GIS系列(十)对于3d tiles最详细的解读

网上看了很多人对于3d tiles都没有讲明白讲清晰,于是决定自己花点时间专门研究一下。

关于 3d tiles github上面有一篇英文介绍,看过之后觉得讲的非常详细非常好。在这里一边翻译,一边给大家讲解分享(注意我不是用谷歌翻译的哦,我是自己理解后用自己的话翻译的,红色字是我的理解,若不喜欢看英文可以直接跳过,看下面的中文解释):

3D Tiles is an open specification for sharing, visualizing, fusing, and interacting with massive heterogenous 3D geospatial content across desktop, web, and mobile applications.

Open and interoperable

As an open specification with an open-source runtime implementation, 3D Tiles allows data providers and app developers to make massive and complex 3D information more accessible, interoperable, and useful across all kinds of tools and applications.


With a defined set of file formats, multiple types of 3D geospatial content including photogrammetry/massive models, BIM/CAD, 3D buildings, instanced features, and point clouds can be converted into 3D Til
