Delivery or pickup

  • Would this be delivered or are you coming to pick it up?
  • How much id delivery?
  • It depends on how far away you live.
  • It's free delivery if it's under 3 miles and $5 a mile after that!
  • I think we'll go with pickup.
  • Okey. Hang onto your receipt. You'll need it to show the pickup desk. You have 7 days to pick it up.
  • Okey. Sounds good. Thanks!
  1. have/ get sth delivered.
    We get our milk delivered. 我们的牛奶到了。
  2. How much does this cost?
    How much do I have to pay you?
    What's the pirce od this?
  3. It depends. 看情况
  4. go with sth = choose
    go with sth = match/ suit
  5. That won't go with this dress through.
    I'm not sure that these shoes really go with that dress.
    You never know when you might need them.
  6. hold on sth 保留
  7. You have + 时间段 + to do sth
  8. Here you go/are 给你
  9. go for 喜欢

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