Global meat-eating is on the rise, bringing surprising benefits
The Economist
In the decade to 2017 global meat consumption rose by an average of 1.9% a year and fresh dairy consumption by 2.1% — both about twice as fast as population growth.
Yet many sub-Saharan Africans still eat almost no meat, dairy or fish. This is seldom the result of religious or cultural prohibitions. If animal foods were cheaper, or if people had more money, they would eat more of them. Richard Waite of the World Resources Institute, an American think tank, points out that when Africans move to rich countries and open restaurants, they tend to write meat-heavy menus.
But this frugal continent is beginning to sway the global food system. Africa already imports more meat each year than does China, and the OECD’s forecasters expect imports to keep growing by more than 3% a year.
People will probably become healthier. Animal products are excellent sources of essential vitamins and minerals. Studies in several developing countries have shown that giving milk to schoolchildren makes them taller. Recent research in rural western Kenya found that children who regularly ate eggs grew 5% faster than children who did not.
Africans’ changing diets also create opportunities for local businesses. As cities grow, and as people in those cities demand more animal protein, national supply chains become bigger and more sophisticated. Animal breeders, hatcheries, vets and trucking companies multiply.
It is often said that sub-Saharan Africa lacks an industrial base, and this is true. But to look only for high-tech, export-oriented industries risks overlooking the continent’s increasingly sophisticated food-producers, who are responding to urban demand. Ideally, Africa would learn to fill shipping containers with clothes and gadgets. For now, there are some jobs to be had filling bellies with meat.
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Global meat-eating is on the rise, bringing surprising benefits
In the decade to 2017 global meat consumption rose by an average of 1.9% a year and fresh dairyconsumption by 2.1% — both about twice as fast as population growth.
从 2007 年到 2017 年,全球肉类消费量年平均增长了 1.9%,新鲜奶制品消费量上升了 2.1%——两者的增长率都相当于全球人口增长率的两倍。
Yet many sub-Saharan Africans still eat almost no meat, dairy or fish. This is seldom the result of religious or cultural prohibitions. If animal foods were cheaper, or if people had more money, they would eat more of them. Richard Waite of the World Resources Institute, an American think tank, points out that when Africans move to rich countries and open restaurants, they tend to write meat-heavy menus.
But this frugal continent is beginning to sway the global food system. Africa already imports more meat each year than does China, and the OECD’s forecasters expect imports to keep growing by more than 3% a year.
但是这个食肉甚少的大陆正开始撼动全球粮食体系。非洲每年进口的肉类总量已经超过了中国,并且,经济合作与发展组织的预测专家估计:进口肉类的总量还会以超过 3%的年增长率继续上升。
People will probably become healthier. Animal products are excellent sources of essential vitamins and minerals. Studies in several developing countries have shown that giving milk to schoolchildren makes them taller. Recent research in rural western Kenya found that children who regularly ate eggs grew 5% faster than children who did not.
人们有可能会变得更健康。动物产品是人体必需的维生素和矿物质的极佳来源。在几个发展中国家进行的研究表明,给学生喝牛奶会让他们长得更高。最近在肯尼亚西部农村进行的一项研究发现,经常吃鸡蛋的儿童比不常吃鸡蛋的儿童成长速度快 5%。
Africans’ changing diets also create opportunities for local businesses. As cities grow, and as people in those cities demand more animal protein, national supply chains become bigger and more sophisticated. Animal breeders, hatcheries, vets and trucking companies multiply.
It is often said that sub-Saharan Africa lacks an industrial base, and this is true. But to look only for high-tech, export-orientedindustries risks overlooking the continent’s increasingly sophisticated food-producers, who are responding to urban demand. Ideally, Africa would learn to fill shipping containers with clothes and gadgets. For now, there are some jobs to be had filling bellies with meat.
n. 乳制品
文化补充:Dairy Queen (DQ)
相关词汇:diary /'daɪə.ri/
n. 禁令,禁律
prohibit 英文释义:officially refuse to allow something
搭配短语:a prohibition against/on sth.
例句:New York City has announced a prohibition on smoking on buses.
搭配短语:the Prohibition Era
think tank
英文释义:a group of experts who provide advice and ideas on political, social or economic issues
adj. 节俭的,简朴的;(膳食)少量的
例句:She lives a frugal life.
v. 影响,使动摇
搭配短语:sway in the wind
搭配短语:sway back and forth
英文释义:to influence
例句:Don't allow yourself to be swayed by his words!
n. 预测者
搭配短语:a weather forecaster
搭配短语:an economic forecaster
搭配短语:rich in minerals
adj. 先进的,复杂的;见多识广的
英文释义:very well designed and very advanced
搭配短语:a sophisticated weapons system
搭配短语:a sophisticated telescope
搭配短语:a sophisticated, witty old man
n. 饲养员
n. 孵化场
相关词汇:hatch(v. 孵化)
v. 乘以;成倍增加
例句:2 multiplied by 4 is 8.
英文释义:to increase very much in number or amount
相关词汇:customer-oriented(adj. 以顾客为中心的)
相关词汇:profit-oriented(adj. 以利润为导向的)
shipping container
n. 小玩意,小机件
世界资源研究所是一家独立的研究机构,致力于寻求保护环境、发展经济和改善民生的实际解决方案。该机构围绕水、粮食、森林、能源、城市和气候这六大议题开展工作,并结合商业、经济、金融和治理领域的相关专业知识,提出相应的解决方案。目前,世界资源研究所拥有 700 多名员工和专家,在中国、巴西、欧洲、印度、印度尼西亚、墨西哥和美国等国家均设有办公室。
2008 年,世界资源研究所在中国北京开设了首个海外办公室,在大气污染协同控制和预防、水质-水生态-水资源协同管理、绿色金融以及环境治理能力建设等主要领域支持国家的环境保护和可持续发展战略。