## 查询驱动信息
npu-smi info
## 返回如下结果
| npu-smi 20.1.0 Version: 20.1.0 |
| NPU Name | Health | Power(W) Temp(C) |
| Chip Device | Bus-Id | AICore(%) Memory-Usage(MB) |
| 0 310 | OK | 12.8 45 |
| 0 0 | 0000:00:0D.0 | 0 2703 / 8192 |
在华为官网下载支持CANN 5.1.RC1.alpha001
## 创建driver目录并进入driver目录
mkdir driver && cd driver
## 下载驱动安装包
wget --no-check-certificate https://obs-9be7.obs.cn-east-2.myhuaweicloud.com/turing/resourcecenter/Software/AtlasI/A300-3010%201.0.13/A300-3010-npu_21.0.4_linux-x86_64.zip
## 解压安装包到指定目录A310
unzip -d A310 A300-3010-npu_21.0.4_linux-x86_64.zip
## 进入A310目录
cd A310
## 再次执行解压命令(官方下载的默认解压有一个同名ZIP,需要二次解压)
## 解压出来后还有一个是固件,但云服务器无法更新固件所以更新固件
unzip A300-3010-npu_21.0.4_linux-x86_64.zip
## 安装驱动
./npu-driver_21.0.4_linux-x86_64.run --full
Verifying archive integrity... 100% SHA256 checksums are OK. All good.
Uncompressing npu-driver-run-package 100%
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:23:04] [INFO]Start time: 2022-03-04 13:23:04
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:23:04] [INFO]LogFile: /var/log/ascend_seclog/ascend_install.log
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:23:04] [INFO]OperationLogFile: /var/log/ascend_seclog/operation.log
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:23:04] [INFO]base version is 20.1.0.
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:23:04] [WARNING]Do not power off or restart the system during the installation/upgrade
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:23:04] [INFO]set username and usergroup, HwHiAiUser:HwHiAiUser
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:23:04] [INFO]Driver package has been installed on the path /usr/local/Ascend, the version is 20.1.0, and the version of this package is 21.0.4,do you want to continue? [y/n]
deleting install files...
remove install files successfully!
deleting installed folders...
remove install folders successfully!
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:24:12] [INFO]driver install type: DKMS
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:24:12] [INFO]upgradePercentage:10%
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:24:16] [INFO]upgradePercentage:30%
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:24:16] [INFO]upgradePercentage:40%
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:25:09] [INFO]upgradePercentage:90%
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:25:09] [INFO]upgradePercentage:100%
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:25:10] [INFO]Driver package installed successfully! Reboot needed for installation/upgrade to take effect!
[Driver] [2022-03-04 13:25:10] [INFO]End time: 2022-03-04 13:25:10
重启后执行npu-smi info
| npu-smi 21.0.4 Version: 21.0.4 |
| NPU Name | Health | Power(W) Temp(C) Hugepages-Usage(page) |
| Chip Device | Bus-Id | AICore(%) Memory-Usage(MB) |
| 13 310 | OK | 12.8 45 0 / 970 |
| 0 0 | 0000:00:0D.0 | 0 608 / 7765 |
推荐使用此方式下载,实测下载速度最高可达4.66MB/s,超过了我外网IP的固定带宽10 Mbit/s。
## 创建cann目录并进入cann目录
mkdir cann && cd cann
## 下载toolkit安装包
wget --no-check-certificate https://ascend-repo.obs.cn-east-2.myhuaweicloud.com/CANN/5.1.RC1.alpha001/Ascend-cann-toolkit_5.1.RC1.alpha001_linux-x86_64.run
## 添加可执行权限
chmod +x Ascend-cann-toolkit_5.1.RC1.alpha001_linux-x86_64.run
## 执行安装
./Ascend-cann-toolkit_5.1.RC1.alpha001_linux-x86_64.run --install
Verifying archive integrity... 100% SHA256 checksums are OK. All good.
Uncompressing ASCEND_RUN_PACKAGE 100%
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:27:35] [INFO] mkdir /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/5.1.RC1.alpha001/x86_64-linux
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:27:35] [INFO] touch /var/log/ascend_seclog/ascend_toolkit_install.log
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:27:35] [INFO] LogFile:/var/log/ascend_seclog/ascend_toolkit_install.log
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:27:35] [INFO] install start
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:27:35] [INFO] The install path is /usr/local/Ascend !
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:27:35] [INFO] install package CANN-runtime-5.1.RC1.alpha001-linux.x86_64.run start
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:27:37] [INFO] CANN-runtime-5.1.RC1.alpha001-linux.x86_64.run --full --quiet --nox11 install success
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:27:37] [INFO] install package CANN-compiler-5.1.RC1.alpha001-linux.x86_64.run start
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.3, however version 22.0.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.3, however version 22.0.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.3, however version 22.0.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.3, however version 22.0.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.3, however version 22.0.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.3, however version 22.0.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:28:13] [INFO] CANN-compiler-5.1.RC1.alpha001-linux.x86_64.run --full --pylocal --quiet --nox11 install success
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:28:13] [INFO] install package CANN-opp-5.1.RC1.alpha001-linux.x86_64.run start
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:28:33] [INFO] CANN-opp-5.1.RC1.alpha001-linux.x86_64.run --full --quiet --nox11 install success
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:28:33] [INFO] install package CANN-toolkit-5.1.RC1.alpha001-linux.x86_64.run start
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:13] [INFO] CANN-toolkit-5.1.RC1.alpha001-linux.x86_64.run --full --pylocal --quiet --nox11 install success
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:13] [INFO] install package Ascend-mindstudio-toolkit_3.0.3.B120_linux-x86_64.run start
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:14] [INFO] Ascend-mindstudio-toolkit_3.0.3.B120_linux-x86_64.run --full --quiet --nox11 install success
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:14] [INFO] install package CANN-aoe-5.1.RC1.alpha001-linux.x86_64.run start
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.3, however version 22.0.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:16] [INFO] CANN-aoe-5.1.RC1.alpha001-linux.x86_64.run --full --quiet --nox11 install success
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:16] [INFO] install package Ascend-test-ops_5.0.3_linux.run start
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:17] [INFO] Ascend-test-ops_5.0.3_linux.run --full --quiet --nox11 install success
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:17] [INFO] install package Ascend-pyACL_5.0.3_linux-x86_64.run start
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:17] [INFO] Ascend-pyACL_5.0.3_linux-x86_64.run --full --quiet --nox11 install success
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:17] [INFO] /etc/Ascend/ascend_cann_install.info generate success
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:17] [INFO] Please make sure that:
PATH includes :
LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes :
PYTHONPATH includes :
ASCEND_OPP_PATH includes :
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:17] [INFO] If your service is started using the shell script, you can call the /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/set_env.sh script to configure environment variables. Note that this script can not be executed mannually.
[Toolkit] [20220304-13:29:17] [INFO] Ascend-cann-toolkit_5.1.RC1.alpha001_linux-x86_64 install success,The install path is /usr/local/Ascend !
## 下载msame源码
git clone https://gitee.com/ascend/tools.git
## 切换到代码目录
cd tools/msame
## 添加可执行权限
chmod +x build.sh
## 开始编译工具
./build.sh g++
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- env INC_PATH: /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest
-- env LIB_PATH: /usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest/acllib/lib64/stub
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /root/cann/tools/msame/build/intermediates/host
Scanning dependencies of target main
[ 20%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/main.dir/utils.cpp.o
[ 40%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/main.dir/model_process.cpp.o
[ 60%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/main.dir/sample_process.cpp.o
[ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable /root/cann/tools/msame/out/main
[100%] Built target main
## 创建googlenet目录并进入googlenet目录
mkdir googlenet && cd googlenet
wget https://modelzoo-train-atc.obs.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/003_Atc_Models/AE/ATC%20Model/classification/googlenet.om
../out/msame --model ./googlenet.om --output ./output --outfmt BIN --loop 1
[INFO] acl init success
[INFO] open device 0 success
[INFO] create context success
[INFO] create stream success
[INFO] get run mode success
[INFO] load model ./googlenet.om success
[INFO] create model description success
[INFO] get input dynamic gear count success
[INFO] create model output success
[INFO] model execute success
Inference time: 1.963ms
[INFO] get max dynamic batch size success
[INFO] output data success
Inference average time: 1.963000 ms
[INFO] destroy model input success
[INFO] unload model success, model Id is 1
[INFO] Execute sample success
[INFO] end to destroy stream
[INFO] end to destroy context
[INFO] end to reset device is 0
[INFO] end to finalize acl
CANN 社区版下载-昇腾社区