



The Status bar at the bottom of the Outlook client contains a lot of information. However, you can use a simple context menu to customize it, and either add or remove different values and shortcuts. Here’s how to configure it.

Outlook客户端底部的状态栏包含很多信息。 但是,您可以使用简单的上下文菜单对其进行自定义,然后添加或删除不同的值和快捷方式。 这是配置方法。

Status bars are often an unloved, ignored part of a software app. This is a shame because they’re often the only part of an app that’s always visible. This is what makes them the ideal place for information and shortcuts.

状态栏通常是软件应用程序中不受人欢迎且被忽略的部分。 很遗憾,因为它们通常是应用程序中始终可见的唯一部分。 这就是使它们成为信息和快捷方式的理想场所的原因。

The Outlook client shows both information and shortcuts in the status bar. You can also choose what’s shown there. By default, the number of read and unread messages, information about the mail server connection, reading pane toggles, and zoom information all appear in the status bar.

Outlook客户端在状态栏中同时显示信息和快捷方式。 您还可以选择在那里显示的内容。 默认情况下,状态栏中会显示已读和未读邮件的数量ÿ
