[英语学习] 流利说 商务英语 Level 2-Unit 2 Part 4-3 Vocabulary: Career Development

Career Development

Get A Promotion
When you get a promotion, you are given a more important job.
He got a promotion last month.
Quit Your Job
If you quit your job, you leave it.
She quit her job as an assistant.
If he doesn't get a promotion this year, he will quit his job.
Earn A Salary
She earns a good salary.
She earns a much higher salary than he does.
Get A Raise
When you get a raise, you salary goes up.
He got a 20% raise in his salary.

Exercises beyond the original
You may get a promotion if you do your job well.
She got a promotion three months after she joined the company.
He hasn't gotten a raise since he joined the company.
Many people quit their job because they don't like their boss.
She got the highest raise of anybody on her team.
His colleague earn a salary of between $40,000 and
50,000 a year.

Read the Sentence
She quit her job and started her own business.
He got a raise, but he didn't think it was enough.

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