elasticsearch文件服务器,Elasticsearch 服务器系统配置


官方文档地址:Important System Configuration

1. 关闭swap

# 临时关闭

swapoff -a

# 永久禁用


2. 文件描述符


For the .zip and .tar.gz packages, set ulimit -n 65536 as root before starting Elasticsearch, or set nofile to 65536 in /etc/security/limits.conf.

curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_nodes/stats/process?filter_path=**.max_file_descriptors&pretty"

3. 确保有足够的虚拟内存

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

To set this value permanently, update the vm.max_map_count setting in /etc/sysctl.conf. To verify after rebooting, run sysctl vm.max_map_count.

The RPM and Debian packages will configure this setting automatically. No further configuration is required.

4. 确保足够的线程

Elasticsearch对不同类型的操作使用许多线程池。 能够在需要时创建新线程很重要。 确保Elasticsearch用户可以创建的线程数至少为4096。

这可以通过在启动Elasticsearch之前执行 ulimit -u 4096


软件包分发在systemd下作为服务运行时,将自动为Elasticsearch进程配置线程数。 无需其他配置。

5. JVM DNS cache settings

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