





with s as (select * from emp_info where empno='200' and emp_type>'5' and emp_status='Y')
  s.empno as "staffNo",
  s.emp_type as "empType",
  s.emp_tel_info as "empNum",
  a.cust_name as "Name",
  a.cust_position as "Postion",
  a.cust_addr as "Addr",
  a.cust_tel_info as "Mobile",
    with  recursive r as (select f.ctid,f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,f.region_type,f.region_status 
	from region_tbl f where f.region_code=s.region_code union all select f.ctid, f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,
	f.region_type,f.region_status from region_tbl f,r where f.region_code=r.parent_region_code)
	select r.region_code as "FirstRegCode" 
	from r where r.region_type='5'
	and r.region_status='Y'
    with  recursive r as (select f.ctid,f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,f.region_type,f.region_status 
	from region_tbl f where f.region_code=s.region_code union all select f.ctid, f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,
	f.region_type,f.region_status from region_tbl f,r where f.region_code=r.parent_region_code)
	select r.region_code as "SecondRegCode" 
	from r where r.region_type='4'
	and r.region_status='Y'
    with  recursive r as (select f.ctid,f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,f.region_type,f.region_status 
	from region_tbl f where f.region_code=s.region_code union all select f.ctid, f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,
	f.region_type,f.region_status from region_tbl f,r where f.region_code=r.parent_region_code)
	select r.region_code as "ThirdRegCode" 
	from r where r.region_type='3'
	and r.region_status='Y'
    with  recursive r as (select f.ctid,f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,f.region_type,f.region_status 
	from region_tbl f where f.region_code=s.region_code union all select f.ctid, f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,
	f.region_type,f.region_status from region_tbl f,r where f.region_code=r.parent_region_code)
	select r.region_code as "FurthRegCode" 
	from r where r.region_type='2'
	and r.region_status='Y'
  from s left join cust_info a on s.empno=a.cust_id;



                                                            QUERY PLAN
 Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=8.58..1944.99 rows=1 width=866)
   CTE s
     ->  Index Scan using emp_info_pkey on emp_info  (cost=0.28..8.30 rows=1 width=57)
           Index Cond: ((empno)::text = '200'::text)
           Filter: (((emp_type)::text > '5'::text) AND ((emp_status)::text = 'Y'::text))
   ->  CTE Scan on s  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=256)
   ->  Index Scan using cust_info_pkey on cust_info a  (cost=0.28..8.29 rows=1 width=200)
         Index Cond: ((s.empno)::text = (cust_id)::text)
   SubPlan 3
     ->  CTE Scan on r r_1  (cost=479.57..482.09 rows=1 width=118)
           Filter: (((region_type)::text = '5'::text) AND ((region_status)::text = 'Y'::text))
           CTE r
             ->  Recursive Union  (cost=0.28..479.57 rows=101 width=19)
                   ->  Index Scan using region_tbl_pkey on region_tbl f  (cost=0.28..8.29 rows=1 width=19)
                         Index Cond: ((region_code)::text = (s.region_code)::text)
                   ->  Hash Join  (cost=0.33..46.93 rows=10 width=19)
                         Hash Cond: ((f_1.region_code)::text = (r.parent_region_code)::text)
                         ->  Seq Scan on region_tbl f_1  (cost=0.00..39.00 rows=2000 width=19)
                         ->  Hash  (cost=0.20..0.20 rows=10 width=118)
                               ->  WorkTable Scan on r  (cost=0.00..0.20 rows=10 width=118)
   SubPlan 5
     ->  CTE Scan on r r_3  (cost=479.57..482.09 rows=1 width=118)
           Filter: (((region_type)::text = '4'::text) AND ((region_status)::text = 'Y'::text))
           CTE r
             ->  Recursive Union  (cost=0.28..479.57 rows=101 width=19)
                   ->  Index Scan using region_tbl_pkey on region_tbl f_2  (cost=0.28..8.29 rows=1 width=19)
                         Index Cond: ((region_code)::text = (s.region_code)::text)
                   ->  Hash Join  (cost=0.33..46.93 rows=10 width=19)
                         Hash Cond: ((f_3.region_code)::text = (r_2.parent_region_code)::text)
                         ->  Seq Scan on region_tbl f_3  (cost=0.00..39.00 rows=2000 width=19)
                         ->  Hash  (cost=0.20..0.20 rows=10 width=118)
                               ->  WorkTable Scan on r r_2  (cost=0.00..0.20 rows=10 width=118)
   SubPlan 7
     ->  CTE Scan on r r_5  (cost=479.57..482.09 rows=1 width=118)
           Filter: (((region_type)::text = '3'::text) AND ((region_status)::text = 'Y'::text))
           CTE r
             ->  Recursive Union  (cost=0.28..479.57 rows=101 width=19)
                   ->  Index Scan using region_tbl_pkey on region_tbl f_4  (cost=0.28..8.29 rows=1 width=19)
                         Index Cond: ((region_code)::text = (s.region_code)::text)
                   ->  Hash Join  (cost=0.33..46.93 rows=10 width=19)
                         Hash Cond: ((f_5.region_code)::text = (r_4.parent_region_code)::text)
                         ->  Seq Scan on region_tbl f_5  (cost=0.00..39.00 rows=2000 width=19)
                         ->  Hash  (cost=0.20..0.20 rows=10 width=118)
                               ->  WorkTable Scan on r r_4  (cost=0.00..0.20 rows=10 width=118)
   SubPlan 9
     ->  CTE Scan on r r_7  (cost=479.57..482.09 rows=1 width=118)
           Filter: (((region_type)::text = '2'::text) AND ((region_status)::text = 'Y'::text))
           CTE r
             ->  Recursive Union  (cost=0.28..479.57 rows=101 width=19)
                   ->  Index Scan using region_tbl_pkey on region_tbl f_6  (cost=0.28..8.29 rows=1 width=19)
                         Index Cond: ((region_code)::text = (s.region_code)::text)
                   ->  Hash Join  (cost=0.33..46.93 rows=10 width=19)
                         Hash Cond: ((f_7.region_code)::text = (r_6.parent_region_code)::text)
                         ->  Seq Scan on region_tbl f_7  (cost=0.00..39.00 rows=2000 width=19)
                         ->  Hash  (cost=0.20..0.20 rows=10 width=118)
                               ->  WorkTable Scan on r r_6  (cost=0.00..0.20 rows=10 width=118)
(56 rows)


从执行计划来看,代价预估中没有发现非常耗时的步骤。对正常的环境中explain analyze查看实际消耗,实际执行300ms,最终返回了一条数据,和代价预估基本一致。逐步排查,最终将重心放在了递归查询这部分。


with recursive r as (select f.ctid,f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,f.region_type,f.region_status
from region_tbl f where f.region_code=s.region_code union all select f.ctid, f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,
f.region_type,f.region_status from region_tbl f,r where f.region_code=r.parent_region_code)


postgres=# select * from emp_info where empno='200' and emp_type>'5' and emp_status='Y';
 region_code | emp_type | emp_tel_info |             emp_name             | emp_status | empno
 1200        | 6        | 85192900896  | d7bcf68fc9d88d8b3f5ed6fa2713abcf | Y          | 200
(1 row)

改写递归部分的sql,查看实际执行,并打印了元组的ctid,如下是limit 10的结果:

postgres=# with  recursive r as (select f.ctid,f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,f.region_type,f.region_status from region_tbl f where f.region_code='1200' union all select f.ctid, f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,f.region_type,f.region_status from region_tbl f,r where f.region_code=r.parent_region_code)select * from r limit 10;
  ctid   | region_code | parent_region_code | region_type | region_status
 (18,75) | 1200        | 1020               | 5           | Y
 (18,76) | 1020        | 1002               | 4           | Y
 (9,108) | 1002        | 120                | 3           | Y
 (18,79) | 120         | 12                 | 2           | N
 (18,81) | 12          | 1                  | 1           | N
 (0,110) | 1           | 3                  | 3           | N
 (0,108) | 3           | 4                  | 6           | N
 (0,109) | 4           | 3                  | 3           | N
 (0,108) | 3           | 4                  | 6           | N
 (0,109) | 4           | 3                  | 3           | N
(10 rows)

再看limit 15的结果:

postgres=# with  recursive r as (select f.ctid,f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,f.region_type,f.region_status from region_tbl f where f.region_code='1200' union all select f.ctid, f.region_code,f.parent_region_code,f.region_type,f.region_status from region_tbl f,r where f.region_code=r.parent_region_code)select * from r limit 15;
  ctid   | region_code | parent_region_code | region_type | region_status
 (18,75) | 1200        | 1020               | 5           | Y
 (18,76) | 1020        | 1002               | 4           | Y
 (9,108) | 1002        | 120                | 3           | Y
 (18,79) | 120         | 12                 | 2           | N
 (18,81) | 12          | 1                  | 1           | N
 (0,110) | 1           | 3                  | 3           | N
 (0,108) | 3           | 4                  | 6           | N
 (0,109) | 4           | 3                  | 3           | N
 (0,108) | 3           | 4                  | 6           | N
 (0,109) | 4           | 3                  | 3           | N
 (0,108) | 3           | 4                  | 6           | N
 (0,109) | 4           | 3                  | 3           | N
 (0,108) | 3           | 4                  | 6           | N
 (0,109) | 4           | 3                  | 3           | N
 (0,108) | 3           | 4                  | 6           | N
(15 rows)

之后还打印了limit 1000,limit 10000的结果。发现一个现象,ctid为(0,108) (0,109)这两条数据一直在交替迭代,所以sql执行慢是一直在交替扫描这两条数据,这条sql在这个环境中是永远都跑不出结果的。


postgres=# select ctid,region_code,parent_region_code from region_tbl where region_code in ('3','4');
  ctid   | region_code | parent_region_code
 (0,108) | 3           | 4
 (0,109) | 4           | 3
(2 rows)


postgres=# select ctid,region_code,parent_region_code from region_tbl where region_code in ('3','4');
  ctid   | region_code | parent_region_code
 (0,245) | 3           | 0
 (0,246) | 4           | 0
(2 rows)


 staffNo | empType |   empNum    |     Name     |            Postion             |        Addr        |   Mobile    | FirstRegCode | SecondRegCode | Thir
dRegCode | FurthRegCode
 200     | 6       | 85192900896 | 运维yuanyuan |  Database administrator | 陕西省西安市高新区 | 13512345678 | 1200         | 1020          | 1002
(1 row)

Time: 339.986 ms





