



class QCheckBox;
class QGroupBox;
class QLabel;
class QLineEdit;
class QRadioButton;

class ClassWizard : public QWizard {
    ClassWizard( QWidget *parent = 0 );
    void accept();

class IntroPage : public QWizardPage {
    IntroPage ( QWidget *parent = 0 );
    QLabel *label;

class ClassInfoPage : public QWizardPage {
    ClassInfoPage ( QWidget *parent = 0 );
    QLabel *classNameLabel;
    QLabel *baseClassLabel;
    QLineEdit *classNameLineEdit;
    QLineEdit *baseClassLineEdit;
    QCheckBox *qobjectMacroCheckBox;
    QGroupBox *groupBox;
    QRadioButton *qobjectCtorRadioButton;
    QRadioButton *qwidgetCtorRadioButton;
    QRadioButton *defaultCtorRadioButton;
    QCheckBox *copyCtorCheckBox;

class CodeStylePage : public QWizardPage {
    CodeStylePage ( QWidget *parent = 0 );
    void initializePage();
    QCheckBox *commentCheckBox;
    QCheckBox *protectCheckBox;
    QCheckBox *includeBaseCheckBox;
    QLabel *macroNameLabel;
    QLabel *baseIncludeLabel;
    QLineEdit *macroNameLineEdit;
    QLineEdit *baseIncludeLineEdit;

class OutputFilesPage : public QWizardPage {
    OutputFilesPage ( QWidget *parent = 0 );
    void initializePage();
    QLabel *outputDirLabel;
    QLabel *headerLabel;
    QLabel *implementationLabel;
    QLineEdit *outputDirLineEdit;
    QLineEdit *headerLineEdit;
    QLineEdit *implementationLineEdit;

class ConclusionPage : public QWizardPage {
    ConclusionPage ( QWidget *parent = 0 );
    void initializePage();
    QLabel *label;



#include "classwizard.h"

ClassWizard::ClassWizard ( QWidget *parent ) : QWizard ( parent ) {
    addPage ( new IntroPage );
    addPage ( new ClassInfoPage );
    addPage ( new CodeStylePage );
    addPage ( new OutputFilesPage );
    addPage ( new ConclusionPage );
    setPixmap ( QWizard::BannerPixmap, QPixmap ( ":/images/banner.png" ) );
    setPixmap ( QWizard::BackgroundPixmap, QPixmap ( ":/images/background.png" ) );
    setWindowTitle ( tr ( "Class Wizard" ) );

void ClassWizard::accept() {
    QByteArray className = field ( "className" ).toByteArray();
    QByteArray baseClass = field ( "baseClass" ).toByteArray();
    QByteArray macroName = field ( "macroName" ).toByteArray();
    QByteArray baseInclude = field ( "baseInclude" ).toByteArray();
    QString outputDir = field ( "outputDir" ).toString();
    QString header = field ( "header" ).toString();
    QString implementation = field ( "implementation" ).toString();
    QByteArray block;

    if ( field ( "comment" ).toBool() ) {
        block += "/*\n";
        block += "    " + header.toAscii() + "\n";
        block += "*/\n";
        block += "\n";

    if ( field ( "protect" ).toBool() ) {
        block += "#ifndef " + macroName + "\n";
        block += "#define " + macroName + "\n";
        block += "\n";

    if ( field ( "includeBase" ).toBool() ) {
        block += "#include " + baseInclude + "\n";
        block += "\n";

    block += "class " + className;

    if ( !baseClass.isEmpty() ) {
        block += " : public " + baseClass;

    block += "\n";
    block += "{\n";

    /* qmake ignore Q_OBJECT */
    if ( field ( "qobjectMacro" ).toBool() ) {
        block += "    Q_OBJECT\n";
        block += "\n";

    block += "public:\n";

    if ( field ( "qobjectCtor" ).toBool() ) {
        block += "    " + className + "(QObject *parent = 0);\n";
    } else if ( field ( "qwidgetCtor" ).toBool() ) {
        block += "    " + className + "(QWidget *parent = 0);\n";
    } else if ( field ( "defaultCtor" ).toBool() ) {
        block += "    " + className + "();\n";

        if ( field ( "copyCtor" ).toBool() ) {
            block += "    " + className + "(const " + className + " &other);\n";
            block += "\n";
            block += "    " + className + " &operator=" + "(const " + className + " &other);\n";

    block += "};\n";

    if ( field ( "protect" ).toBool() ) {
        block += "\n";
        block += "#endif\n";

    QFile headerFile ( outputDir + "/" + header );

    if ( !headerFile.open ( QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text ) ) {
        QMessageBox::warning (
            0, QObject::tr ( "Simple Wizard" ),
            QObject::tr ( "Cannot write file %1:\n%2" )
                .arg ( headerFile.fileName() ).arg ( headerFile.errorString() ) );

    headerFile.write ( block );

    if ( field ( "comment" ).toBool() ) {
        block += "/*\n";
        block += "    " + implementation.toAscii() + "\n";
        block += "*/\n";
        block += "\n";

    block += "#include \"" + header.toAscii() + "\"\n";
    block += "\n";

    if ( field ( "qobjectCtor" ).toBool() ) {
        block += className + "::" + className + "(QObject *parent)\n";
        block += "    : " + baseClass + "(parent)\n";
        block += "{\n";
        block += "}\n";
    } else if ( field ( "qwidgetCtor" ).toBool() ) {
        block += className + "::" + className + "(QWidget *parent)\n";
        block += "    : " + baseClass + "(parent)\n";
        block += "{\n";
        block += "}\n";
    } else if ( field ( "defaultCtor" ).toBool() ) {
        block += className + "::" + className + "()\n";
        block += "{\n";
        block += "    // missing code\n";
        block += "}\n";

        if ( field ( "copyCtor" ).toBool() ) {
            block += "\n";
            block += className + "::" + className + "(const " + className + " &other)\n";
            block += "{\n";
            block += "    *this = other;\n";
            block += "}\n";
            block += "\n";
            block += className + " &" + className + "::operator=(const " + className + " &other)\n";
            block += "{\n";

            if ( !baseClass.isEmpty() ) {
                block += "    " + baseClass + "::operator=(other);\n";

            block += "    // missing code\n";
            block += "    return *this;\n";
            block += "}\n";

    QFile implementationFile ( outputDir + "/" + implementation );

    if ( !implementationFile.open ( QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text ) ) {
         QMessageBox::warning ( 0, QObject::tr ( "Simple Wizard" ),
                                QObject::tr ( "Cannot write file %1:\n%2" )
                                .arg ( implementationFile.fileName() )
                                .arg ( implementationFile.errorString() ) );

    implementationFile.write ( block );

IntroPage::IntroPage ( QWidget *parent ) : QWizardPage ( parent ) {
    setTitle ( tr ( "Introduction" ) );
    setPixmap ( QWizard::WatermarkPixmap, QPixmap ( ":/images/watermark1.png" ) );
    label = new QLabel ( tr ( "This wizard will generate a skeleton C++ class "
                         "definition, including a few functions. You simply "
                         "need to specify the class name and set a few "
                         "options to produce a header file and an "
                         "implementation file for your new C++ class." ) );
    label->setWordWrap ( true );
    QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
    layout->addWidget ( label );
    setLayout ( layout );

ClassInfoPage::ClassInfoPage ( QWidget *parent ) : QWizardPage ( parent ) {
    setTitle ( tr ( "Class Information" ) );
    setSubTitle ( tr ( "Specify basic information about the class for which you "
                       "want to generate skeleton source code files." ) );
    setPixmap ( QWizard::LogoPixmap, QPixmap ( ":/images/logo1.png" ) );
    classNameLabel = new QLabel ( tr ( "&Class name:" ) );
    classNameLineEdit = new QLineEdit;
    classNameLabel->setBuddy ( classNameLineEdit );
    baseClassLabel = new QLabel ( tr ( "B&ase class:" ) );
    baseClassLineEdit = new QLineEdit;
    baseClassLabel->setBuddy ( baseClassLineEdit );
    qobjectMacroCheckBox = new QCheckBox ( tr ( "Generate Q_OBJECT ¯o" ) );
    groupBox = new QGroupBox ( tr ( "C&onstructor" ) );
    qobjectCtorRadioButton = new QRadioButton ( tr ( "&QObject-style constructor" ) );
    qwidgetCtorRadioButton = new QRadioButton ( tr ( "Q&Widget-style constructor" ) );
    defaultCtorRadioButton = new QRadioButton ( tr ( "&Default constructor" ) );
    copyCtorCheckBox = new QCheckBox ( tr ( "&Generate copy constructor and " "operator=" ) );
    defaultCtorRadioButton->setChecked ( true );
    connect ( defaultCtorRadioButton, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), \
              copyCtorCheckBox, SLOT ( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
    registerField ( "className*", classNameLineEdit );
    registerField ( "baseClass", baseClassLineEdit );
    registerField ( "qobjectMacro", qobjectMacroCheckBox );
    registerField ( "qobjectCtor", qobjectCtorRadioButton );
    registerField ( "qwidgetCtor", qwidgetCtorRadioButton );
    registerField ( "defaultCtor", defaultCtorRadioButton );
    registerField ( "copyCtor", copyCtorCheckBox );
    QVBoxLayout *groupBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
    groupBoxLayout->addWidget ( qobjectCtorRadioButton );
    groupBoxLayout->addWidget ( qwidgetCtorRadioButton );
    groupBoxLayout->addWidget ( defaultCtorRadioButton );
    groupBoxLayout->addWidget ( copyCtorCheckBox );
    groupBox->setLayout ( groupBoxLayout );
    QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout;
    layout->addWidget ( classNameLabel, 0, 0 );
    layout->addWidget ( classNameLineEdit, 0, 1 );
    layout->addWidget ( baseClassLabel, 1, 0 );
    layout->addWidget ( baseClassLineEdit, 1, 1 );
    layout->addWidget ( qobjectMacroCheckBox, 2, 0, 1, 2 );
    layout->addWidget ( groupBox, 3, 0, 1, 2 );
    setLayout ( layout );

CodeStylePage::CodeStylePage ( QWidget *parent ) : QWizardPage ( parent ) {
    setTitle ( tr ( "Code Style Options" ) );
    setSubTitle ( tr ( "Choose the formatting of the generated code." ) );
    setPixmap ( QWizard::LogoPixmap, QPixmap ( ":/images/logo2.png" ) );
    commentCheckBox = new QCheckBox ( tr ( "&Start generated files with a " "comment" ) );
    commentCheckBox->setChecked ( true );
    protectCheckBox = new QCheckBox ( tr ( "&Protect header file against multiple " "inclusions" ) );
    protectCheckBox->setChecked ( true );
    macroNameLabel = new QLabel ( tr ( "&Macro name:" ) );
    macroNameLineEdit = new QLineEdit;
    macroNameLabel->setBuddy ( macroNameLineEdit );
    includeBaseCheckBox = new QCheckBox ( tr ( "&Include base class definition" ) );
    baseIncludeLabel = new QLabel ( tr ( "Base class include:" ) );
    baseIncludeLineEdit = new QLineEdit;
    baseIncludeLabel->setBuddy ( baseIncludeLineEdit );
    connect ( protectCheckBox, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), macroNameLabel, SLOT ( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
    connect ( protectCheckBox, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), macroNameLineEdit, SLOT ( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
    connect ( includeBaseCheckBox, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), baseIncludeLabel, SLOT ( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
    connect ( includeBaseCheckBox, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), baseIncludeLineEdit, SLOT ( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
    registerField ( "comment", commentCheckBox );
    registerField ( "protect", protectCheckBox );
    registerField ( "macroName", macroNameLineEdit );
    registerField ( "includeBase", includeBaseCheckBox );
    registerField ( "baseInclude", baseIncludeLineEdit );
    QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout;
    layout->setColumnMinimumWidth ( 0, 20 );
    layout->addWidget ( commentCheckBox, 0, 0, 1, 3 );
    layout->addWidget ( protectCheckBox, 1, 0, 1, 3 );
    layout->addWidget ( macroNameLabel, 2, 1 );
    layout->addWidget ( macroNameLineEdit, 2, 2 );
    layout->addWidget ( includeBaseCheckBox, 3, 0, 1, 3 );
    layout->addWidget ( baseIncludeLabel, 4, 1 );
    layout->addWidget ( baseIncludeLineEdit, 4, 2 );
    setLayout ( layout );

void CodeStylePage::initializePage() {
    QString className = field ( "className" ).toString();
    macroNameLineEdit->setText ( className.toUpper() + "_H" );
    QString baseClass = field ( "baseClass" ).toString();
    includeBaseCheckBox->setChecked ( !baseClass.isEmpty() );
    includeBaseCheckBox->setEnabled ( !baseClass.isEmpty() );
    baseIncludeLabel->setEnabled ( !baseClass.isEmpty() );
    baseIncludeLineEdit->setEnabled ( !baseClass.isEmpty() );

    if ( baseClass.isEmpty() ) {
    } else if ( QRegExp ( "Q[A-Z].*" ).exactMatch ( baseClass ) ) {
        baseIncludeLineEdit->setText ( "<" + baseClass + ">" );
    } else {
        baseIncludeLineEdit->setText ( "\"" + baseClass.toLower() + ".h\"" );

OutputFilesPage::OutputFilesPage ( QWidget *parent ) : QWizardPage ( parent ) {
    setTitle ( tr ( "Output Files" ) );
    setSubTitle ( tr ( "Specify where you want the wizard to put the generated "
                       "skeleton code." ) );
    setPixmap ( QWizard::LogoPixmap, QPixmap ( ":/images/logo3.png" ) );
    outputDirLabel = new QLabel ( tr ( "&Output directory:" ) );
    outputDirLineEdit = new QLineEdit;
    outputDirLabel->setBuddy ( outputDirLineEdit );
    headerLabel = new QLabel ( tr ( "&Header file name:" ) );
    headerLineEdit = new QLineEdit;
    headerLabel->setBuddy ( headerLineEdit );
    implementationLabel = new QLabel ( tr ( "&Implementation file name:" ) );
    implementationLineEdit = new QLineEdit;
    implementationLabel->setBuddy ( implementationLineEdit );
    registerField ( "outputDir*", outputDirLineEdit );
    registerField ( "header*", headerLineEdit );
    registerField ( "implementation*", implementationLineEdit );
    QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout;
    layout->addWidget ( outputDirLabel, 0, 0 );
    layout->addWidget ( outputDirLineEdit, 0, 1 );
    layout->addWidget ( headerLabel, 1, 0 );
    layout->addWidget ( headerLineEdit, 1, 1 );
    layout->addWidget ( implementationLabel, 2, 0 );
    layout->addWidget ( implementationLineEdit, 2, 1 );
    setLayout ( layout );

void OutputFilesPage::initializePage() {
    QString className = field ( "className" ).toString();
    headerLineEdit->setText ( className.toLower() + ".h" );
    implementationLineEdit->setText ( className.toLower() + ".cpp" );
    outputDirLineEdit->setText ( QDir::convertSeparators ( QDir::tempPath() ) );

ConclusionPage::ConclusionPage ( QWidget *parent ) : QWizardPage ( parent ) {
    setTitle ( tr ( "Conclusion" ) );
    setPixmap ( QWizard::WatermarkPixmap, QPixmap ( ":/images/watermark2.png" ) );
    label = new QLabel;
    label->setWordWrap ( true );
    QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
    layout->addWidget ( label );
    setLayout ( layout );

void ConclusionPage::initializePage() {
    QString finishText = wizard()->buttonText ( QWizard::FinishButton );
    finishText.remove ( '&' );
    label->setText ( tr ( "Click %1 to generate the class skeleton." )
                     .arg ( finishText ) );



#include "classwizard.h"

int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
    QApplication app ( argc, argv );
    QString translatorFileName = QLatin1String ( "qt_" );
    translatorFileName += QLocale::system().name();
    QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator ( &app );

    if ( translator->load (
            QLibraryInfo::location ( QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath ) ) ) {
        app.installTranslator ( translator );

    ClassWizard wizard;
    return app.exec();

