[报错解决] ERROR: “The number of search artifacts in the dispatch directory is higher than recommended“


Message on Search Head GUI: 

"The number of search artifacts in the dispatch directory is higher than recommended (count=11200, 
warning threshold=5000) and could have an impact on search performance. Remove excess search artifacts
using the "splunk clean-dispatch" CLI command, and review artifact retention policies in limits.conf 
and savedsearches.conf. You can also raise this warning threshold in limits.conf / 
dispatch_dir_warning_size. Learn more."


The message is related to dispatch_dir_warni ng_size attribute in limits.conf file, it happens when the number of search artifacts in the dispatch directory is higher than recommended (default: Threshold=5000) and impact on search performance.

dispatch_dir_warning_size = 
* Specifies the number of jobs in the dispatc
