
英文 中文
And hour ago I resigned 一小时前
As state's attorney of Cook County. 我辞去了库克县州检察官职务
I want to be clear...I have never abused my office. 我要澄清我从未滥用职权
At the same time, I need to atone for my personal failings 但同时我要为我个人的过失
With my wife Aliciaand our two children. 向我的妻子艾丽西娅和两个孩子致歉
Just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity. 我只想感谢你给我这个机会
- It's a real lifesaver. - No, glad you could come aboard. -简直救我一命-哪里很高兴你加入
- I'm Cary, the other new associate. - Oh, right. -我是凯里另一个新来的律师-我记得你
Kalinda Sharma. 我是凯琳达?夏尔马
- I'm the in-house. - Oh, the investigator. -我是自己人-你就是那个调查员
- You're Peter Florrick's wife. - That's right. -你是彼得?福瑞克的夫人-是的
She's a junior associate who doesn't think 她只是初级助理
She's a junior associate. 却自视过高
Her husband was the states attorney. 他丈夫曾是州检察官
She lived in Highland Park. 她过去住在高地公园
Dad told us he made mistakes. 爸爸说过他犯了错误
Yeah, but not that. 是但不是这样的错
Brian thinks there's a good chance 布莱恩认为时机不错
The appellate court's going to listen to my case. 高等法院同意重审我的案子了
If they overturn it, everything goes back to normal. 如果他们翻案一切就都会恢复正常了
Peter, it's never going back to normal. 彼得永远不可能恢复正常了
Come on, guys, 15 minutes. 孩子们快点还有15分钟
Grace, come on, you got to eat. 格雷斯快点你得吃早饭
And soccer tryouts are today. 今天还要参加足球队选拔赛
Mom, I hate this school. 妈我讨厌这所学校
Why would I want to play for it? 我为啥要参加选拔赛
Grandma's going to pick you up at the field around five-ish. 奶奶5点多开车去球场接你
I can't find my cleats anyway. 我找不到球鞋了
And you're telling me this now? 你现在才告诉我
They're probably still packed. 鞋可能还在行李里
You can at least try and like it here. 至少你可以试着喜欢这里
Just try. 试试吧
This is a collect call 这是对方付费电话
From Tamms correctional institution from Peter Florrick 来自汤玛斯惩教中心的彼得?福瑞克
To decline this call press one. 拒绝接听请按1
To accept this call press two. 接听请按2
Hey, Peter. 彼得
Hi. Is this a good time? 没打扰到你吧
Sure. Are you all right? 没有你还好吗
Hanging in there. 马马虎虎了
The kids there? Can I talk to them? 孩子们在吗我能跟他们说话吗
Actually Zach is in the shower 实际上扎克正在洗漱
And Grace just sat down to breakfast. 格雷斯刚刚坐下来吃早点
I tried to call earlier. 我本来想早点打的
It's been a long line. 但是队伍排得太长了
So... 那么...
I guess we used to be more comfortable 我们过去好像更能适应
With each other's silences, huh? 彼此的沉默啊是吧
I'm sorry, it's just we're really running late. 真对不起只是我们真的快迟到了
I'll let you go. 那就不打扰你们了
Tell them I called, okay? 告诉孩子们我打过电话好吗
Okay, I will. Bye. 好的我会的再见
Bye. 再见
Found 'em. 球鞋找到了
We shouldn't have had to move. 我们不该非要搬家的
The first year associate's primary job 律师第一年的主要工作
Is to clock billable hours. 就是完成指定工作时数
And with most of those numbers down 但是从你们各部门
In each of your departments, 上报的这些数据来看
Clearly some of you aren't doing yours. 明显有些人没有完成自己的指标
Now, that's not to say that you're all underperforming. 现在并不是说你们全部业绩低下
One of our newest associates clocked 我们有一位新律师
225 hours last month alone. 上个月独自完成了225小时的工作指标
But most of you can do better. 不过你们中的大多数完全能干得更好
So while this meeting isn't about naming names, 这次并不是什么点名批斗大会
It is about asking you to step up. 只是要求你们提高效率
And if you can't do that, 如果做不到的话
At least sign a few new clients. 起码也要多签几个新客户
Pardon the interruption, 抱歉打扰一下
But someone's here to see Mrs. Florrick. 有人要见福瑞克女士
I believe it's her son. 我想是她的儿子
I'm so sorry. Please excuse me. 非常抱歉请原谅
Kenny? 肯尼
Kenny, is that...is that you? 肯尼是你吗
Mrs. Florrick. 福瑞克女士
It's been awhile, huh? 很久不见了啊
Grown. 长大了
Are you parents with you? 你爸妈也来了吗
What are you...what are you doing here? 你...你来这里干什么
I think I need a lawyer. 我需要个律师
Last night, 昨晚
Me and this guy Brian 我和布莱恩
We went to my buddy's house to get, uh... 去我朋友的家里拿...
We were just looking to party, you know. 我们只是想去派对的
To get what? 去拿什么
Some dank. Weed or whatever. 拿点大麻大烟之类的
Anyway, right after we got there, 总之我们刚刚到那儿
This security guard rolls up and, um... 保安就冲出来了
And? 然后呢
I kind of freaked. 我有点吓着了
So I ran. 所以就跑了
This morning when I went by brian's house, 今早我路过布莱恩家的时候
There were cops there. 看见有些警察在那儿
- I heard he got arrested.- What are you doing? -听说他被逮捕了-你干什么
What is this? 这是什么
I figure they're after me next. 我想他们下一步就要抓我
I'm not sure I understand what happened, 我不确定我明白发生了什么事
But if you were buying pot... 可如果你们是在买大麻...
We weren't. 我们没有
Spencer was giving it to us. 当时是斯宾塞给我们的
The bottom line is, if you broke the law 根本问题是如果你触犯了法律
You need to go to the police. 你就得向警方自首
Yeah, but... I'd still need a lawyer, right? 我知道可我还是需要个律师对吗
Don't move. 别走开
And get rid of that. 把这个处理掉
Kalinda. 凯琳达
Your kid's older than I thought. 你儿子比我想得要大
Oh, he's not mine. 那不是我儿子
Listen, can I ask you a favor? 能帮我个忙吗
Will you find out 帮我查一下
If there was any police activity 昨晚有没有警方在高地公园一带
In Highland Park last night? 采取行动
And see if Kenny Chatham is a person of interest 看看肯尼·查塔姆是否被列为嫌疑人
Or if there are any warrants out on him. 或者有没有发出对他的搜捕令
- For? - Pot, possession, possibly buying. -原因是...-私藏大麻或者是购买
So if he's not a relative, 如果他不是你的亲戚
Who is he? 那他是谁
I knew his mom. 我认识她妈妈
Can I talk to you for a minute? 能跟你谈谈吗
Everything okay with your son? 你儿子没事吧
Actually, it wasn't Zach. 其实不是扎克
He's a family friend who got into some trouble. 他是朋友的孩子现在有了点麻烦
Legal trouble, 是涉及法律的麻烦
Or "my parents don't understand me" trouble? 还是"我父母不理解我"这样的麻烦
I'm not quite sure yet. 我也还不太确定
I was hoping if I could drive him home. 我想我是不是可以送他回家
I know. I will make up the time. 我懂我会加班的
Thanks. 谢谢
So did you not go to school today because of this? 你就因为这个今天连学都不上了吗
I haven't been going. 我已经很久没有去了
Probably do the GED thing later. 可能以后再考虑上学吧
What, you mean you dropped out? 什么你是说你辍学了
About six months ago. 半年前的事了
You guys had already moved by then. 当时你们一家已经搬走了
I remember you being way cooler than this. 我印象中的你会比现在的态度要酷得多
Oh, I'm sorry to disappoint you. 抱歉让你失望了
And I don't get why you can't help me 而且我不懂你为啥非得让他们知道
Without getting them involved. 才肯帮我
It's out of respect, Kenny. 是出于尊重肯尼
You still live with them. 你仍然和他们一起生活
You and I owe them that much. 我们欠他们的太多了
You don't owe them anything. 你不欠他们任何东西
They blew you off. 当初是他们不理你的
That's who they are. 他们就是那样的人
All right, you ready to do this? 好了准备好了吗
I was kind of hoping you'd go in first. 我倒是有点希望你能先进去
You're lucky I remember what a cute kid you were. 你该庆幸我记得你以前是个多可爱的孩子
Mom. 妈妈
Mom, mom. 妈妈妈妈
Kenny honey, mommy's busy. 肯尼宝贝妈妈现在很忙
I'm just saying, 我只想说
Somebody else has to start hosting these things. 得有其他人来操办这些事了
Oh, please, you love doing this. 拜托你可是很喜欢做个的
Maybe. But I couldn't do it without you. 可能但没有你我做不了
Hi, Lauren. 你好劳伦
What are you... 你这是...
What are you doing? 你怎么来了
You look... Great. 你看上去...真不错
You know, I've been meaning to call... 知道吗我一直想打给你...
I'm sorry to just show up like this, 很抱歉这么唐突地出现在这里
But I need to talk to you about Kenny. 不过我得跟你谈谈肯尼的事
Where is he? 他在哪儿
My car. 在我车上
Asked me to smooth the waters. 他请求我帮他脱离困境
You didn't have to drive all the way out here. 其实你不用开这么远送他回来
You could've called. 你可以打电话的
I could've. 没错
But a boy I saw grow up asked for my help. 不过一个我看着长大的孩子向我求助
And his mother used to be a friend. 而且他的妈妈曾是我的朋友
You need to come outside. 你得出来一下
He is wanted by the police. 他的确正被警方通缉
What? Who? 什么谁
Kenny. But not for buying pot. 肯尼不过不是因为购买大麻
Oh, my god! 我的天哪
Where are you taking him? 你们要他带去哪里
Ow! You're hurting me! 你们弄疼我了
What's he being charged with? 你们以什么罪名逮捕他
Who the hell are you? 你是哪根葱
His attorney. 他的律师
Felony murder. 重罪谋杀[犯有另一重罪时的凶杀行为]
Are they saying Kenny did this? 他们说这些是肯尼干的
Yeap. Along with Brian Keller. 没错和布莱恩·凯勒合谋
The police allege that these two broke 警方指控他们两人
Into a guest apartment 非法闯入了兰肯加的
- Owned by the Rankin family. - They broke in? -一所住客公寓-他们非法闯入了
Nothing was reported stolen, 没有物品被盗
But the police have Kenny And Brian's fingerprints 但警方在一扇被强行撬开的窗户上
On a window that was jammed open. 发现了肯尼和布莱恩的指纹
Kenny said he was at a friend's. 肯尼说当时他在一个朋友家
Yeah, that would be the Rankin's 17-year-old son, Spencer. 没错就是兰肯17岁的儿子斯宾塞
He lives above the garage, 他的房间在车库楼上
But obviously wasn't home at the time. 但很明显他当时并不在家
And because the guard 由于公寓保安
Was killed in the commission of an alleged burglary, 在这起被控为盗窃的案件中丧生
It's felony murder. 所以就成了重罪谋杀
Yep. The police theorize 没错警方推断
That the boys encountered a security guard as they were leaving, 这两名男孩在离开的时候撞上了保安
Struggled with him, 于是起了冲突
Then shoved him down the stairs, 他们把他推下了楼梯
Where he hit his head on concrete. 他的头部撞到了水泥
He died at approximately 11:20 p.m. 根据法医鉴定
According to the medical examiner. 死于晚上11:20左右
Kenny isn't capable of doing this. 肯尼没这个本事
- Well, how well do you know him? - Very. -你对他有多了解-非常了解
His mother was my first friend in Highland Park. 他妈妈是我在高地公园的第一个朋友
Oh, yeah? 是吗
Well, and the first person to stop talking to me. 也是第一个不跟我说话的人
You getting me out? 你是来把我弄出去的吗
Not yet. 还不行
I just came by to see how you're doing. 我只是顺路来看看你怎么样
I didn't know anybody died, 我不知道有人死了
I don't know how anybody could have. 我不知道怎么会有人死
We probably shouldn't talk in here. 也许我们不该在这里谈
Like, I told you, I ran home. 就像我告诉你的那样我跑回了家
I yelled up at Brian to get out, 我冲着布莱恩大喊让他出来
But he couldn't hear me, he was still inside. 但是他听不见他还在里面
- The police are saying...- I never even saw the guard, -警察说-我甚至都没看见警卫
Just his car! 只看见了他的车
Then why did you lie to me, Kenny? 那你为什么对我撒谎肯尼
Why didn't you tell me you broke in? 为什么不告诉我你闯进去了
Because we didn't. 因为我们没有
Okay. 好吧
Look, there'll-there'll be a bail hearing, 听着稍后会有个保释听证会
And a judge will decide 法官会决定
If you can be released pending trial. 你能否获得保释
Talk to Spencer. 和斯宾塞谈谈
He's my friend. 他是我的朋友
He knew we were coming. 他知道我们会来
He said to take whatever we needed, 他说我们需要什么就拿什么
He even told us where the spare key was-- 他甚至告诉了我们备用钥匙在哪
We just... wecouldn't find it so we pushed a window open. 只是我们没找到所以才推开了一扇窗户
Mrs. Florrick, 福瑞克太太
I swear... I ran Home when I saw the guard's car. 我发誓当我看到警卫的车就跑回家了
Okay. 好吧
Not the strongest case. 不是最好的案子
But she's signing a client. 不过她签到了一个客户
And if his parents live in highland park, 如果他的父母住在高地花园
- Payment won't be an issue.- I don't know. -律师费将不是问题-我不知道
When the connections are personal, it can get tricky. 如果涉及个人关系那就会变的很复杂
Blurring the line between friendship 友情和工作的界限
And business usually is. 常常会比较模糊
Um, actually, 事实上
I don't have a relationship with his parents anymore, 我和他的父母已经没有关系了
Which is why I would prefer someone else 所以我更希望由别人
- Be the attorney of record.- I don't understand. -作为出庭律师-我不明白
If you're no longer friends, why do this at all? 如果你们不再是朋友了那为何要做这些呢
Because my relationship with his parents 这是因为我跟他父母的关系

