CNI(Container Networking Interface)

CNI(Container Networking Interface)_第1张图片

Simply put

CNI (Container Networking Interface) is a standalone standard that defines the configuration and management interface for container networks, independent of the container runtime. It is designed to provide consistency and flexibility, allowing integration with different container runtimes and network plugins to provide reliable network connectivity for containers.

CNI is designed with a simple and modular structure, consisting of three main components: plugins, CNI plugin, and configuration files.

First, plugins are independent binaries that implement the CNI interface specification and handle the configuration and management of container networks. Each plugin has its own implementation, such as basic network connectivity, IP address allocation, network policies, etc. This design allows CNI to integrate with different container runtimes and allows developers to customize plugins to implement specific network functionalities based on their needs.

Second, the CNI plugin acts as a bridge between CNI and the plugins. It defines a standardized set of interfaces and data structures for communication between the plugin and the container runtime. The container runtime can use the CNI interface to forward the container’s network configuration request to the appropriate plugin. The CNI plugin will then execute the required network operations based on these requests, such as creating and configuring network interfaces, allocating IP addresses, setting up routing rules, etc.

Lastly, configuration files are used to specify the configuration information for the plugin and its parameters. They define the plugins to be used, network configuration options, and other parameters, as well as the topology of the container network. Configuration files can be specified during container startup, read by the container runtime, and passed to the CNI plugin. This flexible configuration approach allows administrators to modify and adjust the container’s network settings as needed.

Implementing CNI is relatively simple for a container standard design engineer. Firstly, they need to implement their own CNI plugin, which is a binary file that implements the network configuration and management functionalities defined in the CNI interface. Then, they need to generate the appropriate configuration files that specify the relevant information for the plugin and its parameters. Finally, using the relevant commands of the container runtime, they pass the configuration files and container’s network requests to the CNI plugin for processing.


In the vast expanse of the galaxy, a new era of interstellar travel has dawned. Humans, with their insatiable desire to explore the unknown, have ventured far beyond the confines of their home planet. As they colonize distant worlds and establish thriving civilizations across the stars, a need arises for seamless communication and connectivity between these dispersed settlements.

Enter the Container Networking Interface, or CNI, a technological marvel of the future. This ingenious network protocol has become the standard in the domain of intergalactic data exchange. Just as an invisible web weaves its intricate threads across the cosmos, CNI creates a virtual network that effortlessly links countless containers together, enabling efficient communication and collaboration on an unprecedented scale.

Imagine a world where space-faring vessels, habitats, and even individual entities are encapsulated within self-contained containers, floating amidst the boundless void. These containers, each holding a unique purpose, could be homes, research labs, or even mobile command centers. Within their confines lie not only the physical infrastructure but also the digital landscapes that govern the operations and interactions of the inhabitants.

CNI serves as the universal translator, the bridge that effortlessly connects these containers, enabling seamless exchange of information, resources, and ideas. It ensures that every habitat, regardless of its location in the vastness of space, is intricately linked to a collective network. This interconnected network becomes the lifeblood of the interstellar civilization, facilitating communication, collaboration, and the sharing of knowledge among the far-flung corners of the galaxy.

As new discoveries and innovations emerge, CNI evolves, adapting to the ever-changing needs of the interstellar society. It becomes the backbone of not just inter-habitat connectivity, but also interstellar commerce, inter-species diplomacy, and the collective pursuit of scientific advancement.

Yet, like all technological advancements, CNI brings both promise and peril. The network holds the potential to unify civilizations, foster cooperation, and unlock the collective wisdom of the cosmos. However, it also poses risks, as malicious entities may attempt to exploit its vulnerabilities for their own nefarious purposes. Therefore, the guardians of the CNI are ever vigilant, protecting the network’s integrity and ensuring that every interaction within its virtual realm is secure and trustworthy.

In this science-fiction world, the Container Networking Interface has become an indispensable tool, seamlessly weaving the tapestry of interstellar civilization. It has transcended the boundaries of mere technology, embodying the aspirations and collective spirit of humanity as it traverses the galaxy, marking its presence among the stars.
