By 1995, Bridgewater had grown to
forty-two employees and $4.1 billion under management, which was more than I’d
ever hoped for, especially considering that Bridgewater had been down to just
me only a dozen years before. While things were much better and more stable, we
were still doing basically the same things I’d been doing from the
start—wrestling with the markets, thinking independently and creatively about
how to make our bets, making mistakes, bringing those mistakes to the surface,
diagnosing them to get at their root causes, designing new and better ways of
doing things, systematically implementing the changes, making new mistakes, and
so on.4This iterative, evolutionary approach allowed us tocontinually refine the investment systems that I’d begun building in 1982. Backthen, we showed that a few bright guys with computers could beat the big,well-equipped establishment players. Now we were becoming the well-equippedestablishment ourselves.
As the number of decision rulesand the amount of data in our systems grew more complex, we hired youngprogrammers who were better than us in converting our instructions into codeand smart new grads right out of college to help with our investment research.One of these new whiz kids, Greg Jensen, joined Bridgewater as a college internin 1996. Because he shined, I grabbed him as my research assistant. Over thedecades that followed, he contributed a lot, grew into the co-chief investmentofficer role with Bob Prince and me, and became a co-CEO. He also became like agodson to me.
We also invested in more and more
powerful computers.5 Having our systems running through these machines
freed us to get above the daily movements of the markets and consider things
from a higher level, where we could make novel, creative connections that
produced innovations for our clients.
Around this time, Ihad dinner with David White, the man in charge of the Rockefeller Foundation’smoney. David asked me how I would engineer the foundation’s portfolio toproduce a return that was 5 percent above the U.S. inflation rate. I answeredthat a portfolio of leveraged foreign inflation-indexed bonds with the currencyhedged back to U.S. dollars should deliver exactly that. (The bonds needed tobe foreign because there were no U.S. inflation-indexed bonds at the time, andthey needed to be hedged to the dollar so there would be
Thinking about thislater, I realized that we could create an entirely new and radically differentasset class, so Dan Bernstein and I researched such a portfolio more closely.According to our analysis, this new asset class would perform even better thanwe’d thought. In fact, it would be uniquely effective because we could engineerit to have the same expected return as equities but with less risk and with anegative correlation with bonds and equities over long time frames. We showedthis research to our clients and they loved it. Before long, we became thefirst global inflation-indexed bond manager in the world. In 1996, U.S.Treasury deputy secretary Larry Summers began looking into whether the U.S. shouldissue its own inflation-indexed bonds, and because we were the only managerwith a portfolio of such bonds, he called us in as experts.
Dan and I traveleddown to Washington to meet with Summers, his Treasury colleagues, and a numberof representatives from well-known Wall Street firms. We were late (punctualityisn’t one of my strengths) and the doors to the big meeting room at Treasurywere locked. I wasn’t going to let that stop me, so I knocked until someoneopened it. It was a large room with a table in the middle and a press galleryoff to the side. There was only one seat open at the table and it had Dan’snameplate in front of it—we’d agreed that he’d be our one allowedrepresentative since he’d done a lot of the prep work. I had forgotten that, soI walked over to the press gallery, grabbed a chair, and carried it next toDan’s so I had a seat at the table too. Dan describes that meeting as ananalogy for what it was like for us in the 1990s in general: We had to bargeour way into things. Larry Summers has since said that the advice he got fromus was the most important in shaping this market. When the Treasury did createthe bonds, they followed the structure we recommended.
这一次,我和戴维怀特共进了晚餐,他负责洛克菲勒基金会。戴维问我怎样才能实现基金会的投资组合比美国的通货率高5%的回报 ?我告诉他试试外国通货索引证券的杠杆投资组合-货币对冲美元刚刚好。(之所以需要国外因为当时美国还没有通货索引证券,这样在他们需要对冲回美元的时候,没有货币风险)。