
1. 源文件

public class ClassLoadMechanism implements Serializable {
    private static int STATE_NON_FINAL = 10;
    private static final int STATIC_BASIC = 10;
    private static final String STATIC_STR = "123";

    private final int mLoading;
    private final String mRef;

    ClassLoadMechanism(int loading, String ref) {
        this.mLoading = loading;
        this.mRef = ref;

    public void test() {
        System.out.println("instance fun be called!");

    public static void staticFun(int arg) {
        System.out.println("static fun be called!");

2. 反编译源代码

javap -v -s -constants -p file:/classes/com/study/ClassLoadMechanism.class

2.1 反编译描述信息

Classfile /classes/com/yq/study/ClassLoadMechanism.class
  Last modified Feb 27, 2021; size 1033 bytes
  MD5 checksum ced3b2d1999f400f5d7aa04f536b72dc
  Compiled from ""

2.2 类描述信息

public class implements
  minor version: 0
  major version: 52

2.3 常量池

Constant pool:
   #1 = Methodref          #10.#39        // java/lang/Object."":()V
   #2 = Fieldref           #9.#40         // com/yq/study/ClassLoadMechanism.mLoading:I
   #3 = Fieldref           #9.#41         // com/yq/study/ClassLoadMechanism.mRef:Ljava/lang/String;
   #4 = Fieldref           #42.#43        // java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   #5 = String             #44            // instance fun be called!
   #6 = Methodref          #45.#46        // java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
   #7 = String             #47            // static fun be called!
   #8 = Fieldref           #9.#48         // com/yq/study/ClassLoadMechanism.STATE_NON_FINAL:I
   #9 = Class              #49            // com/yq/study/ClassLoadMechanism
  #10 = Class              #50            // java/lang/Object
  #11 = Class              #51            // java/io/Serializable
  #12 = Utf8               STATE_NON_FINAL
  #13 = Utf8               I
  #14 = Utf8               STATIC_BASIC
  #15 = Utf8               ConstantValue
  #16 = Integer            10
  #17 = Utf8               STATIC_STR
  #18 = Utf8               Ljava/lang/String;
  #19 = String             #52            // 123
  #20 = Utf8               mLoading
  #21 = Utf8               mRef
  #22 = Utf8               
  #23 = Utf8               (ILjava/lang/String;)V
  #24 = Utf8               Code
  #25 = Utf8               LineNumberTable
  #26 = Utf8               LocalVariableTable
  #27 = Utf8               this
  #28 = Utf8               Lcom/yq/study/ClassLoadMechanism;
  #29 = Utf8               loading
  #30 = Utf8               ref
  #31 = Utf8               test
  #32 = Utf8               ()V
  #33 = Utf8               staticFun
  #34 = Utf8               (I)V
  #35 = Utf8               arg
  #36 = Utf8               
  #37 = Utf8               SourceFile
  #38 = Utf8     
  #39 = NameAndType        #22:#32        // "":()V
  #40 = NameAndType        #20:#13        // mLoading:I
  #41 = NameAndType        #21:#18        // mRef:Ljava/lang/String;
  #42 = Class              #53            // java/lang/System
  #43 = NameAndType        #54:#55        // out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
  #44 = Utf8               instance fun be called!
  #45 = Class              #56            // java/io/PrintStream
  #46 = NameAndType        #57:#58        // println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
  #47 = Utf8               static fun be called!
  #48 = NameAndType        #12:#13        // STATE_NON_FINAL:I
  #49 = Utf8               com/yq/study/ClassLoadMechanism
  #50 = Utf8               java/lang/Object
  #51 = Utf8               java/io/Serializable
  #52 = Utf8               123
  #53 = Utf8               java/lang/System
  #54 = Utf8               out
  #55 = Utf8               Ljava/io/PrintStream;
  #56 = Utf8               java/io/PrintStream
  #57 = Utf8               println
  #58 = Utf8               (Ljava/lang/String;)V

2.3 字段

  private static int STATE_NON_FINAL;
    descriptor: I

  private static final int STATIC_BASIC = 10;
    descriptor: I
    ConstantValue: int 10

  private static final java.lang.String STATIC_STR = "123";
    descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
    ConstantValue: String 123

  private final int mLoading;
    descriptor: I

  private final java.lang.String mRef;
    descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;

2.4 方法, java.lang.String);
    descriptor: (ILjava/lang/String;)V
      stack=2, locals=3, args_size=3
         0: aload_0
         1: invokespecial #1                  // Method java/lang/Object."":()V
         4: aload_0
         5: iload_1
         6: putfield      #2                  // Field mLoading:I
         9: aload_0
        10: aload_2
        11: putfield      #3                  // Field mRef:Ljava/lang/String;
        14: return
        line 16: 0
        line 17: 4
        line 18: 9
        line 19: 14
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0      15     0  this   Lcom/yq/study/ClassLoadMechanism;
            0      15     1 loading   I
            0      15     2   ref   Ljava/lang/String;

  public void test();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: getstatic     #4                  // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
         3: ldc           #5                  // String instance fun be called!
         5: invokevirtual #6                  // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
         8: return
        line 22: 0
        line 23: 8
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0       9     0  this   Lcom/yq/study/ClassLoadMechanism;

  public static void staticFun(int);
    descriptor: (I)V
      stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: getstatic     #4                  // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
         3: ldc           #7                  // String static fun be called!
         5: invokevirtual #6                  // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
         8: return
        line 26: 0
        line 27: 8
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0       9     0   arg   I

  static {};
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: ACC_STATIC
      stack=1, locals=0, args_size=0
         0: bipush        10
         2: putstatic     #8                  // Field STATE_NON_FINAL:I
         5: return
        line 9: 0

3. 虚拟机加载Class字节码面向对象设计

3.1 类封装

// C++ mirror of java.lang.Class
class MANAGED Class final : public Object {
  // Defining class loader, or null for the "bootstrap" system loader.
  HeapReference class_loader_;

  // DexCache of resolved constant pool entries
  HeapReference dex_cache_;

  // The interface table (iftable_) contains pairs of a interface class and an array of the
  // interface methods. 
  HeapReference iftable_;

  // Descriptor for the class such as "java.lang.Class" or "[C". Lazily initialized by ComputeName
  HeapReference name_;

  // The superclass, or null if this is java.lang.Object or a primitive type.
  HeapReference super_class_;

  // Virtual method table (vtable)
  HeapReference vtable_;

  // instance fields
  // ArtFields are allocated as a length prefixed ArtField array, and not an array of pointers to
  // ArtFields.
  uint64_t ifields_;

  // Pointer to an ArtMethod length-prefixed array. 
  // where they are logically defined. This includes all private, static, final and virtual methods
  uint64_t methods_;

  // Static fields length-prefixed array.
  uint64_t sfields_;

  // Access flags; low 16 bits are defined by VM spec.
  uint32_t access_flags_;

  // Class flags to help speed up visiting object references.
  uint32_t class_flags_;

  // Total size of the Class instance; used when allocating storage on gc heap.
  // See also object_size_.
  uint32_t class_size_;

  // Tid used to check for recursive  invocation.
  pid_t clinit_thread_id_;
  static_assert(sizeof(pid_t) == sizeof(int32_t), "java.lang.Class.clinitThreadId size check");

  // ClassDef index in dex file, -1 if no class definition such as an array.
  // TODO: really 16bits
  int32_t dex_class_def_idx_;

  // Type index in dex file.
  // TODO: really 16bits
  int32_t dex_type_idx_;

  // Number of instance fields that are object refs.
  uint32_t num_reference_instance_fields_;

  // Number of static fields that are object refs,
  uint32_t num_reference_static_fields_;

  // Total object size; used when allocating storage on gc heap.
  // (For interfaces and abstract classes this will be zero.)
  // See also class_size_.
  uint32_t object_size_;

  // Aligned object size for allocation fast path. The value is max uint32_t if the object is
  // uninitialized or finalizable. Not currently used for variable sized objects.
  uint32_t object_size_alloc_fast_path_;

  // The lower 16 bits contains a Primitive::Type value. The upper 16
  // bits contains the size shift of the primitive type.
  uint32_t primitive_type_;

  // Bitmap of offsets of ifields.
  uint32_t reference_instance_offsets_;

  // See the real definition in subtype_check_bits_and_status.h
  // typeof(status_) is actually SubtypeCheckBitsAndStatus.
  uint32_t status_;

  // The offset of the first virtual method that is copied from an interface. This includes miranda,
  // default, and default-conflict methods. Having a hard limit of ((2 << 16) - 1) for methods
  // defined on a single class is well established in Java so we will use only uint16_t's here.
  uint16_t copied_methods_offset_;

  // The offset of the first declared virtual methods in the methods_ array.
  uint16_t virtual_methods_offset_;

3.2 字段的封装

class ArtField final {
  GcRoot declaring_class_;

  uint32_t access_flags_ = 0;

  // Dex cache index of field id
  uint32_t field_dex_idx_ = 0;

  // Offset of field within an instance or in the Class' static fields
  uint32_t offset_ = 0;

3.3 方法的封装

class ArtMethod final {
  // Field order required by test "ValidateFieldOrderOfJavaCppUnionClasses".
  // The class we are a part of.
  GcRoot declaring_class_;

  // Access flags; low 16 bits are defined by spec.
  // Getting and setting this flag needs to be atomic when concurrency is
  // possible, e.g. after this method's class is linked. Such as when setting
  // verifier flags and single-implementation flag.
  std::atomic access_flags_;

  /* Dex file fields. The defining dex file is available via declaring_class_->dex_cache_ */

  // Offset to the CodeItem.
  uint32_t dex_code_item_offset_;

  // Index into method_ids of the dex file associated with this method.
  uint32_t dex_method_index_;

  /* End of dex file fields. */

  // Entry within a dispatch table for this method. For static/direct methods the index is into
  // the declaringClass.directMethods, for virtual methods the vtable and for interface methods the
  // ifTable.
  uint16_t method_index_;

  union {
    // Non-abstract methods: The hotness we measure for this method. Not atomic,
    // as we allow missing increments: if the method is hot, we will see it eventually.
    uint16_t hotness_count_;
    // Abstract methods: IMT index (bitwise negated) or zero if it was not cached.
    // The negation is needed to distinguish zero index and missing cached entry.
    uint16_t imt_index_;

  // Fake padding field gets inserted here.

  // Must be the last fields in the method.
  struct PtrSizedFields {
    // Depending on the method type, the data is
    //   - native method: pointer to the JNI function registered to this method
    //                    or a function to resolve the JNI function,
    //   - conflict method: ImtConflictTable,
    //   - abstract/interface method: the single-implementation if any,
    //   - proxy method: the original interface method or constructor,
    //   - other methods: the profiling data.
    void* data_;

    // Method dispatch from quick compiled code invokes this pointer which may cause bridging into
    // the interpreter.
    void* entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_;
  } ptr_sized_fields_;

4. 虚拟机加载字节码

4.1 从Classpath里加载系统类

// Finds the class in the boot class loader.
// If the class is found the method returns the resolved class. Otherwise it returns null.
ObjPtr ClassLinker::FindClassInBootClassLoaderClassPath(Thread* self,
                                                                       const char* descriptor,
                                                                       size_t hash) {
  ObjPtr result = nullptr;
  ClassPathEntry pair = FindInClassPath(descriptor, hash, boot_class_path_);
  if (pair.second != nullptr) {
    ObjPtr klass = LookupClass(self, descriptor, hash, nullptr);
    if (klass != nullptr) {
      result = EnsureResolved(self, descriptor, klass);
    } else {
      result = DefineClass(self,
    if (result == nullptr) {
      CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending()) << descriptor;
      FilterDexFileCaughtExceptions(self, this);
  return result;

4.2 从Dex里加载

ObjPtr ClassLinker::FindClassInBaseDexClassLoaderClassPath(
    ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable& soa,
    const char* descriptor,
    size_t hash,
    Handle class_loader) {
  DCHECK(IsPathOrDexClassLoader(soa, class_loader) ||
         IsInMemoryDexClassLoader(soa, class_loader) ||
         IsDelegateLastClassLoader(soa, class_loader))
      << "Unexpected class loader for descriptor " << descriptor;

  ObjPtr ret;
  auto define_class = [&](const DexFile* cp_dex_file) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    const dex::ClassDef* dex_class_def = OatDexFile::FindClassDef(*cp_dex_file, descriptor, hash);
    if (dex_class_def != nullptr) {
      ObjPtr klass = DefineClass(soa.Self(),
      if (klass == nullptr) {
        CHECK(soa.Self()->IsExceptionPending()) << descriptor;
        FilterDexFileCaughtExceptions(soa.Self(), this);
        // TODO: Is it really right to break here, and not check the other dex files?
      } else {
      ret = klass;
      return false;  // Found a Class (or error == nullptr), stop visit.
    return true;  // Continue with the next DexFile.

  VisitClassLoaderDexFiles(soa, class_loader, define_class);
  return ret;

4.3 DefineClass方法

  • SetupClass
  • LoadClass
  • LoadSuperAndInterfaces
  • LinkClass
ObjPtr ClassLinker::DefineClass(Thread* self,
                                               const char* descriptor,
                                               size_t hash,
                                               Handle class_loader,
                                               const DexFile& dex_file,
                                               const dex::ClassDef& dex_class_def) {
  ScopedDefiningClass sdc(self);
  StackHandleScope<3> hs(self);
  auto klass = hs.NewHandle(nullptr);

  // Load the class from the dex file.
  if (UNLIKELY(!init_done_)) {
    // finish up init of hand crafted class_roots_
    if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/Object;") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/Class;") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/String;") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/DexCache;") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ldalvik/system/ClassExt;") == 0) {

  // For AOT-compilation of an app, we may use a shortened boot class path that excludes
  // some runtime modules. Prevent definition of classes in app class loader that could clash
  // with these modules as these classes could be resolved differently during execution.
  if (class_loader != nullptr &&
      Runtime::Current()->IsAotCompiler() &&
      IsUpdatableBootClassPathDescriptor(descriptor)) {
    ObjPtr pre_allocated =
    return sdc.Finish(nullptr);

  // This is to prevent the calls to ClassLoad and ClassPrepare which can cause java/user-supplied
  // code to be executed. We put it up here so we can avoid all the allocations associated with
  // creating the class. This can happen with (eg) jit threads.
  if (!self->CanLoadClasses()) {
    // Make sure we don't try to load anything, potentially causing an infinite loop.
    ObjPtr pre_allocated =
    return sdc.Finish(nullptr);
  if (klass == nullptr) {
    // Allocate a class with the status of not ready.
    // Interface object should get the right size here. Regular class will
    // figure out the right size later and be replaced with one of the right
    // size when the class becomes resolved.
    if (CanAllocClass()) {
      klass.Assign(AllocClass(self, SizeOfClassWithoutEmbeddedTables(dex_file, dex_class_def)));
    } else {
      return sdc.Finish(nullptr);
  if (UNLIKELY(klass == nullptr)) {
    return sdc.Finish(nullptr);
  // Get the real dex file. This will return the input if there aren't any callbacks or they do
  // nothing.
  DexFile const* new_dex_file = nullptr;
  dex::ClassDef const* new_class_def = nullptr;
  // TODO We should ideally figure out some way to move this after we get a lock on the klass so it
  // will only be called once.
  // Check to see if an exception happened during runtime callbacks. Return if so.
  if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
    return sdc.Finish(nullptr);
  ObjPtr dex_cache = RegisterDexFile(*new_dex_file, class_loader.Get());
  if (dex_cache == nullptr) {
    return sdc.Finish(nullptr);
  // Note:  设置class.dex_cache属性(Resolve后ArtField/ArtMethod会保存到这里)
  // Note: SetupClass
  SetupClass(*new_dex_file, *new_class_def, klass, class_loader.Get());

  // Mark the string class by setting its access flag.
  if (UNLIKELY(!init_done_)) {
    if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/String;") == 0) {

  ObjectLock lock(self, klass);
  // Make sure we have a valid empty iftable even if there are errors.

  // Add the newly loaded class to the loaded classes table.
  ObjPtr existing = InsertClass(descriptor, klass.Get(), hash);
  if (existing != nullptr) {
    // Note:  We failed to insert because we raced with another thread. Calling EnsureResolved may cause
    // this thread to block.
    return sdc.Finish(EnsureResolved(self, descriptor, existing));

  // Load the fields and other things after we are inserted in the table. This is so that we don't
  // end up allocating unfree-able linear alloc resources and then lose the race condition. The
  // other reason is that the field roots are only visited from the class table. So we need to be
  // inserted before we allocate / fill in these fields.
  // Note:  LoadClass
  LoadClass(self, *new_dex_file, *new_class_def, klass);
  if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
    VLOG(class_linker) << self->GetException()->Dump();
    // An exception occured during load, set status to erroneous while holding klass' lock in case
    // notification is necessary.
    if (!klass->IsErroneous()) {
      mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, ClassStatus::kErrorUnresolved, self);
    return sdc.Finish(nullptr);

  // Finish loading (if necessary) by finding parents
  // Note: LoadSuperAndInterfaces
  if (!LoadSuperAndInterfaces(klass, *new_dex_file)) {
    // Loading failed.
    if (!klass->IsErroneous()) {
      mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, ClassStatus::kErrorUnresolved, self);
    return sdc.Finish(nullptr);

  // At this point the class is loaded. Publish a ClassLoad event.
  // Note: this may be a temporary class. It is a listener's responsibility to handle this.

  // Link the class (if necessary)
  // TODO: Use fast jobjects?
  auto interfaces = hs.NewHandle>(nullptr);

  MutableHandle h_new_class = hs.NewHandle(nullptr);
  // Note:  LinkClass
  if (!LinkClass(self, descriptor, klass, interfaces, &h_new_class)) {
    // Linking failed.
    if (!klass->IsErroneous()) {
      mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, ClassStatus::kErrorUnresolved, self);
    return sdc.Finish(nullptr);
  CHECK(h_new_class != nullptr) << descriptor;
  CHECK(h_new_class->IsResolved() && !h_new_class->IsErroneousResolved()) << descriptor;

  // Instrumentation may have updated entrypoints for all methods of all
  // classes. However it could not update methods of this class while we
  // were loading it. Now the class is resolved, we can update entrypoints
  // as required by instrumentation.
  if (Runtime::Current()->GetInstrumentation()->AreExitStubsInstalled()) {
    // We must be in the kRunnable state to prevent instrumentation from
    // suspending all threads to update entrypoints while we are doing it
    // for this class.
    DCHECK_EQ(self->GetState(), kRunnable);

   * We send CLASS_PREPARE events to the debugger from here.  The
   * definition of "preparation" is creating the static fields for a
   * class and initializing them to the standard default values, but not
   * executing any code (that comes later, during "initialization").
   * We did the static preparation in LinkClass.
   * The class has been prepared and resolved but possibly not yet verified
   * at this point.
  Runtime::Current()->GetRuntimeCallbacks()->ClassPrepare(klass, h_new_class);

  // Notify native debugger of the new class and its layout.

  return sdc.Finish(h_new_class);

4.3.1 LoadClass

  • 访问者模式读取Class字节码
  • ArtField/ArtMethod分配内存并与Class的field/method关联
  • LinkCode
void ClassLinker::LoadClass(Thread* self,
                            const DexFile& dex_file,
                            const dex::ClassDef& dex_class_def,
                            Handle klass) {
  ClassAccessor accessor(dex_file,
                         /* parse_hiddenapi_class_data= */ klass->IsBootStrapClassLoaded());
  if (!accessor.HasClassData()) {
  Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
    // Note: We cannot have thread suspension until the field and method arrays are setup or else
    // Class::VisitFieldRoots may miss some fields or methods.
    ScopedAssertNoThreadSuspension nts(__FUNCTION__);
    // Load static fields.
    // We allow duplicate definitions of the same field in a class_data_item
    // but ignore the repeated indexes here, b/21868015.
    LinearAlloc* const allocator = GetAllocatorForClassLoader(klass->GetClassLoader());
    LengthPrefixedArray* sfields = AllocArtFieldArray(self,
    LengthPrefixedArray* ifields = AllocArtFieldArray(self,
    size_t num_sfields = 0u;
    size_t num_ifields = 0u;
    uint32_t last_static_field_idx = 0u;
    uint32_t last_instance_field_idx = 0u;

    // Methods
    bool has_oat_class = false;
    const OatFile::OatClass oat_class = (runtime->IsStarted() && !runtime->IsAotCompiler())
        ? OatFile::FindOatClass(dex_file, klass->GetDexClassDefIndex(), &has_oat_class)
        : OatFile::OatClass::Invalid();
    const OatFile::OatClass* oat_class_ptr = has_oat_class ? &oat_class : nullptr;
        AllocArtMethodArray(self, allocator, accessor.NumMethods()),
    size_t class_def_method_index = 0;
    uint32_t last_dex_method_index = dex::kDexNoIndex;
    size_t last_class_def_method_index = 0;

    // Use the visitor since the ranged based loops are bit slower from seeking. Seeking to the
    // methods needs to decode all of the fields.
    // Note: 访问类的所有的字段跟方法
        const ClassAccessor::Field& field) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
          uint32_t field_idx = field.GetIndex();
          DCHECK_GE(field_idx, last_static_field_idx);  // Ordering enforced by DexFileVerifier.
          if (num_sfields == 0 || LIKELY(field_idx > last_static_field_idx)) {
            // Note: 加载静态字段
            LoadField(field, klass, &sfields->At(num_sfields));
            last_static_field_idx = field_idx;
        }, [&](const ClassAccessor::Field& field) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
          uint32_t field_idx = field.GetIndex();
          DCHECK_GE(field_idx, last_instance_field_idx);  // Ordering enforced by DexFileVerifier.
          if (num_ifields == 0 || LIKELY(field_idx > last_instance_field_idx)) {
            // Note: 加载实例字段
            LoadField(field, klass, &ifields->At(num_ifields));
            last_instance_field_idx = field_idx;
        }, [&](const ClassAccessor::Method& method) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
          ArtMethod* art_method = klass->GetDirectMethodUnchecked(class_def_method_index,
          LoadMethod(dex_file, method, klass, art_method);
          LinkCode(this, art_method, oat_class_ptr, class_def_method_index);
          uint32_t it_method_index = method.GetIndex();
          if (last_dex_method_index == it_method_index) {
            // duplicate case
          } else {
            last_dex_method_index = it_method_index;
            last_class_def_method_index = class_def_method_index;
        }, [&](const ClassAccessor::Method& method) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
          ArtMethod* art_method = klass->GetVirtualMethodUnchecked(
              class_def_method_index - accessor.NumDirectMethods(),
          LoadMethod(dex_file, method, klass, art_method);
          LinkCode(this, art_method, oat_class_ptr, class_def_method_index);

    if (UNLIKELY(num_ifields + num_sfields != accessor.NumFields())) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Duplicate fields in class " << klass->PrettyDescriptor()
          << " (unique static fields: " << num_sfields << "/" << accessor.NumStaticFields()
          << ", unique instance fields: " << num_ifields << "/" << accessor.NumInstanceFields()
          << ")";
      // NOTE: Not shrinking the over-allocated sfields/ifields, just setting size.
      if (sfields != nullptr) {
      if (ifields != nullptr) {
    // Set the field arrays.
    DCHECK_EQ(klass->NumStaticFields(), num_sfields);
    DCHECK_EQ(klass->NumInstanceFields(), num_ifields);
  // Ensure that the card is marked so that remembered sets pick up native roots.
} LoadField
  • 设置该字段所属类
  • 设置字段符号引用、访问权限
void ClassLinker::LoadField(const ClassAccessor::Field& field,
                            Handle klass,
                            ArtField* dst) {
  const uint32_t field_idx = field.GetIndex();

  // Get access flags from the DexFile and set hiddenapi runtime access flags.
  dst->SetAccessFlags(field.GetAccessFlags() | hiddenapi::CreateRuntimeFlags(field));
} LoadMethod
  • 设置方法所属的类
  • 设置方法的访问权限、符号引用(method_idx)、
  • 如果是finalize方法则给class设置SetFinalizable()
void ClassLinker::LoadMethod(const DexFile& dex_file,
                             const ClassAccessor::Method& method,
                             Handle klass,
                             ArtMethod* dst) {
  const uint32_t dex_method_idx = method.GetIndex();
  const dex::MethodId& method_id = dex_file.GetMethodId(dex_method_idx);
  const char* method_name = dex_file.StringDataByIdx(method_id.name_idx_);

  ScopedAssertNoThreadSuspension ants("LoadMethod");

  // Get access flags from the DexFile and set hiddenapi runtime access flags.
  uint32_t access_flags = method.GetAccessFlags() | hiddenapi::CreateRuntimeFlags(method);

  if (UNLIKELY(strcmp("finalize", method_name) == 0)) {
    // Set finalizable flag on declaring class.
    if (strcmp("V", dex_file.GetShorty(method_id.proto_idx_)) == 0) {
      // Void return type.
      if (klass->GetClassLoader() != nullptr) {  // All non-boot finalizer methods are flagged.
      } else {
        std::string temp;
        const char* klass_descriptor = klass->GetDescriptor(&temp);
        // The Enum class declares a "final" finalize() method to prevent subclasses from
        // introducing a finalizer. We don't want to set the finalizable flag for Enum or its
        // subclasses, so we exclude it here.
        // We also want to avoid setting the flag on Object, where we know that finalize() is
        // empty.
        if (strcmp(klass_descriptor, "Ljava/lang/Object;") != 0 &&
            strcmp(klass_descriptor, "Ljava/lang/Enum;") != 0) {
  } else if (method_name[0] == '<') {
    // Fix broken access flags for initializers. Bug 11157540.
    bool is_init = (strcmp("", method_name) == 0);
    bool is_clinit = !is_init && (strcmp("", method_name) == 0);
    if (UNLIKELY(!is_init && !is_clinit)) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected '<' at start of method name " << method_name;
    } else {
      if (UNLIKELY((access_flags & kAccConstructor) == 0)) {
        LOG(WARNING) << method_name << " didn't have expected constructor access flag in class "
            << klass->PrettyDescriptor() << " in dex file " << dex_file.GetLocation();
        access_flags |= kAccConstructor;
  if (UNLIKELY((access_flags & kAccNative) != 0u)) {
    // Check if the native method is annotated with @FastNative or @CriticalNative.
    access_flags |= annotations::GetNativeMethodAnnotationAccessFlags(
        dex_file, dst->GetClassDef(), dex_method_idx);
  // Must be done after SetAccessFlags since IsAbstract depends on it.
  if (klass->IsInterface() && dst->IsAbstract()) {
} LinkCode
  • ArtMethod设置quick_code(函数的入口地址)
static void LinkCode(ClassLinker* class_linker,
                     ArtMethod* method,
                     const OatFile::OatClass* oat_class,
                     uint32_t class_def_method_index) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
  ScopedAssertNoThreadSuspension sants(__FUNCTION__);
  Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
  if (runtime->IsAotCompiler()) {
    // The following code only applies to a non-compiler runtime.

  // Method shouldn't have already been linked.
  DCHECK(method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode() == nullptr);

  if (!method->IsInvokable()) {
    EnsureThrowsInvocationError(class_linker, method);

  const void* quick_code = nullptr;
  if (oat_class != nullptr) {
    // Every kind of method should at least get an invoke stub from the oat_method.
    // non-abstract methods also get their code pointers.
    const OatFile::OatMethod oat_method = oat_class->GetOatMethod(class_def_method_index);
    quick_code = oat_method.GetQuickCode();

  bool enter_interpreter = class_linker->ShouldUseInterpreterEntrypoint(method, quick_code);

  // Note: this mimics the logic in that installs the resolution
  // stub only if we have compiled code and the method needs a class initialization
  // check.
  if (quick_code == nullptr) {
        method->IsNative() ? GetQuickGenericJniStub() : GetQuickToInterpreterBridge());
  } else if (enter_interpreter) {
  } else if (NeedsClinitCheckBeforeCall(method)) {
    DCHECK(!method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsVisiblyInitialized());  // Actually ClassStatus::Idx.
    // If we do have code but the method needs a class initialization check before calling
    // that code, install the resolution stub that will perform the check.
    // It will be replaced by the proper entry point by ClassLinker::FixupStaticTrampolines
    // after initializing class (see ClassLinker::InitializeClass method).
  } else {

  if (method->IsNative()) {
    // Unregistering restores the dlsym lookup stub.

    if (enter_interpreter || quick_code == nullptr) {
      // We have a native method here without code. Then it should have the generic JNI
      // trampoline as entrypoint.
      // TODO: this doesn't handle all the cases where trampolines may be installed.

4.3.2 LinkClass

  • LinkSuperClass
  • LinkMethods
  • LinkInstanceFields
  • LinkStaticFields
bool ClassLinker::LinkClass(Thread* self,
                            const char* descriptor,
                            Handle klass,
                            Handle> interfaces,
                            MutableHandle* h_new_class_out) {
  CHECK_EQ(ClassStatus::kLoaded, klass->GetStatus());

  if (!LinkSuperClass(klass)) {
    return false;
  ArtMethod* imt_data[ImTable::kSize];
  // If there are any new conflicts compared to super class.
  bool new_conflict = false;
  std::fill_n(imt_data, arraysize(imt_data), Runtime::Current()->GetImtUnimplementedMethod());
  if (!LinkMethods(self, klass, interfaces, &new_conflict, imt_data)) {
    return false;
  if (!LinkInstanceFields(self, klass)) {
    return false;
  size_t class_size;
  if (!LinkStaticFields(self, klass, &class_size)) {
    return false;
  CHECK_EQ(ClassStatus::kLoaded, klass->GetStatus());

  ImTable* imt = nullptr;
  if (klass->ShouldHaveImt()) {
    // If there are any new conflicts compared to the super class we can not make a copy. There
    // can be cases where both will have a conflict method at the same slot without having the same
    // set of conflicts. In this case, we can not share the IMT since the conflict table slow path
    // will possibly create a table that is incorrect for either of the classes.
    // Same IMT with new_conflict does not happen very often.
    if (!new_conflict) {
      ImTable* super_imt = FindSuperImt(klass.Get(), image_pointer_size_);
      if (super_imt != nullptr) {
        bool imt_equals = true;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < ImTable::kSize && imt_equals; ++i) {
          imt_equals = imt_equals && (super_imt->Get(i, image_pointer_size_) == imt_data[i]);
        if (imt_equals) {
          imt = super_imt;
    if (imt == nullptr) {
      LinearAlloc* allocator = GetAllocatorForClassLoader(klass->GetClassLoader());
      imt = reinterpret_cast(
          allocator->Alloc(self, ImTable::SizeInBytes(image_pointer_size_)));
      if (imt == nullptr) {
        return false;
      imt->Populate(imt_data, image_pointer_size_);

  if (!klass->IsTemp() || (!init_done_ && klass->GetClassSize() == class_size)) {
    // We don't need to retire this class as it has no embedded tables or it was created the
    // correct size during class linker initialization.
    CHECK_EQ(klass->GetClassSize(), class_size) << klass->PrettyDescriptor();

    if (klass->ShouldHaveEmbeddedVTable()) {
    if (klass->ShouldHaveImt()) {
      klass->SetImt(imt, image_pointer_size_);

    // Update CHA info based on whether we override methods.
    // Have to do this before setting the class as resolved which allows
    // instantiation of klass.
    if (LIKELY(descriptor != nullptr) && cha_ != nullptr) {

    // This will notify waiters on klass that saw the not yet resolved
    // class in the class_table_ during EnsureResolved.
    mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, ClassStatus::kResolved, self);
  } else {
    // Retire the temporary class and create the correctly sized resolved class.
    StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
    Handle h_new_class =
        hs.NewHandle(mirror::Class::CopyOf(klass, self, class_size, imt, image_pointer_size_));
    // Set arrays to null since we don't want to have multiple classes with the same ArtField or
    // ArtMethod array pointers. If this occurs, it causes bugs in remembered sets since the GC
    // may not see any references to the target space and clean the card for a class if another
    // class had the same array pointer.
    klass->SetMethodsPtrUnchecked(nullptr, 0, 0);
    if (UNLIKELY(h_new_class == nullptr)) {
      mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, ClassStatus::kErrorUnresolved, self);
      return false;

    CHECK_EQ(h_new_class->GetClassSize(), class_size);
    ObjectLock lock(self, h_new_class);
    FixupTemporaryDeclaringClass(klass.Get(), h_new_class.Get());

    if (LIKELY(descriptor != nullptr)) {
      WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_);
      const ObjPtr class_loader = h_new_class.Get()->GetClassLoader();
      ClassTable* const table = InsertClassTableForClassLoader(class_loader);
      const ObjPtr existing =
          table->UpdateClass(descriptor, h_new_class.Get(), ComputeModifiedUtf8Hash(descriptor));
      if (class_loader != nullptr) {
        // We updated the class in the class table, perform the write barrier so that the GC knows
        // about the change.
      CHECK_EQ(existing, klass.Get());
      if (log_new_roots_) {

    // Update CHA info based on whether we override methods.
    // Have to do this before setting the class as resolved which allows
    // instantiation of klass.
    if (LIKELY(descriptor != nullptr) && cha_ != nullptr) {

    // This will notify waiters on temp class that saw the not yet resolved class in the
    // class_table_ during EnsureResolved.
    mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, ClassStatus::kRetired, self);

    CHECK_EQ(h_new_class->GetStatus(), ClassStatus::kResolving);
    // This will notify waiters on new_class that saw the not yet resolved
    // class in the class_table_ during EnsureResolved.
    mirror::Class::SetStatus(h_new_class, ClassStatus::kResolved, self);
    // Return the new class.
  return true;
} LinkSuperClass
  • 父类语法校验(Object基类不可以有父类、父类访问权限、是否final等)
bool ClassLinker::LinkSuperClass(Handle klass) {
  ObjPtr super = klass->GetSuperClass();
  ObjPtr object_class = GetClassRoot(this);
  if (klass.Get() == object_class) {
    if (super != nullptr) {
      ThrowClassFormatError(klass.Get(), "java.lang.Object must not have a superclass");
      return false;
    return true;
  if (super == nullptr) {
    ThrowLinkageError(klass.Get(), "No superclass defined for class %s",
    return false;
  // Verify
  if (klass->IsInterface() && super != object_class) {
    ThrowClassFormatError(klass.Get(), "Interfaces must have java.lang.Object as superclass");
    return false;
  if (super->IsFinal()) {
                     "Superclass %s of %s is declared final",
    return false;
  if (super->IsInterface()) {
                                      "Superclass %s of %s is an interface",
    return false;
  if (!klass->CanAccess(super)) {
    ThrowIllegalAccessError(klass.Get(), "Superclass %s is inaccessible to class %s",
    return false;

  // Inherit kAccClassIsFinalizable from the superclass in case this
  // class doesn't override finalize.
  if (super->IsFinalizable()) {

  // Inherit class loader flag form super class.
  if (super->IsClassLoaderClass()) {

  // Inherit reference flags (if any) from the superclass.
  uint32_t reference_flags = (super->GetClassFlags() & mirror::kClassFlagReference);
  if (reference_flags != 0) {
    CHECK_EQ(klass->GetClassFlags(), 0u);
    klass->SetClassFlags(klass->GetClassFlags() | reference_flags);
  // Disallow custom direct subclasses of java.lang.ref.Reference.
  if (init_done_ && super == GetClassRoot(this)) {
                      "Class %s attempts to subclass java.lang.ref.Reference, which is not allowed",
    return false;

  if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    // Ensure super classes are fully resolved prior to resolving fields..
    while (super != nullptr) {
      super = super->GetSuperClass();
  return true;
} LinkMethods
  • SetupInterfaceLookupTable
  • LinkVirtualMethods (设置vtable)
  • LinkInterfaceMethods
bool ClassLinker::LinkMethods(Thread* self,
                              Handle klass,
                              Handle> interfaces,
                              bool* out_new_conflict,
                              ArtMethod** out_imt) {
  // A map from vtable indexes to the method they need to be updated to point to. Used because we
  // need to have default methods be in the virtuals array of each class but we don't set that up
  // until LinkInterfaceMethods.
  std::unordered_map default_translations;
  // Link virtual methods then interface methods.
  // We set up the interface lookup table first because we need it to determine if we need to update
  // any vtable entries with new default method implementations.
  return SetupInterfaceLookupTable(self, klass, interfaces)
          && LinkVirtualMethods(self, klass, /*out*/ &default_translations)
          && LinkInterfaceMethods(self, klass, default_translations, out_new_conflict, out_imt);
} LinkField
  • 计算Static/Instance字段的MemberOffset
bool ClassLinker::LinkFields(Thread* self,
                             Handle klass,
                             bool is_static,
                             size_t* class_size) {
  const size_t num_fields = is_static ? klass->NumStaticFields() : klass->NumInstanceFields();
  LengthPrefixedArray* const fields = is_static ? klass->GetSFieldsPtr() :

  // Initialize field_offset
  MemberOffset field_offset(0);
  if (is_static) {
    field_offset = klass->GetFirstReferenceStaticFieldOffsetDuringLinking(image_pointer_size_);
  } else {
    ObjPtr super_class = klass->GetSuperClass();
    if (super_class != nullptr) {
          << klass->PrettyClass() << " " << super_class->PrettyClass();
      field_offset = MemberOffset(super_class->GetObjectSize());

  CHECK_EQ(num_fields == 0, fields == nullptr) << klass->PrettyClass();

  // we want a relatively stable order so that adding new fields
  // minimizes disruption of C++ version such as Class and Method.
  // The overall sort order order is:
  // 1) All object reference fields, sorted alphabetically.
  // 2) All java long (64-bit) integer fields, sorted alphabetically.
  // 3) All java double (64-bit) floating point fields, sorted alphabetically.
  // 4) All java int (32-bit) integer fields, sorted alphabetically.
  // 5) All java float (32-bit) floating point fields, sorted alphabetically.
  // 6) All java char (16-bit) integer fields, sorted alphabetically.
  // 7) All java short (16-bit) integer fields, sorted alphabetically.
  // 8) All java boolean (8-bit) integer fields, sorted alphabetically.
  // 9) All java byte (8-bit) integer fields, sorted alphabetically.
  // Once the fields are sorted in this order we will attempt to fill any gaps that might be present
  // in the memory layout of the structure. See ShuffleForward for how this is done.
  std::deque grouped_and_sorted_fields;
  const char* old_no_suspend_cause = self->StartAssertNoThreadSuspension(
      "Naked ArtField references in deque");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
  std::sort(grouped_and_sorted_fields.begin(), grouped_and_sorted_fields.end(),

  // References should be at the front.
  size_t current_field = 0;
  size_t num_reference_fields = 0;
  FieldGaps gaps;

  for (; current_field < num_fields; current_field++) {
    ArtField* field = grouped_and_sorted_fields.front();
    Primitive::Type type = field->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType();
    bool isPrimitive = type != Primitive::kPrimNot;
    if (isPrimitive) {
      break;  // past last reference, move on to the next phase
    if (UNLIKELY(!IsAligned)>(
        field_offset.Uint32Value()))) {
      MemberOffset old_offset = field_offset;
      field_offset = MemberOffset(RoundUp(field_offset.Uint32Value(), 4));
      AddFieldGap(old_offset.Uint32Value(), field_offset.Uint32Value(), &gaps);
    DCHECK_ALIGNED(field_offset.Uint32Value(), sizeof(mirror::HeapReference));
    field_offset = MemberOffset(field_offset.Uint32Value() +
  // Gaps are stored as a max heap which means that we must shuffle from largest to smallest
  // otherwise we could end up with suboptimal gap fills.
  ShuffleForward<8>(¤t_field, &field_offset, &grouped_and_sorted_fields, &gaps);
  ShuffleForward<4>(¤t_field, &field_offset, &grouped_and_sorted_fields, &gaps);
  ShuffleForward<2>(¤t_field, &field_offset, &grouped_and_sorted_fields, &gaps);
  ShuffleForward<1>(¤t_field, &field_offset, &grouped_and_sorted_fields, &gaps);
  CHECK(grouped_and_sorted_fields.empty()) << "Missed " << grouped_and_sorted_fields.size() <<
      " fields.";

  // We lie to the GC about the java.lang.ref.Reference.referent field, so it doesn't scan it.
  if (!is_static && klass->DescriptorEquals("Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;")) {
    // We know there are no non-reference fields in the Reference classes, and we know
    // that 'referent' is alphabetically last, so this is easy...
    CHECK_EQ(num_reference_fields, num_fields) << klass->PrettyClass();
    CHECK_STREQ(fields->At(num_fields - 1).GetName(), "referent")
        << klass->PrettyClass();

  size_t size = field_offset.Uint32Value();
  // Update klass
  if (is_static) {
    *class_size = size;
  } else {
    ObjPtr super_class = klass->GetSuperClass();
    if (num_reference_fields == 0 || super_class == nullptr) {
      // object has one reference field, klass, but we ignore it since we always visit the class.
      // super_class is null iff the class is java.lang.Object.
      if (super_class == nullptr ||
          (super_class->GetClassFlags() & mirror::kClassFlagNoReferenceFields) != 0) {
        klass->SetClassFlags(klass->GetClassFlags() | mirror::kClassFlagNoReferenceFields);
    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
      DCHECK_EQ(super_class == nullptr, klass->DescriptorEquals("Ljava/lang/Object;"));
      size_t total_reference_instance_fields = 0;
      ObjPtr cur_super = klass.Get();
      while (cur_super != nullptr) {
        total_reference_instance_fields += cur_super->NumReferenceInstanceFieldsDuringLinking();
        cur_super = cur_super->GetSuperClass();
      if (super_class == nullptr) {
        CHECK_EQ(total_reference_instance_fields, 1u) << klass->PrettyDescriptor();
      } else {
        // Check that there is at least num_reference_fields other than Object.class.
        CHECK_GE(total_reference_instance_fields, 1u + num_reference_fields)
            << klass->PrettyClass();
    if (!klass->IsVariableSize()) {
      std::string temp;
      DCHECK_GE(size, sizeof(mirror::Object)) << klass->GetDescriptor(&temp);
      size_t previous_size = klass->GetObjectSize();
      if (previous_size != 0) {
        // Make sure that we didn't originally have an incorrect size.
        CHECK_EQ(previous_size, size) << klass->GetDescriptor(&temp);

  if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    // Make sure that the fields array is ordered by name but all reference
    // offsets are at the beginning as far as alignment allows.
    MemberOffset start_ref_offset = is_static
        ? klass->GetFirstReferenceStaticFieldOffsetDuringLinking(image_pointer_size_)
        : klass->GetFirstReferenceInstanceFieldOffset();
    MemberOffset end_ref_offset(start_ref_offset.Uint32Value() +
                                num_reference_fields *
    MemberOffset current_ref_offset = start_ref_offset;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
      ArtField* field = &fields->At(i);
      VLOG(class_linker) << "LinkFields: " << (is_static ? "static" : "instance")
          << " class=" << klass->PrettyClass() << " field=" << field->PrettyField()
          << " offset=" << field->GetOffsetDuringLinking();
      if (i != 0) {
        ArtField* const prev_field = &fields->At(i - 1);
        // NOTE: The field names can be the same. This is not possible in the Java language
        // but it's valid Java/dex bytecode and for example proguard can generate such bytecode.
        DCHECK_LE(strcmp(prev_field->GetName(), field->GetName()), 0);
      Primitive::Type type = field->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType();
      bool is_primitive = type != Primitive::kPrimNot;
      if (klass->DescriptorEquals("Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;") &&
          strcmp("referent", field->GetName()) == 0) {
        is_primitive = true;  // We lied above, so we have to expect a lie here.
      MemberOffset offset = field->GetOffsetDuringLinking();
      if (is_primitive) {
        if (offset.Uint32Value() < end_ref_offset.Uint32Value()) {
          // Shuffled before references.
          size_t type_size = Primitive::ComponentSize(type);
          CHECK_LT(type_size, sizeof(mirror::HeapReference));
          CHECK_LT(offset.Uint32Value(), start_ref_offset.Uint32Value());
          CHECK_LE(offset.Uint32Value() + type_size, start_ref_offset.Uint32Value());
      } else {
        CHECK_EQ(current_ref_offset.Uint32Value(), offset.Uint32Value());
        current_ref_offset = MemberOffset(current_ref_offset.Uint32Value() +
    CHECK_EQ(current_ref_offset.Uint32Value(), end_ref_offset.Uint32Value());
  return true;

4 解析Resolve

  • 符号引用转成直接引用的过程
  • ResolveType(Class)
  • ResolveArtField
  • ResolveArtMethod

4.1 ResolveType

  • type_idx转为Class
inline ObjPtr ClassLinker::ResolveType(dex::TypeIndex type_idx,
                                                      ObjPtr referrer) {
  if (kObjPtrPoisoning) {
    StackHandleScope<1> hs(Thread::Current());
    HandleWrapperObjPtr referrer_wrapper = hs.NewHandleWrapper(&referrer);
  // We do not need the read barrier for getting the DexCache for the initial resolved type
  // lookup as both from-space and to-space copies point to the same native resolved types array.
  ObjPtr resolved_type =
  if (resolved_type == nullptr) {
    resolved_type = DoResolveType(type_idx, referrer);
  return resolved_type;

4.2 ResolveMethod

inline ArtMethod* ClassLinker::ResolveMethod(Thread* self,
                                             uint32_t method_idx,
                                             ArtMethod* referrer,
                                             InvokeType type) {
  DCHECK(referrer != nullptr);
  // Note: The referrer can be a Proxy constructor. In that case, we need to do the
  // lookup in the context of the original method from where it steals the code.
  // However, we delay the GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy() until needed.
  DCHECK(!referrer->IsProxyMethod() || referrer->IsConstructor());
  // We do not need the read barrier for getting the DexCache for the initial resolved method
  // lookup as both from-space and to-space copies point to the same native resolved methods array.
  ArtMethod* resolved_method = referrer->GetDexCache()->GetResolvedMethod(
      method_idx, image_pointer_size_);
  DCHECK(resolved_method == nullptr || !resolved_method->IsRuntimeMethod());
  if (UNLIKELY(resolved_method == nullptr)) {
    referrer = referrer->GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(image_pointer_size_);
    ObjPtr declaring_class = referrer->GetDeclaringClass();
    StackHandleScope<2> hs(self);
    Handle h_dex_cache(hs.NewHandle(referrer->GetDexCache()));
    Handle h_class_loader(hs.NewHandle(declaring_class->GetClassLoader()));
    resolved_method = ResolveMethod(method_idx,
  } else if (kResolveMode == ResolveMode::kCheckICCEAndIAE) {
    referrer = referrer->GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(image_pointer_size_);
    // Check if the invoke type matches the class type.
    ObjPtr dex_cache = referrer->GetDexCache();
    ObjPtr class_loader = referrer->GetClassLoader();
    if (CheckInvokeClassMismatch(dex_cache, type, method_idx, class_loader)) {
      return nullptr;
    // Check access.
    ObjPtr referring_class = referrer->GetDeclaringClass();
    if (!referring_class->CheckResolvedMethodAccess(resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass(),
                                                    type)) {
      return nullptr;
    // Check if the invoke type matches the method type.
    if (UNLIKELY(resolved_method->CheckIncompatibleClassChange(type))) {
      return nullptr;
  // Note: We cannot check here to see whether we added the method to the cache. It
  //       might be an erroneous class, which results in it being hidden from us.
  return resolved_method;

4.3 ResolvedField

inline ArtField* ClassLinker::ResolveField(uint32_t field_idx,
                                           ArtMethod* referrer,
                                           bool is_static) {
  // We do not need the read barrier for getting the DexCache for the initial resolved field
  // lookup as both from-space and to-space copies point to the same native resolved fields array.
  ArtField* resolved_field = referrer->GetDexCache()->GetResolvedField(
      field_idx, image_pointer_size_);
  if (UNLIKELY(resolved_field == nullptr)) {
    StackHandleScope<2> hs(Thread::Current());
    ObjPtr referring_class = referrer->GetDeclaringClass();
    Handle dex_cache(hs.NewHandle(referrer->GetDexCache()));
    Handle class_loader(hs.NewHandle(referring_class->GetClassLoader()));
    resolved_field = ResolveField(field_idx, dex_cache, class_loader, is_static);
    // Note: We cannot check here to see whether we added the field to the cache. The type
    //       might be an erroneous class, which results in it being hidden from us.
  return resolved_field;

5. 类初始化(ClassLinker::InitializeClass)

  • (clinit)ArtMethod::Invoke
bool ClassLinker::InitializeClass(Thread* self,
                                  Handle klass,
                                  bool can_init_statics,
                                  bool can_init_parents) {
  // 去掉大部分的代码逻辑
  if (!self->IsExceptionPending()) {
    ArtMethod* clinit = klass->FindClassInitializer(image_pointer_size_);
    if (clinit != nullptr) {
      JValue result;
      clinit->Invoke(self, nullptr, 0, &result, "V");
  return success;
5.1 ArtMethod::Invoke
void ArtMethod::Invoke(Thread* self, uint32_t* args, uint32_t args_size, JValue* result,
                       const char* shorty) {
  if (UNLIKELY(__builtin_frame_address(0) < self->GetStackEnd())) {

  if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    CHECK_EQ(kRunnable, self->GetState());
    CHECK_STREQ(GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(kRuntimePointerSize)->GetShorty(), shorty);

  // Push a transition back into managed code onto the linked list in thread.
  ManagedStack fragment;

  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
  // Call the invoke stub, passing everything as arguments.
  // If the runtime is not yet started or it is required by the debugger, then perform the
  // Invocation by the interpreter, explicitly forcing interpretation over JIT to prevent
  // cycling around the various JIT/Interpreter methods that handle method invocation.
  if (UNLIKELY(!runtime->IsStarted() ||
               (self->IsForceInterpreter() && !IsNative() && !IsProxyMethod() && IsInvokable()))) {
    if (IsStatic()) {
          self, this, nullptr, args, result, /*stay_in_interpreter=*/ true);
    } else {
      mirror::Object* receiver =
          self, this, receiver, args + 1, result, /*stay_in_interpreter=*/ true);
  } else {
    DCHECK_EQ(runtime->GetClassLinker()->GetImagePointerSize(), kRuntimePointerSize);

    constexpr bool kLogInvocationStartAndReturn = false;
    bool have_quick_code = GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode() != nullptr;
    if (LIKELY(have_quick_code)) {
      if (kLogInvocationStartAndReturn) {
        LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf(
            "Invoking '%s' quick code=%p static=%d", PrettyMethod().c_str(),
            GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(), static_cast(IsStatic() ? 1 : 0));

      // Ensure that we won't be accidentally calling quick compiled code when -Xint.
      if (kIsDebugBuild && runtime->GetInstrumentation()->IsForcedInterpretOnly()) {
        const void* oat_quick_code =
            (IsNative() || !IsInvokable() || IsProxyMethod() || IsObsolete())
            ? nullptr
            : GetOatMethodQuickCode(runtime->GetClassLinker()->GetImagePointerSize());
        CHECK(oat_quick_code == nullptr || oat_quick_code != GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode())
            << "Don't call compiled code when -Xint " << PrettyMethod();

      if (!IsStatic()) {
        (*art_quick_invoke_stub)(this, args, args_size, self, result, shorty);
      } else {
        (*art_quick_invoke_static_stub)(this, args, args_size, self, result, shorty);

  // Pop transition.
