代写CSCI 1300C/C++、C/C++代写、帮做C/C++语言、C/C++编程代做

CSCI 1300 - Starting Computing Instructor: Fleming Homework 8: Part III **This assignment is a project! Due Monday, November 5th, by 11:55 pm **No bonus for project II ! This assignment is due Monday, November 5th& by 11:55 pm ● Allcomponents(Cloud9workspace, moodlequizattempts,andzipfile)mustbe completedand submitted byMonday,November5th, by11:55pm foryour homework to receive points. Objectives: ● Practice implementing classes ● Develop proper techniques for object-oriented programming ● Manipulate arrays of objects ● Implement classes which have objects from other classes as data members Problem Set **All the examples and values used in examples are imaginary and randomly generated. In part 3 you will streamline your implementation with the addition of a library class. This class will centralize many of the methods you implemented in parts 1 and 2 and provide more functionality, including the ability to recommend books based on the similarity of two users. Specifications ● Create a new class Library. Define the class in a header file and implement the class in a cpp file. ● The Book and User classes from Homework 7 will be part of Homework 8 as well ● In main() create an instance of Library object and a menu as specified ● Students should have seven files (Book.h, Book.cpp, User.h, User.cpp, Library.h, Library.cpp, Hmwk8.cpp) ● The name of each member function should be exactly as specified. If you modify the function names your solution will not pass the autograder. Library Class **You should have separate files for class definition and implementation: Library.h and Library.cpp Create a classLibrary, withseparate interfaceandimplementation, comprised of the following attributes: Data members (private): Book array: books An array of Book objects User array: users An array of User objects int: numBooks Number of books in the database (library) int: numUsers Number of users in the database (library) int: sizeBook The capacity of the books array (200). Constant int: sizeUser The capacity of the users array (200). Constant Member functions (public): Default constructor Sets both numBooks and numUsers to value 0. readBooks(string) Takes a string (the name of the file to be read) and populates the books array. Returns the total number of books in books array as an integer readRatings(string) Takes a string (the name of the file to be read) and populates the users array. Returns the total number of users in users array as an integer printAllBooks() Prints all books stored in books array. getCountReadBooks(string) Takes a string (username) and returns the number of books read by that user as an integer. calcAvgRating(string) Takes a string (the title of a book) and returns the average rating of the specified book as a double addUser(string) Takes a string (username) and returns True if the username is successfully added to the database. Otherwise, returns False. checkOutBook(string, string, int) Takes two strings and an integer for username, title of book, and a new rating, respectively (in this order). Returns True if the rating is successfully updated. Otherwise, returns False. viewRatings(string) Takes a string (username) and prints all the books& a user has provided ratings for. getRecommendations(string)Takes a string username and prints the first 5 book recommendations from the most similar (other) user. It isadvisabletowriteyour owntestcasesforeachclass.Testyour classinCloud9before submittingtotheautograder,astheautograderhasasubmissionlimitof20triesevery24 hours. Problem 1 - the member function readBooks Themember functionreadBookspopulatesanarray ofBookobjects withthetitleand authordatafoundinafilesimilar tothefilebooks.txt.ThearrayofBookobjectsisoneof the data members of the Library class. This function should: ● Accept one input argument: ○ string: the name of the file to be read ● Use ifstream, split(), and getline to read and parse data from the file. ● For each line in the file: ○ fill in the author and title data members for a Book object, at the appropriate index in the array of Book objects. ● Also: ○ Update the total number of books in the system(from all the files read so far, see the “Important” note below) ● Return the total number of books in the system, as an integer. ● If the file contains more books than “empty” slots available in the books array, only write enough books so that you do not exceed the capacity of the array. ● If the file cannot be opened, return -1 Important: whentesting yourreadBooksfunction, makesureit supportsmultiple readsfromdifferent .txt files ina row.Forexample,youshouldbeabletocallthe function toreadthe filebooks1.txt, andthencallthefunctionagaintoreadthefile book2.txt. TheresultshouldbeanarrayofBookobjects, withthebooksfromthefirst file, followed by the books from the second file. Problem 2 - the member function readRatings Themember functionreadRatingspopulatesanarrayofUserobjectswiththeusername andtheratings datafoundina filesimilar tothefileratings.txt. Thearray ofUser objects is one of the data members of the Library class. This function should: ● Accept one input argument: ○ string: the name of the file to be read ● Use ifstream, split(), and getline to read and parse data from the file. ● For each line in the file: ○ fill in the username and ratings data members for a User object, at the appropriate index in the array of User objects. ● Also: ○ Update the total number of users in the system(from all the files read so far, see the “Important” note below) ● Return the total number of users in the system, as an integer. ● If the file contains more users than “empty” slots available in the users array, only write enough books so that you do not exceed the capacity of the array. ● If the file cannot be opened, return -1 Important:whentestingyourreadRatingsfunction, makesureitsupportsmultiple callsina row.Forexample,youshouldbeabletocallthefunctiontoreadthefile ratings1.txt, andthen callthe function againtoreadthe fileratings2.txt. Theresult shouldbeanarrayofUserobjects, withtheusersfromthefirst file, followedbythe users from the second file. Problem 3 - the member function printAllBooks Themember functionprintAllBooksprints thelist of allthebooksin thedatabase (library). This function should: ● Accept no arguments ● Not return anything ● Iftheprogramhasnotreadanybooksfilesoranyratingsfiles,printthefollowing message: Database has not been fully initialized ● Otherwise, print “Hereis a listof books”,followedbyeachbookinthe following format by Expected output (assuming you have read the data only from books.txt) Here is a list of books The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams Watership Down by Richard Adams The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (etc.) Problem 4 - the member function getCountReadBooks The member function getCountReadBooks determines how many books a particular user has read and reviewed. This function should: ● Accept one argument: ○ string: username ● Return the number of books read/reviewed by the specified user, as an integer. ● If the program has not read any books files or any ratings files, it should return -1 after printing the following message: Database has not been fully initialized ● If the database is initialized (at least one file of books and at least one file of ratings has been read), but the user name is not found, return -2 after printing the following message : does not exist in the database Problem 5 - the member function calcAvgRating The member function calcAvgRating returns the average (mean) rating for a particular book. This function should: ● Accept one argument: ○ string: book title ● Return the average rating of the specified book as a double ● If the program has not read any books files or any ratings files, it should return -1 after printing the following message: Database has not been fully initialized ● If the database is initialized (at least one file of books and at least one file of ratings has been read), but the book is not found, return -2 after printing the following message: does not exist in the database Note: Books that haven’t been read shouldn’t be counted in calculating the average. Problem 6 - the member function addUser The member function addUser adds a new user to the database. This function should: ● Accept one argument: ○ string: user name ● Fill in the username and ratings data members for a User object, at the appropriate index in the array of User objects. : ● Update the total number of users in the system(from all the files read so far, see the “Important” note below) ● The name of the user is case insensitive (e.g. Ben. BEN, ben are all same as ben) ● Return True if代写CSCI 1300C/C++实验、C/C++实验代写、帮做C/C++语言、C/C++编程作业代做 the user is successfully added. ● If the user already exists in the database, print the following message and return False already exists in the database ● If the database is full (the array of User objects is full), print the following message and return False Database full Problem 7 - the member function checkOutBook The member function checkOutBook updates the rating of the book for the user. This function should: ● Accept three arguments in this order ○ string : username ○ string: book title ○ int: new rating ● Find the index of the user and the index for the book, then update the new rating if the new rating value is valid. The rating scheme follows the one provided in& homework 6.& & Rating Meaning 0 Did not read 1 Hell No - hate it!! 2 Don’t like it. 3 Meh - neither hot nor cold 4 Liked it! 5 Mind Blown - Loved it! ● If the program has not read any books files or any ratings files, it should return False after printing the following message: Database has not been fully initialized ● If the rating is successfully updated, then returns True. Otherwise, it shows one (or more) of the following messages in the given order and return False. ● If the user is not found: does not exist in the database ● If the title is not found: does not exist in the database ● If the rating value is not valid: is not valid Problem 8 - the member function viewRatings The member function viewRatings prints all the books a user has provided ratings& for. Recall that a rating of 0 means a user has not rated that book and hence shouldn’t& be displayed. This function should:& ● Accept one input argument: ○ string: username ● Not return anything. ● If the program has not read any books files or any ratings files, print the following message: Database has not been fully initialized ● If the user is not found in the database, print: does not exist in the database ● If the user is found in the database, but has not rated any books, print: has not rated any books yet ● If the user exists in the database, and it has rated at least one book, display the user’s ratings in the following format: Expected output (assuming you have read the data only from books.txt,ratings.txt) Here are the books that megan rated Title : The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy Rating : 5 ----- Title : The Five People You Meet in Heaven Rating : 2 ----- (...) Problem 9 - the member function getRecommendations The member function getRecommendations will recommend book titles a user might& enjoy, based on the user’s similarity of ratings with another user. This function should:& ● Accept one input argument: ○ string: username ● Not return anything. ● If the program has not read any books files or any ratings files, it should print the following message: Database has not been fully initialized ● If the database is initialized (at least one file of books and at least one file of ratings has been read), but the user name is not found, it should print the following message : does not exist in the database To generate recommendations for a user, for example the user named “ben”: 1. Findthemost similar user to “ben”. Let’ssay wefound“claire” tobemost similar. 2. Recommend to“ben” thefirst5 booksinthedatabase“claire” hasratedwitha rating of 3, 4 or 5, that “ben” has not yet read (rating 0) ○ If therearelessthan5 bookstorecommend, recommend asmany as possible. “ben” will be presented with 0 to 5 recommendations. Tofindoutwhothemostsimilar user isto“ben”,weneedtocompare“ben”’sratings withtheratings fromalltheotherusers.Weneedtolookatdifferences intherating values betweenthetwousersfora certain book,addthemup,andcomeupwitha similarity value. Theuser whohasthesmallestsimilarity value, willbetheuser most similar to “ben”. Note1:Anewuser,whohasnotratedanybooks,cannotbechosenasthemost similaruser.Werecommend you usethegetCountReadBooksfunction toweedout the new users. Note 2: You can assume there will be no ties between two users. The similarity metric you should use is the sum of squared differences (SSD). Thesumof squareddifferences is calculated by summing thesquares of the differences betweencorresponding elements in tworatings arraysfrom twousers. Follow the example below. For example (this example is different than the data in ratings.txt): Lets say were generating recommendations for John. Here are the books: & Douglas Adams,The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy Richard Adams,Watership Down Mitch Albom,The Five People You Meet in Heaven Laurie Halse Anderson,Speak Liz: [5, 0, 5, 3] John: [5, 0, 3, 0] David: [4, 1, 0, 5] To generate recommendations for John: 1. find the most similar user John hasa SSDof13withLizandanSSDof36withDavid, soJohnismore similar to Liz. 2. find10booksLiz(themostsimilaruser)hasratedasa3,4,or5thatJohn has not yet read (rating 0) We look at Lizs list to find books that shes rated that John hasnt rated yet: ❏LizhasratedTheHitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxyasa4,but & John has already rated this book. ❏Liz has rated Watership Down as 1, but the rating is too low. ❏Liz hasn’t rated The Five People You Meet in Heaven ❏Lizhasrated Speakasa5. Johnhasntreadthatbookyet,soweaddit to the list of recommendations. & There are no more books thatLiz hasrated, so were done.Ourfinallist of recommendations will be: speak by laurie halse anderson Here are examples of output in different situations: ● If there are no books to recommend for a certain user, print the following: There are no recommendations for at the present ● If there is at least one book to recommend for a certain user, print the following: Here are the list of recommendations: Driver function In addition to the menu functionality used in the Homework 6 and 7, we need to add 4 more options. You can find the updated displayMenu function in Hmwk8.cpp on Moodle. Menu options: 1. Read book file ○ Prompt the user for a file name ○ Pass the file name to your readBooks function. ○ After the function returns, print the total number of books in the database: Total books in the database: ○ If no books are saved to the database due to wrong file name, then print the following message: No books saved to the database 2. Read user file ○ Prompt the user for a file name. ○ Pass the file name to your readRatings function ○ After the function returns, print the total number of users in the database: Total users in the database: ○ If no books are saved to the database due to wrong file name, then print the following message: No users saved to the database 3. Print book list ○ Call your printAllBooks function. 4. Find number of books user rated ○ Prompt the user for a username. ○ Pass the username to your getCountReadBooks function ○ If the user exists in the system, print the result in the following format: rated books 5. Get average rating ○ Prompt the user for a title. ○ Pass the title to your calcAvgRating function ○ If the title exists in the database, print the result in the following format: The average rating for is Note: is a double with 2 decimal points. 6. Make a new account ○ Prompt the user for a username: Enter a username: ○ Pass the username to your addUser function ○ Based on the return value from the addUser function, you need to print a message. If the user has successfully been added to the database, print: Welcome to the library ○ If the user was not added to the database, print: could not be added in the database 7. Check Out Book ○ Prompt the user for the username, the title of a book, and the new rating Enter a username: Enter a book title: Enter a rating for the book: ○ Pass the username, the title, and the new rating to your checkOutBook function ○ Based on the return value from the checkOutBook function, you need to print a message. If the book has successfully been read and rated, print: We hope you enjoyed your book. The rating has been updated ○ If the book has not successfully been read and rated, print: could not check out 8. View Ratings ○ Prompt the user for a username Enter a username: ○ Pass the username and the title to your viewRating function 9. Get recommendations ○ Prompt the user for a username Enter a username: ○ Pass the username to your getRecommendations function 10.Quit 转自:http://ass.3daixie.com/2018110618113591.html





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