 - Use the ellipsis character when the multiline text is trimmed
  • S30695 - XtraForm must be skinned at design time
  • AS3379 - XtraTabControl - Add an ability to define the tab width
  • CS44957 - XtraTabControl - Add an XtraTabPage.SuperTip property
  • CS60748 - XtraTabControl - Improve page switching behavior when validating data
  • AS9427 - XtraTabControl - Tab pages must change their appearance when XtraTabControl is disabled

XtraGauges Suite

  • B133489 - Provide a way to interact with a linear horizontal gauge

XtraGrid Suite

  • DS53998 - Ability to hide Columns with AllowMove=false
  • AS11542 - Ability to identify the original exception inside the InvalidValue event
  • AS3122 - Add a MaxWidth property for a grid column
  • S91479 - Add a new property to disable column hiding by dragging
  • DS9752 - Add a SetFocusedRowCellValue overload that accepts a field name as a parameter
  • CS10776 - Add AllowBandResizing property to BandedGridOptionsCustomization
  • DS3026 - Add RowClick and RowCellClick events
  • CS39659 - Add TabStop property to a grid column
  • AS2577 - Add the AddVisible overloads to the GridColumnCollection
  • S91114 - Add the ShowGroupExpandCollapseButton property
  • S30053 - Appearances - Word Wrap and Trimming combination is needed
  • AS3073 - Apply appearance settings supplied via the RowStyle event when the XtraGrid is being printed
  • AS5821 - Bands' MinWidth in BandedGridView must be taken into account when columns are resized
  • S90857 - Change term "Style Conditions" to "Format Conditions" in designer
  • AS9851 - Change the column autoscoll delay interval that is used before drag-and-drop is initiated
  • A2397 - Column header context menu - add the "hide column" menu item
  • AS7106 - Custom display text supplied via the CustomColumnDisplayText event should be used for incremental search
  • DS14858 - Designer - Sort fields alphabetically
  • S90478 - Dragging a column header outside of a control should always indicate 'X'
  • A1151 - Export to XLS - Ability to specify whether values of a particular column should be exported as display text or edit value
  • DS32573 - Filter MRU list in filter panel - please add an end-user ability to remove items from MRU list
  • CS58702 - Focus the last visible record when PAGE DOWN is pressed
  • CS60210 - Generate column display names from field names
  • S30733 - GridLookUpEdit - Add "Contains" filter mode with highlighting
  • S130779 - GridLookupEdit - Provide access to the DataSource and DataMember properties via Smart Tags in Designer
  • A1900 - GridView - add ability to put some space between master row and its detail view
  • S18782 - GridView.CalcHitInfo must allow a programmer to detect a detail tab under the mouse pointer
  • A1262 - GridView.CopyToClipboard - add Column.Caption to the exported data
  • S91695 - Hide the footer cell beneath the indicator
  • CS39545 - Hints over footer cells
  • CS60536 - Implement a menu that allows end-users to sort group rows by group summary values
  • S92221 - Implement GridView.GetFocusedDataSourceRowIndex
  • S91957 - Improve sorting/grouping of repository item list
  • S31837 - In the FilterCustomDialog form, remove the disabled color for editors
  • AS13460 - Introduce the ColumnPositionChaned event
  • S91162 - Make CardView.CardCaptionFormat 'Record N {0}' localizable
  • AS15238 - MS office 2007 style filtering
  • AS2936 - New Item Row must be saved when clicking the empty grid area
  • S18212 - Option UseAdvVertNavigation must work for the New Item Row and Auto Filter Row
  • AS7158 - Print (export) only selected rows and their details
  • A874 - Printing - Add the ability to insert custom page breaks via the PrintingSystem.InsertPageBreak method
  • S91152 - RowCellStyle event - Add CellValue event parameter
  • AS3340 - Save/restore the FormatConditions property when the layout is saved/restored
  • A1511 - Save/RestoreLayout - GroupSummarySortInfo - add an ability to store/restore this setting with the layout
  • AS7754 - Show an in-place editor after two clicks on a cell
  • AS15643 - Summary - Calculate summaries for System.TimeSpan values in XtraGrid
  • B132110 - CheckedListBox - Rename the (Show All) item to (SelectAll)
  • DS16923 - Values of summaries applied by end-users via context menus should be formatted according to the Column.DisplayFormat
  • CS2459 - Vista's filtering style for columns
  • AS7157 - When Editable is False, row deletion and appending must be also disabled
  • B2670 - XtraGrid - Display ViewCaption similar to DataGrid

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • S31547 - Add HiddenEditor and ShownEditor events
  • S130585 - Add "ShowButtonMode" property to PivotGridControl and PivotGridField
  • S130587 - Add an AllowEdit property to the PivotGridOptionsBehavior class
  • S31546 - Add CustomRowCellEdit and CustomRowCellEditForEditing events
  • S130586 - Add EditorShowMode property to PivotGridOptionsBehavior class
  • S130583 - Allow activating editors with keyboard
  • Q144744 - CustomEditValue: Add members to CustomEditValueEventArgs similar to that provided by PivotCellDisplayTextEventArgs
  • S130582 - Don't fire EditValueChanged event if the EditValue property wasn't changed

XtraReports Suite

  • S31620 - Calculated Fields - Add the capability to evaluate a field expression via a specific event
  • S19346 - Design Time - Add the "Group and Sort" panel to make report designing easier
  • S31817 - Documentation - Update the Importing topic
  • AS3850 - Field List - Show ITypedList parent/child objects correctly if child objects are not collections
  • S31397 - Web - Add a ReportViewer.EnableCallbackCompression property
  • S31938 - Web - Use report name as document title when printing report via web browser (ReportViewer.PrintUsingAdobePlugIn = False)


  • AS9487 - Ability to load from or save to a string in RTF format
  • AS3208 - Ability to obtain editor content as plain text
  • Q37083 - Add the capability to get/set selection and caret position at runtime
  • S31414 - Add the capability to manage scrollbars visibility
  • S31076 - Add the capability to modify the RTF content programmatically
  • S31927 - Add the capability to set margins for Simple/Draft view
  • S130450 - Capability to insert an image from file or clipboard
  • Q136868 - Character - Add editors to modify text's BackColor and ForeColor attributes
  • A996 - Create the RichText (WYSIWYG) editor
  • S130452 - Printing and exporting support
  • S31916 - Reduce spacing between pages in preview screen

XtraScheduler Suite

  • S90348 - Add wait/progress indicators when launching built-in forms
  • AS10213 - All-Day Area - ability to scroll/resize its contents
  • CS41751 - Allow Daily View to be printed across multiple pages
  • AS11869 - Printing - Add a new print style for the TimeLine view
  • DS42841 - Printing - Add the capability to customize the top header when printing the SchedulerControl
  • S18799 - Printing - Change default printing settings, so that it will be possible to print the Day View on A4 or Letter paper
  • AS9276 - Scheduler Control - Add a capability to define new custom print styles
  • AS14041 - TimeLine view - ability to scroll its area vertically when the appointments don't fit

XtraTreeList Suite

  • S130783 - Documentation - Add a document describing methods that are used to work with nodes in unbound mode
  • CS42878 - Improve custom node management
  • S31514 - Show the hand cursor for the HyperLink in-place editor in the TreeList
  • AS16648 - Use the ImageCollection for node drag images in the XtraTreeList

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • S31682 - Navigation - Expand/collapse a category row by using right/left arrows

Resolved Issues

AgDataGrid Suite

  • B130793 - AgDataGrid disappears after resizing it to zero height (when no Height is specified)


  • B133903 - FlowLayoutControl does not work well when used as a template for ItemsControl.ItemsPanel
  • B134224 - LayoutControl - Data binding to the IsCustomization property breaks after the first use


  • B133811 - Cannot insert multiline text from the outside clipboard

All .NET WinForms Components

  • B133287 - OnLoad event is raised too early

All ASP.NET Components

  • B134133 - ASPxDateEdit - Selecting a date before the page is fully loaded causes JS error
  • B133019 - URL-properties specified within a skin file of a theme are not applied to the control if the theme is deployed to a global theme folder

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • B133972 - ASPxCheckBox wrongly wraps its text when text is left-aligned
  • Q146920 - ASPxDateEdit - In FireFox, wrongly generated year when non specified
  • B133436 - ASPxDateEdit is not validated with CompareValidator on the server side (Operation is "GreaterThanEquals")
  • Q37853 - ASPxFilterControl - impossible to set the width of the column editor
  • B134050 - ASPxGridView - a horizontal scrollbar appears when borders are turned off
  • B134036 - ASPxGridView - CellEditorInitialize and ParseValue events are fired multiple times during an Update
  • B134111 - ASPxGridView - IE6 crashes when resizing a column during a callback
  • B35311 - ASPxGridView - the embedded FilterControl does not work when callbacks are turned off
  • B133992 - ASPxGridView - typo in property name "StoreColumnsVisibilePosition"
  • Q144073 - ASPxGridView - unable to select multiple rows with Meta key on Mac
  • B35797 - ASPxGridView - when callbacks are disabled, an embedded filter control is still updated using callbacks
  • B133748 - ASPxGridView: No filter row when ShowVerticalScrollBar="True" and ShowColumnHeaders="False"
  • B35043 - ASPxGridViewExporter - Exporting selected rows in Server mode attempts to read the entire database
  • B133641 - ASPxGridViewExporter - WritePdfToResponse does not work properly with a non "ascii" file name
  • Q144574 - ASPxPageControl - Aqua - the PageControl's content is aligned to the center, while it should be aligned to the top
  • B133585 - Calling FindVisibleIndexByKeyValue during Page_Load causes ExpandRow and CollapseRow to behave oddly
  • B133957 - FilterControl doesn't work with Guid values (uniqueidentifier)
  • B34961 - GridViewLink.CreateDocument throws System.InvalidOperationException: Stack empty
  • B133271 - Impossible to set ASPxSpinEdit size smaller than +- 200px in Safari
  • B133817 - It's impossible to set the width of the ASPxSpinEdit less than ~145px in Chrome
  • B132377 - No "Loading..." animation while waiting for a FilterBar action to be completed


  • B96796 - ASPxHtmlEditor doesn't save changes made to its HTML content, when located within the UpdatePanel (reproducible in FireFox, Safari, Opera)
  • B35332 - Type 'ImagePropertiesForm' is not defined in VB

ASPxperience Suite

  • Q143703 - ASPxMenu - Selected item text color is incorrectly set for the Vertical oriented menu, when applying the Plastic Blue theme
  • Q146306 - ASPxMenu - The ItemStyle.Wrap property value has no effect when an item's NavigateUrl property value is specified
  • B134067 - ASPxRoundPanel - Incorrect image names are produced, if the 'Red Line' AutoFormat is applied
  • S92050 - ASPxTitleIndex - No information about group item count within the IndexPanelItemTemplate and GroupHeaderTemplate container


  • B35744 - ASPxPivotGrid with ID "pgHeader" works incorrectly
  • Q144734 - CreateSummaryDataSource omits non-expanded rows when any row is expanded
  • B134180 - Export - Two or more ASPxPivotGridExporters create controls with the same Id
  • Q145707 - Fields Customization: the scroll position isn't saved
  • Q144018 - Object Reference not found error while exporting

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • B133587 - AutoFormat causes rendering to fail with the "Object reference not found" error message


  • B133617 - Data in hidden Checkbox columns is always displayed as unchecked in edit forms
  • B134200 - EditButton and ExpandCollapseAction conflict when ExpandCollapseAction = NodeClick
  • B133479 - FindDataCellTemplateControl fails if the node's key field value contains a dollar sign
  • Q144821 - It is impossible to create a node whose key contains a space

CodeRush for Visual Studio .NET

  • B133510 - Code Creation - "AutoDeclare" does not infer correct casing for auto-implemented property
  • B133552 - Code Creation - "Use Equals" inserts unnecessary parentheses
  • B132690 - Code Issues - "Key" property is marked as undeclared in the GroupBy expression
  • B133998 - Code Issues - "Property can be auto-implemented" issue should not work in structs
  • B34959 - Code Issues - "Role" argument in the "PrincipalPermission" attribute is marked as an undeclared element
  • B133764 - Code Issues - "Unused declaration" code issue works incorrectly for the unused parameter of the overridden member
  • B134120 - Code Issues - Aggregate functions are marked as "Undeclared element" in query expressions
  • B133647 - Code Issues - Applying the "Remove type qualifier" fix prevents the form from opening for visual editing
  • B133763 - Code Issues - Exception declarations in catch statements are marked as undeclared elements
  • B133597 - Code Issues - Extension methods from the System.Data.DataSetExtensions assembly are marked as undeclared elements
  • B34875 - Code Issues - Invoking the "Introduce using statement" suggestion changes semantic of code
  • B34882 - Code Issues - Invoking the "Remove Type qualifier" suggestion changes the semantic of code
  • B133282 - Code Metrics works incorrectly for Anonymous Methods
  • B133110 - Crash Team Suite Database GDR
  • B133374 - Navigation - Const fields are not available in the "QuickNav" window
  • B133460 - Navigation - The "QuickNav" feature incorrectly processes the first keystroke with Swedish Dvorak (i.e. non-qwerty) keyboard layout
  • B132967 - Typing in the Lambda expression kills Visual Studio

Core of ASPxPivotGrid and XtraPivotGrid

  • B35553 - OptionsData.CaseSensitive property doesn't affect the Prefilter's values drop down

DXCharts for WPF

  • Q141217 - Series Labels - If a label's template contains a rounded rectangle, its corners are not transparent

DXCore for Visual Studio.NET

  • B34760 - The Add New Item window is focused in the DXCore section when displayed in Visual Studio for the first time

DXNavBar for WPF

  • B34928 - ContentTemplate isn't applied to a NavBarGroup
  • B35050 - DXNavBar demo can't be opened in the Expression Blend
  • B134141 - IsExpanded property value is ignored
  • Q145126 - The GetNavBarGroup method returns null for NavBarGroup descendants

eXpress Persistent Objects

  • Q144101 - ArgumentNullException when selecting a single reference using XPQuery, if a class object has a constructor without parameters
  • B133729 - Broken link to a Knowledge Base article in the XPO documentation

eXpressApp Framework

  • B35272 - ActionContainers.Web: The SingleChoiceAction action should be shown with one item if it is represented as a double-section button (menu item)
  • B134126 - After extending the Application Model with incorrect schema, ModelEditor cannot be opened, even if I remove incorrect code
  • Q37666 - All the resources are loaded to the Scheduler control when trying to create a new resource and assign this resource to the appointment
  • Q143672 - An exception occurs when trying to prevent users from double clicking to create a new appointment in the XAF Scheduler Control
  • B133563 - Cannot add the 'xxx' object with the = 'xxx' key to the object cache, because another 'xxx' object with the same key has already been added to it
  • B132979 - Changes are not saved when using the SaveandClose shortcut in the ObjectPropertyEditor
  • B133768 - CodeRule causes errors in the Validation module when opening the Model.xafml file
  • B133538 - Collection properties should not be visible in the Object Model dialog invoked from the Column Chooser in a List View
  • Q144517 - Designers.Security - The "Invalid object name 'dbo.BasicUser'." error message occurs when one Security object is removed from the design surface and another one is immediately added from the toolbox when designing a new XAF Application in Visual Studio
  • B134095 - Exception occurs when checking a RuleObjectExists for an object that doesn't have a default property
  • B132664 - Exception occurs when deleting a cell from the XRTable in the report designer
  • B134217 - Exception with nonpersistent generic classes
  • B32035 - Grid.NewItemRow: I can add a new row to the grid though the validation failed and the object wasn't saved at all
  • Q143144 - Group summary values aren't displayed in the group row of the ASPxGridView.
  • B133802 - If a List View contains a property of a reference property's property from a derived class, the Save operation in the Detail View throws an exception
  • B134212 - If location of a config file passed to DBUpdater contains any executable, which is not .NET, then DBUpdater tries to open this file and fails
  • B134084 - If several rule attributes are used for a property, only one of them is checked
  • B133073 - In MDI applications, if an action was inactive before bar merging, it doesn't appear in a menu and in a toolbar when it becomes active.
  • B133536 - In Web applications, icons for disabled Actions look similar to the icons for enabled Actions
  • Q144250 - In Web applications, localized values for a boolean property are not displayed in the editor's drop-down in List Views
  • B34999 - ListViewAndDetailView mode: after pressing the Escape button in the nested ListView of the EditView, it fires for the root ListView as well.
  • B133366 - Localized Property Editor captions are not shown in a running application
  • Q145919 - Problem in the Designer after playing with the ExpandObjectMembersAttribute on the referenced property of the same type as the owner class
  • B133383 - Problem with Internet Explorer 6 and XAF
  • B133856 - Problems when trying to show the Field List for a pivot grid in a Windows Forms application
  • B35102 - Recurring events aren't displayed in the scheduler if the pattern event is out of the visible interval
  • Q143343 - Repeated lines in the application's designer file
  • B34846 - Reports: a disabled XRSubreport feature is available in the Toolbox of the reports designer.
  • B133946 - The ArgumentException with the "The passed object belongs to another ObjectSpace" message is thrown when canceling inline editing in the ASPxGridListEditor
  • B133994 - The ASPxGridListEditor throws an exception when using upcasting for an enum type field
  • B35051 - The DevExpress.Utils assembly is not added to the Web.config file
  • B133810 - The EnableHtmlFormatting option does not work
  • B35769 - The NullReferenceException is raised when using the RepositoryItemLargeStringEdit and the ShowAutoFilterRow option is enabled
  • B133478 - The TypesInfo class cannot identify the default member for a System.Data.DataRelationCollection object
  • B133461 - The VisibleInListView attribute doesn't work on properties named "Name"
  • B133323 - The XafTypesInfo.Instance.FindTypeInfo(myType).FindMember method cannot find static members
  • B134101 - TreeNodeController: Inconsistent behavior of the "New" and "Save and New" Actions
  • B133533 - VSDesigners - A NullReference exception occurs when trying to drop the Validation Module from the Toolbox to my Module in the ModuleDesigner
  • Q145345 - Web: Actions order doesn't work for the Unspecified category
  • B134118 - Web: incorrect width is used by the text box that displays a ParametrizedAction with the ID property set to a default value
  • B133812 - When executing the XAF BuildScript buildall.cmd from K18065, the PublicKeyToken.txt file is created in TempDir but never copied to HomeDir
  • B133632 - XAF project name can't end with "Module"
  • B33808 - XAF.Core: after removing class properties, customized layout generates duplicated items and blinks

Refactor! Pro

  • B132925 - Code Creation - "Add to interface" can lead to uncompilable code
  • B132926 - Code Creation - "Declare Property" can lead to uncompilable code
  • B134207 - Code Issues - "Inline Temp" creates uncompilable code
  • S131225 - Refactoring - "Case To Conditional" refactoring isn't available on a "switch" statement, which is structured with additional delimiters
  • B134174 - Refactoring - "Expand ternary expression" refactoring makes the code uncompilable
  • B133545 - Refactoring - "Extract Method" refactoring works incorrectly with lambda expressions
  • B133156 - Refactoring - "Extract User Control" refactoring does not create code-behind files in a web application project
  • B133231 - Refactoring - "Move Type to Namespace" refactoring incorrectly replaces using statements
  • B133754 - Refactoring - "Rename" refactoring removes the event handler from the control

XtraBars Suite

  • B96143 - XtraTabbedMdiManager memory leak

XtraCharts Suite

  • B35498 - Documentation - Update the ASPxClientWebChartControl.SaveToDisk method's description
  • B133404 - Web - Pie and doughnut series views don't work under medium trust on some machines

XtraEditors Library

  • Q130344 - ImeMode property is not applied to textEdit

XtraGrid Suite

  • B34897 - A typo in the type of the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.CacheValuesOnRowUpdating Property
  • B97214 - ActiveFilterString is not serialized
  • B134009 - Documentation - An error in the ShowInGroupColumnFooter topic
  • B134057 - Filter overlapping in print preview
  • B133814 - LayoutView - Cannot hide a column
  • B35453 - LayoutView: text is cut off with large font size

XtraLayout Suite

  • B35159 - A wrong tooltip is displayed when adding a tab page at runtime
  • B133821 - Appearance settings specified by the AppearanceTabPage property are not saved/restored when a layout is saved/restored
  • B133618 - LayoutControl - Item borders are not painted correctly
  • B133737 - SimpleLabelItem in LayoutControl loses MinSize and MaxSize after closing and reopening the Designer
  • B35151 - SplitterItem: size grip is painted incorrectly with the Pumpkin skin

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • B133437 - "Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'" exception when clicking on the filter button
  • B133441 - Calculated Member returns incorrect results when filtering
  • B35426 - Column headers height is calculated incorrectly if there are two fields in the DataArea while one is for values and the other is for the grand total
  • B133775 - Field list keyboard navigation is broken
  • B133700 - FieldValueDisplayText does not work when binding to a chart
  • Q144474 - NullReferenceException is raised when clicking a data cell within an empty grid
  • S90632 - PivotGridControl doesn't show any tooltips if a field header is in the CustomizationForm
  • B35339 - PivotSummaryDataSource can't be destroyed
  • Q146820 - ShowMenu event is not triggered when the DataField's Summary menu is shown
  • B35429 - The BestFit method issue with an unbound field in the Data Area used to display the grand total

XtraPrinting Library

  • B35307 - Documentation - Remove notes that the BrickStringFormat can be used to specify line spacing
  • B133269 - Export to RTF - Sometimes text is clipped
  • B35067 - Export to RTF - XRChart is cut off when the XRChart.ImageType property is set to the Metafile value
  • B133151 - Export to XLS - TimeSpan values are exported as Text, but should be exported as Time
  • B133024 - Preview - When exporting a document to a file that is already opened and then cancelling the exporting procedure, Print Preview still asks whether it is necessary to open the file
  • B133077 - Printing - An unhandled exception is raised when trying to print on the disconnected printer

XtraReports Suite

  • Q146596 - Calculated Fields - Division result of the CalculatedField is truncated even if the CalculatedField.FieldType property is Double
  • B133434 - Calculated Fields - Null values are not processed correctly
  • B133293 - Conditional Formatting - Doesn't work when DisplayName is used
  • Q143154 - Deployment - The DevExpress.XtraRichEdit assembly is always required (even if the report doesn't contain an XRRichText control)
  • B133394 - Design Time - The Properties window is not refreshed when switching between reports
  • B32611 - Design Time - The XtraReport.BackColor property changes the page background color
  • B133801 - Design Time - When drag and dropping a parameter from the Field List on a report, its data binding is incorrect
  • S130879 - Document Map - If a table cell has a bookmark, the entire table, rather than this cell, is selected in preview
  • Q37256 - Documentation - The XtraEditors assembly isn't necessary when deploying ASP.NET applications (XtraReports:CustomDocument3189.htm, Redistributable Assemblies)
  • B133066 - End-User Designer - Component names are not saved after closing and re-opening the End-User Designer for the same report instance
  • B35354 - End-User Designer - The e.OldValue property is not correctly set within the XRDesignPanel.ComponentChanged event handler when changing the Name property of a band
  • B132993 - Export to PDF - Column Name in XRPivotGrid gets truncated
  • B34937 - Export to RTF - Exporting process is not completed when the resulting file is too large
  • B132535 - Filtering - The DetailReportBand's FilterString property doesn't work in some cases
  • B35698 - Grouping - When adding a group field to a data-bound report, and setting a field's FieldName property to None, the "Key cannot be null." exception is raised on preview
  • B35522 - Licensing - When installing DXperience with only XtraReports and XtraBars licenses, and dropping XRDesignRibbonController or XRDesignDockManager onto a form, a trial window is sometimes shown at design time
  • B32845 - Localization - End-User Designer - Properties in smart tags have different names than the same properties in the Property Grid
  • B133025 - Mail Merge - Unable to use embedded fields from the parent data table in master-detail reports
  • B33821 - Page Builder - AnchorVertical feature isn't effective when the subreport is displayed side-by-side with the report control
  • B132706 - Page Builder - If a report contains three nested group headers and one group footer belonging to the outer group header, this group footer is not printed every second time
  • Q144627 - Parameters - Unable to bind report controls to parameters
  • B32826 - Parameters - When a parameter's description is too long, it is not visible on the Parameters pane in preview
  • B133369 - Property Grid - An exception is raised when setting an empty string to the Font property of any object
  • B133220 - Property Grid -When adding a new style to a stylesheet, and trying to change its TextAlignment, an error occurs
  • B133548 - Serialization - Sometimes an "illegal file format" error occurs when restoring a report with an XRRichTextBox control that uses embedded fields
  • B132599 - Web - Report cannot be exported to Excel/Csv/Image when binding the ReportViewer.Report property at runtime
  • B133864 - Web - ReportToolbar cannot be positioned in absolute positioning mode
  • B34840 - WinControlContainer - An exception occurs when embedding a label control and updating its text with an empty string
  • B35191 - WinControlContainer - If a DevExpress control (GridControl, PivotGridControl, etc.) is added to a report, its smart tag contains duplicated items


  • S130481 - An error occurs when opening a Form containing the XtraRichEdit control after rebuilding the project in Design mode
  • Q137053 - BarCreators - cannot use them within StandaloneBarDockControl
  • B133173 - Cursor blink rate modification causes an exception in XtraRichEdit control
  • B131661 - Cursor on a new line should reflect the current font size
  • B132648 - Numbered list - font size modification is performed incorrectly
  • B134064 - Property assignment - Incorrect ZoomFactor property value raises an error in VS design mode
  • B132037 - SaveDocument - when saving to a stream, the stream's size increases on each save operation even if no changes are made
  • B133416 - Scrolling - a vertical scroll bar does not work
  • B134007 - Text alignment is incorrect in Preview mode for the text formatted with monospaced Font (such as Courier New)
  • B133196 - Underline extends to the bullet point instead of starting at the beginning of the text
  • B35118 - Unicode symbols are displayed incorrectly after loading a text from a file
  • B35047 - View - The RichtEditControl should retain its View type when the form is changed from MDI to non-MDI

XtraScheduler Suite

  • B134000 - AutoReload property has no description in Visual Studio
  • B32942 - Custom Appointment Form demo - the StartDate and EndDate fields should be disabled when the Appointment Form is raised in "Edit Series" mode
  • B96130 - Large font issues with Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Recurrence Controls
  • B132101 - Navigation Button - An exception occurs in the nearest appointment search procedure. The message is: '1/4/2009 12:00:00 AM' is not a valid value for 'End'.
  • B133722 - Navigation Button - An exception occurs when the LimitInterval property is assigned


  • B134011 - Application hangs when the XtraSpellChecker is used to check the XtraGrid repository editor

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • B133190 - Auto Height - Multiline text is not entirely displayed in the MemoEdit
  • B35177 - Auto Height - The MemoEdit repository item isn't correctly resized in the VGridControl
  • Q147053 - Context Menu - The VGridControl doesn't provide the ShowMenu event
  • B134025 - PropertyGridControl - The editor for the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Anchor property is not entirely visible
  • B133175 - Validation - When an incorrect value is posted to a property of the Double type, the PropertyGridControl displays an unfriendly error message



Breaking Changes
.NET Product Line - v2009 vol 1.0



ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • SettingsCookies.StoreColumnsVisibilePosition has been renamed to SettingsCookies.StoreColumnsVisiblePosition

    Typo fixed, visiBILE has been changed to visiBLE.

ASPxperience Suite

  • The logic of rendering the ASPxDataView control to a page has been changed - it is now always rendered, even if it's empty

    Previously, an empty ASPxDataView control that didn’t contain data items wasn't rendered into the page, and it couldn't be accessible on the client side via code.
    Now, the rendering logic of the ASPxDataView control has been changed and it is always rendered into the page, be it empty or not. For an empty ASPxDataView control a specific explanatory text or a custom template can now be rendered.

Core of ASPxScheduler and XtraScheduler

  • CollectionChangedAction enum has been moved from the DevExpress.XtraScheduler namespace to the DevExpress.Utils namespace

  • CollectionChangedEventArgs<T> has been moved from the DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Native namespace to the DevExpress.Utils namespace

  • CollectionChangedEventHandler<T> has been moved from the DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Native namespace to the DevExpress.Utils namespace

  • CollectionChangingEventArgs<T> has been moved from the DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Native namespace to the DevExpress.Utils namespace

  • CollectionChangingEventHandler<T> has been moved from the DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Native namespace to the DevExpress.Utils namespace

  • DevExpress.XtraScheduler.CustomFieldCollection.Capacity property has been removed.

  • DXCollection<T> has been moved from the DevExpress.XtraScheduler namespace to the DevExpress.Utils namespace

  • DXCollectionBase<T> has been moved from the DevExpress.XtraScheduler namespace to the DevExpress.Utils namespace

  • DXCollectionWithSetItem<T> has been moved from the DevExpress.XtraScheduler namespace to the DevExpress.Utils namespace

  • NotificationCollection<T> has been moved from the DevExpress.XtraScheduler namespace to the DevExpress.Utils namespace

  • Several non-generic collection-related classes have been marked obsolete

    The following non-generic classes are now obsolete:
    NotificationCollection, CollectionChangingEventHandler, CollectionChangingEventArgs, CollectionChangedEventHandler, CollectionChangedEventArgs.

  • The DevExpress.XtraScheduler.CustomFieldCollection class no longer implements the ICollection interface.

    In general, this breaking change shouldn't have any effect on your applications, unless you have directly cast a CustomFieldCollection object to the ICollection interface.

  • The DevExpress.XtraScheduler.CustomFieldCollection class no longer implements the IList interface.

    In general, this breaking change shouldn't have any effect on your applications, unless you have directly cast a CustomFieldCollection object to the IList interface.

DXCharts for WPF

  • DXCharts for WPF v2009 vol 1 is not compatible with v2008 vol 3 due to numerous API changes.

    For example:

    - The AreaSeries class has been renamed to the AreaSeries2D.
    - The LineSeries class has been renamed to the LineSeries2D.
    - The BarModelKind class has been renamed to the Bar2DModelKind.
    - The BarSeries class has been renamed to the BarSideBySideSeries2D.
    - The BarModelDescriptor class has been renamed to the Bar2DModelDescriptor.
    - The MarkerKind class has been renamed to the Marker2DKind.
    - The MarkerModelDescriptor class has been renamed to the Marker2DModelDescriptor.
    - The AxisLabelPosition enumeration has been renamed to the Axis3DLabelPosition.
    - The BarLabelPosition enumeration has been renamed to the Bar2DLabelPosition.
    - The SeriesXYUnwindingAction class has been renamed to the SeriesUnwindingAction.

    - The LineSeries2DBase class has been removed. Now, the LineSeries2D and AreaSeries2D classes are descendants of the PointSeries2DBase class.
    - The IMarker2D interface has been introduced. This interface allows you to access series marker properties.
    - The PieSeries2D and PieSeries3D classes have been derived from the base PieSeriesBase class.
    - The VisualContainer2D and VisualContainer3D classes have been united into a single VisualContainer class.

    - The BarModelDescriptor.BaseColor property has been removed.
    - The BarSeries3D.BaseColor property has been removed.
    - The MarkerModelDescriptor.BaseColor property has been removed.
    - The SeriesLabel.BaseColor property has been removed.

    - The PieSeries3D.PercentOptions property has been removed. New PercentView class has been introduced to substitute for this property. For now, this class contains the attached PercentOptions property which can be set to the PointOptions object, if the series supports percentages (e.g. PieSeries3D, AreaFullStackedSeries2D etc.).

    - The type of PieSeries3D.HoleRadiusPercent property was changed. The PieSeries3D.HoleRadiusPercent has been moved to PieSeriesBase class, and type of HoleRadiusPercent property was changed from int to double.

DXGrid for WPF

  • DXGrid for WPF v2009 vol 1 is not compatible with v2008 vol 3 due to numerous API changes.

eXpressApp Framework

  • ActionContainer's events are refactored

    The ActionContainerBarItem.CreateCustomActionControl and DefaultBarActionItemsFactory.CreateCustomBarItemControl events, which were used for backward compatibility, have now been removed. In addition the non-generic CreateCustomActionControlEventArgs and CreateCustomActionControlArgs classes have been removed as well. In order to access the controls created for Actions, you should use the ActionContainerBarItem.CustomizeActionControl and DefaultBarActionItemsFactory.CreateCustomBarItemControl events. The latter event is static.

    The BarActionItemsFactory.BarItemChanged event now has the arguments of the BarItemChangedEventArgs type.

    The BarActionItemsFactory<ItemInfoType> class' CreateBarItem protected method has been renamed to "CreateActionItem".

  • Actions with the Unspecified category

    The Default Action Container has been removed from the context menu that can be invoked for List Views. So, Actions with the Unspecified category are no longer displayed in the context menu. They are only visible in the toolbar.

  • Non-persistent properties are now excluded from the search performed by the "Filter by Text" Action.

    To add a non-persistent property to the set of the properties that are used by the "Filter by Text" Action's SearchCriteriaBuilder to generate a filter criterion, apply the SearchMemberOptions attribute with the SeachMemberMode.Include parameter value to this property.

  • Setters for several properties have been removed

    Setters for the following properties have been removed:



  • Several obsolete methods have been removed

    The methods that were removed are:
    RuleSetValidationResult.GetOldValidationResults(Boolean returnOnlyInvalid)

  • The CollectionSourceBase class has been refactored.

    The CollectionSourceBase.Collection property now raises an exception when the CollectionSourceBase instance is being initialized (that is, the IsInitialization property returns true). This allows us to prohibit access to the Collection until all Controllers are initialized.

    So, it is now impossible to use the Collection property in a Controller's OnActivated method or Activated event handler. The CollectionSourceBase.CollectionChanged event should be used instead.

  • The invisible ViewsNavigation Action Container has been removed from the Main Form's toolbar

    Previously, the ShowNavigationItem Action was mapped to the following Action Containers:
    - NavBarActionContainer. It displayed the Action via a navbar.
    - ActionContainerBarItem. It didn't display the Action, but it was used to support keyboard shortcuts for the Action's items.

    The ActionContainerBarItem Action Container now displays the Action as an item in the View menu of the Main Form Template. So, the Action is displayed by two controls in the main form: navbar and menu item.

  • The point in time when the ModuleBase.Setup method is called has been changed

    Previously, the ModuleBase.Setup method was not called by the XafApplication.Setup method. Now, it's called just after a module is added to the XafApplication.Modules list.

XtraCharts Suite

  • The PointOverlappingOptions.AttractToMarker and PointOverlappingOptions.IndentFromMarker obsolete properties have been removed.

    Instead, use the OverlappingOptions.Mode and SeriesLabelBase.LineLength properties, respectively.

  • The Side-by-side Bars behavior has been changed.

    If two series of the Bar, the Side-by-side Range Bar, or the Side-by-side Gantt series view have the same X-axis and different Y-axes, they are now placed side-by-side (whereas in previous versions, they were overlapped).

XtraGrid Suite

  • By default, now pressing the PAGE DOWN key focuses the bottom visible record

    This change to the functionality improves the navigation and selection behavior when using the Page Down key. From now on, if the top record is focused, pressing Page Down moves focus to the bottom visible record. In multiple selection mode, pressing Shift + Page Down selects all the records between the top and the bottom visible records, and moves focus to the bottom record. This means an end-user will clearly see the current selection. In previous versions, the selection was scrolled out of view.

    To revert to the old navigation mode, set the GridOptionsNavigation.UseOfficePageNavigation property to false.

  • GridColumn.Caption is set to an empty string while populating columns

    By default, when populating columns, the GridColumn.Caption property is set to an empty string. The actual column captions are generated automatically based on field names. However, you can provide custom column captions by assigning them to the GridColumn.Caption property.

  • The CardOptionsPrint.PrintSelectedCardOnly property, if set to true, now enables the printing and exporting of all selected cards.

    In previous versions, if this property was set to true, only the focused card was printed

  • The default value of the CardView.CardCaptionFormat is now the empty string, and the actual value is retrieved from the resources.

    The CardView.CardCaptionFormat property has been made localizable.
    Now the default value retrieved by this property is the empty string. The actual value is specified by the resources files.
    You can still change the CardCaptionFormat property if you want to override the default value stored in the resource files.

  • The type of the CacheValuesOnRowUpdating property has been changed

    This version corrects a typo in the name of the CacheValuesOnRowUpdating property's type.

  • When an end-user changes the summary type via context menus, the summary values are now formatted according to the column's DisplayFormat

    A column's cells are formatted according to the GridColumn.DisplayFormat property. In v9.1, the summary values are also formatted using this format.

  • While copying cells to clipboard, the header text is now also copied to the clipboard

XtraReports Suite

  • Some ReportStringID constants have been removed because the corresponding properties' ReportStringID constants are now used instead.

    This was done in order to fix the issue <link href="/issue=B32845" newwin="yes">B32845</link>.

    The following ReportStringID constants have been removed:


  • The XtraReport.BackColor property no longer changes the page color.

    This change was done in order to fix issue B32611. Use the XtraReport.PageColor property instead.

  • When a report is exported, postbacks are now always used instead of callbacks.

    The ReportViewer.ExportViaPostback property has been removed, because it is now always treated as True.

XtraTreeList Suite

  • The type of the TreeListPainter.NodeDragImages and TreeListPainter.IndicatorImages properties has been changed to DevExpress.Utils.ImageCollection.
