My Chinese name is宣慧娟,My English name is Jenny.I come from江西.I'm junior college student, I am very extrovert in front of familiar people.But introvert in front of strange people,I like play badminton,watch programs and learning English.
I signed up Tracy's 颠覆课 about one year ago.That time I just want to learn English very well,I was shocked by the course. because it's so excellent.实在是颠覆了我学习英语的三观.But I didn't put knowledges into practice too much.Especially after I finished all of the course.I just forget about it,and continue to find other ways to learn English.During that time, I had use many time to try many, many ways, in the end, all of them were not work on me.I was tired of finding methods.So I came back to watched the Tracy's course.And then I found the English training camp.The first feeling that I had that time was upset. Because I think I missed the whole world. I didn't know training camp before. I believe I found the way to learn English, so i review the Tracy's 颠覆课.I really see my future in Tracy's eyes. Although that time I was hopeless. Because 2018 is hardest year of me from i
born till now.In that year's summer vacation,i suddenly got the 神经症, i am 强迫意向. just because i gave myself too much of pressure,并且对未来过于执着.Just a moment,i fell into the big pain.I wasafraid of everything i thought will be come true.i couldn't suffer that,so,i cry every day.
i can try hard to suffer every problems in life,but the problem in psychology let me become so weak in a second.everyday for me is painful and like forever.i still remember that day.iwalked in the street,looked at the people who walked in front of me.Suddenly,i felt everything 没有任何意义了.wow,that feeling was so bad.from a self-disciplined person to a serious procrastinator.My life was in a big mess.I didn't tell anybody about my problem,i just solve it by,i using the 邓云天老师的方法去让自己慢慢变好。
But Tracy's 颠覆课 gave me big wish of my life.English just like my 救命稻草一样,let me live,and not drift with the tide.颠覆课 gave me excellent theory,then i went to the training camp to put theory into practice.No matter how hard is life,i still keep study in training camp everyday.Not only because i like it,but also because i received many advantages from training camp,like:Tracy and partners' encourage,happiness,accompany and big progress on English.Just because learn English follow Tracy,i have more happiness than sadness everyday.And i really followed the Tracy,being crazy to study English,even in the dream.My friends told me that i spoke English very loudly when i fall asleep.I felt very happy about it,because i'am not only can practice my English when i am wake,but also can study English when i fall asleep.I shared this funny thing to Tracy,and she replied me,i felt so happy.
Now the people around me already used to listen me speaking English,some of them ever laughed at me about speaking English,but i didn't put them in my heart.I just want to follow Tracy.
some of language partners in our training camp often ask me:why can you always stay in training camp for a long time?I answered them: i live in's not totally joking,i really want to live in training camp.and join the every time of it,because i have no reason not to join it.Tracy's 颠覆课 and training camp let me became a very talkative person by using can't image,that i seldom spoke English before i met Tracy,although i learned English by myself for many years.But now,i am the small group's leader and interaction coach in the English training camp.I will try hard to be capable small group's leader and interaction coach,so that i can help more partners.Tracy really let me drive right in the English.English play the great role in my daily life.Just like many partners,i also think i am so lucky that i met the Tracy.
In the past,i used tons of not good ways to learn English,but that time i thought they're great ways.i also passed the Tracy's way.兜兜转转,吃够了教训,擦亮了眼睛,才发现Tracy's way of learning English is the best,after i konw it,i just follow Tracy's 颠覆课 and training camp very tight.
For the future,i want to learn English very well,and also learn some things behind the English.Let me have enough power to help more people to solve their problem.
To Tracy,i hope you can continue have courses come out,i really like you,and your course.And please,take good care of your body,this is my best wish to you.