The MOD21C2 dataset is an 8-day composite LST product that uses an algorithm based on a simple averaging method. The algorithm calculates the average from all the cloud free MOD21A1D and MOD21A1N daily acquisitions from the 8-day period. Unlike the MOD21A1 data sets where the daytime and nighttime acquisitions are separate products, the MOD21A2 contains both daytime and nighttime acquisitions. The LST, Quality Control (QC), view zenith angle, and viewing time have separate day and night bands, while the values for the MODIS emissivity bands 29, 31, and 32 are the average of both the nighttime and daytime acquisitions.
The European Space Agency (ESA) WorldCover 10 m 2020 product provides a global land cover map for 2020 at 10 m resolution based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. The WorldCover product comes with 11 land cover classes and has been generated in the framework of the ESA WorldCover project, part of the 5th Earth Observation Envelope Programme (EOEP-5) of the European Space Agency.
The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation dataset was originally produced to provide consistent, high-quality elevation data at near global scope. This version of the SRTM digital elevation data has been processed to fill data voids, and to facilitate its ease of use.
var roi =
[[[105.13836035633825, 32.02577928909809],
[105.13836035633825, 28.49669989421675],
[110.22503027821325, 28.49669989421675],
[110.22503027821325, 32.02577928909809]]], null, false);
var roi_bound = ee.Image().toByte()
.paint({featureCollection: ee.FeatureCollection(roi), color:0, width: 3});
Map.addLayer(roi_bound, {palette: "black"}, 'roi boundary');
var points = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/ee-ypzh736/assets/points")
.aside(print) // 导入本地上传的站点信息
return ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point([fea.get('LON'),fea.get('LAT')]))//设置经纬度
// --------------------------------------
// 获取2022年1-12月逐月LST数据
var originDate = ee.Date('2022-01-01')
var advance_list = ee.List.sequence(0, 11, 1)
var LST_list = advance_list.map(function(adv){
var startDate = originDate.advance(adv,'month');//当前的开始日
var endDate = startDate.advance(3,'month');//当前的结束日
return ee.ImageCollection("MODIS/061/MOD21C2")//地表温度数据
var imageLayers = ee.Image(ee.ImageCollection("ESA/WorldCover/v100").first()) //地表覆盖度图
.rename(['LandCover','DEM'])// 波段重命名
// -----------------------------------
var sample_points = imageLayers.sampleRegions({
collection: points,
scale:20,//A nominal scale in meters of the projection to sample in. If unspecified,the scale of the image's first band is used.
geometries:true //注意,这个geometries属性要加上,如果不加上,结果不会有地理坐标
// 导出数据至Google drive
collection: sample_points,
description: 'sample_points_LST',
fileFormat: 'CSV',
folder: "LUCC"
完整代码链接: https://code.earthengine.google.com/2b9958563b3101efd8cee2c4829c79cd