Android13 launcher循环切页

launcher 常规切页:



public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
	case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
		mOrientationHandler.setPrimary(this, VIEW_SCROLL_BY, movedDelta);
    public void scrollTo(int x, int y) {
    //注释掉x y的坐标显示,让页面能切到首页和末尾继续下发x y
//        x = Utilities.boundToRange(x,
//                mOrientationHandler.getPrimaryValue(mMinScroll, 0), mMaxScroll);
//        y = Utilities.boundToRange(y,
//                mOrientationHandler.getPrimaryValue(0, mMinScroll), mMaxScroll);
        Log.d(TAG," scrollTo: "+x +" , "+y +" mMinScroll: "+mMinScroll+" mMaxScroll: "+mMaxScroll);
        super.scrollTo(x, y);


    protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        boolean restore = false;
        int restoreCount = 0;
        boolean fastDraw = //mTouchState != TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING &&
                getNextPage() == INVALID_PAGE;
        if (fastDraw && mIsPageInTransition) {
            Log.d(TAG," dispatchDraw 666  getScrollX(): "+getScrollX()+"  "+mScroller.getCurrX());
            drawChild(canvas, getChildAt(getCurrentPage()), getDrawingTime());
        } else
            Log.d(TAG," dispatchDraw 000  getScrollX(): "+getScrollX()+"  "+mScroller.getCurrX());
            long drawingTime = getDrawingTime();
            int width = getWidth()+ 22;
            float scrollPos = (float) getScrollX() / width;
            boolean endlessScrolling = true;

            int leftScreen;
            int rightScreen;
            boolean isScrollToRight = false;
            int childCount = getChildCount();//其值为1、2、3----
            if (scrollPos < 0 && endlessScrolling) {
                leftScreen = childCount - 1;
                rightScreen = 0;
            } else {//屏幕向右滑动到临界
                leftScreen = Math.min( (int) scrollPos, childCount - 1 );
                rightScreen = leftScreen + 1;
                if (endlessScrolling) {
                    rightScreen = rightScreen % childCount;
                    isScrollToRight = true;
            if (isScreenNoValid(leftScreen)) {
                if (rightScreen == 0 && !isScrollToRight) { // 向左滑动,如果rightScreen为0
                    int offset = childCount * width;
                    Log.d(TAG," dispatchDraw 111  width: "+width+" getScrollX():  "+getScrollX()+" offset: "+offset);
                    canvas.translate(-offset, 0);
                    drawChild(canvas, getChildAt(leftScreen), drawingTime);
                    canvas.translate(+offset, 0);
                } else {
                    Log.d(TAG," dispatchDraw 222  width: "+width+" getScrollX():  "+getScrollX());
                    drawChild(canvas, getChildAt(leftScreen), drawingTime);
            if (scrollPos != leftScreen && isScreenNoValid(rightScreen)) {//向右滑动
                if (endlessScrolling && rightScreen == 0  && isScrollToRight) {
                    int offset = childCount * width;
                    Log.d(TAG," dispatchDraw 333  width: "+width+ " getScrollX():  "+getScrollX()+" offset: "+offset);
                    canvas.translate(+offset, 0);
                    drawChild(canvas, getChildAt(rightScreen), drawingTime);
                    canvas.translate(-offset, 0);
                } else {
                    Log.d(TAG," dispatchDraw 444  width: "+width+" getScrollX():  "+getScrollX());
                    drawChild(canvas, getChildAt(rightScreen), drawingTime);
    private boolean isScreenNoValid(int screen) {
        return screen >= 0 && screen < getChildCount();

假设一共有 0 1 2 三页,我们需要从 0 切到 2 3切到 0 ,而不是 0 1 2 , 2 1 0

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
	case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
		int finalPage;
                    // We give flings precedence over large moves, which is why we short-circuit our
                    // test for a large move if a fling has been registered. That is, a large
                    // move to the left and fling to the right will register as a fling to the right.

                    if (((isSignificantMove && !isDeltaLeft && !isFling) ||
                            (isFling && !isVelocityLeft))
//                            && mCurrentPage > 0 //切到0时继续走这里,finalPage = -1
                    ) {
                        finalPage = returnToOriginalPage
                                ? mCurrentPage : mCurrentPage - getPanelCount();
                        snapToPageWithVelocity(finalPage, velocity);
                    } else if (((isSignificantMove && isDeltaLeft && !isFling) ||
                            (isFling && isVelocityLeft))
//                            &&mCurrentPage < getChildCount() - 1 //切到最后一页时继续切页,finalPage = 4
                    ) {
                        finalPage = returnToOriginalPage
                                ? mCurrentPage : mCurrentPage + getPanelCount();
                        snapToPageWithVelocity(finalPage, velocity);
                    } else {

上面修改后,进入snapToPageWithVelocity(finalPage, velocity);这个方法的finalPage值在循环切页时就会超出 0 1 2,变成 -1 或者4。那么我们需要在snapToPageWithVelocity中继续处理一下

切页最终会调用到protected boolean snapToPage(int whichPage, int delta, int duration, boolean immediate)方法,
whichPage和delta是分开的,这就让0到-1(2)、2 - 3(0)成为可能。
因为scroll本身是一条线,mScroller.startScroll(mOrientationHandler.getPrimaryScroll(this), 0, delta, 0, duration);关键的2个参数是whichPage和delta。
假设 0 到 -1切页

    protected boolean snapToPageWithVelocity(int whichPage, int velocity) {
        if (Math.abs(velocity) < mMinFlingVelocity) {
            // If the velocity is low enough, then treat this more as an automatic page advance
            // as opposed to an apparent physical response to flinging
            return snapToPage(whichPage, mPageSnapAnimationDuration);
        Log.d(TAG," snapToPageWithVelocity whichPage 111: "+whichPage);
        boolean isLoopLeft = false;
        boolean isLoopRight = false;
        if (whichPage ==-1){
            whichPage = getPageCount() -1;
            isLoopLeft = true;
        if (whichPage == getPageCount()){
            whichPage = 0;
            isLoopRight = true;

        Log.d(TAG," snapToPageWithVelocity whichPage 222: "+whichPage);
        whichPage = validateNewPage(whichPage);
        int halfScreenSize = mOrientationHandler.getMeasuredSize(this) / 2;
        int newLoc = getScrollForPage(whichPage,isLoopLeft,isLoopRight);

        int delta = newLoc - mOrientationHandler.getPrimaryScroll(this);
        Log.d(TAG," snapToPageWithVelocity whichPage 666 delta: "+delta);
        int duration = 0;
    public int getScrollForPage(int index ,boolean isLoopLeft,boolean isLoopRight) {
        Log.d(TAG," getScrollForPage 111  index: "+index);
        if (isLoopLeft){
            Log.d(TAG," getScrollForPage 222  index: "+index);
            return -mPageScrolls[1];
        if (isLoopRight){
            Log.d(TAG," getScrollForPage 333  index: "+index);
            return mPageScrolls[1] * (mPageScrolls.length) ;
        return getScrollForPage(index);
    public int getScrollForPage(int index) {
        // TODO(b/233112195): Use !pageScrollsInitialized() instead of mPageScrolls == null, once we
        // root cause where we should be using runOnPageScrollsInitialized().
        if (mPageScrolls == null || index >= mPageScrolls.length || index < 0) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return mPageScrolls[index];

缓慢滑动直接调用的return snapToPage(whichPage, mPageSnapAnimationDuration);

    protected boolean snapToPage(int whichPage, int duration, boolean immediate) {
        Log.d(TAG," snapToPage whichPage 111: "+whichPage);
        boolean isLoopLeft = false;
        boolean isLoopRight = false;
        if (whichPage ==-1){
            whichPage = getPageCount() -1;
            isLoopLeft = true;
        if (whichPage == getPageCount()){
            whichPage = 0;
            isLoopRight = true;
        Log.d(TAG," snapToPage whichPage 222: "+whichPage);
        whichPage = validateNewPage(whichPage);
        Log.d(TAG," snapToPage whichPage 333: "+whichPage);
        int newLoc = getScrollForPage(whichPage,isLoopLeft,isLoopRight);
        final int delta = newLoc - mOrientationHandler.getPrimaryScroll(this);
        Log.d(TAG," snapToPage whichPage 666 delta: "+delta);
        return snapToPage(whichPage, delta, duration, immediate);
4、onPageEndTransition 页面切换结束后,修正scroll值


    protected void onPageEndTransition() {

        if (mDragController.isDragging()) {
            if (workspaceInModalState()) {
                // If we are in springloaded mode, then force an event to check if the current touch
                // is under a new page (to scroll to)

        if (mStripScreensOnPageStopMoving) {
            mStripScreensOnPageStopMoving = false;

        // Inform the Launcher activity that the page transition ended so that it can react to the
        // newly visible page if it wants to.
        Log.d(TAG," snapToPage whichPage 777 getNextPage(): "+getNextPage()+" getScrollX(): "+getScrollX()+"  "+mMaxScroll+"  "+mMinScroll);
        if(getScrollX()< mMinScroll || getScrollX() > mMaxScroll){
            Log.e(TAG," snapToPage snapToPageImmediately 888 getNextPage(): "+getNextPage());



假设0 到-1切页,0页继续向右滑动,可以跟手,但是向左滑动页面不动。

滚动值是PagedView#scrollTo回调回来的。怀疑PagedView#onTouchEvent 中move时传入的值有问题。

                float direction = mOrientationHandler.getPrimaryValue(dx, dy);
                float delta = mLastMotion + mLastMotionRemainder - direction;
                Log.d(TAG," ACTION_MOVE 111  delta: "+delta);
                int width = getWidth();
                int height = getHeight();
                int size = mOrientationHandler.getPrimaryValue(width, height);

                final float displacement = mOrientationHandler.getSecondaryValue(dx, dy)
                        / mOrientationHandler.getSecondaryValue(width, height);
                mTotalMotion += Math.abs(delta);

                if (mAllowOverScroll) {
//                    float consumed = 0;
//                    if (delta < 0 && mEdgeGlowRight.getDistance() != 0f) {
//                        consumed = size * mEdgeGlowRight.onPullDistance(delta / size, displacement);
//                    } else if (delta > 0 && mEdgeGlowLeft.getDistance() != 0f) {
//                        consumed = -size * mEdgeGlowLeft.onPullDistance(
//                                -delta / size, 1 - displacement);
//                    }
//                    delta -= consumed;
                delta /= mOrientationHandler.getPrimaryScale(this);
                Log.d(TAG," ACTION_MOVE 222  delta: "+delta);
                // Only scroll and update mLastMotionX if we have moved some discrete amount.  We
                // keep the remainder because we are actually testing if we've moved from the last
                // scrolled position (which is discrete).
                mLastMotion = direction;
                int movedDelta = (int) delta;
                mLastMotionRemainder = delta - movedDelta;

                if (delta != 0) {
                    Log.d(TAG," ACTION_MOVE movedDelta: "+movedDelta);
                    mOrientationHandler.setPrimary(this, VIEW_SCROLL_BY, movedDelta);


