
What kind of mentality(/menˈtæləti/), what kind of interpersonal relationships, and what kind of quality of life there is
有什么样的心态,就有什么样的人际关系,就有什么样的生活质量——中国礼仪与公关专家、人民大学教授 金正昆

Du Leo’s Law: Passion makes your life more exciting


  • ⭐️ Living in the same environment, why do some people live a lively and exciting life, while others live a depressed(/dɪˈprest/ 抑郁的) and listless(/ˈlɪstləs/ 无精打采的) life?

  • ❤️ 生活在相同的环境里,为什么有的人活得风生水起,活得精彩,有的人却活得沮丧,活得无精打采

  • ⭐️ Faced with the same life, with different attitudes and perspectives(/pərˈspɛktɪvz/ 观点), the world we gain naturally differs.

  • ❤️ 面对同样的生活,心态不同,眼光不同,得到的世界自然不一样。

  • ⭐️ If you are full of passion for life, you can also spend every day in the desert(/ˈdezərt 沙漠) fully and freely; If you believe there is no hope in life, even if you have a wealth, it will not give you any pleasure.

  • ❤️ 如果你对人生充满热情,在沙漠里也能充实自在地度过每一天;如果你认为人生没有希望,即使家财万贯也不会让你获得半点乐趣。

  • ⭐️ Nothing makes people feel old more than losing enthusiasm.

  • ❤️ 没有什么比失去热忱(chen二声)更使得人觉得垂垂老矣。

  • ⭐️ Whether you are passionate(/ˈpæʃənət/ 热情的) about life determines your attitude towards life and also determines the quality of your life.

  • ❤️ 对生活是否充满热情,决定了你的人生态度,也决定了你的人生质量。

  • ⭐️ Imagine how a person who always complains(/kəmˈpleɪnz/ 抱怨) and is used to complaining can achieve happiness in life and success in their career?

  • ❤️ 试想一下,总是自怨自艾,习惯抱怨的人怎么可能获得生活的美满和事业的成功?

  • ⭐️ When you encounter(/ɪnˈkaʊntər/ 遭遇) setbacks(/ˈsɛtˌbæks/ 挫折), start to feel disappointed, and then lose hope in life, it’s worth considering what Dulio said. Find a new passion(/ˈpæʃn/ 激情) and enthusiasm for yourself, and let this positive motivation help you find a new direction in life.

  • ❤️ 当你遇到挫折,开始失望,继而对生活失去希望的时候,不妨想想杜利奥说过的话,为自己寻找全新的热情和热忱,让这段积极的动力帮你找到人生的新方向。

  • ⭐️ Enthusiasm can bring more vitality(/vaɪˈtæləti/ 活力) and excitement to our lives. It can become an important driving force for us to pursue our dreams and achieve our goals.

  • ❤️ 热情可以给予我们的人生带来更多的活力和精彩。它可以成为我们追求梦想和实现目标的重要推动力量。
