Sharepoint中隐藏List 【User Information List】


User Profiles and User Information List Synchronization

User Information List- SharePoint中隐藏的用户列表

User Information List也是一个Sharepoint中的一个List,不过是一个隐藏的List,因为不是每个人都可以访问这个列表的,目前我认为是System Acount可以访问!


  1. http://moss/_catalogs/users/simple.aspx
  2. http://moss/_catalogs/users/detail.aspx

[转:User Information List- SharePoint中隐藏的用户列表]遵循下面的步骤来将用户从站点集上永久删除, 用户的alert也会被永久删除.

On the site collection home page, click the Site Actions menu, point to Site Settings, and then click People and Groups.

  1. On the People and Groups page, in the Quick Launch, click All People.
  2. On the People and Groups: All People page, select the check box next to the user who you want to delete.
  3. On the Actions menu, click Delete Users from Site Collection, and then click OK.

用户被永久删除之后, 如果再从AD里把这个用户删掉, 那么People Picker也搜不出来了这个人了. 呵呵.  [End]

我目前理解User Information List为站点里面所有用户(也可能不是哈!) ,之前我用web.AllUsers来获取所有用户,后来发现它比User Information List少!

结合U2U CAML Query Builder工具来看User Information List的字段和值!

Sharepoint中隐藏List 【User Information List】_第1张图片

Sharepoint中隐藏List 【User Information List】_第2张图片

从上图我们可以看出 User Information List 列表和其他有点不一样,他前面怎么没有图标哦!  通过 ContentType 可以来过滤不是Person 的数据!


             using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://moss:9000/"))
             using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
                 SPUserCollection users1 = web.AllUsers;
                 SPUserCollection users2 = web.SiteUsers;
                 SPUserCollection users3 = web.Users; 

                 SPList list = web.SiteUserInfoList;
                     // web.Lists["User Information List"]; 
                 foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items)
                     if (!item["ContentType"].ToString().Equals("Person"))
                     string name = item["Title"] + "";
                     string loginName = item["Name"] + "";
                     string Email = item["Email"] + "";
                     string picture = item["Picture"] + "";
                     //... 其他属性

可以和 users1 , users2, users3 比较一下谁取出的用户最多!

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