
一、可爱不是长久之计 但爱你可是长久之计

Loveliness is not a long-term solution, but loving you is a long-term solution.

二、见到你第一面我就想认识你 他们斯文人把这个叫做一见钟情

The first time I saw you, I wanted to know you. They called this love at first sight

三、你可以把余生交给我保管 可以霸占我情话里的每一句喜欢

You can leave the rest of your life in my custody and take over everything I like in my love story

四、何止是野心 我预谋了一辈子的念想 从无聊你开始 不见黄土不死心

It's more than ambition. I've been thinking about it my whole life. Starting with boredom, you don't see the loess. You don't give up


I want to take you by the hand and walk all over the streets

六、如果终点有你 那不论多远的路 我都愿意去走

If there is you at the end, no matter how far I am willing to go

七、世界需要讲道理 但我最偏心你

The world needs reason, but I am most partial to you.

八、宇航员终究会找到他的月亮 我找到你了

Astronauts will eventually find his moon. I have found you


You are the moon I hid in the clouds and the treasure I have been searching for all my life.

十、人间百味 日月星河 浪漫斜阳 与你共度

The world tastes the sun, the moon, the stars and the river, the romantic setting sun to spend with you
