经济学人 一周要闻 The Economist :The world this week

The world this week




The Japanese government lifted restrictions in the last remaining prefectures under lockdown. It also unveiled a second stimulus, worth $1trn.

lift restriction 解除限制,解除约束
remaining 剩余的
prefectures 县
under lockdown 被封锁的
unveil 公布
stimulus 刺激

Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, said schools would not reopen until a vaccine for covid-19 is available. That could mean a year or more of subpar education.

Philippines 菲律宾
vaccine 疫苗
subpar 低于标准的;在平均水平以下的

Four policemen were sacked in Minneapolis after a black man died while being restrained during an arrest. Video showed one officer kneeling on George Floyd’s neck to keep him on the ground. Protesters later clashed with police.

sack 解雇
restrain 控制
arrest 逮捕
protester 抗议者

The University of California, America’s foremost public-college system, said it would phase out the use of sat scores when deciding whom to admit. A faculty task-force had concluded that the tests were excellent predictors of academic success. But critics say they are unfair on those who cannot afford prepping courses.

foremost 最重要的;最先的
phase out 使逐步淘汰;逐渐停止
faculty task-force 教师工作小组
critic 评论家;批评者

Days after he began a new term in office Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, stood trial on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. He has denied wrongdoing and has called the justice system politically biased. Mr Netanyahu also told members of his Likud party that extending Israeli sovereignty over parts of the occupied West Bank was a priority for his new government.

Israel 以色列
stand trial 受审
bribery 受贿
fraud 欺诈
breach of trust 背信罪
wrongdoing 坏事,不道德行为
politically biased 政治偏见
sovereignty 主权
occupied 被占领的
priority 首要任务

America accused Russia of sending fighter jets to Libya to support Russian mercenaries fighting on behalf of Khalifa Haftar, a rebellious warlord. General Haftar launched an offensive on the capital, Tripoli, last year but has been pushed back by forces aligned with the internationally recognised Government of National Accord, which is supported by Turkey.

fighter jets 战斗机
mercenary 雇佣兵
rebellious warlord 反叛军阀
Khalifa Haftar 哈利法·哈夫塔
general 将军对
offensive 攻击
Tripoli 黎波里
align with 与……联盟
internationally recognised 国际承认的
Government of National Accord 民族团结政府
Turkey 土耳其

Authorities in Tanzania charged a comedian, Idris Sultan, after a video on social media showed him laughing at a photograph of the president, John Magufuli, in an oversize suit. Mr Sultan was initially charged with “bullying” the president. In court this was changed to using someone else’s mobile-phone SIM card.

authority 当局,政府
Tanzania 坦桑尼亚
comedian 喜剧演员
initially 最初
bullying 恐吓

Electoral officials in Burundi declared the ruling party’s candidate, Evariste Ndayishimiye, the winner in a presidential vote. Opposition parties say the election was rigged. Many dead people reportedly voted.

electoral officials 选举官员
Burundi 布隆迪
declared 宣布
the ruling party’s candidate 执政党候选人
presidential vote 总统选举
opposition party 反对党
election 选举
rig 操纵
reportedly 据报道;据传闻

More lockdown restrictions were eased in England. From mid-June, all shops will be allowed to reopen; outdoor markets from June 1st. The government also announced a UK-wide quarantine on international arrivals from June 8th, including Britons returning from abroad. Ireland, which is in Britain’s common travel area, is exempt.

quarantine 隔离
Ireland 爱尔兰
exempt 免除,不受限制

By contrast, other European countries started to reopen their borders. Germany said it would lift warnings and allow its citizens to travel abroad from June 15th; it is pushing neighbouring countries to agree on common standards for social distancing. Greece and Italy will allow tourism from June, and Spain from July 1st. Cyprus offered to repay some holiday costs to tourists if they contract COVID-19 while visiting the country.

by contrast 相比之下
reopen border 重新开放边境
lift warnings 解除警告
common standards 共同标准
social distancing 社交距离
contract COVID-19 感染新冠肺炎

The European Commission proposed a new seven-year budget for the EU that includes a 750bn euros ($825bn) post-COVID recovery fund. The fund would distribute to member states 500bn euros in grants and 250bn euros in loans, and would be financed by borrowing based on guarantees provided by national governments. The plan builds on ideas proposed by France and Germany, but Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden, the “frugal four”, are sceptical.

commission 委员会
budget 预算
EU 欧盟
euros 欧元
post-COVID recovery fund 抗疫复苏基金
member states 成员国
grant (政府)拨款,补助,津贴
loans 贷款
finance 供给…经费
guarantees provided 提供担保
Denmark 瑞典
frugal four 节俭四国
sceptical 怀疑的

A judge on British Columbia’s Supreme Court ruled that extradition proceedings brought by the United States against Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei, a Chinese telecoms giant, could continue. The decision means she cannot go home. Her arrest in Vancouver in December 2018 provoked a diplomatic row between Canada and China.

rule 裁决
extradition proceeding 引渡程序
Chinese telecoms giant 中国电信巨头
arrest 逮捕
provoke 引发
diplomatic row 外交争端

Two women became the first same-sex couple to marry in Costa Rica, immediately after it became legal. The ceremony was shown on a three-hour television broadcast about marriage equality.

Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加
immediately 立即
television broadcast 电视节目

Coronavirus briefs


Countries in the Americas are the new centre of the pandemic, according to the WHO. Infections and deaths in Mexico have doubled over the past two weeks. Brazil now has the world’s second-highest number of cases, prompting the United States (more than 100,000 deaths) to ban non-American travellers who have been to the country.

countries in the Americas 美洲国家
pandemic (全国或全球性)流行病
infections 感染人数
prompt 促使
non-American travellers 非美籍游客

Russia has also reported sharp increases in confirmed cases and deaths over two weeks; the actual numbers are thought to be much higher.

sharp increases 急增
confirmed cases 确诊病例人数

Spain revised its death toll down by more than 1,900 because of “duplicates” and wrongly attributed deaths.

death toll 死亡人数
duplicates 重复统计

A test-and-trace system was introduced in England.

test-and-trace 测试和跟踪

India resumed domestic flights, amid much confusion at airports about whether planes would be allowed to land in certain states.

domestic flights 国内航班,但机场对飞机能否在某些邦降落还存在一些疑问。

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