国家开放大学的学子们 练习题 走起!



    高级英语听说(2)   参考 试题

Section One (20 points, 2 points each)

Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Write the words on the Answer Sheet  The conversation will be read TWICE.

Mari: Yolandal Hi!

Yolanda : Hi, Mari, how are you?

Mari :  Fine,  thanks. Um,  is anyone sitting (1)      _?

Yolanda : No, have a seat.

Mari: Thanks.So how have you been?

Yolanda : Oh, you know, busy. I've got school, and work, and I'm getting ready for

my brother's wedding next month.

Mari: Oh, yeah.

Yolanda : Anyway, it's going to be a huge wedding and . . .

Mari: Oh, excuse me, uh...Nancyl Over here!

Nancy: Hi!

Mari:Nancy, this is Yolanda.She works (2)_       the library.Yolanda, this is my

 housemate, Nancy.She teaches English here.

Nancy : Nice to meet you, Yolanda.

Yolanda : You too. Well,  listen,  actually,  I’ve got to go. I have to be at work

in ten minutes. I’ll see you soon, Mari. We'11 go to a movie or something.

Mari :  Sure. How (3)            Thursday night?

Yolanda : Uh, I have to check my calendar. I'll call you, OK?

Mari: OK, see you.

Mari :  I don't understand Americans.

Nancy: Huh?

Mari: Did you (4)   what she said? "1'11 call you, we'1l go to a movie." But every

time I try to pick a specific day or time, she says she's busy, she has to

check her  calendar.And then she doesn't call.

Nancy : Mm hmm . . .

Mari: Why do Americans say things they don't (5)     ? They act so nice, like they

always say, "How are you," but then they keep on walking and don't even wait

for your answer.They're so ...how do you say it . ..two-faced?

Nancy: I know it seems that way sometimes, Mari.But it’s not true.It's just that

For Americans, friendliness and friendship aren't always the same thing.

Mari: What do you (6)      ?

Nancy :Well, as you know, Americans can be very open and friendly. Like, they invite

you to sit down, they ask you questions, they (7)      you all about their

families.So naturally you think they' re trying to make friends with you. But

actually, friendship, real friendship, doesn't happen so quickly.

Mari: So, when people say "How are you," they' re just being polite? They don't really

     (8)     ?

Nancy: Not exactly.The thing you have to understand is that "How are you" isn,t

a real question.It's more like a greeting, or way of saying hello.

Mari : Aha, I (9)      it !  And "Have a nice day" is just a friendly way to say


Nancy : Exactly. Now you're catching on.

Mari :But I, m still in the dark about Yoland  A.  Does she want to be my friend

or not?

Nancy : It's (10)   to say. Maybe she's just too busy these days. I guess you'1ljust

       have to be patient.

Mari: Hmm.That's good advice, I guess.Thanks.

Section Two (20 points, 2 points each)

Part One

Directions: You are going to listen to five short conversations/passages.After each

conversation/passage, there is one question.Choose the best answer to each question and write your answers on the Answer Sheet. Each of the conversations / passages will be read TWICE.

Number One : a short speech

11. What ceremony is the short speech about?




Number Two : a monologue

12.This man

    A.is divorced with children

    B.has never been married

    C.is married without children

Number Three : a conversation

13.What's the man's job?

    A.A tailor.

    B.A dentist.

    C.A receptionist.

Number Four : a conversation

14.Where are the two speakers?

    A.In a bookstore.

    B.In a library.

    C.In a laboratory.

Number Five : a short speech

15.What is the speaker going to talk about?

    A.How were computers invented?

    B.The history of computers.

    C.The three major uses of computers.

Part Two

Directions: You are going to listen to one conversation.After the conversation, there are five questions. Choose the best answer to each question and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

The conversation will be read TWICE.

16.Where are the two people?

    A.In a bookstore.

    B.In a library.

    C.On a college campus.

17.Which building does the man want to find?


    B.Art museum.

    C.Music building.

18.Where is the building?

    A.At the intersection of Willow Street and Alumni Street.

    B.At the intersection of Willow Street and College Avenu    E.

    C.Between Willow Street and Alumni Street.

19.Which of these is true?

    A.The woman asks the man to walk with him.

    B.The woman asks the man if he wants to walk with her.

    C.The man asks the woman if he can walk with her.

20.When Yumi says, "Oh, really?" what feeling does she express?




Section Three (30 points, 3 points each)

Directions: You are going to listen to a conversation.After the conversation, there are 10 statements. Decide whether the statement is true (T) or false (F) and write your answer on the Answer Sheet.The conversation will be read TWICE.

    21 Campbell Hall is red in color.

    22 Campbell Hall is behind the fountain.

    23.Mari is going to Campbell Hall to attend an art class.

    24.Nancy is an English teacher.

    25.Mari is from Kore                A.

    26 Mari has been here for three weeks.

    27.Mari has never visited the States befor  E.

    28.Mari only wants to Major in international business.

    29.Mari,s father has a company.

    30.Mari thinks English is important for her career.

Section Four (30 points, 3 points each)

Directions :  Listeu to the lecture and fill in the blanks to complete the notes  Write your answers on the Answer Sheet  The lecture will be read TWICE.


Speaker's name : Josh Harrison

Speaker' s profession:  a Peace Corps volunteer

    General Topic: ceremomes and (31)         around the world

Specific Topic: The role of (32)_         in celebrations around the world.

Examples :

    A.  In Thailand,

        a) On April (33)      , which is Songkran, the water festival, people

           throw water on each other and also wash the (34)_ of the elders

           with scented water.

        b) Belief: water will wash away (35)           .

    B.  In Saudi Arabia

        a)   Traditional Muslims pray (36)_   times a day and before they do,

           they wash their faces, hands and (37)      with water.

        b)   Belief: water will clean their (38)       and souL

    C.  In Latin America

        a)  Baptism is performed to (39)     a new baby into the Christian

            religion and the community.To do this, the baby was taken to the

            church, where a priest pours or sprinkles some water on the baby' s

        b)   Belief: water will wash away sin.

Conclusion: water has different symbolic meanings in different cultures.
