提出了 IoU 攻击,它根据当前帧和历史帧的预测 IoU 分数顺序生成扰动。通过降低 IoU 分数,所提出的攻击方法相应地降低了时间相干边界框(即对象运动)的准确性。此外,我们将学习到的扰动转移到接下来的几帧以初始化时间运动攻击。我们在最先进的深度跟踪器(即基于检测、基于相关滤波器和长期跟踪器)上验证了提议的 IoU 攻击。对基准数据集的大量实验表明了所提出的 IoU 攻击方法的有效性。源代码可在此 https URL 处获得。
def load_pretrain(model, pretrained_path):
logger.info('从 {} 加载预训练模型'.format(pretrained_path)) # 使用 logger.info 记录加载预训练模型的信息
device = torch.cuda.current_device() # 获取当前 CUDA 设备
pretrained_dict = torch.load(pretrained_path, # 加载预训练权重
map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage.cuda(device))
if "state_dict" in pretrained_dict.keys():
pretrained_dict = remove_prefix(pretrained_dict['state_dict'], 'module.') # 去除键名中的 'module.' 前缀
pretrained_dict = remove_prefix(pretrained_dict, 'module.') # 去除键名中的 'module.' 前缀
check_keys(model, pretrained_dict) # 检查加载的权重与模型的键是否匹配
logger.info('[警告]: 将预训练权重用作特征。添加 "features." 前缀') # 如果键不匹配,记录警告信息
new_dict = {}
for k, v in pretrained_dict.items():
k = 'features.' + k # 在键名前添加 'features.' 前缀
new_dict[k] = v
pretrained_dict = new_dict
check_keys(model, pretrained_dict) # 检查修改后的权重与模型的键是否匹配
model.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict, strict=False) # 将加载的权重加载到模型中,strict=False 允许部分加载权重
return model # 返回加载了预训练权重的模型
def overlap_ratio(rect1, rect2):
Compute overlap ratio between two rects
- rect: 1d array of [x,y,w,h] or
2d array of N x [x,y,w,h]
rect1 = np.transpose(rect1)
if rect1.ndim==1:
rect1 = rect1[None,:]
if rect2.ndim==1:
rect2 = rect2[None,:]
left = np.maximum(rect1[:,0], rect2[:,0])
right = np.minimum(rect1[:,0]+rect1[:,2], rect2[:,0]+rect2[:,2])
top = np.maximum(rect1[:,1], rect2[:,1])
bottom = np.minimum(rect1[:,1]+rect1[:,3], rect2[:,1]+rect2[:,3])
intersect = np.maximum(0,right - left) * np.maximum(0,bottom - top)
union = rect1[:,2]*rect1[:,3] + rect2[:,2]*rect2[:,3] - intersect
iou = np.clip(intersect / union, 0, 1)
return iou
orthogonal_perturbation:生成两个样本之间的正交扰动。给定先前样本 prev_sample 和目标样本 target_sample,该函数通过计算它们之间的差异,并生成一个正交于差异向量的扰动,用于对先前样本进行微小的调整以接近目标样本。
def orthogonal_perturbation(delta, prev_sample, target_sample):
# 计算调整大小的尺寸
size = int(max(prev_sample.shape[0]/4, prev_sample.shape[1]/4, 224))
# 调整大小的 prev_sample 和 target_sample
prev_sample_temp = np.resize(prev_sample, (size, size, 3))
target_sample_temp = np.resize(target_sample, (size, size, 3))
# 生成扰动
perturb = np.random.randn(size, size, 3)
perturb /= get_diff(perturb, np.zeros_like(perturb)) # 归一化扰动数组
perturb *= delta * np.mean(get_diff(target_sample_temp, prev_sample_temp)) # 缩放扰动数组
# 将扰动投影到目标周围的球面上
diff = (target_sample_temp - prev_sample_temp).astype(np.float32) # 计算目标和前一个样本之间的差异
diff /= get_diff(target_sample_temp, prev_sample_temp) # 归一化差异向量
diff = diff.reshape(3, size, size) # 重塑差异向量的形状
perturb = perturb.reshape(3, size, size) # 重塑扰动数组的形状
for i, channel in enumerate(diff):
proj = np.dot(perturb[i], channel) # 计算扰动数组与差异向量通道的点积
perturb[i] -= proj * channel # 将扰动数组投影到差异向量通道的正交补空间上
perturb = perturb.reshape(size, size, 3) # 重塑扰动数组的形状
perturb_temp = np.resize(perturb, (prev_sample.shape[0], prev_sample.shape[1], 3)) # 调整大小以匹配 prev_sample 的形状
return perturb_temp
def forward_perturbation(epsilon, prev_sample, target_sample):
perturb = (target_sample - prev_sample).astype(np.float32)
perturb /= get_diff(target_sample, prev_sample)
perturb *= epsilon
return perturb
每个channel 计算linalg差距
def get_diff(sample_1, sample_2):
sample_1 = sample_1.reshape(3, sample_1.shape[0], sample_1.shape[1])
sample_2 = sample_2.reshape(3, sample_2.shape[0], sample_2.shape[1])
sample_1 = np.resize(sample_1, (3, 271, 271))
sample_2 = np.resize(sample_2, (3, 271, 271))
diff = []
for i, channel in enumerate(sample_1):
diff.append(np.linalg.norm((channel - sample_2[i]).astype(np.float32)))
return np.array(diff)
cd pysot/experiments/siamrpn_r50_l234_dwxcorr
python -u ../../tools/test_IoU_attack.py \
--snapshot model.pth \ # model path
--dataset VOT2018 \ # dataset name
--config config.yaml # config file