userid oid (references pg_authid.oid)
dbid oid (references pg_database.oid)
queryid bigint
query text:查询sql
plans bigint
total_plan_time double precision
total_exec_time double precision
mean_exec_time double precision
rows bigint
shared_blks_hit bigint(语句的共享块缓存hit总数)
shared_blks_read bigint (未命中块数量) shared_blks_hit/(shared_blks_hit+shared_blks_read)可计算出命中率
shared_blks_dirtied bigint(使shared buffer脏的块数量)
Total number of shared blocks dirtied by the statement
shared_blks_written bigint
Total number of shared blocks written by the statement
local_blks_hit bigint
Total number of local block cache hits by the statement(临时表产生的)
local_blks_read bigint
Total number of local blocks read by the statement(临时表产生的)
local_blks_dirtied bigint
Total number of local blocks dirtied by the statement(临时表产生的)
local_blks_written bigint
Total number of local blocks written by the statement(临时表产生的)
temp_blks_read bigint
Total number of temp blocks read by the statement(distinct sort groupby hashjoin 产生临时文件)
temp_blks_written bigint
Total number of temp blocks written by the statement(distinct sort groupby hashjoin 产生临时文件)
blk_read_time double precision
Total time the statement spent reading blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)
blk_write_time double precision
Total time the statement spent writing blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)
wal_records bigint
Total number of WAL records generated by the statement
wal_fpi bigint
Total number of WAL full page images generated by the statement
wal_bytes numeric
Total amount of WAL generated by the statement in bytes
SELECT sum(total_time) AS total_time,
sum(blk_read_time + blk_write_time) AS io_time,
sum(total_time - blk_read_time - blk_write_time) AS cpu_time,
sum(calls) AS ncalls,
sum(rows) AS total_rows
FROM pg_stat_statements;
WITH tpsql AS (
SELECT sum(total_time) AS total_time, sum(blk_read_time + blk_write_time) AS io_time,
sum(total_time - blk_read_time - blk_write_time) AS cpu_time,
sum(calls) AS ncalls, sum(rows) AS total_rows
FROM pg_stat_statements
SELECT query,(pss.total_time-pss.blk_read_time-pss.blk_write_time)/tpsql.cpu_time*100 cpu_pct
FROM pg_stat_statements pss, tpsql
WHERE (pss.total_time-pss.blk_read_time-pss.blk_write_time)/tpsql.cpu_time >= 0.05
ORDER BY pss.total_time-pss.blk_read_time-pss.blk_write_time DESC LIMIT 5;
通过修改这条查询语句,你可以定义你的自定义筛选条件,从而获得TOP SQL。其他的一些常用分析语句如下表:
单次调用最消耗IO SQL TOP:
select query from pg_stat_statements order by (blk_read_time+blk_write_time)/calls desc limit 10;
IO开销总量最大的 SQL TOP:
select query from pg_stat_statements order by (blk_read_time+blk_write_time) desc limit 10;
单次平均调用最耗时 SQL TOP:
select query from pg_stat_statements order by mean_time desc limit 10;
执行耗时最大的 SQL TOP:
select userid::regrole, dbid, query from pg_stat_statements order by total_time desc limit 10;
最大执行时长与平均执行时长差异最大的TOP SQL
select userid::regrole, dbid, query from pg_stat_statements order by (max_time-mean_time) desc limit 10;
执行时间抖动最严重的TOP SQL
select query from pg_stat_statements order by stddev_time desc limit 10;
最耗共享内存TOP SQL
select query from pg_stat_statements order by (shared_blks_hit+shared_blks_dirtied) desc limit 10;
最耗临时空间TOP SQL
select query from pg_stat_statements order by temp_blks_written desc limit 10;
执行次数最多的TOP SQL
select query from pg_stat_statements order by calls desc limit 10;
共享池命中率最低的TOP SQL
select query from pg_stat_statements order by (1-shared_blks_hit/(shared_blks_hit+shared_blks_read )) desc limit 10;
pg_stat_statements.max (integer)
pg_stat_statements.track (enum):top all none
pg_stat_statements.track_utility (boolean)
pg_stat_statements.track_planning (boolean)
pg_stat_statements.track_planning控制模块是否跟踪执行计划操作和持续时间。启用这个参数可能会产生明显的性能损失,特别是当具有相同查询结构的语句被许多并发连接执行时,这些连接争相更新少量的pg_stat_statements条目。默认值是关闭。只有超级用户可以改变这个设置。 (boolean)
pg_stat_statements_reset(userid Oid, dbid Oid, queryid bigint) returns void
pg_stat_statements(showtext boolean) returns setof record
The pg_stat_statements view is defined in terms of a function also named pg_stat_statements. It is possible for clients to call the pg_stat_statements function directly, and by specifying showtext := false have query text be omitted (that is, the OUT argument that corresponds to the view’s query column will return nulls). This feature is intended to support external tools that might wish to avoid the overhead of repeatedly retrieving query texts of indeterminate length. Such tools can instead cache the first query text observed for each entry themselves, since that is all pg_stat_statements itself does, and then retrieve query texts only as needed. Since the server stores query texts in a file, this approach may reduce physical I/O for repeated examination of the pg_stat_statements data.