Oracle 等中的 group by与where 子句不能使用别名的原因与解决办法

下面的语句执行的话会报错:ORA-00904: "CALLT": 标示符无效

select case when ta.call_time = 0 then 0
    when ta.call_time <= 6 and ta.call_time > 0 then 1
    when ta.call_time <= 60 and ta.call_time > 6 then 2
    when ta.call_time <= 3600 and ta.call_time > 60 then 3
    else 4 end as callt,
      count(ta.annoyanceid) as counts 
from t_annoyance ta
group by callt;


(7)    SELECT


(1)    FROM

(3)     JOIN

(2)    ON

(4)    WHERE

(5)    GROUP BY

(6)    HAVING

(9)    ORDER BY

(10)   LIMIT  





select case when ta.call_time = 0 then 0
    when ta.call_time <= 6 and ta.call_time > 0 then 1
    when ta.call_time <= 60 and ta.call_time > 6 then 2
    when ta.call_time <= 3600 and ta.call_time > 60 then 3
    else 4 end as callt,
      count(ta.annoyanceid) as counts 
from t_annoyance ta
group by ta.call_time;

方法二,将表达式都写入group by子句

select case when ta.call_time = 0 then 0
    when ta.call_time <= 6 and ta.call_time > 0 then 1
    when ta.call_time <= 60 and ta.call_time > 6 then 2
    when ta.call_time <= 3600 and ta.call_time > 60 then 3
    else 4 end as callt,
      count(ta.annoyanceid) as counts 
from t_annoyance ta
group by case when ta.call_time = 0 then 0
    when ta.call_time <= 6 and ta.call_time > 0 then 1
    when ta.call_time <= 60 and ta.call_time > 6 then 2
    when ta.call_time <= 3600 and ta.call_time > 60 then 3
    else 4 end;


select t1.callt,
      count(t2.annoyanceid) as counts 
from (select case when ta.call_time = 0 then 0
    when ta.call_time <= 6 and ta.call_time > 0 then 1
    when ta.call_time <= 60 and ta.call_time > 6 then 2
    when ta.call_time <= 3600 and ta.call_time > 60 then 3
    else 4 end as callt
      , ta.annoyanceid 
      from t_annoyance ta) t1
      , t_annoyance t2
where t1.annoyanceid = t2.annoyanceid
group by t1.callt;

           在mysql中,group by中可以使用别名;where中不能使用别名;order by中可以使用别名。其余像oracle,hiving中别名的使用都是严格遵循sql执行顺序的,groupby后面不能用别名。mysql特殊是因为mysql中对查询做了加强

