
Env: Fedora 38

flatpak 命令安装

打看站点 com.tencent.wemeet

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flatpak install com.tencent.wemeet.flatpakref

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官方 deb 包安装

如果用官方下载 deb 包 用 alien 进行转换为 rpm , 缺少旧版本的包 liblber-2.4.so.2, libldap-2.4.so.2, libldap_r-2.4.so.2, 我从旧版系统拷贝后, 使用sudo dnf install wemeet- --skip-broken可以保证安装后正常启动.

另外注意 Fedora 38 Gnome 默认使用 Wayland, 而从腾讯会议的启动脚本可以看出, 当下版本 V3.15.1(401) 不支持 Wayland,

if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = "wayland" ];then
  if [ -f "/opt/x11-wayland/x11-ext.sh" ];then
    source /opt/x11-wayland/x11-ext.sh
    zenity --info --title="腾讯会议" --text="检测到窗口系统采用wayland协议,腾讯
会议暂不兼容,程序即将退出!" --width=350 --height=100
    exit 1

把这一段注释掉可以启动, 但是桌面共享时有问题, 显示不了. 可以在Fedora 38 登录时, 右下角切换 Gnome 为 xorg.


为什么Fedora 38 默认使用Gnome Wayland, 相关讨论:

I was wondering, why GNOME/Fedora ship with wayland as default, despite it firstly lacking functions over X11 and secondly not playing nicely with Nvidia.

For example: Before switching to Linux, I threw a bunch of distro-ISOs onto a ventoy-formated thumbdrive to test them out… Zorin 16, Endeavour, Fedora 35, were some of them.

On my Nvidia-powered quad-monitor setup, Fedora was the only one not even booting from the USB.

A few months later, I got more familiar with how things work, and figured, for Wayland, I had to enable nvidia-drm.modeset in GRUB. I left this setting even thou I used X11, when suddenly (after a few updates) this same setting started to freeze any DM after boot, and only then when more than 1 external monitors are connected.

I’ve been asking myself, why do they even ship it as default? Especially since newcomers would go crazy not figuring out why their system suddenly broke or doesn’t behave as expected.

Making it the default pushes the Linux desktop forward. If they do not make it the default, nobody will optimise for Wayland and we will be stuck on X11 forever.


