Jessica's 20-year class reunion was held at a fancy hotel.
fancy adj.异常复杂的; 太花哨的; 精致的;
When she arrived ,she wasn't sure she was in the right place.
At first she didn't recognize anyone.
She felt a bit awkward and out of place.
awkward adj.令人尴尬的; 使人难堪的;
out of place 格格不入; 不相称; 不适当; 不适时
But it wasn't long before a strange man came up to her. 向她走来
He was already losing his hair and he was wearing a thick glasses. 眼镜
was already doing 过去进行时, 起点在过去,但是现在还在进行。
thick adj.厚的; 粗的;
"Don't you remember me?" he asked.
Question:She didn't recognize anyone.
When he said who he was,she barely remembered him,especially since he had changed so much.
Then he told her that he had always had a crush on her. 迷恋她
crush n.(狭小空间中) 拥挤的人群; (通常指年轻人对年长者的短暂的) 热恋,迷恋; 果汁饮料;
He said she looked beautiful and he immediately took a selfie of them,with his arm tight around her waist.
tight adj.牢固的; 紧的; 不松动的; 难解开的; 紧身的; adv.紧紧地; 牢固地;
tight around 紧紧围绕 selfie n.自拍;
waist n.腰; 腰部; (衣服的) 腰部; 有…腰身的; 腰身…的;
This made her feel a bit strange.
She smiled at him and pretended to be happy to see him.
But in fact,she wasn't sure how to react.though he seemed nice.
Question:How did she feel when the man put his arm around her?
She finally excused herself and went to the lady's room. 给自己找借口 女厕
She was beginning to regret having come to the reunion.
regret having done 是指过去完成后对现在造成的影响,因为冷后后悔,而regret doing 是过去式。对现在没有影响,后悔就后悔了。
She had always been shy and she still was.
had been 曾经
have/has been done 已经被完成 The work has been done.
have been doing 完成进行时 He has been playing computer games for 6 hours.
同理 had
Question:What kind of person is she?
When she returned to the party,Sharon invited her to seat at her table.
Dinner was going to be serve soon and some of the classmates were going to give speeches.
Sharon asked Jessica to say a few words too because people were curious.
This was a surprise.
Jessica had never been very popular and she didn't think anyone had noticed her.
had never been 从来没有
She had always felt like an outsider, with only a couple of close friends. 她一直觉得
outsider n.外人; 局外人; (组织、行业) 外部的人;
Still,she had been one of the best students and people remembered her.
still adv. 但; 不过; (加强比较级) 还要,更
Question:What did Sharon invite her to do?