Day 31 November 16, 2017 DD-- 17(58-60)

Review 55-57

DD 58: Advanced

M: I'm sorry to the hold up, but british will bring back the ,,, in a minute.

oh alright, that will give us a chance to visit.

C: Hey, Lilith, sorry for(fer) the holdup, but Frasier should be back from the(nuh) dentist(both t can be omitted) any minute. 

Oh, all right. That'll give us a chance to visit.

DD 59: Advanced

M: those icebergs here, there is ... under the water, and you see, I forgot it is very hard, so it could be almost like a canel, and when the ... Titanic went by it, and it just lice the... like it was a nine-year-old ...

C: This iceberg here, there's outcroppings under the water. And uh, sea ice, iceberg ice is very hard, so it's almost like, it could almost be like a can opener. And when probably the Titanic went by it, it just sliced a hole in it like you would with a manual can opener!

DD 60: Easy

M: It's snowing. It's beautiful around the middle at nowhere, I'm freazing, and I'm about to be pulled out by eight dogs in a tobargen. Really, it doesn't get much more movement when I on it.

C: It's snowing, it's beautiful, we're out in the middle of(omit v) nowhere. I'm freezing! And I'm about to be pulled by 8 dogs in a toboggan. really, it doesn't get much more Vermont than this!

你可能感兴趣的:(Day 31 November 16, 2017 DD-- 17(58-60))