Robot Framework Version: 3.0.4 (Python 3.7.0 on win32)
Usage: robot [options] data_sources
or: python -m robot [options] data_sources
or: python path/to/robot [options] data_sources
or: java -jar robotframework.jar [options] data_sources
-F --extension value Parse only files with this extension when executing
a directory. Has no effect when running individual
files or when using resource files. If more than one
extension is needed, separate them with a colon.
Examples: `--extension robot`, `-F robot:txt`
New in RF 3.0.1.
执行用例时,只解析指定扩展名的文件类型。在运行单独文件或使用资源文件时无效。如果需要多个扩展,需要用冒号分隔,如:"-F robot:txt"
-G --settag tag * Sets given tag(s) to all executed test cases.
给所有执行的用例执行tag,如:"robot -G tag1 -G tag2 helloRobot", 执行完成后,在测试报告中可以看到所设置的tag
-t --test name * Select test cases to run by name or long name. Name
is case and space insensitive and it can also be a
simple pattern where `*` matches anything and `?`
matches any char. If using `*` and `?` in the console
is problematic see --escape and --argumentfile.
根据用例名称来选择要运行的用例,空格和大小写不敏感。名称也可以是一个简单的正则表达式:"*" 匹配任意内容,"?"匹配单个字符。例:robot -t te?t helloRobot
-s --suite name * Select test suites to run by name. When this option
is used with --test, --include or --exclude, only
test cases in matching suites and also matching other
filtering criteria are selected. Name can be a simple
pattern similarly as with --test and it can contain
parent name separated with a dot. For example
`-s X.Y` selects suite `Y` only if its parent is `X`.
名称同样可以是一个简单的正则表达式(和--test类似),另外还可以使用"."来表示层级关系,如:-s X.Y,表示仅执行X下的Y子集的用例。
-i --include tag * Select test cases to run by tag. Similarly as name
with --test, tag is case and space insensitive and it
is possible to use patterns with `*` and `?` as
wildcards. Tags and patterns can also be combined
together with `AND`, `OR`, and `NOT` operators.
Examples: --include foo --include bar*
--include fooANDbar*
选择并执行指定tag的用例。空格和大小写不敏感。同样可以使用简单的正则表达式:"*" 匹配任意字符,"?"匹配单个字符。
多个Tags之间用 AND、OR 和 NOT 关键字连接,如:-i P1ANDP2、 -i NOTPaid
-e --exclude tag * Select test cases not to run by tag. These tests are
not run even if included with --include. Tags are
matched using the rules explained with --include.
-R --rerunfailed output Select failed tests from an earlier output file to be
re-executed. Equivalent to selecting same tests
individually using --test option.
-R参数非常有用,它的作用是从output file中选择失败的用例重跑。
但是有个问题,如果上一次运行时用例全部成功,此时加上-R参数再去运行用例时会报错: failed: All tests passed ,这导致我没办法在jenkins job中无法直接使用这个参数,只能额外写一个脚本,然后额外进行判断。
-S --rerunfailedsuites output Select failed suite from an earlier output file
to be re-executed. New in RF 3.0.1.
-S参数和-R参数的作用类似,它的作用是从output file中选择失败的用例集重跑。
-c --critical tag * Tests having given tag are considered critical. If no
critical tags are set, all tags are critical. Tags
can be given as a pattern like with --include.
-n --noncritical tag * Tests with given tag are not critical even if they
have a tag set with --critical. Tag can be a pattern.
如果不使用-c tag,默认所有运行的tag都是critical tag,如:robot -c T1 -n T2 helloRobot
-v --variable name:value * Set variables in the test data. Only scalar
variables with string value are supported and name is
given without `${}`. See --escape for how to use
special characters and --variablefile for a more
powerful variable setting mechanism.
--variable str:Hello => ${str} = `Hello`
-v hi:Hi_World -E space:_ => ${hi} = `Hi World`
-v x: -v y:42 => ${x} = ``, ${y} = `42`
-V --variablefile path * Python or YAML file file to read variables from.
Possible arguments to the variable file can be given
after the path using colon or semicolon as separator.
Examples: --variablefile path/vars.yaml
RF变量文件具体的用法,参照之前的文章:Robot Framework - Variable file。
-d --outputdir dir Where to create output files. The default is the
directory where tests are run from and the given path
is considered relative to that unless it is absolute.
-o --output file XML output file. Given path, similarly as paths given
to --log, --report, --xunit, and --debugfile, is
relative to --outputdir unless given as an absolute
path. Other output files are created based on XML
output files after the test execution and XML outputs
can also be further processed with Rebot tool. Can be
disabled by giving a special value `NONE`. In this
case, also log and report are automatically disabled.
Default: output.xml
-l --log file HTML log file. Can be disabled by giving a special
value `NONE`. Default: log.html
Examples: `--log mylog.html`, `-l NONE`
-r --report file HTML report file. Can be disabled with `NONE`
similarly as --log. Default: report.html
-x --xunit file xUnit compatible result file. Not created unless this
option is specified.
--xunitskipnoncritical Mark non-critical tests on xUnit output as skipped.
-b --debugfile file Debug file written during execution. Not created
unless this option is specified.
-d参数用来设置RF输出文件的路径,输出文件包含:log.html, report.html 和 output.xml等。-o、-l和-r`参数用来分别设置 output.xml、log.html和 report.html的输出路径和文件名称。
如果使用参数修改了RF输出文件的输出目录,在Jenkins中也必须要进行设置,否则插件找不到output.xml文件,也就无法解析结果了。关于Jenkins的更多详细信息请参考:从零搭建Robot Framework+Jenkins持续集成环境
-x用来生成xUnit兼容的结果文件,-b 用来生成用例执行过程中写入的调试文件,如果未设置这两个参数,则对应文件默认不会生成,如:robot -x E:\test.xml -b E:\debug.html helloRobot
-T --timestampoutputs When this option is used, timestamp in a format
`YYYYMMDD-hhmmss` is added to all generated output
files between their basename and extension. For
example `-T -o output.xml -r report.html -l none`
creates files like `output-20070503-154410.xml` and
使用-T 参数后,所生成的输出文件名称中将会附加指定格式的时间戳。
--logtitle title Title for the generated test log. The default title
is ` Test Log`. Underscores in
the title are converted into spaces in all titles.
--logtitle 用于设置输出文件log.html中的title和h1标签的值
--reporttitle title Title for the generated test report. The default
title is ` Test Report`.
--reporttitle 用于设置输出文件report.html中的title和h1标签的值
--reportbackground colors Background colors to use in the report file.
Either `all_passed:critical_passed:failed` or
`passed:failed`. Both color names and codes work.
Examples: --reportbackground green:yellow:red
--reportbackground #00E:#E00
--reportbackground 用于设置输出文件report.html的背景色,例如:
robot --logtitle Rethink简书 --reporttitle Rethink简书 --reportbackground pink:red helloRobot
以上就是所有常用参数的说明,其他更多可用参数,请使用robot --help > robot_help.txt 查看.
[To be continued...]