1 , 2 , 5 , 29 , ⋯ 1,2,5,29,\cdots 1,2,5,29,⋯
对应的逻辑为: a i + 2 = a i 2 + a i + 1 2 a_{i+2}=a_{i}^2+a_{i+1}^2 ai+2=ai2+ai+12。需要判定第 2 10 = 1024 2^{10}=1024 210=1024个元素是否为 74469561660084004 74469561660084004 74469561660084004。
将其execution trace表示为:具有寄存器 A = ( A 0 , A 1 , A 2 , … , A 1023 ) \mathbf{A} = ( A_0, A_1, A_2, \dots , A_{1023} ) A=(A0,A1,A2,…,A1023)和 B = ( B 0 , B 1 , B 2 , … , B 1023 ) \mathbf{B} = ( B_0, B_1, B_ 2, \dots , B_{1023} ) B=(B0,B1,B2,…,B1023)的状态机,第 i i i个状态为 ( A i , B i ) (A_i,B_i) (Ai,Bi),初始状态为 A 0 = i n 1 = 1 , B 0 = i n 2 = 2 A_0=in_1=1,B_0=in_2=2 A0=in1=1,B0=in2=2。相应的约束为:
为了便于设置STARK的polynomial identities,需额外再引入2个常量寄存器 i s I n i t i a l = ( 1 , 0 , 0 , ⋯ , 0 ) , i s L a s t = ( 0 , 0 , 0 , ⋯ , 1 ) \mathbf{isInitial}=(1,0,0,\cdots,0), \mathbf{isLast}=(0,0,0,\cdots,1) isInitial=(1,0,0,⋯,0),isLast=(0,0,0,⋯,1),将以上transition和boundary约束表示为:( i = { 0 , ⋯ , 1023 } i=\{0,\cdots,1023\} i={0,⋯,1023})
( A i + 1 − B i ) ∗ ( 1 − isLast i ) = 0 (A_{i+1}-B_i)*(1-\text{isLast}_i)=0 (Ai+1−Bi)∗(1−isLasti)=0
( B i + 1 − ( A i 2 + B i 2 ) ) ∗ ( 1 − isLast i ) = 0 (B_{i+1}-(A_i^2+B_i^2))*(1-\text{isLast}_i)=0 (Bi+1−(Ai2+Bi2))∗(1−isLasti)=0
isInitial i ∗ ( A i − i n 1 ) = 0 \text{isInitial}_i*(A_i-in_1)=0 isInitiali∗(Ai−in1)=0
isInitial i ∗ ( B i − i n 2 ) = 0 \text{isInitial}_i*(B_i-in_2)=0 isInitiali∗(Bi−in2)=0
isLast i ∗ ( B i − o u t ) = 0 \text{isLast}_i*(B_i-out)=0 isLasti∗(Bi−out)=0
将寄存器 A , B , i s I n i t i a l , i s L a s t \mathbf{A}, \mathbf{B}, \mathbf{isInitial}, \mathbf{isLast} A,B,isInitial,isLast 分别插值为多项式 l 2 ( x ) , l 1 ( x ) , L 1 ( x ) , L L A S T l_2(x),l_1(x),L_1(x),LLAST l2(x),l1(x),L1(x),LLAST表示。【其中 ω \omega ω为 1024 1024 1024-th root of unity。】
序号 | x x x | A \mathbf{A} A( l 2 ( x ) l_2(x) l2(x)多项式) | B \mathbf{B} B( l 1 ( x ) l_1(x) l1(x)多项式) | i s I n i t i a l \mathbf{isInitial} isInitial( L 1 ( x ) L_1(x) L1(x)多项式) | i s L a s t \mathbf{isLast} isLast( L L A S T ( x ) LLAST(x) LLAST(x)多项式) |
0 | ω 0 \omega^0 ω0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
1 | ω 1 \omega^1 ω1 | 2 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
2 | ω 2 \omega^2 ω2 | 5 | 29 | 0 | 0 |
⋮ \vdots ⋮ | ⋮ \vdots ⋮ | ⋮ \vdots ⋮ | ⋮ \vdots ⋮ | ⋮ \vdots ⋮ | ⋮ \vdots ⋮ |
1023 | ω 1023 \omega^{1023} ω1023 | … | 74469561660084004 | 0 | 1 |
constant %N = 2**10;
namespace Fibonacci(%N);
pol constant L1, LLAST;
pol commit l1,l2;
pol l2c = l2;
public in1 = l2c(0);
public in2 = l1(0);
public out = l1(%N-1);
(l2' - l1)*(1-LLAST) = 0;
pol next = l1*l1 + l2*l2;
(l1' - next)*(1-LLAST) = 0;
L1 * (l2 - :in1) = 0;
L1 * (l1 - :in2) = 0;
LLAST * (l1 - :out) = 0;
[1, 2]
基于的域const F = new F1Field();
即为Goldilocks域 p = 2 64 − 2 32 + 1 p=2^{64}-2^{32}+1 p=264−232+1,详细参见:
代码中根据 f ( x ) f(x) f(x)表达 f ( ω ⋅ x ) f(\omega \cdot x) f(ω⋅x)多项式为:
r = pols.cm[exp.id].v_n;
if (exp.next) r = getPrime(r);
function getPrime(p) {
const r = p.slice(1);
r[p.length-1] = p[0];
return r;
debug运行fibonacci buildconst
/usr/local/bin/node --max-old-space-size=32000 test/sm_fibonacci/main_buildconst_fibonacci.js -o tmp/fibonacci.const
file Generated Correctly
async function run() {
const outputFile = typeof(argv.output) === "string" ? argv.output.trim() : "fibonacci.const";
const F = new F1Field();
const pil = await compile(F, path.join(__dirname, "fibonacci_main.pil"));
const constPols = newConstantPolsArray(pil);
await smFibonacci.buildConstants(constPols.Fibonacci);
await constPols.saveToFile(outputFile);
console.log("file Generated Correctly");
const pil = await compile(F, path.join(__dirname, "fibonacci_main.pil"));
# $ cd pilcom
pilcom lanyu$ node src/pil.js ../pil-stark/test/sm_fibonacci/fibonacci_main.pil -o fibonacci.compile.json
Input Pol Commitmets: 2
Q Pol Commitmets: 1
Constant Pols: 2
Im Pols: 2
plookupIdentities: 0
permutationIdentities: 0
connectionIdentities: 0
polIdentities: 5
"nCommitments": 2, # 即pil中,以`poly commit`标记的多项式数量。
"nQ": 1, # 即pil中以多项式为粒度,degree为2的多项式总数。如`pol next = l1*l1 + l2*l2;`,会 nQ++。
"nIm": 2, # 非`poly constant`或`poly commit`标记的多项式数量。即pil中,仅以`poly`标记的中间多项式总数。
"nConstants": 2, # 即pil中,以`poly constant`标记的多项式数量。
"publics": [ # 对应pil中的`public`关键字
{ # 对应`public in1 = l2c(0);`
"polType": "imP",
"polId": 0,
"idx": 0,
"id": 0,
"name": "in1"
{ # 对应`public in2 = l1(0);`
"polType": "cmP",
"polId": 0,
"idx": 0,
"id": 1,
"name": "in2"
{ # 对应`public out = l1(%N-1);`
"polType": "cmP",
"polId": 0,
"idx": 1023,
"id": 2,
"name": "out"
"references": {
"Fibonacci.L1": {
"type": "constP",
"id": 0,
"polDeg": 1024,
"isArray": false
"Fibonacci.LLAST": {
"type": "constP",
"id": 1,
"polDeg": 1024,
"isArray": false
"Fibonacci.l1": {
"type": "cmP",
"id": 0,
"polDeg": 1024,
"isArray": false
"Fibonacci.l2": {
"type": "cmP",
"id": 1,
"polDeg": 1024,
"isArray": false
"Fibonacci.l2c": {
"type": "imP",
"id": 0,
"polDeg": 1024,
"isArray": false
"Fibonacci.next": {
"type": "imP",
"id": 2,
"polDeg": 1024,
"isArray": false
"expressions": [
{ # 0. l2,对应中间赋值 `pol l2c = l2;`???
"op": "cm",
"deg": 1,
"id": 1,
"next": false
{ # 1. 对应约束 `(l2' - l1)*(1-LLAST) - 0 = 0`
"op": "sub",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
"op": "mul",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
{ # l2'-l1
"op": "sub",
"deg": 1,
"values": [
{ # l2'
"op": "cm",
"deg": 1,
"id": 1,
"next": true
{ # l1
"op": "cm",
"deg": 1,
"id": 0,
"next": false
"op": "sub",
"deg": 1,
"values": [
{ # 1-LLAST
"op": "number",
"deg": 0,
"value": "1"
"op": "const",
"deg": 1,
"id": 1,
"next": false
"op": "number",
"deg": 0,
"value": "0"
{ # 2. 对应中间赋值 `pol next = l1*l1 + l2*l2;`
"op": "add",
"deg": 1,
"idQ": 0,
"values": [
{ # l1*l1
"op": "mul",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
{ # l1
"op": "cm",
"deg": 1,
"id": 0,
"next": false
{ # l1
"op": "cm",
"deg": 1,
"id": 0,
"next": false
{ # l2*l2
"op": "mul",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
{ # l2
"op": "cm",
"deg": 1,
"id": 1,
"next": false
{ # l2
"op": "cm",
"deg": 1,
"id": 1,
"next": false
{ # 3. 对应约束`(l1' - next)*(1-LLAST) - 0 = 0`
"op": "sub",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
{ # 对应 `(l1' - next)*(1-LLAST)`
"op": "mul",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
{ # l1'-next
"op": "sub",
"deg": 1,
"values": [
{ # l1'
"op": "cm",
"deg": 1,
"id": 0,
"next": true
{ # next
"op": "exp",
"deg": 1,
"id": 2,
"next": false
"op": "sub",
"deg": 1,
"values": [
{ # 1
"op": "number",
"deg": 0,
"value": "1"
"op": "const",
"deg": 1,
"id": 1,
"next": false
"op": "number",
"deg": 0,
"value": "0"
"deps": [ # 表示依赖的中间多项式id,此处对应为next。
{ # 4. 对应约束为`L1 * (l2 - :in1) - 0 = 0`
"op": "sub",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
{ # 对应 `L1*(l2-in1)`
"op": "mul",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
{ # L1
"op": "const",
"deg": 1,
"id": 0,
"next": false
{ # 对应`l2-in1`
"op": "sub",
"deg": 1,
"values": [
{ # l2
"op": "cm",
"deg": 1,
"id": 1,
"next": false
{ # in1
"op": "public",
"deg": 0,
"id": 0
{ # 0
"op": "number",
"deg": 0,
"value": "0"
{ # 5. 对应约束`L1 * (l1 - :in2) - 0 = 0`
"op": "sub",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
{ # L1*(l1-in2)
"op": "mul",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
{ # L1
"op": "const",
"deg": 1,
"id": 0,
"next": false
{ # l1-in2
"op": "sub",
"deg": 1,
"values": [
{ # l1
"op": "cm",
"deg": 1,
"id": 0,
"next": false
{ # in2
"op": "public",
"deg": 0,
"id": 1
"op": "number",
"deg": 0,
"value": "0"
{ # 6. 对应约束`LLAST * (l1 - :out) - 0 = 0`
"op": "sub",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
{ # LLAST*(l2-out)
"op": "mul",
"deg": 2,
"values": [
"op": "const",
"deg": 1,
"id": 1,
"next": false
{ # l2-out
"op": "sub",
"deg": 1,
"values": [
{ # l2
"op": "cm",
"deg": 1,
"id": 0,
"next": false
{ # out
"op": "public",
"deg": 0,
"id": 2
"op": "number",
"deg": 0,
"value": "0"
"polIdentities": [
"e": 1, # 对应”expressions“中的序号。即`(l2' - l1)*(1-LLAST) - 0 = 0;`
"fileName": "fibonacci.pil",
"line": 13 # 代码所在行号。即`(l2' - l1)*(1-LLAST) = 0;`
"e": 3, # 对应”expressions“中的序号。即` (l1' - next)*(1-LLAST) - 0 = 0;`
"fileName": "fibonacci.pil",
"line": 17 # 代码所在行号。即` (l1' - next)*(1-LLAST) = 0;`
"e": 4, # 对应”expressions“中的序号。即`L1 * (l2 - :in1) - 0 = 0;`
"fileName": "fibonacci.pil",
"line": 19 # 代码所在行号。即`L1 * (l2 - :in1) = 0;`
"e": 5, # 对应”expressions“中的序号。即`L1 * (l1 - :in2) - 0 = 0;`
"fileName": "fibonacci.pil",
"line": 20 # 代码所在行号。即`L1 * (l1 - :in2) = 0;`
"e": 6, # 对应”expressions“中的序号。即`LLAST * (l1 - :out) - 0 = 0;`
"fileName": "fibonacci.pil",
"line": 21 # 代码所在行号。即`LLAST * (l1 - :out) = 0;`
"plookupIdentities": [],
"permutationIdentities": [],
"connectionIdentities": []
const constPols = newConstantPolsArray(pil);
await smFibonacci.buildConstants(constPols.Fibonacci);
module.exports.buildConstants = async function (pols) {
const N = pols.L1.length;
for ( let i=0; i<N; i++) {
pols.L1[i] = (i == 0) ? 1n : 0n;
pols.LLAST[i] = (i == N-1) ? 1n : 0n;
await constPols.saveToFile(outputFile);
debug运行fibonacci exec
:【本质存储的就是execution trace。】
/usr/local/bin/node --max-old-space-size=32000 test/sm_fibonacci/main_exec_fibonacci.js -i test/sm_fibonacci/fibonacci.input.json -o tmp/fibonacci.commit
Result: 74469561660084004
file Generated Correctly
const pil = await compile(F, path.join(__dirname, "fibonacci_main.pil"));
const input = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(inputFile, "utf8"));
[1, 2]
const cmPols = newCommitPolsArray(pil);
const result = await smFibonacci.execute(cmPols.Fibonacci, input);
以及 对隐私多项式赋实际运行值pols.l2[i], pols.l1[i]
module.exports.execute = async function (pols, input) {
const N = pols.l1.length;
const Fr = new F1Field("0xFFFFFFFF00000001");
pols.l2[0] = BigInt(input[0]);
pols.l1[0] = BigInt(input[1]);
for (let i=1; i<N; i++) {
pols.l2[i] =pols.l1[i-1];
pols.l1[i] =Fr.add(Fr.square(pols.l2[i-1]), Fr.square(pols.l1[i-1]));
return pols.l1[N-1];
await cmPols.saveToFile(outputFile);
验证常量多项式和隐私多项式的赋值是否正确,本质是验证基于输入的executiion trace是否正确。
debug运行fibonacci PIL verify
获得的输出。 /usr/local/bin/node --max-old-space-size=32000 node_modules/pilcom/src/main_pilverifier.js tmp/fibonacci.commit -p test/sm_fibonacci/fibonacci_main.pil -c tmp/fibonacci.const
loading tmp/fibonacci.const.. 0 of 0.001953125
loading tmp/fibonacci.commit.. 0 of 0.001953125
Preparing public 1/3
calculateExpression: 0
Preparing public 2/3
Preparing public 3/3
Checking identities 1/5
calculateExpression: 1
Checking identities 2/5
calculateExpression: 3
calculateExpression: 2
Checking identities 3/5
calculateExpression: 4
Checking identities 4/5
calculateExpression: 5
Checking identities 5/5
calculateExpression: 6
pilcom main_pilverifier.js
[a, b, c] connect [Sa, Sb, Sc]
a in b
[a, b] is [c, d]
a' = a + 5*b + c
async function run() {
const F = new F1Field("0xFFFFFFFF00000001");
let commitFile; //必须且仅允许有一个已赋值隐私多项式文件,此处为tmp/fibonacci.commit
if (argv._.length == 0) {
console.log("You need to specify a commit file file file");
} else if (argv._.length == 1) {
commitFile = argv._[0];
} else {
console.log("Only one commit file at a time is permited");
const pilFile = typeof(argv.pil) === "string" ? argv.pil.trim() : "main.pil.json"; //pil代码文件,此处为test/sm_fibonacci/fibonacci_main.pil
const constantFile = typeof(argv.constant) === "string" ? argv.constant.trim() : "constant.bin"; //已赋值常量多项式文件,此处为tmp/fibonacci.const
const config = typeof(argv.config) === "string" ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(argv.config.trim())) : {};
if (argv.verbose) {
config.verbose = true;
if (typeof config.color === 'undefined') {
config.color = tty.isatty(process.stdout.fd);
const pil = await compile(F, pilFile, null, config); //编译pil文件,获得相应的json结构
const n = pil.references[Object.keys(pil.references)[0]].polDeg; //读取多项式的degree
const constPols = newConstantPolsArray(pil); //从编译文件中获取常量多项式结构
const cmPols = newCommitPolsArray(pil); //从编译文件中获取隐私多项式结构
await constPols.loadFromFile(constantFile); //加载已赋值的常量多项式
await cmPols.loadFromFile(commitFile); //加载已赋值的隐私多项式
const res = await verifyPil(F, pil, cmPols, constPols);
if (res.length != 0) {
console.log("Pil does not pass");
for (let i=0; i<res.length; i++) {
} else {
console.log("PIL OK!!")
module.exports = async function verifyPil(F, pil, cmPols, constPols, config = {}) {
const res = [];
const refCm = {};
const refConst = {};
const refIm = {};
for (let k of Object.keys(pil.references)) { //从pil代码编译的结果的“references”中,分类常量多项式、隐私多项式 和 中间多项式 的索引信息。
const r = pil.references[k];
r.name = k;
if (r.type == "cmP") {
refCm[r.id] =r;
} else if (r.type == "constP") {
refConst[r.id] = r;
} else if (r.type == "imP") {
refIm[r.id] = r;
} else {
throw new Error("Reference type not handled: " + r.type);
const pols = { //多项式集合
cm: [], //隐私多项式
exps:[], //中间多项式
const: [], //常量多项式
publics: [] //公开输入
const N = cmPols.$$n;//隐私多项式数量
for (let i=0; i<pil.nCommitments; i++) pols.cm[i] = {};
for (let i=0; i<pil.expressions.length; i++) pols.exps[i] = {};
for (let i=0; i<pil.nConstants; i++) pols.const[i] = {};
// 1.- Prepare commited polynomials.
for (let i=0; i<cmPols.$$nPols; i++) { //将已赋值隐私多项式的值加载到相应的数组中
pols.cm[i].v_n = cmPols.$$array[i];
for (let i=0; i<constPols.$$nPols; i++) { //将已赋值常量多项式的值加载到相应的数组中
pols.const[i].v_n = constPols.$$array[i];
for (let i=0; i<pil.publics.length; i++) { //将编译结果的“publics”的各项与相应多项式的index值关联。
console.log(`Preparing public ${i+1}/${pil.publics.length}`);
if (pil.publics[i].polType == "cmP") {//如`public out = l1(%N-1);`,l1为隐私多项式
pols.publics[i] = pols.cm[pil.publics[i].polId].v_n[pil.publics[i].idx];
} else if (pil.publics[i].polType == "imP") { //如`public in1 = l2c(0);`,l2c为中间多项式
await calculateExpression(pil.publics[i].polId); //为中间多项式赋值,找到中间多项式的赋值依赖,如`pol l2c = l2;`,相应的依赖关系见"expressions"中的index为`pil.publics[i].polId`的表达;并通过`eval`根据规则对中间多项式赋值。
pols.publics[i] = pols.exps[pil.publics[i].polId].v_n[pil.publics[i].idx];
delete pols.exps[pil.publics[i].polId].v_n; //中间多项式,用完即扔,节约资源。
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid public type: ${polType.type}`);
for (let i=0; i<pil.connectionIdentities.length; i++) { // 1)验证连接约束
console.log(`Checking connectionIdentities ${i+1}/${pil.connectionIdentities.length}`);
ci = pil.connectionIdentities[i];
for (let j=0; j<ci.pols.length; j++) {
await calculateExpression(ci.pols[j]);
for (let j=0; j<ci.connections.length; j++) {
await calculateExpression(ci.connections[j]);
console.log("start generating cm");
let cm = getConnectionMap(F, N, ci.pols.length);
for (let j=0; j<ci.pols.length; j++) {
for (let k=0; k<N; k++) {
if (k%10000 == 0) console.log(`${k+1}/${N}`);
const v1 = pols.exps[ci.pols[j]].v_n[k];
const a = pols.exps[ci.connections[j]].v_n[k]
const a1 = Number(a >> 48n);
const a2 = Number((a >> 32n)&0xFFFFn );
const a3 = Number(a&0xFFFFFFFFn );
const [cp, cw] = cm[a1][a2][a3];
if (typeof cp == "undefined") {
res.push(`${ci.fileName}:${pil.polIdentities[i].line}: invalid copy value w=${j},${k} val=${F.toString(v1)} `);
const v2 = pols.exps[ci.pols[cp]].v_n[cw];
if (!F.eq(v1, v2)) {
res.push(`${ci.fileName}:${pil.polIdentities[i].line}: connection does not match p1=${j} w1=${k} p2=${cp}, w2=${cw} val= ${F.toString(v1)} != ${F.toString(v2)}`);
for (let j=0; j<ci.pols.length; j++) {
delete pols.exps[ci.pols[j]].v_n;
for (let j=0; j<ci.connections.length; j++) {
delete pols.exps[ci.connections[j]].v_n;
for (let i=0; i<pil.plookupIdentities.length; i++) { //2)验证plookup约束
console.log(`Checking plookupIdentities ${i+1}/${pil.plookupIdentities.length}`);
const pi =pil.plookupIdentities[i];
for (let j=0; j<pi.t.length; j++) {
await calculateExpression(pi.t[j]);
if (pi.selT !== null) {
await calculateExpression(pi.selT);
for (let j=0; j<pi.f.length; j++) {
await calculateExpression(pi.f[j]);
if (pi.selF !== null) {
await calculateExpression(pi.selF);
let t = {};
for (let j=0; j<N; j++) {
if ((pi.selT==null) || (!F.isZero(pols.exps[pi.selT].v_n[j]))) {
const vals = []
for (let k=0; k<pi.t.length; k++) {
t[vals.join(",")] = true;
for (let j=0; j<N; j++) {
if ((pi.selF==null) || (!F.isZero(pols.exps[pi.selF].v_n[j]))) {
const vals = []
for (let k=0; k<pi.f.length; k++) {
const v = vals.join(",");
if (!t[v]) {
res.push(`${pil.plookupIdentities[i].fileName}:${pil.plookupIdentities[i].line}: plookup not found w=${j} values: ${v}`);
if (!config.continueOnError) j=N; // Do not continue checking
for (let j=0; j<pi.t.length; j++) {
delete pols.exps[pi.t[j]].v_n;
if (pi.selT !== null) {
delete pols.exps[pi.selT].v_n;
for (let j=0; j<pi.f.length; j++) {
delete pols.exps[pi.f[j]].v_n;
if (pi.selF !== null) {
delete pols.exps[pi.selF].v_n;
for (let i=0; i<pil.permutationIdentities.length; i++) { // 3)验证permutation约束
console.log(`Checking permutationIdentities ${i+1}/${pil.permutationIdentities.length}`);
const pi =pil.permutationIdentities[i];
for (let j=0; j<pi.t.length; j++) {
await calculateExpression(pi.t[j]);
if (pi.selT !== null) {
await calculateExpression(pi.selT);
for (let j=0; j<pi.f.length; j++) {
await calculateExpression(pi.f[j]);
if (pi.selF !== null) {
await calculateExpression(pi.selF);
let t = {};
for (let j=0; j<N; j++) {
if ((pi.selT==null) || (!F.isZero(pols.exps[pi.selT].v_n[j]))) {
const vals = []
for (let k=0; k<pi.t.length; k++) {
t[vals.join(",")] = true;
for (let j=0; j<N; j++) {
if ((pi.selF==null) || (!F.isZero(pols.exps[pi.selF].v_n[j]))) {
const vals = []
for (let k=0; k<pi.f.length; k++) {
const v = vals.join(",");
if (!t[v]) {
res.push(`${pi.fileName}:${pi.line}: permutation not found w=${j} values: ${v}`);
if (!config.continueOnError) j=N; // Do not continue checking
delete t[v];
if (Object.keys(t).length !=0) {
res.push(`${pi.fileName}:${pi.line}: permutation failed. values remaining: ${Object.keys(t).length}`);
for (let j=0; j<pi.t.length; j++) {
delete pols.exps[pi.t[j]].v_n;
if (pi.selT !== null) {
delete pols.exps[pi.selT].v_n;
for (let j=0; j<pi.f.length; j++) {
delete pols.exps[pi.f[j]].v_n;
if (pi.selF !== null) {
delete pols.exps[pi.selF].v_n;
for (let i=0; i<pil.polIdentities.length; i++) { // 4)验证多项式约束
console.log(`Checking identities ${i+1}/${pil.polIdentities.length}`);
await calculateExpression(pil.polIdentities[i].e);
for (let j=0; j<N; j++) {
const v = pols.exps[pil.polIdentities[i].e].v_n[j]
if (!F.isZero(v)) {
res.push(`${pil.polIdentities[i].fileName}:${pil.polIdentities[i].line}: identity does not match w=${j} val=${F.toString(v)} `);
if (!config.continueOnError) j=N;
delete pols.exps[pil.polIdentities[i].e].v_n;
return res;
【pil中的所有const多项式构建一个merkle tree。详细参看 STARKs and STARK VM: Proofs of Computational Integrity,本质为将const多项式在trace domain的evaluation值扩展到low degree extension domain的evaluation值,然后将所有const多项式的low degree extension domain的evaluation值构建一棵merkle tree。】
"nBits": 10, # trace domain为2^{10}
"nBitsExt": 11, # Low Degree Extension evaluation domain为2^{11}
"nQueries": 8, # STARK query次数
"verificationHashType": "GL", # 使用的域,GL表示使用Goldilocks域。
"steps": [
{"nBits": 11}, # 必须与nBitsExt相等
{"nBits": 7},
{"nBits": 3}
debug运行fibonacci build constree
【为常量多项式在Low Degree Extension domain evaluation值的Merkle树】fibonacci.verkey.json
【为相应Merkle树的root】 /usr/local/bin/node --max-old-space-size=32000 src/main_buildconsttree.js -c /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.const -p /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/test/sm_fibonacci/fibonacci_main.pil -s /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/test/sm_fibonacci/fibonacci.starkstruct.json -t /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.consttree -v /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.verkey.json
loading /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.const.. 0 of 0.001953125
Interpolating reverse....
Layer ifft0
start block 10 0
end block 10 0
Interpolating prepare....
linear interpolatePrepare start.... 0/0
linear interpolatePrepare end.... 0/0
Bit reverse....
Layer fft 0
start block 11 0
end block 11 0
interpolation terminated
pool terminated
Start merkelizing..
slicing buff 0
creating thread 0
linear hash start.... 0/2048
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1024
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1024
merkelizing hash start.... 0/512
merkelizing hash end.... 0/512
merkelizing hash start.... 0/256
merkelizing hash end.... 0/256
merkelizing hash start.... 0/128
merkelizing hash end.... 0/128
merkelizing hash start.... 0/64
merkelizing hash end.... 0/64
merkelizing hash start.... 0/32
merkelizing hash end.... 0/32
merkelizing hash start.... 0/16
merkelizing hash end.... 0/16
merkelizing hash start.... 0/8
merkelizing hash end.... 0/8
merkelizing hash start.... 0/4
merkelizing hash end.... 0/4
merkelizing hash start.... 0/2
merkelizing hash end.... 0/2
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1
writting tree.. 0 / 4096
writting tree.. 0 / 16380
files Generated Correctly
async function run() {
const F = new F1Field();
const pilFile = typeof(argv.pil) === "string" ? argv.pil.trim() : "mycircuit.pil";
const pilConfig = typeof(argv.pilconfig) === "string" ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(argv.pilconfig.trim())) : {};
const constFile = typeof(argv.const) === "string" ? argv.const.trim() : "mycircuit.const";
const starkStructFile = typeof(argv.starkstruct) === "string" ? argv.starkstruct.trim() : "mycircuit.stark_struct.json";
const constTreeFile = typeof(argv.consttree) === "string" ? argv.consttree.trim() : "mycircuit.consttree";
const verKeyFile = typeof(argv.verkey) === "string" ? argv.verkey.trim() : "mycircuit.verkey.json";
const starkStruct = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(starkStructFile, "utf8")); //读取STARK配置信息
const pil = await compile(F, pilFile, null, pilConfig);
const nBits = starkStruct.nBits;
const nBitsExt = starkStruct.nBitsExt;
const n = 1 << nBits; //trace domain
const nExt = 1 << nBitsExt; //Low Degree Extension domain
const constPols = newConstantPolsArray(pil);
await constPols.loadFromFile(constFile); //加载已赋值常量多项式,即trace domain的evaluation值。
const constBuff = constPols.writeToBuff(); //将各常量多项式的trace domain的evaluation值写入buff
const constPolsArrayE = new BigBuffer(nExt*pil.nConstants); //分配存储所有常量多项式Low Degree Extension domain的evaluation值所需空间。
await interpolate(constBuff, pil.nConstants, nBits, constPolsArrayE, nBitsExt ); //计算各常量多项式Low Degree Extension domain的evaluation值
let MH;
if (starkStruct.verificationHashType == "GL") {
MH = await buildMerkleHashGL(); //基于Goldilocks域的哈希函数
} else if (starkStruct.verificationHashType == "BN128") {
MH = await buildMerkleHashBN128(); //基于BN128域的哈希函数
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid Hash Type: "+ starkStruct.verificationHashType);
console.log("Start merkelizing..");
const constTree = await MH.merkelize(constPolsArrayE, pil.nConstants, nExt);//基于所有常量多项式Low Degree Extension domain的evaluation值构建一棵Merkle树
const constRoot = MH.root(constTree); //计算相应的Merkle root
// 由于Goldilocks域的最大值为2**64-2**32+1-1,而poseidon哈希结果为256bit,因此,一个哈希结果需用4个Goldilocks域值来表示。最终的Merkle root也是由4个Goldilocks域值来表示。
const verKey = {
constRoot: constRoot
await fs.promises.writeFile(verKeyFile, JSONbig.stringify(verKey, null, 1), "utf8"); //存储Merkle root
await MH.writeToFile(constTree, constTreeFile); //存储整个Merkle树
console.log("files Generated Correctly");
debug运行fibonacci prove
【已赋值隐私多项式(基于trace domain)】:为基于fibonacci.input.json
【已赋值常量多项式(基于trace domain)】:为运行状态机中main_buildconst_fibonacci.js
【常量多项式重新基于Low Degree Extension domain插值构建的Merkle树】:为运行main_buildconsttree.js
:公开输入 /usr/local/bin/node --max-old-space-size=32000 src/main_prover.js -m /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.commit -c /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.const -t /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.consttree -p /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/test/sm_fibonacci/fibonacci_main.pil -s /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/test/sm_fibonacci/fibonacci.starkstruct.json -o /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.proof.json -z /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.proof.zkin.json -b /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.public.json
loading /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.const.. 0 of 0.001953125
loading /Users/lanyu/zyd/0xPolygonHermez/pil-stark/tmp/fibonacci.commit.. 0 of 0.001953125
Loading tree.. 0/4096
Loading tree.. 0/16380
Merkelizing 1....
Interpolating reverse....
Layer ifft0
start block 10 0
end block 10 0
Interpolating prepare....
linear interpolatePrepare start.... 0/0
linear interpolatePrepare end.... 0/0
Bit reverse....
Layer fft 0
start block 11 0
end block 11 0
interpolation terminated
pool terminated
slicing buff 0
creating thread 0
linear hash start.... 0/2048
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1024
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1024
merkelizing hash start.... 0/512
merkelizing hash end.... 0/512
merkelizing hash start.... 0/256
merkelizing hash end.... 0/256
merkelizing hash start.... 0/128
merkelizing hash end.... 0/128
merkelizing hash start.... 0/64
merkelizing hash end.... 0/64
merkelizing hash start.... 0/32
merkelizing hash end.... 0/32
merkelizing hash start.... 0/16
merkelizing hash end.... 0/16
merkelizing hash start.... 0/8
merkelizing hash end.... 0/8
merkelizing hash start.... 0/4
merkelizing hash end.... 0/4
merkelizing hash start.... 0/2
merkelizing hash end.... 0/2
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1
start exec step2prev... 0/1024
end exec step2prev... 0/1024
Merkelizing 2....
Interpolating reverse....
Layer ifft0
start block 10 0
end block 10 0
Interpolating prepare....
Bit reverse....
Layer fft 0
linear interpolatePrepare start.... 0/0
linear interpolatePrepare end.... 0/0
start block 11 0
end block 11 0
interpolation terminated
pool terminated
slicing buff 0
creating thread 0
linear hash start.... 0/2048
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1024
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1024
merkelizing hash start.... 0/512
merkelizing hash end.... 0/512
merkelizing hash start.... 0/256
merkelizing hash end.... 0/256
merkelizing hash start.... 0/128
merkelizing hash end.... 0/128
merkelizing hash start.... 0/64
merkelizing hash end.... 0/64
merkelizing hash start.... 0/32
merkelizing hash end.... 0/32
merkelizing hash start.... 0/16
merkelizing hash end.... 0/16
merkelizing hash start.... 0/8
merkelizing hash end.... 0/8
merkelizing hash start.... 0/4
merkelizing hash end.... 0/4
merkelizing hash start.... 0/2
merkelizing hash end.... 0/2
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1
start exec step3prev... 0/1024
end exec step3prev... 0/1024
Merkelizing 3....
Interpolating reverse....
Layer ifft0
start block 10 0
end block 10 0
Interpolating prepare....
Bit reverse....
linear interpolatePrepare start.... 0/0
linear interpolatePrepare end.... 0/0
Layer fft 0
start block 11 0
end block 11 0
interpolation terminated
pool terminated
slicing buff 0
creating thread 0
linear hash start.... 0/2048
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1024
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1024
merkelizing hash start.... 0/512
merkelizing hash end.... 0/512
merkelizing hash start.... 0/256
merkelizing hash end.... 0/256
merkelizing hash start.... 0/128
merkelizing hash end.... 0/128
merkelizing hash start.... 0/64
merkelizing hash end.... 0/64
merkelizing hash start.... 0/32
merkelizing hash end.... 0/32
merkelizing hash start.... 0/16
merkelizing hash end.... 0/16
merkelizing hash start.... 0/8
merkelizing hash end.... 0/8
merkelizing hash start.... 0/4
merkelizing hash end.... 0/4
merkelizing hash start.... 0/2
merkelizing hash end.... 0/2
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1
start exec step4... 0/1024
end exec step4... 0/1024
Interpolating reverse....
Layer ifft0
start block 10 0
end block 10 0
linear interpolatePrepare start.... 0/1
linear interpolatePrepare end.... 0/1
start block 11 0
Interpolating prepare....
Bit reverse....
Layer fft 0
end block 11 0
interpolation terminated
pool terminated
start exec step42ns... 0/2048
end exec step42ns... 0/2048
Merkelizing 4....
slicing buff 0
creating thread 0
linear hash start.... 0/2048
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1024
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1024
merkelizing hash start.... 0/512
merkelizing hash end.... 0/512
merkelizing hash start.... 0/256
merkelizing hash end.... 0/256
merkelizing hash start.... 0/128
merkelizing hash end.... 0/128
merkelizing hash start.... 0/64
merkelizing hash end.... 0/64
merkelizing hash start.... 0/32
merkelizing hash end.... 0/32
merkelizing hash start.... 0/16
merkelizing hash end.... 0/16
merkelizing hash start.... 0/8
merkelizing hash end.... 0/8
merkelizing hash start.... 0/4
merkelizing hash end.... 0/4
merkelizing hash start.... 0/2
merkelizing hash end.... 0/2
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1
start exec step52ns... 0/2048
end exec step52ns... 0/2048
slicing buff 0
creating thread 0
linear hash start.... 0/128
linear hash end.... 0/128
merkelizing hash start.... 0/64
merkelizing hash end.... 0/64
merkelizing hash start.... 0/32
merkelizing hash end.... 0/32
merkelizing hash start.... 0/16
merkelizing hash end.... 0/16
merkelizing hash start.... 0/8
merkelizing hash end.... 0/8
merkelizing hash start.... 0/4
merkelizing hash end.... 0/4
merkelizing hash start.... 0/2
merkelizing hash end.... 0/2
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1
slicing buff 0
creating thread 0
linear hash start.... 0/8
linear hash end.... 0/8
merkelizing hash start.... 0/4
merkelizing hash end.... 0/4
merkelizing hash start.... 0/2
merkelizing hash end.... 0/2
merkelizing hash start.... 0/1
merkelizing hash end.... 0/1
files Generated Correctly
async function run() {
const F = new GL3();
const commitFile = typeof(argv.commit) === "string" ? argv.commit.trim() : "mycircuit.commit";
const constFile = typeof(argv.const) === "string" ? argv.const.trim() : "mycircuit.const";
const constTreeFile = typeof(argv.consttree) === "string" ? argv.consttree.trim() : "mycircuit.consttree";
const pilFile = typeof(argv.pil) === "string" ? argv.pil.trim() : "mycircuit.pil";
const pilConfig = typeof(argv.pilconfig) === "string" ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(argv.pilconfig.trim())) : {};
const starkStructFile = typeof(argv.starkstruct) === "string" ? argv.starkstruct.trim() : "mycircuit.stark_struct.json";
const proofFile = typeof(argv.proof) === "string" ? argv.proof.trim() : "mycircuit.proof.json";
const zkinFile = typeof(argv.zkin) === "string" ? argv.zkin.trim() : "mycircuit.proof.zkin.json";
const publicFile = typeof(argv.public) === "string" ? argv.public.trim() : "mycircuit.public.json";
const pil = await compile(F, pilFile, null, pilConfig); //编译pil程序
const starkStruct = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(starkStructFile, "utf8")); //读取STARK配置文件
const nBits = starkStruct.nBits;
const n = 1 << nBits; // trace domain
const constPols = newConstantPolsArray(pil);
await constPols.loadFromFile(constFile); //加载常量多项式trace domain的evaluation值。
const cmPols = newCommitPolsArray(pil);
await cmPols.loadFromFile(commitFile); //加载隐私多项式trace domain的evaluation值。
let MH;
if (starkStruct.verificationHashType == "GL") {
MH = await buildMerklehashGL(); //基于Goldilocks域的哈希函数
} else if (starkStruct.verificationHashType == "BN128") {
MH = await buildMerklehashBN128(); //基于BN128域的哈希函数
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid Hash Type: "+ starkStruct.verificationHashType);
const constTree = await MH.readFromFile(constTreeFile); //加载常量多项式Low Degree Extension domain的evaluation值所构建的Merkle树。
const starkInfo = starkInfoGen(pil, starkStruct); //基于pil编译文件和STARK配置文件,生成STARK约束表达。
const resP = await starkGen(cmPols, constPols, constTree, starkInfo); //基于 隐私多项式trace domain evaluation值、常量多项式trace domain evaluation值 以及 常量多项式Low Degree Extension domain evaluation值的Merkle树,生成STARK证明。
await fs.promises.writeFile(proofFile, JSONbig.stringify(resP.proof, null, 1), "utf8"); //存储STARK证明
const zkIn = proof2zkin(resP.proof);
zkIn.publics = resP.publics;
await fs.promises.writeFile(publicFile, JSONbig.stringify(resP.publics, null, 1), "utf8"); //存储STARK的公开信息
if (starkStruct.verificationHashType == "BN128") { //为何对于BN128需单独指定proverAddr?
if (!argv.proverAddr) throw new Error("Prover Address not specified");
zkIn.proverAddr = BigInt(argv.proverAddr);
let b= zkIn.proverAddr.toString(16);
while (b.length < 40) b = "0" + b;
for (let i=0; i<resP.publics.length; i++) {
let b2 = resP.publics[i].toString(16);
while (b2.length<16) b2 = "0" + b2;
b = b + b2;
const publicsHash = BigInt("0x" + createHash('sha256').update(b, 'hex').digest("hex")) % 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617n;
console.log(`Publics Hash: 0x${publicsHash.toString()}`);
await fs.promises.writeFile(zkinFile, JSONbig.stringify(zkIn, (k, v) => { //存储STARK的隐私输入
if (typeof(v) === "bigint") {
return v.toString();
} else {
return v;
}, 1), "utf8");
console.log("files Generated Correctly");
const starkInfo = starkInfoGen(pil, starkStruct); //基于pil编译文件和STARK配置文件,生成STARK约束表达。
await fs.promises.writeFile("zydSTARKInfo.json", JSONbig.stringify(starkInfo, null, 1), "utf8"); //存储,便于分析。
module.exports = function starkInfoGen(_pil, starkStruct) {
const pil = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_pil)); // Make a copy as we are going to destroy pil
const F = new F1Field();
const pilDeg = Object.values(pil.references)[0].polDeg; //获取pil编译文件中的多项式degree。
const starkDeg = 2 ** starkStruct.nBits; //获取STARK配置文件中的多项式degree。
if ( starkDeg != pilDeg) { //要求 pil编译文件中的多项式degree 与 STARK配置文件中的多项式degree,二者相等。
throw new Error(`Starkpil and pil have degree mismatch (starkpil:${starkDeg} pil:${pilDeg})`);
if ( starkStruct.nBitsExt != starkStruct.steps[0].nBits) { //要求STARK配置文件中的nBitsExt与steps中的nBits相等。
throw new Error(`Starkpil.nBitsExt and first step of Starkpil have a mismatch (nBitsExt:${starkStruct.nBitsExt} pil:${starkStruct.steps[0].nBits})`);
const res = { //所生成的STARK基本信息的结构
varPolMap: [], //多项式约束
puCtx: [], //plookup约束
peCtx: [], //permutation约束
ciCtx: [] //connection约束
res.starkStruct = starkStruct; //记录STARK配置信息
res.nConstants = pil.nConstants; //记录常量多项式数量
res.nPublics = pil.publics.length; //记录publics数量
generatePublicCalculators(res, pil); //针对中间多项式的"publics"项进行处理。
res.nCm1 = pil.nCommitments; //记录隐私多项式数量
const ctx = { //Ctx结构
pil: pil, //pil编译文件
calculated: {
exps: {},
expsPrime: {}
tmpUsed: 0,
code: []
const ctx2ns = { //Ctx结构
pil: pil, //pil编译文件
calculated: {
exps: {},
expsPrime: {}
tmpUsed: 0,
code: []
generateStep2(res, pil, ctx); // H1, H2。主要处理plookup约束。
res.nCm2 = pil.nCommitments - res.nCm1;
generateStep3(res, pil, ctx); // Z Polynomials and LC of permutation chcks.
res.nCm3 = pil.nCommitments - res.nCm1 - res.nCm2;
generateConstraintPolynomial(res, pil, ctx, ctx2ns); // Step4. 主要为约束多项式表达。
res.nCm4 = pil.nCommitments - res.nCm3 -res.nCm2-res.nCm1; //step4中处理的隐私多项式数量。即此时已处理完所有的约束。
res.nQ = pil.nQ; //记录pil编译文件中的nQ。
generateConstraintPolynomialVerifier(res, pil); //主要为对polIdentities约束的Linear Combination组合合并后的约束cExp进行处理。
generateFRIPolynomial(res, pil, ctx2ns); //构建FRI多项式。
generateVerifierQuery(res, pil); //Verifier query值的计算规则,与上面构建的FRI多项式呼应。
map(res, pil); //map,建立tree和约束之间的映射关系。
// cPolBuilder(pil, res.cExp);
res.publics = pil.publics;
return res;
const challengeMap = {
"u": 0,
"defVal": 1,
"gamma": 2,
"beta": 3,
"vc": 4,
"vf1": 5,
"vf2": 6,
"xi": 7
const resP = await starkGen(cmPols, constPols, constTree, starkInfo);
module.exports = async function starkGen(cmPols, constPols, constTree, starkInfo) {
const starkStruct = starkInfo.starkStruct;
const N = 1 << starkStruct.nBits;
const extendBits = starkStruct.nBitsExt - starkStruct.nBits;
const nBitsExt = starkStruct.nBitsExt;
const nBits = starkStruct.nBits;
assert(1 << nBits == N, "N must be a power of 2");
const F = new GL3();
let MH;
let MHS;
let transcript;
if (starkStruct.verificationHashType == "GL") { // 选择相应域对应的哈希函数、Merkle哈希函数、非交互随机challenge生成器transcript函数。
const poseidon = await buildPoseidonGL();
MH = await buildMerklehashGL();
transcript = new Transcript(poseidon);
} else if (starkStruct.verificationHashType == "BN128") {
const poseidonBN128 = await buildPoseidonBN128();
MH = await buildMerklehashBN128();
transcript = new TranscriptBN128(poseidonBN128);
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid Hash Type: "+ starkStruct.verificationHashType);
const fri = new FRI( starkStruct, MH ); // 初始化FRI协议信息:域、inNbits、maxDegNBits、nQueries、MH、steps。
if (cmPols.$$nPols != starkInfo.nCm1) { // 约束隐私多项式的数量相等。
throw new Error(`Number of Commited Polynomials: ${cmPols.length} do not match with the starkInfo definition: ${starkInfo.nCm1} `)
const ctx = {}
ctx.F = F;
const pool = workerpool.pool(__dirname + '/starkgen_worker.js');
ctx.nBits = starkInfo.starkStruct.nBits; //10
ctx.nBitsExt = starkInfo.starkStruct.nBitsExt; //11
ctx.N = 1 << starkInfo.starkStruct.nBits; //1024
ctx.Next = 1 << starkInfo.starkStruct.nBitsExt; //2048
ctx.starkInfo = starkInfo;
ctx.tmp = [];
ctx.challenges = [];
let nCm = starkInfo.nCm1; //2
ctx.cm1_n = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.mapSectionsN.cm1_n*ctx.N); //polyIdentities约束,为2*1024
cmPols.writeToBigBuffer(ctx.cm1_n, 0);
ctx.cm2_n = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.mapSectionsN.cm2_n*ctx.N); //plookupIdentities约束。
ctx.cm3_n = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.mapSectionsN.cm3_n*ctx.N); //permutationLC、plookupZ、permutationZ、connectionZ约束
ctx.exps_withq_n = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.mapSectionsN.exps_withq_n*ctx.N); //表达式中带idQ的序号
ctx.exps_withoutq_n = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.mapSectionsN.exps_withoutq_n*ctx.N); //表达式中keep为1的序号
ctx.cm1_2ns = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.mapSectionsN.cm1_n*ctx.Next);//polyIdentities约束,为2*1024
ctx.cm2_2ns = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.mapSectionsN.cm2_n*ctx.Next);//plookupIdentities约束。
ctx.cm3_2ns = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.mapSectionsN.cm3_n*ctx.Next);//permutationLC、plookupZ、permutationZ、connectionZ约束
ctx.q_2ns = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.mapSectionsN.q_2ns*ctx.Next);//中间多项式
ctx.exps_withq_2ns = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.mapSectionsN.exps_withq_2ns*ctx.Next);
ctx.exps_withoutq_2ns = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.mapSectionsN.exps_withoutq_2ns*ctx.Next); //keep2ns为1
ctx.x_n = new BigBuffer(N);
let xx = F.one;
for (let i=0; i<N; i++) { //为trace domain {1,w,w^2,...,w^{N-1}},其中w为N-th generator。
// N为2^{nBits}
ctx.x_n.setElement(i, xx);
xx = F.mul(xx, F.w[nBits])
ctx.x_2ns = new BigBuffer(N << extendBits);
xx = F.shift; // g
// 为low-degree extension domain {g,gW,gW^2,...,gW^{M-1}}
// 其中W为M-th generator,M为扩展域size。
// M为2^{nBits + extendBits}
for (let i=0; i<(N << extendBits); i++) {
ctx.x_2ns.setElement(i, xx);
xx = F.mul(xx, F.w[nBits + extendBits]);
// Build ZHInv
const zhInv = buildZhInv(F, nBits, extendBits);
// zhInv为函数,offset为0:
// function (i) {
// return ZHInv[(i + offset) % ZHInv.length];
// }
ctx.Zi = zhInv;
ctx.const_n = new BigBuffer(starkInfo.nConstants*ctx.N); //常量多项式,2*1024
constPols.writeToBigBuffer(ctx.const_n, 0);
ctx.const_2ns = constTree.elements; //常量多项式在Low Degree Extension domain的evaluation
// This will calculate all the Q polynomials and extend commits
// calculateExps(F, pols, starkInfo.step1prev);
ctx.publics = [];//获取公开变量值
for (let i=0; i<starkInfo.publics.length; i++) {
if (starkInfo.publics[i].polType == "cmP") {
// 公开变量若源自commit多项式,则直接从cm1_n中获取。
ctx.publics[i] = ctx.cm1_n.getElement( starkInfo.publics[i].idx * starkInfo.mapSectionsN.cm1_n + starkInfo.publics[i].polId );
} else if (starkInfo.publics[i].polType == "imP") {
// EDU: Do not implement this in the firs version.
// we will not use it.
// 公开变量若源自中间多项式,则调用calculateExpAtPoint计算。
ctx.publics[i] = calculateExpAtPoint(ctx, starkInfo.publicsCode[i], starkInfo.publics[i].idx);
// ctx.publics[i] = ctx.exps[starkInfo.publics[i].polId][starkInfo.publics[i].idx];
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid public type: ${polType.type}`);
console.log("Merkelizing 1....");
const tree1 = await extendAndMerkelize(MH, ctx.cm1_n, ctx.cm1_2ns, starkInfo.mapSectionsN.cm1_n, ctx.nBits, ctx.nBitsExt );
// 2.- Caluculate plookups h1 and h2
ctx.challenges[0] = transcript.getField(); // u
ctx.challenges[1] = transcript.getField(); // defVal
if (parallelExec) {
await calculateExpsParallel(pool, ctx, "step2prev", starkInfo);
} else {
calculateExps(ctx, starkInfo.step2prev, "n");
for (let i=0; i<starkInfo.puCtx.length; i++) {
const puCtx = starkInfo.puCtx[i];
const fPol = getPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.exps_n[puCtx.fExpId]);
const tPol = getPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.exps_n[puCtx.tExpId]);
const [h1, h2] = calculateH1H2(F, fPol, tPol);
setPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.cm_n[nCm++], h1);
setPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.cm_n[nCm++], h2);
console.log("Merkelizing 2....");
const tree2 = await extendAndMerkelize(MH, ctx.cm2_n, ctx.cm2_2ns, starkInfo.mapSectionsN.cm2_n, ctx.nBits, ctx.nBitsExt );
// 3.- Compute Z polynomials
ctx.challenges[2] = transcript.getField(); // gamma
ctx.challenges[3] = transcript.getField(); // betta
if (parallelExec) {
await calculateExpsParallel(pool, ctx, "step3prev", starkInfo);
} else {
calculateExps(ctx, starkInfo.step3prev, "n");
for (let i=0; i<starkInfo.puCtx.length; i++) {
console.log(`Calculating z for plookup ${i}`);
const pu = starkInfo.puCtx[i];
const pNum = getPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.exps_n[pu.numId]);
const pDen = getPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.exps_n[pu.denId]);
const z = calculateZ(F,pNum, pDen);
setPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.cm_n[nCm++], z);
for (let i=0; i<starkInfo.peCtx.length; i++) {
console.log(`Calculating z for permutation check ${i}`);
const pe = starkInfo.peCtx[i];
const pNum = getPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.exps_n[pe.numId]);
const pDen = getPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.exps_n[pe.denId]);
const z = calculateZ(F,pNum, pDen);
setPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.cm_n[nCm++], z);
for (let i=0; i<starkInfo.ciCtx.length; i++) {
console.log(`Calculating z for connection ${i}`);
const ci = starkInfo.ciCtx[i];
const pNum = getPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.exps_n[ci.numId]);
const pDen = getPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.exps_n[ci.denId]);
const z = calculateZ(F,pNum, pDen);
setPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.cm_n[nCm++], z);
console.log("Merkelizing 3....");
const tree3 = await extendAndMerkelize(MH, ctx.cm3_n, ctx.cm3_2ns, starkInfo.mapSectionsN.cm3_n, ctx.nBits, ctx.nBitsExt );
// 4. Compute C Polynomial
ctx.challenges[4] = transcript.getField(); // vc
// 计算ctx.exps_withq_n数组,长度为starkInfo.mapSectionsN.exps_withq_n*ctx.N。
if (parallelExec) {
await calculateExpsParallel(pool, ctx, "step4", starkInfo);
} else {
calculateExps(ctx, starkInfo.step4, "n");
await extend(ctx.exps_withq_n, ctx.exps_withq_2ns, starkInfo.mapSectionsN.exps_withq_n, ctx.nBits, ctx.nBitsExt);
if (parallelExec) {
await calculateExpsParallel(pool, ctx, "step42ns", starkInfo);
} else {
calculateExps(ctx, starkInfo.step42ns, "2ns");
console.log("Merkelizing 4....");
tree4 = await merkelize(MH, ctx.q_2ns , starkInfo.mapSectionsN.q_2ns, ctx.nBitsExt);
// 5. Compute FRI Polynomial
ctx.challenges[5] = transcript.getField(); // v1
ctx.challenges[6] = transcript.getField(); // v2
ctx.challenges[7] = transcript.getField(); // xi
// Calculate Evals
let LEv = new Array(N);
let LpEv = new Array(N);
LEv[0] = 1n;
LpEv[0] = 1n;
const xis = F.div(ctx.challenges[7], F.shift);
const wxis = F.div(F.mul(ctx.challenges[7], F.w[nBits]), F.shift);
for (let k=1; k<N; k++) {
LEv[k] = F.mul(LEv[k-1], xis);
LpEv[k] = F.mul(LpEv[k-1], wxis);
LEv = F.ifft(LEv);
LpEv = F.ifft(LpEv);
ctx.evals = [];
for (let i=0; i<starkInfo.evMap.length; i++) {
const ev = starkInfo.evMap[i];
let p;
if (ev.type == "const") {
p = {
buffer: ctx.const_2ns,
deg: 1<<nBitsExt,
offset: ev.id,
size: starkInfo.nConstants,
dim: 1
} else if (ev.type == "cm") {
p = getPolRef(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.cm_2ns[ev.id]);
} else if (ev.type == "q") {
p = getPolRef(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.qs[ev.id]);
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid ev type: "+ ev.type);
l = ev.prime ? LpEv : LEv;
let acc = 0n;
for (let k=0; k<N; k++) {
let v;
if (p.dim==1) {
v = p.buffer.getElement((k<<extendBits)*p.size + p.offset);
} else {
v = [
p.buffer.getElement((k<<extendBits)*p.size + p.offset),
p.buffer.getElement((k<<extendBits)*p.size + p.offset+1),
p.buffer.getElement((k<<extendBits)*p.size + p.offset+2)
acc = F.add(acc, F.mul(v, l[k]));
ctx.evals[i] = acc;
// Calculate xDivXSubXi, xDivX4SubWXi
const xi = ctx.challenges[7];
const wxi = F.mul(ctx.challenges[7], F.w[nBits]);
ctx.xDivXSubXi = new BigBuffer((N << extendBits)*3);
ctx.xDivXSubWXi = new BigBuffer((N << extendBits)*3);
let tmp_den = new Array(N << extendBits);
let tmp_denw = new Array(N << extendBits);
let x = F.shift;
for (let k=0; k< N<<extendBits; k++) {
tmp_den[k] = F.sub(x, xi);
tmp_denw[k] = F.sub(x, wxi);
x = F.mul(x, F.w[nBits + extendBits])
tmp_den = F.batchInverse(tmp_den);
tmp_denw = F.batchInverse(tmp_denw);
x = F.shift;
for (let k=0; k< N<<extendBits; k++) {
const v = F.mul(tmp_den[k], x);
ctx.xDivXSubXi.setElement(3*k , v[0]);
ctx.xDivXSubXi.setElement(3*k +1 , v[1]);
ctx.xDivXSubXi.setElement(3*k +2, v[2]);
const vw = F.mul(tmp_denw[k], x);
ctx.xDivXSubWXi.setElement(3*k , vw[0]);
ctx.xDivXSubWXi.setElement(3*k +1, vw[1]);
ctx.xDivXSubWXi.setElement(3*k +2, vw[2]);
x = F.mul(x, F.w[nBits + extendBits])
if (parallelExec) {
await calculateExpsParallel(pool, ctx, "step52ns", starkInfo);
} else {
calculateExps(ctx, starkInfo.step52ns, "2ns");
const friPol = getPol(ctx, starkInfo, starkInfo.exps_2ns[starkInfo.friExpId]);
const queryPol = (idx) => {
return [
MH.getGroupProof(tree1, idx),
MH.getGroupProof(tree2, idx),
MH.getGroupProof(tree3, idx),
MH.getGroupProof(tree4, idx),
MH.getGroupProof(constTree, idx),
const friProof = await fri.prove(transcript, friPol, queryPol);
await pool.terminate();
return {
proof: {
root1: MH.root(tree1),
root2: MH.root(tree2),
root3: MH.root(tree3),
root4: MH.root(tree4),
evals: ctx.evals,
fri: friProof
publics: ctx.publics
const resV = await starkVerify(proof, public, constRoot, starkInfo);
为常量多项式在Low Degree Extension domain evaluation值构建的Merkle树的root。