<!-- Activiti启动器 需要排除mybatis依赖 -->
<!-- Activiti流程图 -->
<!-- Activiti在线设计器 -->
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://
username: root
type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
maximum-pool-size: 50 # 连接池最大连接数,默认是10
minimum-idle: 5 #最小空闲连接数量
idle-timeout: 18000 #空闲连接存活最大时间,默认600000(10分钟)
pool-name: woniuHikariCP #连接池名称
connection-test-query: SELECT 1
port: 6379
timeout: 3s
# 配置slq打印日志
log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl
mapper-locations: classpath*:/mapper/**/*.xml
@EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {org.activiti.spring.boot.SecurityAutoConfiguration.class,
org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.security.servlet.SecurityAutoConfiguration.class })
读取文字文件stencilset.json controller
读取流程文件 controller
文字文件 汉化需要改这个文件
读取文字文件stencilset.json controller
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.activiti.editor.constants.ModelDataJsonConstants;
import org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException;
import org.activiti.engine.RepositoryService;
import org.activiti.engine.repository.Model;
import org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderInput;
import org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderOutput;
import org.apache.batik.transcoder.image.PNGTranscoder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
* @ClassName: ActivitiModelController
* @Description: 工作流引擎控制器
* @Author: woniu
* @Date: 2013/11/17
public class ActivitiModelController {
private RepositoryService repositoryService;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
* 新建流程
* @param request
* @param response
public void createModel(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
try {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
ObjectNode editorNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
editorNode.put("id", "canvas");
editorNode.put("resourceId", "canvas");
ObjectNode stencilSetNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
stencilSetNode.put("namespace", "http://b3mn.org/stencilset/bpmn2.0#");
editorNode.put("stencilset", stencilSetNode);
Model modelData = repositoryService.newModel();
ObjectNode modelObjectNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
modelObjectNode.put(ModelDataJsonConstants.MODEL_NAME, "name");
modelObjectNode.put(ModelDataJsonConstants.MODEL_REVISION, 1);
modelObjectNode.put(ModelDataJsonConstants.MODEL_DESCRIPTION, "description");
repositoryService.addModelEditorSource(modelData.getId(), editorNode.toString().getBytes("utf-8"));
request.setAttribute("modelId", modelData.getId());
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/modeler.html?modelId=" + modelData.getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
* @Author sunt
* @Description 保存流程
* @Date 11:42 2019/7/2
* @Param [modelId, name, json_xml, svg_xml, description]
* @return void
@PutMapping(value = { "/{modelId}/save" })
public void saveModel(@PathVariable String modelId, @RequestParam("name") String name,
@RequestParam("json_xml") String json_xml, @RequestParam("svg_xml") String svg_xml,
@RequestParam("description") String description) {
try {
Model model = this.repositoryService.getModel(modelId);
ObjectNode modelJson = (ObjectNode) this.objectMapper.readTree(model.getMetaInfo());
modelJson.put("name", name);
modelJson.put("description", description);
InputStream svgStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(svg_xml.getBytes("utf-8"));
TranscoderInput input = new TranscoderInput(svgStream);
PNGTranscoder transcoder = new PNGTranscoder();
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
TranscoderOutput output = new TranscoderOutput(outStream);
transcoder.transcode(input, output);
byte[] result = outStream.toByteArray();
this.repositoryService.addModelEditorSourceExtra(model.getId(), result);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ActivitiException("Error saving model", e);
// 'contextRoot' : '/activiti-explorer/service',
'contextRoot' : '',
"title" : "BPMN 2.0标准工具",
"namespace" : "http://b3mn.org/stencilset/bpmn2.0#",
"description" : "BPMN process editor",
"propertyPackages" : [ {
"name" : "process_idpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "process_id",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "流程名称",
"value" : "",
"description" : "流程的特殊唯一的名称标识",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "overrideidpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "overrideid",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "Id",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Unique identifier of the element.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "namepackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "name",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "名称",
"value" : "",
"description" : "元素名称",
"popular" : true,
"refToView" : "text_name"
} ]
}, {
"name" : "documentationpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "documentation",
"type" : "Text",
"title" : "描述",
"value" : "",
"description" : "元素描述",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "process_authorpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "process_author",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "流程作者",
"value" : "",
"description" : "流程定义者姓名",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "process_versionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "process_version",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "流程版本",
"value" : "",
"description" : "标识文档版本",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "process_namespacepackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "process_namespace",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "目标命名空间",
"value" : "http://www.activiti.org/processdef",
"description" : "工作流目标命名空间",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "asynchronousdefinitionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "asynchronousdefinition",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "异步",
"value" : "false",
"description" : "Define the activity as asynchronous.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "exclusivedefinitionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "exclusivedefinition",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "单独",
"value" : "false",
"description" : "Define the activity as exclusive.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "executionlistenerspackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "executionlisteners",
"type" : "multiplecomplex",
"title" : "执行监听器",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Listeners for an activity, process, sequence flow, start and end event.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "tasklistenerspackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "tasklisteners",
"type" : "multiplecomplex",
"title" : "任务监听器",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Listeners for a user task",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "eventlistenerspackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "eventlisteners",
"type" : "multiplecomplex",
"title" : "事件监听器",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Listeners for any event happening in the Activiti Engine. It's also possible to rethrow the event as a signal, message or error event",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "usertaskassignmentpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "usertaskassignment",
"type" : "Complex",
"title" : "代理",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Assignment definition for the user task",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "formpropertiespackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "formproperties",
"type" : "Complex",
"title" : "动态表单属性",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Definition of the form with a list of form properties",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "formkeydefinitionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "formkeydefinition",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "自定义表单",
"value" : "",
"description" : "用户任务表单编号",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "duedatedefinitionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "duedatedefinition",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "到期日期",
"value" : "",
"description" : "用户任务到期时间",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "prioritydefinitionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "prioritydefinition",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "优先级",
"value" : "",
"description" : "用户任务优先级",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "duedatedefinitionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "duedatedefinition",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "到期日期",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Due date of the user task.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "servicetaskclasspackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "servicetaskclass",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "监听类",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Class that implements the service task logic.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "servicetaskexpressionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "servicetaskexpression",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "表达式",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Service task logic defined with an expression.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "servicetaskdelegateexpressionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "servicetaskdelegateexpression",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "委托表达式",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Service task logic defined with a delegate expression.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "servicetaskfieldspackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "servicetaskfields",
"type" : "Complex",
"title" : "字段",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Field extensions",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "servicetaskresultvariablepackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "servicetaskresultvariable",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "Result variable name",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Process variable name to store the service task result.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "scriptformatpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "scriptformat",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "脚本格式",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Script format of the script task.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "scripttextpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "scripttext",
"type" : "Text",
"title" : "脚本",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Script text of the script task.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "ruletask_rulespackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "ruletask_rules",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "规则",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Rules of the rule task.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "ruletask_variables_inputpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "ruletask_variables_input",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "输入变量",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Input variables of the rule task.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "ruletask_excludepackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "ruletask_exclude",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "除外",
"value" : "false",
"description" : "Use the rules property as exclusion.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "ruletask_resultpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "ruletask_result",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "返回变量",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Result variable of the rule task.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "mailtasktopackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "mailtaskto",
"type" : "Text",
"title" : "接收人",
"value" : "",
"description" : "The recipients if the e-mail. Multiple recipients are defined in a comma-separated list.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "mailtaskfrompackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "mailtaskfrom",
"type" : "Text",
"title" : "发件人",
"value" : "",
"description" : "The sender e-mail address. If not provided, the default configured from address is used.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "mailtasksubjectpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "mailtasksubject",
"type" : "Text",
"title" : "主题",
"value" : "",
"description" : "The subject of the e-mail.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "mailtaskccpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "mailtaskcc",
"type" : "Text",
"title" : "转发",
"value" : "",
"description" : "The cc's of the e-mail. Multiple recipients are defined in a comma-separated list",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "mailtaskbccpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "mailtaskbcc",
"type" : "Text",
"title" : "密送",
"value" : "",
"description" : "The bcc's of the e-mail. Multiple recipients are defined in a comma-separated list",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "mailtasktextpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "mailtasktext",
"type" : "Text",
"title" : "内容",
"value" : "",
"description" : "The content of the e-mail, in case one needs to send plain none-rich e-mails. Can be used in combination with html, for e-mail clients that don't support rich content. The client will then fall back to this text-only alternative.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "mailtaskhtmlpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "mailtaskhtml",
"type" : "Text",
"title" : "Html",
"value" : "",
"description" : "A piece of HTML that is the content of the e-mail.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "mailtaskcharsetpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "mailtaskcharset",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "Charset",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Allows to change the charset of the email, which is necessary for many non-English languages. ",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "callactivitycalledelementpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "callactivitycalledelement",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "被调用元素",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Process reference.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "callactivityinparameterspackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "callactivityinparameters",
"type" : "Complex",
"title" : "输入参数",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Definition of the input parameters",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "callactivityoutparameterspackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "callactivityoutparameters",
"type" : "Complex",
"title" : "输出参数",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Definition of the output parameters",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "cameltaskcamelcontextpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "cameltaskcamelcontext",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "Camel内容",
"value" : "",
"description" : "An optional camel context definition, if left empty the default is used.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "muletaskendpointurlpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "muletaskendpointurl",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "终端url",
"value" : "",
"description" : "A required endpoint url to sent the message to Mule.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "muletasklanguagepackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "muletasklanguage",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "语言",
"value" : "",
"description" : "A required definition for the language to resolve the payload expression, like juel.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "muletaskpayloadexpressionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "muletaskpayloadexpression",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "有效载荷表达式",
"value" : "",
"description" : "A required definition for the payload of the message sent to Mule.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "muletaskresultvariablepackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "muletaskresultvariable",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "返回变量",
"value" : "",
"description" : "An optional result variable for the payload returned.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "conditionsequenceflowpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "conditionsequenceflow",
"type" : "Complex",
"title" : "流转条件",
"value" : "",
"description" : "The condition of the sequence flow",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "defaultflowpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "defaultflow",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "默认流转",
"value" : "false",
"description" : "Define the sequence flow as default",
"popular" : true,
"refToView" : "default"
} ]
}, {
"name" : "conditionalflowpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "conditionalflow",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "Conditional flow",
"value" : "false",
"description" : "Define the sequence flow with a condition",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "timercycledefinitionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "timercycledefinition",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "循环时间(例:R3/PT10H)",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Define the timer with a ISO-8601 cycle.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "timerdatedefinitionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "timerdatedefinition",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "开始时间(ISO-8601)",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Define the timer with a ISO-8601 date definition.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "timerdurationdefinitionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "timerdurationdefinition",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "持续时间(例:PT5M)",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Define the timer with a ISO-8601 duration.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "timerenddatedefinitionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "timerenddatedefinition",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "结束时间(ISO-8601)",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Define the timer with a ISO-8601 duration.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "messagerefpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "messageref",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "消息引用",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Define the message name.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "signalrefpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "signalref",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "信号引用",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Define the signal name.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "errorrefpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "errorref",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "错误引用",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Define the error name.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "cancelactivitypackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "cancelactivity",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "取消活动",
"value" : "true",
"description" : "Should the activity be cancelled",
"popular" : true,
"refToView" : [ "frame", "frame2" ]
} ]
}, {
"name" : "initiatorpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "initiator",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "发起人",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Initiator of the process.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "textpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "text",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "Text",
"value" : "",
"description" : "The text of the text annotation.",
"popular" : true,
"refToView" : "text"
} ]
}, {
"name" : "multiinstance_typepackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "multiinstance_type",
"type" : "kisbpm-multiinstance",
"title" : "多实例类型",
"value" : "None",
"description" : "Repeated activity execution (parallel or sequential) can be displayed through different loop types",
"popular" : true,
"refToView" : "multiinstance"
} ]
}, {
"name" : "multiinstance_cardinalitypackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "multiinstance_cardinality",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "基数(多实例)",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Define the cardinality of multi instance.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "multiinstance_collectionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "multiinstance_collection",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "集合(多实例)",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Define the collection for the multi instance.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "multiinstance_variablepackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "multiinstance_variable",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "元素变量(多实例)",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Define the element variable for the multi instance.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "multiinstance_conditionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "multiinstance_condition",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "完成条件(多实例)",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Define the completion condition for the multi instance.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "isforcompensationpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "isforcompensation",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "是否为补偿",
"value" : "false",
"description" : "一个标志,标识是否这个活动的目的是为了补偿.",
"popular" : true,
"refToView" : "compensation"
} ]
}, {
"name" : "sequencefloworderpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "sequencefloworder",
"type" : "Complex",
"title" : "流动顺序",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Order outgoing sequence flows.",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "signaldefinitionspackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "signaldefinitions",
"type" : "multiplecomplex",
"title" : "信号定义",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Signal definitions",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "messagedefinitionspackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "messagedefinitions",
"type" : "multiplecomplex",
"title" : "消息定义",
"value" : "",
"description" : "Message definitions",
"popular" : true
} ]
}, {
"name" : "istransactionpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "istransaction",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "是否事务处理子过程",
"value" : "false",
"description" : "A flag that identifies whether this sub process is of type transaction.",
"popular" : true,
"refToView" : "border"
} ]
}, {
"name" : "terminateAllpackage",
"properties" : [ {
"id" : "terminateAll",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "终止全部",
"value" : "false",
"description" : "Enable to terminate the process instance",
"popular" : true
} ]
} ],
"stencils" : [ {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "BPMNDiagram",
"title" : "BPMN-Diagram",
"description" : "A BPMN 2.0 diagram.",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "diagram.png",
"groups" : [ "Diagram" ],
"mayBeRoot" : true,
"hide" : true,
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"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ ]
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "StartNoneEvent",
"title" : "事件",
"description" : "A start event without a specific trigger",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "startevent/none.png",
"groups" : [ "启动事件" ],
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "StartTimerEvent",
"title" : "定时事件",
"description" : "A start event with a timer trigger",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "startevent/timer.png",
"groups" : [ "启动事件" ],
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "StartSignalEvent",
"title" : "信号事件",
"description" : "A start event with a signal trigger",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "startevent/signal.png",
"groups" : [ "启动事件" ],
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "StartMessageEvent",
"title" : "消息事件",
"description" : "A start event with a message trigger",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "startevent/message.png",
"groups" : [ "启动事件" ],
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "StartErrorEvent",
"title" : "异常事件",
"description" : "A start event that catches a thrown BPMN error",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "startevent/error.png",
"groups" : [ "启动事件" ],
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "UserTask",
"title" : "用户活动",
"description" : "分配给特定人的任务 ",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.user.png",
"groups" : [ "活动列表" ],
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"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "ServiceTask",
"title" : "服务任务",
"description" : "An automatic task with service logic",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.service.png",
"groups" : [ "活动列表" ],
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"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "ScriptTask",
"title" : "脚本任务",
"description" : "An automatic task with script logic",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.script.png",
"groups" : [ "活动列表" ],
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"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "ActivitiesMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "BusinessRule",
"title" : "规则任务",
"description" : "An automatic task with rule logic",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.business.rule.png",
"groups" : [ "活动列表" ],
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"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "ActivitiesMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "ReceiveTask",
"title" : "接受任务",
"description" : "An task that waits for a signal",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.receive.png",
"groups" : [ "活动列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "multiinstance_typepackage", "multiinstance_cardinalitypackage", "multiinstance_collectionpackage", "multiinstance_variablepackage", "multiinstance_conditionpackage", "isforcompensationpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "ActivitiesMorph", "all" ]
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "ManualTask",
"title" : "手工任务",
"description" : "An automatic task with no logic",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.manual.png",
"groups" : [ "活动列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "multiinstance_typepackage", "multiinstance_cardinalitypackage", "multiinstance_collectionpackage", "multiinstance_variablepackage", "multiinstance_conditionpackage", "isforcompensationpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "ActivitiesMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "MailTask",
"title" : "邮件任务",
"description" : "An mail task",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.send.png",
"groups" : [ "活动列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "multiinstance_typepackage", "multiinstance_cardinalitypackage", "multiinstance_collectionpackage", "multiinstance_variablepackage", "multiinstance_conditionpackage", "isforcompensationpackage", "mailtasktopackage", "mailtaskfrompackage", "mailtasksubjectpackage", "mailtaskccpackage", "mailtaskbccpackage", "mailtasktextpackage", "mailtaskhtmlpackage", "mailtaskcharsetpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "ActivitiesMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "CamelTask",
"title" : "Camel任务",
"description" : "An task that sends a message to Camel",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.camel.png",
"groups" : [ "活动列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "multiinstance_typepackage", "multiinstance_cardinalitypackage", "multiinstance_collectionpackage", "multiinstance_variablepackage", "multiinstance_conditionpackage", "isforcompensationpackage", "cameltaskcamelcontextpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "ActivitiesMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "MuleTask",
"title" : "Mule任务",
"description" : "An task that sends a message to Mule",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.mule.png",
"groups" : [ "活动列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "multiinstance_typepackage", "multiinstance_cardinalitypackage", "multiinstance_collectionpackage", "multiinstance_variablepackage", "multiinstance_conditionpackage", "isforcompensationpackage", "muletaskendpointurlpackage", "muletasklanguagepackage", "muletaskpayloadexpressionpackage", "muletaskresultvariablepackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "ActivitiesMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "SendTask",
"title" : "Send task",
"description" : "An task that sends a message",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.send.png",
"groups" : [ "活动列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "multiinstance_typepackage", "multiinstance_cardinalitypackage", "multiinstance_collectionpackage", "multiinstance_variablepackage", "multiinstance_conditionpackage", "isforcompensationpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "ActivitiesMorph", "all" ]
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "SubProcess",
"title" : "子流程",
"description" : "子流程范围",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/expanded.subprocess.png",
"groups" : [ "结构列表" ],
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"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "all" ]
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "EventSubProcess",
"title" : "事件子流程",
"description" : "一个事件周期的子流程",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/event.subprocess.png",
"groups" : [ "结构列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "executionlistenerspackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "all" ]
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "CallActivity",
"title" : "调用活动",
"description" : "一个调用活动",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "activity/task.png",
"groups" : [ "结构列表" ],
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"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "Activity", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "all" ]
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "ExclusiveGateway",
"title" : "互斥网关",
"description" : "一个选择的网关",
"view" : "\n\n",
"icon" : "gateway/exclusive.databased.png",
"groups" : [ "网关列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "sequencefloworderpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "GatewaysMorph", "sequence_end", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "ParallelGateway",
"title" : "并行网关",
"description" : "一个并行的网关",
"view" : "\n\n",
"icon" : "gateway/parallel.png",
"groups" : [ "网关列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "sequencefloworderpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "GatewaysMorph", "sequence_end", "all" ]
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "InclusiveGateway",
"title" : "包容性网关",
"description" : "一个包容性网关",
"view" : "\n\n",
"icon" : "gateway/inclusive.png",
"groups" : [ "网关列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "sequencefloworderpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "GatewaysMorph", "sequence_end", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "EventGateway",
"title" : "事件网关",
"description" : "一个事件网关",
"view" : "\n\n",
"icon" : "gateway/eventbased.png",
"groups" : [ "网关列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "asynchronousdefinitionpackage", "exclusivedefinitionpackage", "sequencefloworderpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "GatewaysMorph", "sequence_end", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "BoundaryErrorEvent",
"title" : "边界错误事件",
"description" : "一个捕捉BPMN异常的边界事件",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "catching/error.png",
"groups" : [ "边界事件" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "errorrefpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "BoundaryEventsMorph", "IntermediateEventOnActivityBoundary" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "BoundaryTimerEvent",
"title" : "定时边界事件",
"description" : "一个定时触发的边界事件",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "catching/timer.png",
"groups" : [ "边界事件" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "timercycledefinitionpackage", "timerdatedefinitionpackage", "timerdurationdefinitionpackage", "timerenddatedefinitionpackage", "cancelactivitypackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "BoundaryEventsMorph", "IntermediateEventOnActivityBoundary" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "BoundarySignalEvent",
"title" : "边界信号事件",
"description" : "一个信号触发的边界事件",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "catching/signal.png",
"groups" : [ "边界事件" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "signalrefpackage", "cancelactivitypackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "BoundaryEventsMorph", "IntermediateEventOnActivityBoundary" ]
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"type" : "node",
"id" : "BoundaryMessageEvent",
"title" : "边界消息事件",
"description" : "一个边界消息事件",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "catching/message.png",
"groups" : [ "边界事件" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "messagerefpackage", "cancelactivitypackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "BoundaryEventsMorph", "IntermediateEventOnActivityBoundary" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "BoundaryCancelEvent",
"title" : "边界取消事件",
"description" : "一个边界取消事件",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "catching/cancel.png",
"groups" : [ "边界事件" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "BoundaryEventsMorph", "IntermediateEventOnActivityBoundary" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "BoundaryCompensationEvent",
"title" : "边界修正事件",
"description" : "一个边界修正事件",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "catching/compensation.png",
"groups" : [ "边界事件" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "BoundaryEventsMorph", "IntermediateEventOnActivityBoundary", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "CatchTimerEvent",
"title" : "中间定时器捕获事件",
"description" : "定时器触发的中间捕获事件",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "catching/timer.png",
"groups" : [ "中间捕获事件列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "timercycledefinitionpackage", "timerdatedefinitionpackage", "timerdurationdefinitionpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "CatchEventsMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "CatchSignalEvent",
"title" : "中间信号捕获事件",
"description" : "信号触发的捕获事件",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "catching/signal.png",
"groups" : [ "中间捕获事件列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "signalrefpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "CatchEventsMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "CatchMessageEvent",
"title" : "中间消息捕获事件",
"description" : "一个消息触发的中间捕获事件",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "catching/message.png",
"groups" : [ "中间捕获事件列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "messagerefpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "CatchEventsMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "ThrowNoneEvent",
"title" : "中间抛出事件",
"description" : "无触发器的中间抛出事件",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "throwing/none.png",
"groups" : [ "中间抛出事件" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "executionlistenerspackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "ThrowEventsMorph", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "ThrowSignalEvent",
"title" : "信号中间抛出事件",
"description" : "一个信号触发的中间抛出事件",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "throwing/signal.png",
"groups" : [ "中间抛出事件" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "signalrefpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "ThrowEventsMorph", "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "EndNoneEvent",
"title" : "结束任务",
"description" : "一个无触发器的结束任务",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "endevent/none.png",
"groups" : [ "结束任务列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "executionlistenerspackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "EndEventsMorph", "sequence_end", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "EndErrorEvent",
"title" : "结束错误任务",
"description" : "An end event that throws an error event",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "endevent/error.png",
"groups" : [ "结束任务列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "errorrefpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "EndEventsMorph", "sequence_end", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "EndCancelEvent",
"title" : "结束取消任务",
"description" : "A cancel end event",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "endevent/cancel.png",
"groups" : [ "结束任务列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "executionlistenerspackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "EndEventsMorph", "sequence_end", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "EndTerminateEvent",
"title" : "终结任务",
"description" : "A terminate end event",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "endevent/terminate.png",
"groups" : [ "结束任务列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "terminateAllpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "EndEventsMorph", "sequence_end", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "Pool",
"title" : "池",
"description" : "A pool to stucture the process definition",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "swimlane/pool.png",
"groups" : [ "泳道列表" ],
"layout" : [ {
"type" : "layout.bpmn2_0.pool"
} ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "process_idpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "canContainArtifacts", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "Lane",
"title" : "泳道",
"description" : "A lane to stucture the process definition",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "swimlane/lane.png",
"groups" : [ "泳道列表" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "PoolChild", "canContainArtifacts", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "edge",
"id" : "SequenceFlow",
"title" : "顺序流",
"description" : "顺序流定义活动的执行顺序",
"view" : "\r\n",
"icon" : "connector/sequenceflow.png",
"groups" : [ "连接对象" ],
"layout" : [ {
"type" : "layout.bpmn2_0.sequenceflow"
} ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "conditionsequenceflowpackage", "executionlistenerspackage", "defaultflowpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "ConnectingObjectsMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "edge",
"id" : "MessageFlow",
"title" : "消息流",
"description" : "Message flow to connect elements in different pools.",
"view" : "\r\n",
"icon" : "connector/messageflow.png",
"groups" : [ "连接对象" ],
"layout" : [ {
"type" : "layout.bpmn2_0.sequenceflow"
} ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "ConnectingObjectsMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "edge",
"id" : "Association",
"title" : "注释",
"description" : "连接一个注释到指定元素",
"view" : "\r\n",
"icon" : "connector/association.undirected.png",
"groups" : [ "连接对象" ],
"layout" : [ {
"type" : "layout.bpmn2_0.sequenceflow"
} ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "ConnectingObjectsMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "edge",
"id" : "DataAssociation",
"title" : "日期注释",
"description" : "连接一个日期注释到指定元素",
"view" : "\r\n",
"icon" : "connector/association.unidirectional.png",
"groups" : [ "连接对象" ],
"layout" : [ {
"type" : "layout.bpmn2_0.sequenceflow"
} ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "ConnectingObjectsMorph", "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "TextAnnotation",
"title" : "文本注释",
"description" : "连接一个文本注释到指定元素",
"view" : "\n",
"icon" : "artifact/text.annotation.png",
"groups" : [ "加工" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage", "textpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "all" ]
}, {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "DataStore",
"title" : "Data store",
"description" : "Reference to a data store.",
"view" : "\r\n\r\n",
"icon" : "dataobject/data.store.png",
"groups" : [ "Artifacts" ],
"propertyPackages" : [ "overrideidpackage", "namepackage", "documentationpackage" ],
"hiddenPropertyPackages" : [ ],
"roles" : [ "all" ]
} ],
"rules" : {
"cardinalityRules" : [ {
"role" : "Startevents_all",
"incomingEdges" : [ {
"role" : "SequenceFlow",
"maximum" : 0
} ]
}, {
"role" : "Endevents_all",
"outgoingEdges" : [ {
"role" : "SequenceFlow",
"maximum" : 0
} ]
} ],
"connectionRules" : [ {
"role" : "SequenceFlow",
"connects" : [ {
"from" : "sequence_start",
"to" : [ "sequence_end" ]
} ]
}, {
"role" : "Association",
"connects" : [ {
"from" : "sequence_start",
"to" : [ "TextAnnotation" ]
}, {
"from" : "sequence_end",
"to" : [ "TextAnnotation" ]
}, {
"from" : "TextAnnotation",
"to" : [ "sequence_end" ]
}, {
"from" : "BoundaryCompensationEvent",
"to" : [ "sequence_end" ]
}, {
"from" : "TextAnnotation",
"to" : [ "sequence_start" ]
}, {
"from" : "BoundaryCompensationEvent",
"to" : [ "sequence_start" ]
} ]
}, {
"role" : "DataAssociation",
"connects" : [ {
"from" : "sequence_start",
"to" : [ "DataStore" ]
}, {
"from" : "sequence_end",
"to" : [ "DataStore" ]
}, {
"from" : "DataStore",
"to" : [ "sequence_end" ]
}, {
"from" : "DataStore",
"to" : [ "sequence_start" ]
} ]
}, {
"role" : "IntermediateEventOnActivityBoundary",
"connects" : [ {
"from" : "Activity",
"to" : [ "IntermediateEventOnActivityBoundary" ]
} ]
} ],
"containmentRules" : [ {
"role" : "BPMNDiagram",
"contains" : [ "all" ]
}, {
"role" : "SubProcess",
"contains" : [ "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "from_task_event", "to_task_event", "EventSubProcess", "TextAnnotation", "DataStore" ]
}, {
"role" : "EventSubProcess",
"contains" : [ "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "from_task_event", "to_task_event", "TextAnnotation", "DataStore" ]
}, {
"role" : "Pool",
"contains" : [ "Lane" ]
}, {
"role" : "Lane",
"contains" : [ "sequence_start", "sequence_end", "EventSubProcess", "TextAnnotation", "DataStore" ]
} ],
"morphingRules" : [ {
"role" : "ActivitiesMorph",
"baseMorphs" : [ "UserTask" ],
"preserveBounds" : true
}, {
"role" : "GatewaysMorph",
"baseMorphs" : [ "ExclusiveGateway" ]
}, {
"role" : "StartEventsMorph",
"baseMorphs" : [ "StartNoneEvent" ]
}, {
"role" : "EndEventsMorph",
"baseMorphs" : [ "StartNoneEvent" ]
}, {
"role" : "CatchEventsMorph",
"baseMorphs" : [ "CatchTimerEvent" ]
}, {
"role" : "ThrowEventsMorph",
"baseMorphs" : [ "ThrowNoneEvent" ]
}, {
"role" : "BoundaryEventsMorph",
"baseMorphs" : [ "ThrowNoneEvent" ]
}, {
"role" : "BoundaryCompensationEvent",
"baseMorphs" : [ "BoundaryCompensationEvent" ]
}, {
"role" : "TextAnnotation",
"baseMorphs" : [ "TextAnnotation" ]
}, {
"role" : "DataStore",
"baseMorphs" : [ "DataStore" ]
} ]