Primitive and reference variables(基本变量和引用变量)
Learning Objectives
Variables in Java are classified into primitive and reference variables. From the programmer's perspective, a primitive variable's information is stored as the value of that variable, whereas a reference variable holds a reference to information related to that variable. reference variables are practically always objects in Java. Let's take a look at both of these types with the help of two examples.
int value = 10;
Sample output
public class Name {
private String name;
public Name(String name) {
this.name = name;
Name luke = new Name("Luke");
Sample output(样例输出)
In the first example, we create a primitive int variable, and the number 10 is stored as its value. When we pass the variable to the System.out.println method, the number 10 is printed. In the second example, we create a reference variable called luke. A reference to an object is returned by the constructor of the Name class when we call it, and this reference is stored as the value of the variable. When we print the variable, we get Name@4aa298b7 as output. What is causing this?
The method call System.out.println prints the value of the variable. The value of a primitive variable is concrete, whereas the value of a reference variable is a reference. When we attempt to print the value of a reference variable, the output contains the type of the variable and an identifier created for it by Java: the string Name@4aa298b7 tells us that the given variable is of type Name and its identifier is 4aa298b7.
方法call System.out.println打印变量的值。基本变量的值是具体的,而引用变量的值是引用。当我们尝试打印引用变量的值时,输出包含变量的类型和Java为其创建的标识符:字符串Name@4aa298b7告诉我们给定变量的类型为Name,其标识符为4aa298b7。
The previous example applies whenever the programmer has not altered an object's default print format. You can modify the default print by defining the toString method within the class of the given object, where you specify what the objects print should look like. In the example below, we've defined the public String toString() method within the Name class, which returns the instance variable name. Now, when we print any object that is an instance of the Name class with the System.out.println command, the string returned by the toString method is what gets printed.
只要程序员没有改变对象的默认打印格式,前面的例子就适用。可以通过在给定对象的类中定义toString方法来修改默认打印,在该类中指定对象的打印应该是什么样子。在下面的示例中,我们在Name类中定义了公共String toString()方法,该方法返回实例变量名。现在,当我们使用System.out.println命令打印任何作为Name类实例的对象时,toString方法返回的字符串将被打印出来。
public class Name {
private String name;
public Name(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return this.name;
Name luke = new Name("Luke");
System.out.println(luke); // equal to System.out.println(luke.toString());
Sample output(样例输出)
Primitive Variables
Java has eight different primitive variables. These are: boolean (a truth value: either true or false), byte (a byte containing 8 bits, between the values -128 and 127), char (a 16-bit value representing a single character), short (a 16-bit value that represents a small integer, between the values -32768 and 32767), int (a 32-bit value that represents a medium-sized integer, between the values -2^31 and 2^31-1), long (a 64-bit value that represents a large integer, between values -2^63 and 2^63-1), float (a floating-point number that uses 32 bits), and double (a floating-point number that uses 64 bits).
Out of all of these, we've mainly been using the truth value (boolean), integer (int) and floating-point variables (double).
boolean truthValue = false;
int integer = 42;
double floatingPointNumber = 4.2;
Sample output(样例输出)
Declaring a primitive variable causes the computer to reserve some memory where the value assigned to the variable can be stored. The size of the storage container reserved depends on type of the primitive. In the example below, we create three variables. Each one has its own memory location to which the value that is assigned is copied.
int first = 10;
int second = first;
int third = second;
System.out.println(first + " " + second + " " + third);
second = 5;
System.out.println(first + " " + second + " " + third);
Sample output(样例输出)
10 10 10
10 5 10
The name of the variable tells the memory location where its value is stored. When you assign a value to a primitive variable with an equality sign, the value on the right side is copied to the memory location indicated by the name of the variable. For example, the statement int first = 10 reserves a location called first for the variable, and then copies the value 10 into it.
Similarly, the statement int second = first; reserves in memory a location called second for the variable being created and then copies into it the value stored in the location of variable first.
The values of variables are also copied whenever they're used in method calls. What this means in practice is that the value of a variable that's passed as a parameter during a method call is not mutated in the calling method by the method called. In the example below, we declare a 'number' variable in the main method whose value is copied as the method call's parameter. In the method being called, the value that comes through the parameter is printed, its value is then incremented by one. The value of the variable is then printed once more, and the program execution finally returns to the main method. The value of the 'number' variable in the main method remains unaltered because it has nothing to do with the 'number' variable defined as the parameter of the method that's called.
变量的名称指示了存储其值的内存位置。当你使用等号给基本变量赋值时,等号右侧的值会被复制到变量名称所指示的内存位置中。例如,语句int first = 10会为变量保留一个名为first的位置,并将值10复制到该位置中。
类似地,语句int second = first会在内存中为正在创建的变量保留一个名为second的位置,并将存储在变量first的位置中的值复制到该位置中。
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int number = 1;
System.out.println("Number still: " + number);
public static void call(int number) {
System.out.println("Number in the beginning: " + number);
number = number + 1;
System.out.println("Number in the end: " + number);
Reference Variables
All of the variables provided by Java (other than the eight primitive variables mentioned above) are reference type. A programmer is also free to create their own variable types by defining new classes. In practice, any object instanced from a class is a reference variable.
Let's look at the example from the beginning of the chapter where we created a variable called 'leevi' of type Name.
Name leevi = new Name("Leevi");
The call has the following parts:
Name leevi = new Name("Leevi");
Name leevi...
... new Name("Leevi");
Name leevi = new Name("Leevi");
• 每当声明一个新变量时,必须首先声明其类型。我们在下面声明了一个Name类型的变量。为了使程序成功执行,程序必须有一个可用的Name类供程序使用。
Name …
• 我们将变量的名称声明为其声明的名称。您可以稍后通过名称引用变量的值。在下面的示例中,变量名被定义为leevi。
Name leevi…
• 可以为变量赋值。通过调用类的构造函数可以从类创建对象。该构造函数定义了分配给正在创建的对象的实例变量的值。在下面的示例中,我们假设Name类有一个以字符串为参数的构造函数。
… new Name(“Levi”);
• 构造函数调用返回一个值,该值是对新创建的对象的引用。等号告诉程序将右侧表达式的值复制为左侧变量的值。构造函数调用返回的对新创建对象的引用被复制为变量leevi的值。
Name leevi = new Name(“Levi”);
The most significant difference between primitive and reference variables is that primitives (usually numbers) are immutable. The internal state of reference variables, on the other hand, can typically be mutated. This has to do with the fact that the value of a primitive variable is stored directly in the variable, whereas the value of a reference variable is a reference to the variable's data, i.e., its internal state.
Arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication can be used with primitive variables — these operations do not change the original values of the variables. Arithmetic operations create new values that can be stored in variables as needed. Conversely, the values of reference variables cannot be changed by these arithmetic expressions.
The value of a reference variable — i.e., the reference — points to a location that contains information relating to the given variable. Let's assume that we have a Person class available to us, containing an instance variable 'age'. If we've instantiated a person object from the class, we can get our hands on the age variable by following the object's reference. The value of this age variable can then be changed as needed.
// 定义一个Person类
class Person {
// Person类有一个实例变量age
int age;
// Person类的构造器,用于创建Person对象时初始化age
Person(int initialAge) {
age = initialAge;
// 一个方法,用于改变Person对象的age
void setAge(int newAge) {
age = newAge;
// 一个方法,用于获取Person对象的age
int getAge() {
return age;
// 主类
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 创建一个Person对象,并将引用存储在变量john中
Person john = new Person(20);
// 通过john这个引用访问Person对象的age变量
System.out.println("John's age: " + john.getAge());
// 改变这个Person对象的age变量
// 再次通过john这个引用访问改变后的age变量
System.out.println("John's new age: " + john.getAge());
Primitive and Reference Variable as Method Parameters
We mentioned earlier that the value of a primitive variable is directly stored in the variable, whereas the value of a reference variable holds a reference to an object. We also mentioned that assigning a value with the equality sign copies the value (possibly of some variable) on the right-hand side and stores it as the value of the left-hand side variable.
A similar kind of copying occurs during a method call. Regardless of whether the variable is primitive or reference type, the value passed to the method as an argument is copied for the called method to use. With primitive variables, the value of the variable is conveyed to the method. With reference variables, it's a reference.
Let's look at this in practice and assume that we have the following Person class available to us.
public class Person {
private String name;
private int birthYear;
public Person(String name) {
this.name = name;
this.birthYear = 1970;
public int getBirthYear() {
return this.birthYear;
public void setBirthYear(int birthYear) {
this.birthYear = birthYear;
public String toString() {
return this.name + " (" + this.birthYear + ")";
We'll inspect the execution of the program step by step.
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person first = new Person("First");
Person second = first;
public static void youthen(Person person) {
person.setBirthYear(person.getBirthYear() + 1);
Sample output(样例输出)
First (1970)
First (1971)
First (1972)
The program's execution starts off from the first line of the main method. A variable of type Person is declared on its first line, and the value returned by the Person class constructor is copied as its value. The constructor creates an object whose birth year is set to 1970 and whose name is set to the value received as a parameter. The constructor returns a reference. Once the row has been executed, the program's state is the following — a Person object has been created in memory and the first variable defined in the main method contains a reference to it.
*In the illustrations below, the call stack is on the left-hand side, and the memory of the program on the right.
On the third row of the main method, we print the value of the variable first. The method call System.out.println searches for the toString method on the reference variable that has been given to it as the parameter. The Person class has the toString method, so this method is called on the object referenced by the first variable. The value of the name variable in that object is "First", and the value of the birthYear variable is 1970. The output becomes "First (1970)".
On the fourth row, the program calls the youthen method, to which we pass the variable first as an argument. When the method youthen is called, the value of the parameter variable is copied to be used by the youthen method. The execution of the main method remains waiting in the call stack. As the variable first is a reference type, the reference that was created earlier is copied for the method's use. At the end of the method execution, the situation is as follows — the method increments the birth year of the object it receives as a parameter by one.
When the execution of the method makeYounger ends, we return back to the main method. The information related to the execution of the makeYounger disappears from the call stack.
Once we've returned from the method call, we once again print the value of the variable first. The object referenced by the variable first has been mutated during the youthen method call: the birthYear variable of the object has been incremented by one. The final value printed is "First (1971)".
A new Person-type variable called second is then declared in the program. The value of the variable first is copied to the variable second, i.e., the value of the variable second becomes a reference to the already-existing Person object.
The program calls the youthen method after this, which is given the second variable as a parameter. The value of the variable passed during the method call is copied as a value for the method, i.e., the method receives the reference contained in the second variable for its use. After the method's execution, the birth year of the object referenced by the method has increased by one.
Finally, the method execution ends, and the program returns to the main method where the value of the variable first is printed one more time. The final result of the print is "First(1972)".
Variables and Computer Memory
In the course's material, concrete details related to variables and computer memory are simplified. Topics related to memory are dealt with on a level of abstraction that's suitable for learning programming. As an example, the description that the statement int number = 5 reserves a location for the variable number in the memory, and copies the value 5 into it, is sufficient with regard to the learning objectives of this course.
From the perspective of the operating system, a lot more happens when the statement int number = 5 is executed. A locker of size 32-bits is reserved in memory for the value 5, and another one for the number variable. The size of the location is determined by the type of variable in question. Once this is done, the contents of the memory location storing the value 5 are copied into the memory location of the number variable.
To add to the above, the number variable is technically not a memory location or a container. The value of the variable number is an address in memory — information attached to the variable about its type specifies how much data should be retrieved from its address. As an example, this is 32 bits for an integer.
We'll return to this briefly in the advanced programming course. The topic is dealt with in depth in the Computer Organization course.
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→ 4. Objects and references
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在课程材料中,与变量和计算机内存相关的具体细节被简化了。与内存相关的主题在适合学习编程的抽象级别上进行处理。例如,描述语句int number = 5在内存中为变量number保留一个位置,并将值5复制到该位置,对于本课程的学习目标来说已经足够了。
从操作系统的角度来看,执行语句int number = 5时会发生更多的事情。在内存中为值5保留了一个32位大小的存储空间,为变量number保留了另一个存储空间。位置的大小取决于所涉及的变量类型。完成这一步骤后,将存储值5的内存位置的内容复制到number变量的内存位置。
→4. 对象和引用