OSDI文章分享,论文(Fast RDMA-based Ordered Key-Value Store using Remote Learned Cache)的结构化文摘



Xingda Wei, Rong Chen, and Haibo Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) has gained considerable interests in network-attached in-memory key-value stores. However, traversing the remote tree-based index in ordered stores with RDMA becomes a critical obstacle, causing an order-of-magnitude slowdown and limited scalability due to multiple roundtrips. Using index cache with conventional wisdom—caching partial data and traversing them locally—usually leads to limited effect because of unavoidable capacity misses, massive random accesses, and costly cache invalidations.

We argue that the machine learning (ML) model is a perfect cache structure for the tree-based index, termed learned cache. Based on it, we design and implement XSTORE, an RDMA-based ordered key-value store with a new hybrid architecture that retains a tree-based index at the server to pe
