







* 2. 1 Performance: App Completeness

* 5. 1.1 Legal: Privacy - Data Collection and Storage

Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We’re looking forward to continuing our review, but we need a bit more information about your business model and your users to help find the best distribution option for your app. Our preliminary review of your app suggests that your app may be a good fit for our Apple Business Manager program, which is designed specifically for business apps.

Next Steps

Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can for each question.

1. Please describe which kinds of users you expect will use your app. Some common kinds of users are:

- Users who are part of a single company (including its partners, employees and contractors)

- A limited number of companies which are clients of the developer

- The general public

2. Identify the specific countries or regions where you plan to distribute your app.

3. What features in the app are intended for use by general App Store users?

4. How do users obtain an account?

5. If there are any paid aspects of the app, such as for opening an account or using certain features in the app, please explain how users access the paid content.

6. Who pays for the paid content?

Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We’re looking forward to completing our review of your app. Before we can continue, we need a video that demonstrates the current version in use on a physical iOS device.

Specifically, please demonstrate the background location feature.

Keep these requirements in mind as you make your demo video:

Only use footage of your app running on a physical iOS device, not on a simulator.

Make sure the video clearly documents all relevant app features, services, and user permission requests.

You can use a screen recorder to capture footage of your app in use.

Next Steps

Create the demo video, add a link to the video in the App Review Information section of your app’s page in App Store Connect, and reply to this message in Resolution Center.

To add the video link:

1. Sign in to App Store Connect.

2. Click on My Apps.- Select your app.

3. Click on the app version on the left side of the screen.

4. Scroll down to App Review Information.

5. Provide the demo video link and any necessary access details in the Notes section.

6. Click the Save button at the top of the Version Information page.

Please note that if your app can only be reviewed with a demo video, you’ll need to provide an updated demo video for every app submission.

Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage

We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access the location, but doesn’t sufficiently explain the use of the location in the purpose string.

To help users make informed decisions about how their data is used, all permission request alerts need to specify how your app will use the requested information.

Next Steps

Please revise the relevant purpose string in your app’s Info.plist file to specify why your app needs access to the user’s location. Make sure the purpose string includes an example of how the user’s data will be used.

You can modify your app’s Info.plist file using the property list editor in Xcode.



第二轮,苹果给了新的邮件,元数据被拒,邮件回复即可,先是给了2.1(和第一轮一样) 然后又给了3.2,判定为内部app建议用apple企业账号进行分发,最后我给苹果的回复说app还没完善后续会加上注册功能,目前网页端可以注册(怕说平台超级管理员创建账户又被苹果判断为内部而拒审),结果苹果回复让提供网页注册链接。。。然后就没有然后了。



发件人 Apple

* 2. 1 Performance: App Completeness

Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We’re looking forward to continuing our review, but we still need a bit more information about your business model and your users to help find the best distribution option for your app. Our preliminary review of your app suggests that your app may be a good fit for our Apple Business Manager program, which is designed specifically for business apps.

Next Steps

Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can for each question.

1. Please describe which kinds of users you expect will use your app. Some common kinds of users are:

- Users who are part of a single company (including its partners, employees and contractors)

- A limited number of companies which are clients of the developer

- The general public

2. Identify the specific countries or regions where you plan to distribute your app.

3. What features in the app are intended for use by general App Store users?

4. How do users obtain an account?

5. If there are any paid aspects of the app, such as for opening an account or using certain features in the app, please explain how users access the paid content.

6. Who pays for the paid content?


1.此应用为客户定制产品,面向的是客户指定的单位用户(A limited number of companies which are clients of the developer)





发件人 Apple

* 2. 1 Performance: App Completeness

* 3. 2.0 Business: Other Business Model Issues


Thank you for providing this information.

Upon further review, we found that your app does not comply with the following guidelines:

Guideline 3.2 - Business

Users come to the App Store expecting to find apps they can pick up and use, so we check every app to see if it is meant for a wide audience. For apps designed to be used by a specific business, we work with developers to choose the right distribution option for their app.

We found in our review that your app is designed to be used by a specific organization or business, including its partners or employees. Custom app distribution through Apple Business Manager is the best way to make these kinds of business apps available to your target audience.

By distributing custom apps through Apple Business Manager, you will be able to:

- Distribute apps to personal and company-owned devices.

- Enjoy an App Review process designed with business needs in mind, in locations where custom app distribution is available.

- Keep using Apple Developer Program tools like App Store Connect for app management and TestFlight for beta testing.

Next Steps

Follow these steps to distribute your business app using custom app distribution and Apple Business Manager:

1. Have the business or organization your app is designed for  [enroll in Apple Business Manager]( .

2. Change your Pricing and Availability setting in App Store Connect to  [make your app available to specific businesses or organizations]( .

3. Resubmit your app for review. Once the app has been published, businesses and organizations will be able to find your app on Apple Business Manager.


- Watch a WWDC overview of  [custom app distribution with Apple Business Manager]( .

- Learn how to use  [Apple Business Manager]( .

- See the availability of  [Apple business programs in your region]( .

Best regards,

App Store Review



这次感觉问题就坏在2.1时的回复,还怕人家没法理解中文,还用了他问题中的用户类型描述的英文原文,感觉他列举的常见用户类型前两个都不能写,如果是这两个中的一个就判定你是内部应用不能在App Store上架。

1.此应用为客户定制产品,面向的是客户指定的单位用户(A limited number of companies which are clients of the developer)



因为3.2后面的对话也进行不下去了,于是在APP Store Connect里删除APP,换一个BundleID重新上架,保险起见我还更换了APP名称和图标。然后等待审核团队回复。这里参考了iOS审核被拒Guideline 3.2 - Business、1.2 - Safety








发件人 Apple

Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We’re looking forward to continuing our review, but we need a bit more information about your business model and your users to help find the best distribution option for your app. Our preliminary review of your app suggests that your app may be a good fit for our Apple Business Manager program, which is designed specifically for business apps.

Next Steps

Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can for each question.

1. Please describe which kinds of users you expect will use your app. Some common kinds of users are:

- Users who are part of a single company (including its partners, employees and contractors)

- A limited number of companies which are clients of the developer

- The general public

2. Identify the specific countries or regions where you plan to distribute your app.

3. What features in the app are intended for use by general App Store users?

4. How do users obtain an account?

5. If there are any paid aspects of the app, such as for opening an account or using certain features in the app, please explain how users access the paid content.

6. Who pays for the paid content?








发件人 Apple

2. 1 Performance: App Completeness

Hello,Thank you for providing this information. We will continue the review, and will notify you if there are any further issues.Best regards,App Store Review


第一轮 没有邮件回复2.1问题,修改了2.1指出的plist定位描述问题,5.1提供一个app操作录屏视频上传到百度网盘,在提审界面的备注中留百度网盘链接密码即可。

第二轮 对于2.1的app面向用户类型以及获取账户方式的回答错误,导致后面出现3.2,然后对于3.2的回复继续出错,才采取了删除app换bundleID上架的解决方法。



1.2.1的问题如实回答,但切记如果你还想上架到App Store,就要避免定制、指定用户等词汇引导苹果认为你的app为内部使用。



