
数据库提示 (Database Tips)

In my last article, we focused on turning a PostgreSQL jsonb column, that contained an Array of Objects, into a recordset, so that it could be queried in a relational manner.

在我的上一篇文章中,我们专注于将包含对象数组的PostgreSQL jsonb列转换为记录集,以便可以以关系方式对其进行查询。

我们将要做什么 (What We Will Do)

In this article, I’d like to continue our work with a jsonb column containing an Array of Objects and explore how to,


  • Get all Objects in the Array.

  • Get a specific Object from the Array by position in the Array. When the position is known and when we have to discover it.

    通过在数组中的位置从数组中获取特定的对象。 何时知道位置以及何时必须找到它。
  • Add a json Object to the Array.

  • Remove a specific Object from the Array.


We will not only look at the query techniques but think about these as being API end-points and what they might mean for the front-end in, say, a PERN stack.


Sample Data


Our sample data in a jsonb column will look similar to this,


"productid": 3,
"name": "Virtual Keyboard",
"price": 150}, {
"productid": 1,
"name": "Dell 123 Laptop Computer",
"price": 1300},
"productid": 8,
"name": "LG Ultrawide Monitor",
"price": 190}

This might represent products purchased by a customer. We want to Add new purchases, Get all items purchased, Get a specific item purchased and Remove an item purchased.

这可能代表客户购买的产品。 我们要添加新购买,购买所有物品,购买特定物品并删除购买的物品。

In the last article we worked with the jsonb_to_recordset() function.


In this article, we will make extensive use of the jsonb_array_elements() function.


假设条件 (Assumptions)

I will assume you have PostgreSQL and something along the lines of pgAdmin.


让我们开始吧! (Let’s Get Started!)

建立我们的数据 (Building Our Data)

  1. Open pgAdmin and create a database as desired.


  2. Right-Click on the database name and choose Query Tool.

    右键单击数据库名称,然后选择“ 查询工具”

  3. Run the snippet below to create a simple table that will have an id, purchaser name and a jsonb column that stores an array of json objects, which will store items purchased.


CREATE TABLE public.purchases
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
purchaser varchar(50),
items_purchased jsonb

4. Run the snippet below to insert four records in to the table.


INSERT INTO purchases (purchaser,items_purchased) VALUES ('Bob',
"productid": 1,
"name": "Dell 123 Laptop Computer",
"price": 1300},
"productid": 2,
"name": "Mechanical Keyboard",
"price": 120}
]');INSERT INTO purchases (purchaser,items_purchased) VALUES('Carol',
"productid": 3,
"name": "Virtual Keyboard",
"price": 150}, {
"productid": 1,
"name": "Dell 123 Laptop Computer",
"price": 1300},
"productid": 8,
"name": "LG Ultrawide Monitor",
"price": 190}
]');INSERT INTO purchases (purchaser,items_purchased) VALUES ('Ted',
"productid": 6,
"name": "Ergonomic Keyboard",
"price": 90},
"productid": 7,
"name": "Dell 789 Desktop Computer",
"price": 120}
]');INSERT INTO purchases (purchaser,items_purc
